What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

They have much in common. For one thing, they’re both frauds.
Elder is a fraud. Obama not so much. It's funny how those like you see Obama. Had he went blacks first while president, white people would still be how;ing about his racism today. But since he didn't we get "Obama didn't do for blacks" from whites such as yourself.
Is there a better argument against political experience as a qualifier than Newsome? Well, Biden. And just about everyone in Congress..

We had a rank amatuer as president and we are still feeling the effects in many ways.
Elder is a fraud. Obama not so much. It's funny how those like you see Obama. Had he went blacks first while president, white people would still be how;ing about his racism today. But since he didn't we get "Obama didn't do for blacks" from whites such as yourself.

Obama is 100x the fraud

He was raised by his white momma in hawaii and indonesia but talks like a black preacher? His dad is a fucking Kenyan anti colonialist.

As a guy who has a brown daddy and a white momma. Yea not how that works. lol

He is through and through an upper class wasp. That beer summit, lol. Bush Jr. was more of an every man
Elder is a fraud. Obama not so much. It's funny how those like you see Obama. Had he went blacks first while president, white people would still be how;ing about his racism today. But since he didn't we get "Obama didn't do for blacks" from whites such as yourself.
Delusional. Any objective analysis of O’s awfulness proves he’s a terrible fraud. Too bad you’re so partisan and racist to see the truth about the guy.
Obama is 100x the fraud

He was raised by his white momma in hawaii and indonesia but talks like a preacher?

As a guy who has a brown daddy and a white momma. Yea not how that works. lol

He is through and through an upper class wasp. That beer summit, lol. Bush Jr. was more of an every man
The fraud was trump. Bush was a joke.
Delusional. Any objective analysis of O’s awfulness proves he’s a terrible fraud. Too bad you’re so partisan and racist to see the truth about the guy.
Any objective analysis is not what you have done.
President trump was the worst president in modern history. That's why he's gone.

Recency bias. You clearly dont know your history. Whether you like President Trump or not he's not the worst President in history. He's not even in the top 10 worst Presidents.

Harding, Wilson, Johnson, Buchanan, Grant, Tyler, Hoover, Tayler.... All far worse. There are more but I know Im probably talking to a wall.
I don't live in California, So really have no voice in the matter, Hope who ever they chose works for all of California, and not just for a political party.
Any objective analysis is not what you have done.
You aren’t informed, even though the information is readily available. He took two wars and made it seven. Turned Libya and Syria into failed states causing numerous deaths and massive displacement of people. He bailed out the big banks, while kicking 5 million Americans out of their homes. Pushed a corporatist HC plan that enriched big insurance and hospital, while doing little for the people. Thanks O!
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
i know your resume.

attack anything "other side"
defend "your side" with any lie needed.

all i need to know.
You aren’t informed, even though the information is readily available. He took two wars and made it seven. Turned Libya and Syria into failed states causing numerous deaths and massive displacement of people. He bailed out the big banks, while kicking 5 million Americans out of their homes. Pushed a corporatist HC plan that enriched big insurance and hospital, while doing little for the people. Thanks O!
To say nothing of his kill list, refusal to close Gitmo, and dropping more bombs on brown people than the war criminal W.
To say nothing of his kill list, refusal to close Gitmo, and dropping more bombs on brown people than the war criminal W.
To say nothing of his refusal to prosecute the people who committed torture, while presecuting whistle blowers like Assange and Manning.
White conservatives had every right to oppose Onama, but what you opposed him about were solutions to things you supported during Bush that created the problem. And this kind of stuff:

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Kinda gave it away.
The one thing I supported Obama was him or is administration not messing with the Intelligence infrastructure built by Bush Cheney the previous 8 years to protect this country.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
what makes him more qualified? being in Govt is great and all , but when you support and push failing and harmful policies like dembots it means nothing…actually more then nothing, it means you should have learned from your mistakes and haven’t.
LMAO after Obama no qualifications are required. That guy had no qualifications. Bill Clinton mocked him as someone who should be fetching real leaders coffee. :eusa_hand:
As the Schwarzenneggar-electing California public knows, a resume is not as important as intelligence and the proper political perspective. I dare say that few people who have listened to Elder's radio show with some regularity would have any misgivings about giving him control over California's "nuclear football," whatever that might be. He has a formidable intellect, and can think on his feet with the best of them.

Manifestly, people with the best resumes are rarely good candidates and usually make mediocre executives, either in the private sector or the public sector. The governor of California, whoever that might be, has a massive staff of experts and advisors, most of whom are careerists, and they will surely prevent him from doing something catastrophic out of sheer ignorance about "how things are done around here." The example of Arnold is apropos.

I might point out that, with literally no public sector experience, President Trump was one of the most effective presidents - like his policies or not - of the past century, despite constantly being besieged by the entire non-Fox Media, the entire political Left, and a sturdy cadre of "Never-Trump" Republicans.
Wow. Isn't right-wing fantasy wonderful. Both of them accomplished nearly nothing.

Here is what happened under your most recent, right-wing guy:

President Trump’s “A Team” turnover is 92% as of January 20, 2021

Only right-wingers would believe he had an effective administration.
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Look at Newsome record as Governor that is the reason the recall has happened despite his resume. Personally I suspect the voters in California will re-elect him and if he is what they want so be it but I don’t think Elder could do any worse than Newsome has. Even if Elder was to win the Governorship the Democrats still would control the state legislature which would greatly limit him.

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