What questions would you like to see the Dem candidates asked?

Yeah, but these guys asking the questions want her to win. It would be great but it won't happen.

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Like the libturd who actually asked Hillary in an interview whether she was over qualified for the job of president. Hillary isn't overqualified to flip burgers.
I'd have to ask Hillary, "When 13 embassies were bombed under President George W. Bush, why didn't you or your colleagues have at least 7 or 8 investigations into them in order to ask the Bush administration why they let good people die?"
I just love how she can't even list her accomplishments. If libs had a lick of sense, that would tell them something. But of course, they don't! You want to shut a democrat up, ask them what qualifies Hillary for the POTUS.

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"You have 3 minutes. Ms. Clinton; what is your plan for dealing with ISIS." Thanks. "You have 3 minutes. Mr. Sanders; what is your plan for dealing with ISIS?"

Then repeat the process with jobs, debt/deficit, new industries vs. just more businesses in those industries, etc..

Basically the same ones for the GOP.

I seriously doubt either candidate wants hardball questions.
I just love how she can't even list her accomplishments. If libs had a lick of sense, that would tell them something. But of course, they don't! You want to shut a democrat up, ask them what qualifies Hillary for the POTUS.

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8 years FLOTUS
6+ years as Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Easily the best qualified person to seek the office of President since Bush 41.

Feel free to list the accomplishments of anyone else running.

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