What REAL Christians look like

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I tend to treat people bad because they are assholes that threat other people bad. Personally, I don't give a fuck how you treat me here, I have bigger fucking problems in my life that what some pathetic poster on a message board thinks about me, but I thoroughly enjoy trashing the people that think I can't defend my position because I call them scumbag assholes, ask bruce how that worked out for him.

You treat people bad because you are the one that acts like what you call them. And obviously you care what posters on message boards think about you, or you wouldn't be here getting all puffed up about yourself. And you just think you can defend your position.

It is easy to tell when someone can't defend their position, they turn to vitriol, name-calling and insults, and that's exactly what you do.

And, I'm sure that Bruce isn't devastated by anything you called him. If you think your insults carry much weight, you are far more delusional about yourself than you might realize.

Fuck off, scumbag.

You want to know the difference between you and me? I treat people exactly like I expect them to treat me? I don't want people to tiptoe around me and pretend that words like fuck don't exist, I want them to express themselves openly and honestly. When I call someone an asshole I don't mean it personally, and I will drop whatever I am doing to help them if they need it. I had an outright feud going with one poster, and sent her a PM because she made a mistake and when she was trying to post a picture and actually posted a link to her desktop, complete with her full name. In other words, I don't take any of this shit seriously, it is just a way to have fun. If you think I cannot defend my position, pick any subject and call me out on it, I can defend it with, or without, profanity, because I can actually think.

You, on the other hand, turn your nose up whenever people you disagree with say something to you, no matter how polite they are about it. You snob around threads pretending that you don't insult people, and then call them less than human, or uncivilized. You judge people for their fucking language, and use a naked woman as an avatar. You pretend that you are better than other people because you follow a fake version of the Bible that lets you be a scumbag hypocrite.


By the way, I agree bruce isn't devastated by anything I called him, he is devastated by the fact that a person who has to resort to profanity because he can't think managed to out think him. Not that it was hard, I was drugged at the time. You should tell him to be thankful I didn't catch him when I wasn't dealing with the drugs I need to get through everything that modern medicine is killing off a portion of my body, he might actually have been devastated by one of my insults.
You are so devastated by the sexy avatar you simply had to post it again!
Sorry about your health problems, but don't use them as an excuse for being crude, vulgar and simple-minded. Those are you, not the drugs.
Where do you imagine you "out think" me in this thread?
Now THAT might be the drugs!
And if I don't advocate 'economic justice' that suddenly disqualifies me from being a 'real Christian'? You don't know how offensive that is, Luddly. Before you go telling Christians what real Christians are like, please, try being a Christian. Live the life of a Christian. You have no room to judge, sitting on the outside.

Thank you for a response that gets to the point of the discussion here, TK. Well said.
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