What REAL Christians look like

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That is exactly what he said. He said he treats people the way they treat him, only he is lying, because he is insulting and name-calling people that are not doing that to him.

When you are sinless, then you can do the same. But, it's amazing that you don't even see yourself the way you are...you're one of the ones that Christ would be telling off and shooing out of the church. You're one like the Pharisees, who thinks they are right but treat people like dirt. You're the one that is wrong.

No, you don't answer to me, but everyone that sees what you post, and the way you talk can see that your claim to be a Christian doesn't match up with who you really are. If you are an example of a Christian, it's no wonder that so many will turn away from it. Stop lying to yourself and accept the fact that you are not a follower of Christ.

Except for the fact that Paul, who never claimed to be sinless, had no problem telling people off, you have a pretty good point, for an uneducated idiot that thinks left is purple and up is green.

You, who claim to not be a Christian, is trying to educate me on Paul? That is too funny.
Paul never called people the names you call them, so don't try to compare yourself to him. The fact that you are not a Christian is your excuse for doing it, and I'll grant you that, I expect that from people like you, my admonishment was to those who claim to be Christian, then spew venom and hate-filled language at those whom they don't agree with.

Where did I claim not to be a Christian? You are the second person that said I said that, and I even went back and reread all my posts and still don't see it. What I said is that I do not claim to be a Christian, that is not my call to make, nor is it yours. The difference between us is I know that, and you don't.

Now, for the record, I was unaware I was speaking to an expert on Paul, I thought I was dealing with a hypocrite, not a super apostle. Now that I know who I am dealing with I will be appropriately respectful.

Please note, I never said Paul called anyone names, what I said is that he had no problem confronting them when they were wrong.

But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews? Galatians 2:14

Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings? 1 Corinthians 3:1-4

If you really want to see how wonderful you are, read 2 Corinthians 11.
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It's not like we can't tell. You're also not very human, either.

This is an example of you not insulting other people, right?


I'm just agreeing with you. People who have to resort to putting others down are not very human.

Except I don't put people down, I put their ideas down. Some people have trouble separating themselves from their ideas, and take it personally. That is not my problem, so fuck off, liar.
Colossians 3:8 ESV

But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

Knowing the Lord means believing in Jesus. Not claiming to be a Christian appears as a rejection of Jesus, and that does not put anyone any closer to God.

Shouldn't you make sure you aren't calling other people sub human before you complain about the fucking way they use adjectives to emphasize a fucking point, asshole?

All of a sudden you are so insulted because you are told you aren't human, but all the vile and vicious things you say, are okay? Gotcha.

I'm sorry, did I give you the impression that your post insulted me? Wouldn't that require me giving you permission to control my thought processes first?

Guess what, I didn't give you permission to do that.
Yes, because that is what Jesus taught us, right? Jesus said, when someone treats you bad, you treat them bad right back, and if they say something you don't agree with, you go ahead and treat them bad. Call them scum, loons, libtards, moonbats, etc., because that is what a Christian is supposed to do. I get you, loud and clear.

Look at the title of the thread, then go back over your posts and see how you match up.

Jesus wasn't above telling liars and hypocrites off. Ask the Pharisees. It's simple: act like a lady/gentleman and you won't have any trouble from us.
You're not Jesus. And you must have a different Bible that teaches other than what Jesus taught. You are not supposed to treat someone bad just because they treat you bad, however, you are name-calling and insulting people that are not doing that to you, so how does that square with your own claim that if someone acts like a lady/gentleman they won't have any trouble? You're not even able to stay true to your own words.

If you can dispute what they are saying, do it, you don't have to resort to name-calling, only those that can't defend their stance do that.

I am only human, and as a human I am only myself. Maybe you think this is all fun and games, I don't. If you think this food fight started yesterday, you are sadly mistaken. I have been hearing crap like this from the day I signed on, from the same people.
He didn't say to treat people bad because they treat you bad.
That is exactly what he said. He said he treats people the way they treat him, only he is lying, because he is insulting and name-calling people that are not doing that to him.

He said Christ wasn't above telling them off. Not because they treat anybody bad...because they were wrong.
When you are sinless, then you can do the same. But, it's amazing that you don't even see yourself the way you are...you're one of the ones that Christ would be telling off and shooing out of the church. You're one like the Pharisees, who thinks they are right but treat people like dirt. You're the one that is wrong.

And again Mertex...thank goodness, I don't answer to you. You hate religion, you hate Christians based on their politics. You're a progressive pig, and I would hate myself if you liked me.

No, you don't answer to me, but everyone that sees what you post, and the way you talk can see that your claim to be a Christian doesn't match up with who you really are. If you are an example of a Christian, it's no wonder that so many will turn away from it. Stop lying to yourself and accept the fact that you are not a follower of Christ.

