What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

Actually, you can’t face the truth Elder speaks regarding the black community that’s why you call him bojangles.
If Elders was speaking truth, I would support him.
since I am black, me not liking another black person will not be due to race
So when you opposed Trump because of his policies you outed yourself as a racist.
Don't bitch at me, I'm just following your asinine logic.

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I do think I have the right to oppose a black man if what he stands for opposes what's in the best interest of black people. So what is it racist? Must I vote for a candidate just because he's black regardless of his policy beliefs? Ain't that what you miserable wretches have been whining about being racist? So now I am racist because I don't pick the right wing negro of the moment. You raggedy chumps are disingenuous personified.

Hate to break it to you but democrats are only out to keep black people on the plantation, so to speak. It has been that way for years. You need to take step back and actually THINK about what they are doing. Handouts, reparations, special programs ,etc. is not doing black people any favors, it is simply instilling in them a sense of entitlement, apathy and inferoirity, meaning they think they are not capable of doing it on their own. It is a losing strategy.
Seems that conservatives are the ones having problems respecting the constitution. 1-6-2021.

Weird, I have never read anything in the Constituion about accepting a fradulent election result. I have also never seen anything in state Constitutions allowing for voting laws to be changed by the judicial branch leading up to an election.
So when you opposed Trump because of his policies you outed yourself as a racist.
Don't bitch at me, I'm just following your asinine logic.

And again, you show just how stupid whites like you are in using the word racist. I voted for Clinton, she is white.
Larry Elder won't beat hom. A man who says there should be no minimum wage can't win.

He is right you know. Democrats just aren’t quite smart enough to figure it out. Capitalism completely baffles them.
No, not exactly. But since I am black, me not liking another black person will not be due to race. So like I said, whites like you are real stupid about using the word racist. I do have the right to oppose a black candidate who does not represent the best interests of the black community. You would be having no problem when I would not choose one of 2 black democratic candidates in a primary. Must I remind you that whites were opposing policies by Obama they had supported when whites bought them up.

I disagreed with more of Obama’s policies than I agreed with and yet people like me were still “racists” for not supporting him. You are kidding yourself. I am sure I can find at least one policy of Elder with which you agree.
I’ve seen him speak and back his words with facts. Why haven’t you?
Unfortuntely for you, I have worked in the black community and know that what Elder says is not fact. Furthermore I have studied issues, causes and effects, and know that Elder is full of shit. And in this forum, I habe presented facts that show Elder is full of shit. This is why blacks in LA can't stand him.
No, that's according to you. I have no racism to mask. Fuck Donald Trumps racist ass and anyone who supprts him.

Why is Trump racist? Let me guess, for statements like “there were good people on both sides” and others that were taken completely out of context.
I disagreed with more of Obama’s policies than I agreed with and yet people like me were still “racists” for not supporting him. You are kidding yourself. I am sure I can find at least one policy of Elder with which you agree.
You are called a racist for things that have nothing to do with ypur disagreeing with Obama. And you stated that you disagreed more than you agree. Whites in forums like this don't get it. Wghen a person has faced white racism ffom childhoof, once they become adults they prrtty much know what racism is. Larry Elder has no policies. And the shit he spews is nothing but foolish drivel.
On the contrary, it's according to YOUR LOGIC that you laid out very plainly in this thread.

No, it's your logic. Because you're coming from a false equivalence. My experience in America is different from yours, especially when it comes to race relations. Whites are the ones who created the racism in the system that they must hide today so to not let people think what they want is a return to jim crow. Such is why you support blacks who defend white supremacy and promote anti black ideas like Larry Elder.
You are called a racist for things that have nothing to do with ypur disagreeing with Obama. And you stated that you disagreed more than you agree. Whites in forums like this don't get it. Wghen a person has faced white racism ffom childhoof, once they become adults they prrtty much know what racism is. Larry Elder has no policies. And the shit he spews is nothing but foolish drivel.

I have never been called nor been accused of being a racist except on message boards, despite not making racist comments. Simply disagreeing with a policy that supposedly helps black people evidently qualifies me here as being part of the Klan.

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