What REAL Christians look like

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I do.

What's more...I'm correct.

Now you may fuck off.

Please forgive me for saying fuck. I'm sorry you're such a pig.

Thanks, for proving over and over what a fake Christian you really are. And you aren't correct, you are just a vile person.

I am correct.

And as a true Christian, I know that it's not my responsibility to judge where others are in their walk.

I forgive you for pretending to be a *real* christian, and pretending to know who and who isn't *fake*.

I also forgive you for being a progressive pig.

Your forgiveness doesn't mean anything. When you start acting like a Christian, it might.
He didn't say to treat people bad because they treat you bad.

He said Christ wasn't above telling them off. Not because they treat anybody bad...because they were wrong.

And again Mertex...thank goodness, I don't answer to you. You hate religion, you hate Christians based on their politics. You're a progressive pig, and I would hate myself if you liked me.

I've never seen anything from Mertex to suggest she is a pig. I think that's uncalled for.

Honestly, both of them need to stop. Christianity is least represented by those who cannot cease from calling names and insulting one another. I was in Bible study a week or so ago, we were taught to turn the other cheek. The idea of turning the other cheek is something we should all practice.

It's not something easy to do. And people can pretend to do it when they are simply afraid of confrontation. But to actively choose to turn the other cheek and trust God so much to let someone else do anything to you, including potentially killing you, it not easy. To let go of that control to God is really really tough.

There is true power in trusting in God and loving people who hate and despise you. I wish I was better at it.
I know Quantum knows the Lord. I have read things he's written that left me with no doubt it was the wisdom of God speaking through him. If I had a serious problem he is one person I would expect would give a right answer.

Colossians 3:8 ESV

But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

Knowing the Lord means believing in Jesus. Not claiming to be a Christian appears as a rejection of Jesus, and that does not put anyone any closer to God.

Shouldn't you make sure you aren't calling other people sub human before you complain about the fucking way they use adjectives to emphasize a fucking point, asshole?

All of a sudden you are so insulted because you are told you aren't human, but all the vile and vicious things you say, are okay? Gotcha.
Yeah, it's hard because you're not a Christian, but a progressive.

Your faith, if it really exists, is secondary to that.

I'll pray for you.
He didn't say to treat people bad because they treat you bad.

He said Christ wasn't above telling them off. Not because they treat anybody bad...because they were wrong.

And again Mertex...thank goodness, I don't answer to you. You hate religion, you hate Christians based on their politics. You're a progressive pig, and I would hate myself if you liked me.

I've never seen anything from Mertex to suggest she is a pig. I think that's uncalled for.

So don't call her a pig.

I call her a pig because to me, she is one.

I don't think Christ would do that.
Mertex, you are a prime example of what Jesus meant in the square that day:

"He (or she) who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Oh I get it. Koshergrl gets to call me scum, pig, libtard and whatever else she wants, and you don't say a word to her, but you are going to pick on me for telling her that she doesn't behave like a Christian. Get real.
The greatest document ever created allows ignorant rants against religious beliefs and we should respect the 1st Amendment for allowing crazy rants as bigoted as they might seem.
I've never seen anything from Mertex to suggest she is a pig. I think that's uncalled for.

So don't call her a pig.

I call her a pig because to me, she is one.

I don't think Christ would do that.

I'm not so sure.

When he comes next time, he will be wielding a sword. And I don't think we need to accommodate satan by pretending that evil isn't evil.

That's not where I want to be caught when the bugle sounds.
The greatest document ever created allows ignorant rants against religious beliefs and we should respect the 1st Amendment for allowing crazy rants as bigoted as they might seem.

I agree. Such rants create good discussions like the one this one could be.
Mertex, you are a prime example of what Jesus meant in the square that day:

"He (or she) who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Oh I get it. Koshergrl gets to call me scum, pig, libtard and whatever else she wants, and you don't say a word to her, but you are going to pick on me for telling her that she doesn't behave like a Christian. Get real.

Actually, should you bother to read, I've admonished her more than once in this thread. So has Avatar. You're getting paranoid. You are stooping to her level by engaging her in the same petty bickering and name calling you're accusing her of. She doesn't get to call you names, but you don't get to call her any back. That's the whole idea of being a Christian. If you would like to demonstrate to us how a real Christian acts, please by all means do so. Clear?
So don't call her a pig.