Who do you think you are? That is a crock and a lie from the pit of hell. (to put it another way, that is theologically innacurate) Koshergirl may have blown it yesterday, I may have blown it yesterday, but we are still followers of Christ.

You must have a different Bible than I have, David murdered Uriah and stole his wife. It cost him, and he was eventually forgiven but he was still a man after God's own heart.

You guys are all bringing up Paul, who persecuted the early church and murdered St. Stephen. He eventually converted and became one of the church's greatest Saints.

Peter betrayed Jesus.

God is not as unforgiving as you are.
Nobody is trying to punish you. Just pointing out your hypocrisy. Jesus is the one that you have to answer to, and won't you be surprised!:eek: You really don't exhibit much faith, but keep patting yourself on the back while you dishonor His name.

Funny thing....anything you say to me, is bounced off Jesus....so I could care less what you call me. I just like pointing out the fact that you think that being against abortion and hating homosexuals is all there is to being a Christian, and you can just disregard the rest of his teachings. Pity you....:eusa_pray:

James 1:26 ESV

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Good fucking thing I don't claim I am religious, isn't it, asshole?

It's not like we can't tell. You're also not very human, either.

Didn't you just preach to KG about name calling?
In all honesty the title should have read this is what I want a christian to look like. Message? If they don't look / sound like this I won't accept them as a Christian. Toss out the bible, we'll choose the verses we like, ignore the rest and the world can go along to get along or else.

Sorry. I do not play that game. The bible doesn't need an opinion. It is what it is. The truth.

Exactly. State control of religion. it's what progressives are all about.

As opposed to your Religion controlled state....interesting, that's what you're all about.

Another lie. I haven't heard anyone advocate that. Your credibility is waning fast.
Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

Jerry, I think all of us have some or all of the fruits in our lives at one time or another, although we all have moments of weakness. Bruce is just one of those angry people with an inferiority complex.

you've just described most of the people who participate on internet message boards.

Ain't it the truth? I should know better by now.
He didn't say to treat people bad because they treat you bad.

He said Christ wasn't above telling them off. Not because they treat anybody bad...because they were wrong.

And again Mertex...thank goodness, I don't answer to you. You hate religion, you hate Christians based on their politics. You're a progressive pig, and I would hate myself if you liked me.

I've never seen anything from Mertex to suggest she is a pig. I think that's uncalled for.

Honestly, both of them need to stop. Christianity is least represented by those who cannot cease from calling names and insulting one another. I was in Bible study a week or so ago, we were taught to turn the other cheek. The idea of turning the other cheek is something we should all practice.

Sometimes we run out of cheeks.
That is exactly what he said. He said he treats people the way they treat him, only he is lying, because he is insulting and name-calling people that are not doing that to him.

When you are sinless, then you can do the same. But, it's amazing that you don't even see yourself the way you are...you're one of the ones that Christ would be telling off and shooing out of the church. You're one like the Pharisees, who thinks they are right but treat people like dirt. You're the one that is wrong.

No, you don't answer to me, but everyone that sees what you post, and the way you talk can see that your claim to be a Christian doesn't match up with who you really are. If you are an example of a Christian, it's no wonder that so many will turn away from it. Stop lying to yourself and accept the fact that you are not a follower of Christ.

Except for the fact that Paul, who never claimed to be sinless, had no problem telling people off, you have a pretty good point, for an uneducated idiot that thinks left is purple and up is green.

You, who claim to not be a Christian, is trying to educate me on Paul? That is too funny.
Paul never called people the names you call them, so don't try to compare yourself to him. The fact that you are not a Christian is your excuse for doing it, and I'll grant you that, I expect that from people like you, my admonishment was to those who claim to be Christian, then spew venom and hate-filled language at those whom they don't agree with.

Really? Ever read Romans?
Mertex, you are a prime example of what Jesus meant in the square that day:

"He (or she) who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Oh I get it. Koshergrl gets to call me scum, pig, libtard and whatever else she wants, and you don't say a word to her, but you are going to pick on me for telling her that she doesn't behave like a Christian. Get real.

Let's talk about your pornographic avatars, Mr. High and Mighty...
Jesus is the only sinless One to have ever walked the earth. I agree. I never said you said you never told a lie in your life, Mertex. As a Christian I don't practice lying either. It is not part of our new life in Christ - or shouldn't be. The truth is the only standard for the Christian. I agree with that and on that note speaking the truth is sometimes offensive but if it isn't received we don't need to delve off into the personal attacks, insults, etc. That shouldn't be part of the Christian testimony either. We are all a work in progress and what my weaknesses may be - may not be the weaknesses of others and vice versa.

My outlook is that knowing myself to have been far worse off than any of you - there is hope for all. It is better to be talking and hearing each other out then completely shut off to each other. imo.

