What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

LMAO after Obama no qualifications are required. That guy had no qualifications. Bill Clinton mocked him as someone who should be fetching real leaders coffee. :eusa_hand:
Obama was very well qualified. Bill Clintons wife got beat by Obama so apparently his comment was irrelevant. Larry Elder has no public policy experience and he really is not liked.
You voted for the guy who said he didn't want his kids to grow up in a "racial jungle" with people like you.

I did not vote for Biden in 1980. But I was not going to vpte for trump the 2020 racist. The only reason you racists are defending this Uncle Tom is because he will kiss your white asses and throw blacks under the bus for doing so.
Trump was definitely the worst president for our worst citizens...wetbacks, criminals, lowlife degenerate, chicks with dicks, faggots, feminazis they all HATE him....BUT everybody legitimate is still smiling ear to ear over his presidency.
You aren't legit and only scum think trump was great.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
Well there it is ladies and gentlemen....and just like that “he‘s black” is no longer an acceptable qualifier for Leftists.
hahahaha...HOLY SHIT you can’t make this shit up.
Everybody who enjoys getting defrauded and lied to.
Before Democrats and China conspired and unleashed the Democrat Virus on Americans....EVERYONE I know was kicking ass on Trumps watch....BUT I don’t know any filthy pieces of worthless dogshit...you know, Leftists.
Aren't you in favor of a black man advancing and bringing a black mans perspective into Sacramento??? I think its just what the Doctor ordered for CA....dump the privileged out of touch rich kid white guy for an African American that is well known and obviously qualified for the job....how can you be against that?....
Larry doesn't speak for very many black people. 10% at best.
You called me a racist because I defended myself after being called a racist for supporting a white political candidate. That's why I bought up color and the bs gets old with how racism gets defined by racists. They want to post pages of overt racist opinion then dare whine about someone else being a racist because they are called what they are.
how does it feel being called a racist for something that wasnt racist?......yep a racist defining racism....
Yeah the same intelligence that started us on the longest war in our history and permanent destablization in Afghanistan.
Obama didn’t mess with it. That intelligence also substantially mitigated more attacks on US.
Larry doesn't speak for very many black people. 10% at best.
And you Dr. sticky pants does??? give me a break....no one speaks for an entire race of people...those days have thankfully past....go find your pointy hat racist and stick it up your fat ass.....
Right-wingers are worse. And, all of them haven't left or we would not be having a recall. Just showboating nothing more.
I didn’t say all of them had I said a good portion had and the odds of them getting a recall on the ballot in a state as blue as California without some support from Democrats and independents is slim and none. Generally speaking popular Governors who the voters think are doing a good job don’t get recalled.

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