What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

Sure they are.


In 2017, blacks represented 12% of the U.S. adult population but 33% of the sentenced prison population.
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The only reason you support him is because hes [sic] a sellout.

In other words, an “Uncle Tom”. You might just as well come out and say it.

Even though slavery was abolished more than a century ago, the left wrong still thinks it rightfully owns black people, or at least their votes and political support. They see any black person who dares to stand against the LIbEral agenda as the modern day equivalent of a runaway slave.
In other words, an “Uncle Tom”. You might just as well come out and say it.

Even though slavery was abolished more than a century ago, the left wrong still thinks it rightfully owns black people, or at least their votes and political support. They see any black person who dares to stand against the LIbEral agenda as the modern day equivalent of a runaway slave.
Blacks were republicans for 100 years. Republicans did nothing for us. We blacks see Elder as a sellout, we aren't much concerned with what the white left or right think. And the only reason you defend this scrub is because he says what you want to hear about black people. We don't think Elder is a runaway slave because we don't see any evidence showing that he has run away. He still lives in the plantation house doing massas bidding.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.

What does anyone know about being governor, really? Mr. Elder is a tremendously intelligent individual, has hosted a successful radio program for many years. And its High Fucking Time that California end its racist heritage and elect an African American.


Tell David Horowitz to SHUT THE FUCK UP!
What does anyone know about being governor, really? Mr. Elder is a tremendously intelligent individual, has hosted a successful radio program for many years. And its High Fucking Time that California end its racist heritage and elect an African American.
Larry Elder is an idiot embraced by white racists because he tells them want they want to hear about blacks. And that's all he is.
What will qualify Larry Elder to be Governor of California is the vote of the people in a true and honest election! Not the vote of stuffed ballot boxes and rigged voting machines like our illegitimate moron who occupies the white house now.
What will qualify Larry Elder to be Governor of California is the vote of the people in a true and honest election! Not the vote of stuffed ballot boxes and rigged voting machines like our illegitimate moron who occupies the white house now.
None of that happened. I doubt Elders comes close to winning.
None of that happened. I doubt Elders comes close to winning.

You may well be right on this. A lot of Racists who hate black people live in California.

The state's Triple K kleagle, Will Quigg, is a rabid Democrat.

But we will see, maybe the state will surprise us.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
He’s black, articulate, photogenic, and a corporatist elitist warmonger just like Obama. You LOVE Obama, but hate Elder.

Makes no sense, but than you’re a partisan winger.
He’s black, articulate, photogenic, and a corporatist elitist warmonger just like Obama. You LOVE Obama, but hate Elder.

Makes no sense, but than you’re a partisan winger.
No, he's not like Obama. Larry Elder has been out there for years defending white supremacy and spewing anti black rhetoric racists use to justify themselves. He's the one who made up the song "Barack the Magic Negro" the Limbaugh and other racists use. So you claim to be non partisan but you tried comparing this scrub to Obama.
But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin
I guess that would make the left, LIKE YOU, racists for not supporting him since he has brown skin.....

Truly a moronic statement
You may well be right on this. A lot of Racists who hate black people live in California.

The state's Triple K kleagle, Will Quigg, is a rabid Democrat.

But we will see, maybe the state will surprise us.
If you hate black people, you vote for Elder. Just because his skin is brown doesn't mean what he stands for is good for brown people.
Blacks were republicans for 100 years. Republicans did nothing for us. We blacks see Elder as a sellout, we aren't much concerned with what the white left or right think. And the only reason you defend this scrub is because he says what you want to hear about black people. We don't think Elder is a runaway slave because we don't see any evidence showing that he has run away. He still lives in the plantation house doing massas bidding.

"Nothing" = fought a war to liberate

"Nothing" = brought down segregation and Jim Crow

The only thing the bigoted affirmative action taxpayer funded black leftist cares about is core Dem four


Larry elder is significantly more qualified than

Bill lee. TN

Larry elder has been focused on issues that matter for decades. He has a clear record - what he wrote and what he said on tv. Larry is not hiding in the closet. Larry has dealt with the very real issue of black leftist bigotry and hate his whole life.

In the spirit of Cobra.... ( Cobra II coming out 2022 - trailers onyoutube)

Black bigotry is a disease, Larry elder is the cure
I guess that would make the left, LIKE YOU, racists for not supporting him since he has brown skin.....

Truly a moronic statement
No, because I have brown skin and would not vote for him because his policies would hurt black people. Whites like you are real stupid about using the word racist.
"Nothing" = fought a war to liberate

"Nothing" = brought down segregation and Jim Crow

The only thing the bigoted affirmative action taxpayer funded black leftist cares about is core Dem four


Larry elder is significantly more qualified than

Bill lee. TN

Larry elder has been focused on issues that matter for decades. He has a clear record - what he wrote and what he said on tv. Larry is not hiding in the closet. Larry has dealt with the very real issue of black leftist bigotry and hate his whole life.

In the spirit of Cobra.... ( Cobra II coming out 2022 - trailers onyoutube)

Black bigotry is a disease, Larry elder is the cure
Nothing. That's what I said. We were republicans for 100 years and republicans did none of what you claim.
No, because I have brown skin and would not vote for him because his policies would hurt black people. Whites like you are real stupid about using the word racist.
Must I remind you that not liking Obama policies was a qualifier for being a racist.

Pretty sure you are a racist now
I'm racist because I am black and oppose another black mans political positions.

Son, you are retarded.

If I had cut and pasted some sellout anti black shit you'd want to read more. Not my fault you can't face truth.

Actually, you can’t face the truth Elder speaks regarding the black community that’s why you call him bojangles.
Must I remind you that not liking Obama policies was a qualifier for being a racist.

Pretty sure you are a racist now
No, not exactly. But since I am black, me not liking another black person will not be due to race. So like I said, whites like you are real stupid about using the word racist. I do have the right to oppose a black candidate who does not represent the best interests of the black community. You would be having no problem when I would not choose one of 2 black democratic candidates in a primary. Must I remind you that whites were opposing policies by Obama they had supported when whites bought them up.

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