What Questions SHOULD Have Been Asked In The Reagan Library Debate


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
Governor Perry: Exactly what criteria needs to be met to convince you that global warming is real?

Governor Perry: If you don't believe that man has anything to do with global warming why did you brag about the reduced emissions in your state?

Governor Perry: Why did you reinforce the flaming rhetoric about SS that will certainly keep you from being elected in the general election?

Governor Romney: Why do you run from your health care record in Massachusetts when it both covers all of the uninsured and promotes personal responsibility?

Governor Huntsman: Have you considered running as Governor Romney's VP candidate? Based on you two's performance that would be an unbeatable combination.

I passed on the event because I figured if MSNBC was handling it it was gonna be pretty much "Prove to us you all don't suck".

Personally I think the Obama media needs to be removed from all debates.
I passed on the event because I figured if MSNBC was handling it it was gonna be pretty much "Prove to us you all don't suck".

Personally I think the Obama media needs to be removed from all debates.
Gingrich blasted the media last night...

I passed on the event because I figured if MSNBC was handling it it was gonna be pretty much "Prove to us you all don't suck".

Personally I think the Obama media needs to be removed from all debates.
Gingrich blasted the media last night...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN99jshaQbY]Blazing Saddles - We Must Do Something! Harrumph! - YouTube[/ame]
3 simple questions

What specific programs, departments, and agencies should be immediately cut in any effort to reduce government spending. Which ones should be targeted for a window of 2-4 years, in terms of being cut from our governmental system? How specifically will you push to accomplish this?
What I found most striking and informative was not anything discussed in the debate — the immigration segment was superficial and platitude-filled, Perry’s death penalty answer was mainstream GOP red meat, the Perry/Romney Punch-and-Judy scenes were mildly entertaining, the global warming portion rushed and shaky — but what was left out.

The East Coast/Beltway-centric producers and journalists who put this debate on didn’t include a single question about the economic distress of Western states and the Rocky Mountain region. Not a word about Obama’s War on the West and what the candidates would do to undo the damage.

The top governance issue outside the Beltway — bloated public union pensions and benefits — warranted zero attention.

Not a word about the bloody Operation Fast and Furious scandal and who GOP candidates would put in charge at DOJ and ATF to right the wrongs and secure our borders.

And how about the undue influence of the profane, Tea Party-bashing, corrupted leaders of Big Labor on the White House? Nada.

I was glad to see a question about Rick Perry’s atrocious Gardasil executive order and glad to see several of the candidates (most effectively, Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann) challenge his reckless disregard for transparency, parental autonomy, and limited government. But there were zero follow-up questions about Perry’s Merck entanglements and the crony capitalism angle in general.

Michelle Malkin

What She said. ^^^
What I found most striking and informative was not anything discussed in the debate — the immigration segment was superficial and platitude-filled, Perry’s death penalty answer was mainstream GOP red meat, the Perry/Romney Punch-and-Judy scenes were mildly entertaining, the global warming portion rushed and shaky — but what was left out.

The East Coast/Beltway-centric producers and journalists who put this debate on didn’t include a single question about the economic distress of Western states and the Rocky Mountain region. Not a word about Obama’s War on the West and what the candidates would do to undo the damage.

The top governance issue outside the Beltway — bloated public union pensions and benefits — warranted zero attention.

Not a word about the bloody Operation Fast and Furious scandal and who GOP candidates would put in charge at DOJ and ATF to right the wrongs and secure our borders.

And how about the undue influence of the profane, Tea Party-bashing, corrupted leaders of Big Labor on the White House? Nada.

I was glad to see a question about Rick Perry’s atrocious Gardasil executive order and glad to see several of the candidates (most effectively, Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann) challenge his reckless disregard for transparency, parental autonomy, and limited government. But there were zero follow-up questions about Perry’s Merck entanglements and the crony capitalism angle in general.

Michelle Malkin

What She said. ^^^

The top governance issue outside the Beltway is bloated government pensions and benefits? Really?

Parts of the GOP are as far out in LaLa Land as the liberals.
Governor Romney: You've acknowledged that President Obama was handed some pretty tough economic circumstances yet you've advocated for the very same policies President Bush implemented during his administration. What would change?

Governor Perry: In a statement which you said that Secession was an option for Texas if Washington kept up it's policies. One of those policies you were against was the Stimulus package. Yet you accepted stimulus money to help cover deficits in your budget. Why the disconnect?
For this one and others to come either quit calling them debates or let each candidate answer the same question(s). As the format is now, for example, we get candidate As answer to a question, Bs answer to a different question, and so on. There's no way viewers can compare their positions on the same issue or issues.

And it has nothing to do with just MSNBC. All the networks run them virtually the same way.
Governor Perry: Exactly what criteria needs to be met to convince you that global warming is real?

Governor Perry: If you don't believe that man has anything to do with global warming why did you brag about the reduced emissions in your state?

Governor Perry: Why did you reinforce the flaming rhetoric about SS that will certainly keep you from being elected in the general election?

Governor Romney: Why do you run from your health care record in Massachusetts when it both covers all of the uninsured and promotes personal responsibility?

Governor Huntsman: Have you considered running as Governor Romney's VP candidate? Based on you two's performance that would be an unbeatable combination.


Why wasn't Romney asked about global warming...