I call her a pig because to me, she is one.

I don't think Christ would do that.

I'm not so sure.

When he comes next time, he will be wielding a sword. And I don't think we need to accommodate satan by pretending that evil isn't evil.

That's not where I want to be caught when the bugle sounds.

I tend to think it's evil to be unkind. Even if it is something i struggle with from time to time.

I think we would have much more power as Christians to do good if we stopped insulting people who insult us and instead humbly follow Christ and endure the evil they want to give us so that we can give them good.

Authority and power is what the Saints need. That comes from living the Gospel.
I look around and I see where we are because we've accommodated satan up to this point. Innocent people are dying by the millions, and bitches like the ones in this thread are helping people to kill them...and telling us that we aren't good Christians if we're disgusted by it.

I don't feel obliged to spare their feelings. Profanity is a small sin. And the word that Mertex objects to isn't profane..she just doesn't like being identified as a progressive pig.

I'm sorry, that's what she is. It's what all progressives are. And unless she changes, it's what she'll still be when she meets her judge.

Can't do much with that. I can't see that we have served God or humanity well by pretending it's any other way.
Jesus is the only sinless One to have ever walked the earth. I agree. I never said you said you never told a lie in your life, Mertex. As a Christian I don't practice lying either. It is not part of our new life in Christ - or shouldn't be. The truth is the only standard for the Christian. I agree with that and on that note speaking the truth is sometimes offensive but if it isn't received we don't need to delve off into the personal attacks, insults, etc. That shouldn't be part of the Christian testimony either. We are all a work in progress and what my weaknesses may be - may not be the weaknesses of others and vice versa.

My outlook is that knowing myself to have been far worse off than any of you - there is hope for all. It is better to be talking and hearing each other out then completely shut off to each other. imo.

I agree, but it is extremely difficult to talk and hear each other when those who claim to be Christian brothers, aren't able to behave in a civilized manner and can't keep themselves from calling you pig, scum, and other things much worse that I won't repeat. It is okay to remind them, because even non-believers don't have to act that way, but at least they have an excuse.

So, let me ask you an honest question: What were you doing when you were being called those names? Responding in kind. Calling her subhuman, a bad debater and a 'vile person.' Nobody has an excuse for this behavior, especially Christians, and most certainly not you. I find it interesting how people simply hop on their ivory towers and judge from afar, while hurling flaming invective from their ramparts.

Geez TK, I'm really glad you noticed that I called her a bad debater. That surely compares to the "vile" things she has been calling me and others. I don't need advice from you, not especially when you are making those types of comparisons, shows that you are not biased in the least.
I look around and I see where we are because we've accommodated satan up to this point. Innocent people are dying by the millions, and bitches like the ones in this thread are helping people to kill them...and telling us that we aren't good Christians if we're disgusted by it.

I don't feel obliged to spare their feelings. Profanity is a small sin. And the word that Mertex objects to isn't profane..she just doesn't like being identified as a progressive pig.

I'm sorry, that's what she is. It's what all progressives are. And unless she changes, it's what she'll still be when she meets her judge.

Can't do much with that. I can't see that we have served God or humanity well by pretending it's any other way.

If we fight evil with evil, satan wins. Evil can only be defeated by Good.

You ever heard the song "The devil went down to Georgia"? I've always been a fan of it. It's about a good country boy who competes against the devil in a fiddle contest. If the devil wins, he gets the boys soul. If the boy wins, he gets a golden fiddle. And of course, the boy beats the devil in the competition.

Everyone is always like yeah the devil loses. But that's not really true. The devil still got his soul. With pride, gambling, etc.

The devil only loses if we don't play the game with him.
Moderator Message:

Did a LITTLE thread cleaning here.
There's a pretty good discussion on, but also some bickering.
I TRIED to cut down on bickering, but sometimes it's hard to separate it out
because of the Topic Title.

Use discretion. Follow the Zone2 forum rule.. EVERY POST has to have relevance to the topic..
Makes it easier for others to follow and keeps the conversation on track..

Mertex follows me around the board calling me names. Seriously.

So where were we?

Oh yeah. You can be a good Christian without being a progressive, and we must fight against them finding ways to punish us for our religion.

