What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

What qualified The Worthless Negro to be President of the US? He was as unqualified as they come and his terrible record as President certainly proved the point, didn't it?
Why is Trump racist? Let me guess, for statements like “there were good people on both sides” and others that were taken completely out of context.

None of that was taken out of context. But trump had a long record of rsacial discrimination and personal racism.
I'm racist because I am black and oppose another black mans political positions.

Son, you are retarded.

If I had cut and pasted some sellout anti black shit you'd want to read more. Not my fault you can't face truth.
Let's see if we have this straight. Your OPPOSITION to Elder's candidacy is nobly based on his political positions (which give you cover to attack him with racist attacks) while white people who SUPPORT him do so because of racism, even though they are white people are supporting a black man. Do we understand that correctly?
No, it's your logic. Because you're coming from a false equivalence. My experience in America is different from yours, especially when it comes to race relations. Whites are the ones who created the racism in the system that they must hide today so to not let people think what they want is a return to jim crow. Such is why you support blacks who defend white supremacy and promote anti black ideas like Larry Elder.

Please, nobody of significance is wanting to return to the Democrat’s Jim Crow state. Democrats use that as fodder to fire up the masses of sheep that believe their divisive rhetoric. They need division in order to continue to get votes. They need people to be envious and overly senstive to inspire uprisings like we saw much of last year.
I do think I have the right to oppose a black man if what he stands for opposes what's in the best interest of black people. So what is it racist? Must I vote for a candidate just because he's black regardless of his policy beliefs? Ain't that what you miserable wretches have been whining about being racist? So now I am racist because I don't pick the right wing negro of the moment. You raggedy chumps are disingenuous personified.
Well, you have a problem with white people supporting a black man while you as a black man support a white man. You claim it's because they're racist. Interesting, that.
I do think I have the right to oppose a black man if what he stands for opposes what's in the best interest of black people. So what is it racist? Must I vote for a candidate just because he's black regardless of his policy beliefs? Ain't that what you miserable wretches have been whining about being racist? So now I am racist because I don't pick the right wing negro of the moment. You raggedy chumps are disingenuous personified.
Just like white conservatives had the right to oppose Barack Obama as President did not mean they were racist. Yet Democrats and Liberals were quick to universally dismiss white conservative views as “just not wanting a Black Man in the White House” which was bullshit.
None of that was taken out of context. But trump had a long record of rsacial discrimination and personal racism.

Um, the quote above was most certainly taken out of context. If you don’t know it, then you are not informed. Read his entire speech following Charlottesville and then get back with me. You have evidently been reading the Democrat’s Cliff Notes version which conveniently left out what he said just prior to that statement.
I have never been called nor been accused of being a racist except on message boards, despite not making racist comments. Simply disagreeing with a policy that supposedly helps black people evidently qualifies me here as being part of the Klan.
When you are telling black people what you think will help them, and are told by blackds that it won't yet you still believe your oinion of what helps blacks is the right one, thats white suptemacist thinking. Now as a black man, I am telling you that what Larry Elders represents is not good for black people. There are black conservatives who have good ideas, and I think you need to differentiate between black conservatives and black right wing extremists. Elder is a black right winger, he has nothing to do with being conservative.
Just like white conservatives had the right to oppose Barack Obama as President did not mean they were racist. Yet Democrats and Liberals were quick to universally dismiss white conservative views as “just not wanting a Black Man in the White House” which was bullshit.
White conservatives had every right to oppose Onama, but what you opposed him about were solutions to things you supported during Bush that created the problem. And this kind of stuff:






Kinda gave it away.
My experience in America is different from yours
Everyone's experience is different dumbass.
My experience is different that almost all whites. I grew up in foster care. I lived with a black family in the ghetto for several years. Then I bounced from group home to group home as a teen. Then I went to juvi jail Then prison. Then I got out and went to college which I paid for myself. Then I started a remodeling business.

So what's your point?!
Your attitude toward Trump as president tells me you are not a good judge of character. Would you have hired Joe Biden?
Trump lost 912 million dollars in one year. If he had not been a racist, I still would not have hired him.

As for Biden, he seerved as a senator and VP so he had work experience at the legislative and executive levels. Trump had none of that. So if you actually think this countrys executive branch was run well during trump, you might question your own ability to judge character.

My first choice was not Biden. But once he was the nominee, there was no other sane choice.
White conservatives had every right to oppose Onama, but what you opposed him about were solutions to things you supported during Bush that created the problem. And this kind of stuff:

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Kinda gave it away.
As one who supported Condoleeza Rice, Herman Cain, and Ben Carson as Presidential Candidates, it would be impossible for myself to oppose Obama for anything but his policies.
No, he's not like Obama. Larry Elder has been out there for years defending white supremacy and spewing anti black rhetoric racists use to justify themselves. He's the one who made up the song "Barack the Magic Negro" the Limbaugh and other racists use. So you claim to be non partisan but you tried comparing this scrub to Obama.
They have much in common. For one thing, they’re both frauds.
Everyone's experience is different dumbass.
My experience is different that almost all whites. I grew up in foster care. I lived with a black family in the ghetto for several years. Then I bounced from group home to group home as a teen. Then I went to juvi jail Then prison. Then I got out and went to college which I paid for myself. Then I started a remodeling business.

So what's your point?!
You have the same outlook on blacks that is consistent with racists. Secondly you have never faced white racism to understand an opinion formed by those who have. Because you called me a racist for supporting a white candidate over somebody black and I am not white. Then you tried telling me I asked racism by voting for another white candidate. You make no sense as you try taking what I say as a person who has faced racism, compare it with people who practice it, then try making ot the same. You lived with black people for a little while, I've lived black for 60 years and will do so until my time is up. I don't get to leave then bring itbup in a conversation on race like that's supposed to mean something.

Larry Elder is a sellout. If you want to end the division, stop running to blacks who tell you what you want to hear and start listening to those who tell you what you need to know.
Is there a better argument against political experience as a qualifier than Newsome? Well, Biden. And just about everyone in Congress..

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