Answer? The Left wants to run against Romney, and knows that the Right doesn't want to hear that man is responsible for warming.
What I found most striking and informative was not anything discussed in the debate — the immigration segment was superficial and platitude-filled, Perry’s death penalty answer was mainstream GOP red meat, the Perry/Romney Punch-and-Judy scenes were mildly entertaining, the global warming portion rushed and shaky — but what was left out.

The East Coast/Beltway-centric producers and journalists who put this debate on didn’t include a single question about the economic distress of Western states and the Rocky Mountain region. Not a word about Obama’s War on the West and what the candidates would do to undo the damage.

The top governance issue outside the Beltway — bloated public union pensions and benefits — warranted zero attention.

Not a word about the bloody Operation Fast and Furious scandal and who GOP candidates would put in charge at DOJ and ATF to right the wrongs and secure our borders.

And how about the undue influence of the profane, Tea Party-bashing, corrupted leaders of Big Labor on the White House? Nada.

I was glad to see a question about Rick Perry’s atrocious Gardasil executive order and glad to see several of the candidates (most effectively, Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann) challenge his reckless disregard for transparency, parental autonomy, and limited government. But there were zero follow-up questions about Perry’s Merck entanglements and the crony capitalism angle in general.

Michelle Malkin

What She said. ^^^

The top governance issue outside the Beltway is bloated government pensions and benefits? Really?

Parts of the GOP are as far out in LaLa Land as the liberals.

Really. ;) When you are ready to give them up We'll talk. :D
Governor Perry: Exactly what criteria needs to be met to convince you that global warming is real?

Governor Perry: If you don't believe that man has anything to do with global warming why did you brag about the reduced emissions in your state?

Governor Perry: Why did you reinforce the flaming rhetoric about SS that will certainly keep you from being elected in the general election?

Governor Romney: Why do you run from your health care record in Massachusetts when it both covers all of the uninsured and promotes personal responsibility?

Governor Huntsman: Have you considered running as Governor Romney's VP candidate? Based on you two's performance that would be an unbeatable combination.


Why wasn't Romney asked about global warming...

Answer? The Left wants to run against Romney, and knows that the Right doesn't want to hear that man is responsible for warming.

The Left wants to run against Perry or Bachmann. The Left thinks Romney has a better chance of beating Obama than the rest of the field, except maybe Huntsmen.
Mr/Mrs/Ms Generic Republican: Your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?
How would you fix illegal immigration, give a solid plan.
How would you fix the deficit, give a solid plan.
How would you fix SS/MC/MC, give a solid plan.
How would you fix the perpetual war issues, give a solid answer.
How would you create an environment for the economy to grow, give a solid plan.
What would you do for long term energy consumption?
How would you repeal Obamacare. Give a real answer.
What would you do with Homeland security, torture and secret prisons, give real answers.

#1 rule ask everyone the same fucking questions... Don’t just ask Ron Paul what he think of minimum wage, see what the 7 others think, it will make him look a lot less crazy when others agree with him rather than think “whew, glad I didn’t get asked that question.”

The mods at the debate gave trap questions where candidates spent most of their time digging themselves out of the trap and less time answering important questions. I never thought I’d be so focused on the obvious hate the moderators have for the people on stage. They even brought out some Latin guy to ask about illegal immigration, racist on top of “wtf.” It was like msnbc said “here is a Latin guy! Don’t offend him lol!” It was embarrassing to watch msnbc’s bias rule over their ability to ask strait forward questions and at least make an effort to get each candidate to answer the same questions….

It’s true I’m a Ron Paul supporter so I took it to heart they asked Ron Paul very few questions but more than that they asked him the same question over and over again. “you want to abolish ____. What will the effects be on the poor!” They asked Rick a million questions from his book, and Mitt questions about his healthcare.

The reason Huntsman, Cain and Newt did good is because msnbc thinks of them as having no chance so their questions were less trap like as they figured people don’t like them anyways. Msnbc made it clear they wanted the Republicans to fight each other rather than Obama as well, looking out for Obama was a goal it seems.
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For this one and others to come either quit calling them debates or let each candidate answer the same question(s). As the format is now, for example, we get candidate As answer to a question, Bs answer to a different question, and so on. There's no way viewers can compare their positions on the same issue or issues.

And it has nothing to do with just MSNBC. All the networks run them virtually the same way.

Agreed! There isn't enough time but if there were more, much of the audience would lose interest.

And there will be NO candidate that I can expect to be my "end all, be all." I thought it was a good debate and the questions, challenging and am looking forward to the next debate on FOX which I "think" will be on the 22nd of this month. [ Fox News and Google announced today that they will present a presidential debate on Sept. 22 from 9:00-11:00 p.m. ET in Orlando, Fla., in conjunction with the Republican Party of Florida.]

According to one journalist, there are only six words to focus on, in order to beat Obama and they are: - Small Government---Low Taxes---National Security (Boris Epshteyn)

Meanwhile, I hope you are ready for some ***FOOTBALL*** :lol: Tonight!
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After doing a little searching on Google it seems lots of people felt the debate was bad because of the hoasts, not the candidates. Glad to see the country was able to see how bias msnbc was... I even saw people talk about the Latin guy coming out and how they felt it was a bit racist.

Hell, I'm shocked when they talked about poverty that they didn't bring out a black person to ask the questions or some crazy shit.

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