Because that's where it's going.

Of course you can be a good Christian without being a progressive.

But I think we need to be keeping the commandments, including being kind to and loving our enemies and let God fight for us.

The worst anyone can do is the same thing they did to Christ. And we will be blessed if that happens.
I look around and I see where we are because we've accommodated satan up to this point. Innocent people are dying by the millions, and bitches like the ones in this thread are helping people to kill them...and telling us that we aren't good Christians if we're disgusted by it.

I don't feel obliged to spare their feelings. Profanity is a small sin. And the word that Mertex objects to isn't profane..she just doesn't like being identified as a progressive pig.

I'm sorry, that's what she is. It's what all progressives are. And unless she changes, it's what she'll still be when she meets her judge.

Can't do much with that. I can't see that we have served God or humanity well by pretending it's any other way.

If we fight evil with evil, satan wins. Evil can only be defeated by Good.

You ever heard the song "The devil went down to Georgia"? I've always been a fan of it. It's about a good country boy who competes against the devil in a fiddle contest. If the devil wins, he gets the boys soul. If the boy wins, he gets a golden fiddle. And of course, the boy beats the devil in the competition.

Everyone is always like yeah the devil loses. But that's not really true. The devil still got his soul. With pride, gambling, etc.

The devil only loses if we don't play the game with him.

I'm done trying to point out to her how how vile behavior is a disfavor to Christianity.
She has no idea what I believe, just because I don't vote the same way she does, she has labeled me the same with those she calls rapists, murderers, etc.,

When I pointed out that there are murderers, rapists, pedophiles, abortionists and homosexuals in the conservative party, she couldn't defend it so all she did was call me a name. That is typical of her, and I should know better than to try and engage in civil debate with the likes of her. Pointing out that their debate tactics are uncivil and unChristian is not the same as actually being uncivil and calling people names, but what can you do with people that don't get it. I guess ignoring them is all you can do.
love thy enemy as thyself

if forced to walk a mile with your enemy(adversary), do it, and walk another mile with him out of your own free will

if someone slaps you, turn your cheek....

lot's of advice in the Bible from Christ, on how to handle ones enemies
I look around and I see where we are because we've accommodated satan up to this point. Innocent people are dying by the millions, and bitches like the ones in this thread are helping people to kill them...and telling us that we aren't good Christians if we're disgusted by it.

I don't feel obliged to spare their feelings. Profanity is a small sin. And the word that Mertex objects to isn't profane..she just doesn't like being identified as a progressive pig.

I'm sorry, that's what she is. It's what all progressives are. And unless she changes, it's what she'll still be when she meets her judge.

Can't do much with that. I can't see that we have served God or humanity well by pretending it's any other way.

If we fight evil with evil, satan wins. Evil can only be defeated by Good.

You ever heard the song "The devil went down to Georgia"? I've always been a fan of it. It's about a good country boy who competes against the devil in a fiddle contest. If the devil wins, he gets the boys soul. If the boy wins, he gets a golden fiddle. And of course, the boy beats the devil in the competition.

Everyone is always like yeah the devil loses. But that's not really true. The devil still got his soul. With pride, gambling, etc.

The devil only loses if we don't play the game with him.

I'm done trying to point out to her how how vile behavior is a disfavor to Christianity.
She has no idea what I believe, just because I don't vote the same way she does, she has labeled me the same with those she calls rapists, murderers, etc.,

When I pointed out that there are murderers, rapists, pedophiles, abortionists and homosexuals in the conservative party, she couldn't defend it so all she did was call me a name. That is typical of her, and I should know better than to try and engage in civil debate with the likes of her. Pointing out that their debate tactics are uncivil and unChristian is not the same as actually being uncivil and calling people names, but what can you do with people that don't get it. I guess ignoring them is all you can do.

Love them, be kind to them, pray for them and forgiven them. Even if they wont for you. That's what God asks of us.

The exact opposite of what we all want to do naturally.
love thy enemy as thyself

if forced to walk a mile with your enemy(adversary), do it, and walk another mile with him out of your own free will

if someone slaps you, turn your cheek....

lot's of advice in the Bible from Christ, on how to handle ones enemies

The difficulty is trusting God enough to do it. It requires alot of faith
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