I agree, but it is extremely difficult to talk and hear each other when those who claim to be Christian brothers, aren't able to behave in a civilized manner and can't keep themselves from calling you pig, scum, and other things much worse that I won't repeat. It is okay to remind them, because even non-believers don't have to act that way, but at least they have an excuse.

Yeah, it is a good thing the early Christians never had that problem.

Ever think that, if you stopped being a self righteous little prick you might be able to learn something? Do you actually believe that your insults are less offensive to God because you pretend that you aren't actually insulting people? You are the disgusting underbelly of the lowlife that scumbags scrape off the bottom of their shoes. If you are an example of what a Christian is supposed to be the world is better off in Hell.

Ever notice that Paul would refer to the brethren as "saints" before he told them about all the things that were wrong with them?
I tend to treat people bad because they are assholes that threat other people bad. Personally, I don't give a fuck how you treat me here, I have bigger fucking problems in my life that what some pathetic poster on a message board thinks about me, but I thoroughly enjoy trashing the people that think I can't defend my position because I call them scumbag assholes, ask bruce how that worked out for him.

You treat people bad because you are the one that acts like what you call them. And obviously you care what posters on message boards think about you, or you wouldn't be here getting all puffed up about yourself. And you just think you can defend your position.

It is easy to tell when someone can't defend their position, they turn to vitriol, name-calling and insults, and that's exactly what you do.

And, I'm sure that Bruce isn't devastated by anything you called him. If you think your insults carry much weight, you are far more delusional about yourself than you might realize.

Fuck off, scumbag.

You want to know the difference between you and me? I treat people exactly like I expect them to treat me? I don't want people to tiptoe around me and pretend that words like fuck don't exist, I want them to express themselves openly and honestly. When I call someone an asshole I don't mean it personally, and I will drop whatever I am doing to help them if they need it. I had an outright feud going with one poster, and sent her a PM because she made a mistake and when she was trying to post a picture and actually posted a link to her desktop, complete with her full name. In other words, I don't take any of this shit seriously, it is just a way to have fun. If you think I cannot defend my position, pick any subject and call me out on it, I can defend it with, or without, profanity, because I can actually think.

You, on the other hand, turn your nose up whenever people you disagree with say something to you, no matter how polite they are about it. You snob around threads pretending that you don't insult people, and then call them less than human, or uncivilized. You judge people for their fucking language, and use a naked woman as an avatar. You pretend that you are better than other people because you follow a fake version of the Bible that lets you be a scumbag hypocrite.


By the way, I agree bruce isn't devastated by anything I called him, he is devastated by the fact that a person who has to resort to profanity because he can't think managed to out think him. Not that it was hard, I was drugged at the time. You should tell him to be thankful I didn't catch him when I wasn't dealing with the drugs I need to get through everything that modern medicine is killing off a portion of my body, he might actually have been devastated by one of my insults.

I, on the other hand, am recovering from a very painful and slow healing operation and am sometimes under the influence of some very powerful pain killers. Luddly knew about this and has been harassing me here ever since I posted it in the "health and lifestyle" section.
I, on the other hand, am recovering from a very painful and slow healing operation and am sometimes under the influence of some very powerful pain killers. Luddly knew about this and has been harassing me here ever since I posted it in the "health and lifestyle" section.

I am praying that the Lord wlll speed up your recover.

And that luddly will someday be obligated to do what is right.
In all honesty the title should have read this is what I want a christian to look like. Message? If they don't look / sound like this I won't accept them as a Christian. Toss out the bible, we'll choose the verses we like, ignore the rest and the world can go along to get along or else.

Sorry. I do not play that game. The bible doesn't need an opinion. It is what it is. The truth.

Most christians do pick and choose the parts they like and ignore the rest. We se that everyday with the christians' war on the poor, on women's rights, on gays and other issues. That's their prerogative. I have no problem with that and in fact, its just none of my business.

Whether or not Jesus was a real person, the Jesus that christians say they worship was kind and compassionate and reached out to his fellow man. Yes, he also preached and proselytized but he would never have talked the way we see "christians" here talk. He would never have hated and punished the homeless, children, elderly, disabled and our wounded vets and their families.

IMO, there are real Christians and there are fakes. These nuns are the real thing.

In all honesty the title should have read this is what I want a christian to look like. Message? If they don't look / sound like this I won't accept them as a Christian. Toss out the bible, we'll choose the verses we like, ignore the rest and the world can go along to get along or else.

Sorry. I do not play that game. The bible doesn't need an opinion. It is what it is. The truth.

Exactly. State control of religion. it's what progressives are all about.

You say progressives are pedophiles and now THIS??

Example of "state control of religion"?


Anything other than your wild eyed ravings?
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