What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

Recency bias. You clearly dont know your history. Whether you like President Trump or not he's not the worst President in history. He's not even in the top 10 worst Presidents.

Harding, Wilson, Johnson, Buchanan, Grant, Tyler, Hoover, Tayler.... All far worse. There are more but I know Im probably talking to a wall.
Learn to read because I said:

IM2 said:
President trump was the worst president in modern history. That's why he's gone.

And he is in the top 10.
The fraud was trump. Bush was a joke.

Bush was teh most genuine

Trump was pretty genuine, pretty much what he portrayed himself as

Obama was all smoke and mirrors. He simultaneously wanted to wage war ont he Israelis while pandering to them. He acted like he was raised in Chicago when clearly old Barry didn't grow up that way. An atheist pretending to be a Christian. Pretending to quit/be a non smoker

Most of what Obama portrayed himself to be was fake.
Larry is ageless

Also Newsom is a snake so i'd probably pick a fucking horse over him.

A greasy snake

I hope the new governor arms every black grandma in California. And what the fuck are you talking about sell out? We all see the polls most black men are more socially conservative than white men. He's just honest
Not saying much coming from right-wingers who prefer to be defrauded and their bigotry.
Look at Newsome record as Governor that is the reason the recall has happened despite his resume. Personally I suspect the voters in California will re-elect him and if he is what they want so be it but I don’t think Elder could do any worse than Newsome has. Even if Elder was to win the Governorship the Democrats still would control the state legislature which would greatly limit him.
Republicans haven't done any better; the recall is just right-wingers having a problem with election results. They got a Hollywood actor last time.
Bush was teh most genuine

Trump was pretty genuine, pretty much what he portrayed himself as

Obama was all smoke and mirrors. He simultaneously wanted to wage war ont he Israelis while pandering to them. He acted like he was raised in Chicago when clearly old Barry didn't grow up that way. An atheist pretending to be a Christian. Pretending to quit/be a non smoker

Most of what Obama portrayed himself to be was fake.
All right-wingers prefer is bigotry, and tax cuts that help the Rich the most. And, get us into wars they can't win and don't want to pay for with "war time tax rates".
As a guy whose darker than Obama is this supposed to mean something to me?

You pale little ignorant shit? lol

Newsom or elder.

easy choice, anyone but newsom
With nothing but fallacy? No wonder why I would rather vote for Newsom.
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Republicans haven't done any better; the recall is just right-wingers having a problem with election results. They got a Hollywood actor last time.
A good portion of the right have left California so the recall is not solely them and the Democrats have had their issues with accepting results as well.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.

You just hate him because he's black.
You aren’t informed, even though the information is readily available. He took two wars and made it seven. Turned Libya and Syria into failed states causing numerous deaths and massive displacement of people. He bailed out the big banks, while kicking 5 million Americans out of their homes. Pushed a corporatist HC plan that enriched big insurance and hospital, while doing little for the people. Thanks O!

I am more informed than you. He did none of what you claim. For example, Libya was a UN mission led by France and the UK. I believe France, UK and Lebanon proposed the use of military to the UN Security council. TARP was initiated before Obama took office. He initially tried pushing a single payer health care plan but that got shot down. Furthermore he had subsidies available for people who could not afford premiums and had money waiting for states to use for medicaids expansion that republican states turned down. Yep, the ACCURATE information was readily available.
To say nothing of his kill list, refusal to close Gitmo, and dropping more bombs on brown people than the war criminal W.
You seem to leave out republican refusal to allow Gitmo prisoners in US jails. Kill list? And had Obama decided not to bomb terrorists ...Some of you would have never shut up.
We had a rank amatuer as president and we are still feeling the effects in many ways.
Not to worry Komrade. Biden is erasing all the goodness from the Trump admin. You won't be feeling any of those effects again until Trump is back in office.
To say nothing of his refusal to prosecute the people who committed torture, while presecuting whistle blowers like Assange and Manning.
Lol! Assange and Manning? What was Assange blowing the whistle on?

You have told me time and again how I should be grateful to whites who died to free my ancestors and you really think I am going to accept your gibberish as unbiased analysis of Obama?

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Look at Newsome record as Governor that is the reason the recall has happened despite his resume. Personally I suspect the voters in California will re-elect him and if he is what they want so be it but I don’t think Elder could do any worse than Newsome has. Even if Elder was to win the Governorship the Democrats still would control the state legislature which would greatly limit him.
Elder could do worse.
The one thing I supported Obama was him or is administration not messing with the Intelligence infrastructure built by Bush Cheney the previous 8 years to protect this country.
Yeah the same intelligence that started us on the longest war in our history and permanent destablization in Afghanistan.
I'm racist because I am black and oppose another black mans political positions.

Son, you are retarded.

If I had cut and pasted some sellout anti black shit you'd want to read more. Not my fault you can't face truth.

No, you're racist because you are racist. Period
what makes him more qualified? being in Govt is great and all , but when you support and push failing and harmful policies like dembots it means nothing…actually more then nothing, it means you should have learned from your mistakes and haven’t.
I really think republicans should not talk about failed policy after a failed republican policy that has killed over 600,000 and left a huge mess that we're still battling.
Not to worry Komrade. Biden is erasing all the goodness from the Trump admin. You won't be feeling any of those effects again until Trump is back in office.
trump will never return to office. There was no goodness in the trump administration.
None of that was taken out of context. But trump had a long record of rsacial discrimination and personal racism.

You voted for the guy who said he didn't want his kids to grow up in a "racial jungle" with people like you.

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