What questions would you like to see the Dem candidates asked?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Is it fair to ask Hillary about the money that is unaccounted for during her stint as Sec of State? What about Benghazi or the emails?

Should Bernie be asked specifically how he intends to pay for his freebies?

What questions should do you want to see the candidates asked?
Are you planning to destroy the GOP candidate right off, or will you play with them for a while first, like a cat with a mouse?
What's the difference between a social democrat and a 20th century progressive?
1. When has Socialism ever worked?

2. Will you please stop saying "Progressive" and say you're a Socialist/Communist/Fascist?
1. When has Socialism ever worked?

2. Will you please stop saying "Progressive" and say you're a Socialist/Communist/Fascist?

That's TRIpolar, Frank.

Orwell only gave us Doublethink. You're ready for Triplethink?
Bernie...Where is that 17 TRILLION you need for your programs coming from?

Hillary....Hillary you want to lead us into war with Putin, whats your war background?
Hillary: is it true that u could actually eat Huma if u were starving to death?
Why does Bernie Sanders Jihad on the Walton Family sound eerily similar to Stalin's demonizing the Kulaks?
Why does Bernie Sanders Jihad on the Walton Family sound eerily similar to Stalin's demonizing the Kulaks?

You're really fixated on Stalin, aren't you? Couple of weeks ago you people thought Putin was All That. Can you cite the particular passage you consider a parallel so we can compare?
Hillary: What do you plan to do with Isis? Hillarys answer: You mean that night club?
Why does Bernie Sanders Jihad on the Walton Family sound eerily similar to Stalin's demonizing the Kulaks?

You're really fixated on Stalin, aren't you? Couple of weeks ago you people thought Putin was All That. Can you cite the particular passage you consider a parallel so we can compare?

Unlike Obama, Putin loves the country he leads

So you admire him, former KGB and everything. Okay.
Absolutely. He's been very clear from the start of his campaign and, unlike the GOP, he won't consider that a "gotcha."

He hasn't been clear and even other Dems know he's full of shit. His plan would destroy us.

He indicated that he'd raise taxes on the 1% and that would magically pay for everything till the end of time. It won't, but that isn't likely the plan anyway. When he's pressed about the details on how he would fund his socialist ideas with taxes, he reverts to talking about how people would like free college and such without actually giving details of how it would all be funded. He's all about getting people excited about getting something for nothing, but the wise people know who will really get the bill for it. When Maher pressed him, Bernie finally admitted that he'd have to tax people who weren't in the 1% and even those who aren't wealthy. Hello, middle class. Fuck you, Bernie.

Then he bragged about all the campaign funds he raised. Like any politician, he loves the wealthy and isn't about to make them foot the bill for his agenda.

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