What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
To give people access to all things for a comfortable life, upgrades to forest management, water needs and electrical output is needed. Also the highway and road systems need upgrading.
I do think I have the right to oppose a black man if what he stands for opposes what's in the best interest of black people. So what is it racist? Must I vote for a candidate just because he's black regardless of his policy beliefs? Ain't that what you miserable wretches have been whining about being racist? So now I am racist because I don't pick the right wing negro of the moment. You raggedy chumps are disingenuous personified.

Nope, you don't get off that easy racist. I've been called every form of racist because I disagreed with your dear leader maobama's policies. So by your own rules, you're a racist.

No, Elders was not more qualified than Obama. And please don't post opinions by whites about how things are for black people in America.

hmm One more thing White people aren't allowed to do. what we need is a definitive list so we can get right on that.
President trump was the worst president in modern history. That's why he's gone.
Trump was the "worse" from perspective of socialist-communist and other Leftist Looters because he didn't implement their plunder polices and seek to "fundamentally change America" was we've seen from Obama-nation and continued via Quid-pro-Quo/Groper-Molester Joe Biden.

Assuming there was no fraud in the 2020 election ( a huge assumption) he's gone because too many American's are now wealth takers rather than wealth makers.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
Newsome's track record as being a governor is pathetic. Look what he's done for that once great state.
The state will never get a balanced budget with that goofball and you know it. Just look at the debt that Ca. carries.
They even lost an elector in the electoral college in Ca., that never has happened except under his watch.
He's just a pompous elite that's related to the worst Speaker of the House in our nations history.
Go pound sand, IM2
He's not brining any black perspective to California. Elder has no public policy experience. The only reason you support him is because hes a sellout.
IM2- As long as phrases like “he’s a sellout” are used by black members of communities, and used by some whites even, black Americans are dividing themselves racially and for what purpose or end result? People who enforce racial divisions with these types of outdated “Uncle Tom” comments will only cement more divisions within the black communities. Isn’t the overall goal to become a community united in experiencing a good life or a better life?
IM2- As long as phrases like “he’s a sellout” are used by black members of communities, and used by some whites even, black Americans are dividing themselves racially and for what purpose or end result? People who enforce racial divisions with these types of outdated “Uncle Tom” comments will only cement more divisions within the black communities. Isn’t the overall goal to become a community united in experiencing a good life or a better life?

IM2 is a willing tool of the left's black genocide program. That's why he voted for a guy who said he didn't want his kids to grow up in "a racial jungle" with people like IM2. That's the very definition of "useful idiot".
As one who supported Condoleeza Rice, Herman Cain, and Ben Carson as Presidential Candidates, it would be impossible for myself to oppose Obama for anything but his policies.
No it wouldn't. Whites with racial problems tend to like timid blacks who deny racism and who blame blacks for the problems we face without taking into account the long history of American racist public policy.
Lol! Assange and Manning? What was Assange blowing the whistle on?

You have told me time and again how I should be grateful to whites who died to free my ancestors and you really think I am going to accept your gibberish as unbiased analysis of Obama?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Facts my son. Just facts. Disputing facts is dumb. All those things I itemized O did. Dispute them if you can.

If you don’t know what Assange did to get the elites all pissed off and unjustly imprison him, I can’t help you.
I am more informed than you. He did none of what you claim. For example, Libya was a UN mission led by France and the UK. I believe France, UK and Lebanon proposed the use of military to the UN Security council. TARP was initiated before Obama took office. He initially tried pushing a single payer health care plan but that got shot down. Furthermore he had subsidies available for people who could not afford premiums and had money waiting for states to use for medicaids expansion that republican states turned down. Yep, the ACCURATE information was readily available.
Oh my. You just exposed yourself as a fool.
Unfortuntely for you, I have worked in the black community and know that what Elder says is not fact. Furthermore I have studied issues, causes and effects, and know that Elder is full of shit. And in this forum, I habe presented facts that show Elder is full of shit. This is why blacks in LA can't stand him.

You’ve presented no facts only racist opinions. I’ve watched Leftists like you say and do the same things to help the black community for over 40 years.
It’s only made things worse.
It fails because anyone who deals with the facts is labeled racist. Starting out with leftist feelings instead of facts is the problem.
IM2- As long as phrases like “he’s a sellout” are used by black members of communities, and used by some whites even, black Americans are dividing themselves racially and for what purpose or end result? People who enforce racial divisions with these types of outdated “Uncle Tom” comments will only cement more divisions within the black communities. Isn’t the overall goal to become a community united in experiencing a good life or a better life?
Whites call each other all kinds of things when they disagree politically so spare me the white instruction on racial unity. We do not have to like blacks who have spent theirvadult lves throughing other blacks under the bus as Elder has done. Elder is an Uncle Tom and he's called that to make him an example of what creates disunity. There are plenty of legitimate true black conservatives who are not sellouts or Uncle Toms but sellouts get put before the public by white power brokers. There is nothing outdated by calling Elder a tom when that is exactly what he is doing.

An Uncle Tom is a black person who denigrates blacks to gain favor among whites. That is exactly what Elders has done. Shermichael Singleton was a black conservative fired by the trump administration because he refused to be a sellout. Michael Steele was fired as chair of the RNC after a record setting republican victory in 2010 because he refused to Uncle Tom. Colin Powell was run out of the parrty because he refused to sell out and cast his vote for trump. So don't lecture me about this sorry ass house boy Elder.

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