What REAL Christians look like

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Good fucking thing I don't claim I am religious, isn't it, asshole?

It's not like we can't tell. You're also not very human, either.

I thought that was something *we* don't do?

Like I said, I would seriously reconsider my entire life if you liked me. You're a disgusting worm, as are all progressives.

As usual, rules are for other people, not the enlightened ones that have achieved perfection and are free to force other people to do what they say.
I'm not interested in religion-controlled state.

That's a progressive thing. State control of religion.

Not my thing at all.
It's not like we can't tell. You're also not very human, either.

I thought that was something *we* don't do?

Like I said, I would seriously reconsider my entire life if you liked me. You're a disgusting worm, as are all progressives.

As usual, rules are for other people, not the enlightened ones that have achieved perfection and are free to force other people to do what they say.

I forgive her for being a pig..and I forgive you for getting it.
And Kosher? I was addressing that to Mertex. But I do also believe that you might glean some knowledge from that statement as well. We as Christians are supposed to judge one another in our walks with Christ, not sacrifice our honesty or criticism of one another for the sake of sensibility. If I offended you, I'm sorry. But hey I'm doing what I've been taught to do as a Christian, to admonish and to build my fellow believers up in the body of Christ.
I would suggest you read the book of Acts before you try to tell us what the church "advocates". I have heard that mindless meme of yours too many times.

The rest of your response derives from your lack of education on either subject.

The book of Acts advocates socialism. Your inability to admit to the facts clearly stated in your own bible says volumes. You are incapable of admitting that it does advocate socialism because then you would have to admit to supporting socialism. You egregiously conflate socialism with communism and that is why you have this kneejerk response.

Isn't the most basic dichotomy of "christianity"?

Jesus was a liberal socialist. He believed in helping your fellow man, taking care of each other. He didn't care about wealth and in fact, used a whip to throw out the money changers. He said you can't simultaneously serve god and money but most rw's serve money first and god is way down the list.

If there was/is a god, jesus, christ, he would be horrified at those who say they follow him because its exactly the opposite. We read the hatred here every day - hatred for the poor, for children, for the elderly, disabled, our vets and their families. A lot of the "christians" here hate those people and would cheerfully let them starve on the streets.

This is what I'm talking about when I say "fake christians".

Liberal socialist is a contradiction of terms.

Yes, Jesus believed in helping your fellow man and taught us to do likewise. He didn't say empower government to "help" others and do absolutely nothing.

You seem to think that the only way to help people is to give politicians you like power. Christ taught differently. He taught the only way to help people is to empower oneself. That is why He atoned for us. To give us power. Not politicians. Not bureaucrats. But people.

The only people who hate the poor are progressives who pretend to fight for them while deliberately making them worse off. Millions of people lost their insurance due to Obamacare and you are celebrating that.

Christ taught that fulfilling our responsibilities was what freed us. If anyone suggests that a person fulfill his responsibilities to himself, his family, and to his fellow men, you say they are full of hate.
who do Christians follow? Where does the name Christian come from?

picking and choosing scripture where one pleases, is done by those on the right and the left, it's not mutually exclusive to either party....
Care to point out where I ever claimed to be a model fucking Christan, asshole? Having actually read the Bible, and understood it, I know it is entirely possible to believe yourself a follower of Jesus, and to even be able to work fucking miracles, and still end up not in heaven, so I don't claim to be a Christian, I just assert a belief in God, and then go about my life the way that seems best to me, which includes not judging other people based on what they claim to believe. That last part alone puts me an entire order of magnitude closer to God that you have ever been.

Indeed it does. :thup:

God gave them over.....Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

I know Quantum knows the Lord. I have read things he's written that left me with no doubt it was the wisdom of God speaking through him. If I had a serious problem he is one person I would expect would give a right answer.

Colossians 3:8 ESV

But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

Knowing the Lord means believing in Jesus. Not claiming to be a Christian appears as a rejection of Jesus, and that does not put anyone any closer to God.
Please, the bible is not about standing idly by while people around you rape, pillage and murder...because you're imperfect.
Oh, so the people you are debating with are raping, pillaging and murdering you? That gives you the right to call them scum and every other vile name that falls out of your mouth?

You are lumping every one into one big pile. Did you know there are conservatives that murder, commit adultery, steal, lie, and yes, have abortions and are homosexuals? And some that are not even Christian? You are narrow minded and in no way qualified to be making those kinds of condemnations.

Now you are just rambling like a mad woman, making accusations that exist only in your head. You need to become familiar with the Bible, so you know exactly what it says.

It won't work.
Take your own advice.

I do.

What's more...I'm correct.

Now you may fuck off.

Please forgive me for saying fuck. I'm sorry you're such a pig.

Thanks, for proving over and over what a fake Christian you really are. And you aren't correct, you are just a vile person.
In all honesty the title should have read this is what I want a christian to look like. Message? If they don't look / sound like this I won't accept them as a Christian. Toss out the bible, we'll choose the verses we like, ignore the rest and the world can go along to get along or else.

Sorry. I do not play that game. The bible doesn't need an opinion. It is what it is. The truth.

Exactly. State control of religion. it's what progressives are all about.

As opposed to your Religion controlled state....interesting, that's what you're all about.

Tell me, how is it okay to make assumptions about others, Mert?
The best scriptural description of what a true Christian should look like to the world is written by Paul in his letter to the Galatians.
The Fruits of the Spirit describe the nature of one truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Apply these traits to your favorite self-professed Christians on these boards and you will find a fundamental disconnect.
Mention the dissonance to a believer and you will find the disconnect becomes even more dramatic as they lash out with vitriol and frequently vulgarity and never see the irony in their response.
This has been true 100% of the times I have done it. I have never gotten an admission that this teaching is simply rejected. I hear how people are imperfect and fail, and then the poster moves forward with zero effort to change their posting persona, continuing to be crude, mean and dismissive.
100% of the time.
Sometimes the finger gets pointed back at me, as if that somehow excuses them, when it is their scripture they are failing, not mine.
We know what a Christian is supposed to look like.
The real question is why they so frequently don't.

The Irish Ram is a good example of what a real Christian acts like. She posts in the relgion section. She never fails to lift my spirits, and I am kind of an agnostic. I struggle with faith.

The girl has patience, I'll give you that. More than I do.

Then work on it. It's all we can do.
The first and most important Amendment to the Constitution made religious beliefs immune from government interference. Why does it matter what a comedian thinks about Christianity in the modern world?
Oh that's just the beginning of it.

It's not just about identifying non-progressive christians as *fake*. It's about telling them not to preach..which is in and of itself...PREACHING. Apparently only progressive Christians should be allowed to speak out on religious topics.

Except no one has said anything remotely like that except you!

Really? because that's exactly what you guys have been saying. Starting with the OP.
Oh, so the people you are debating with are raping, pillaging and murdering you? That gives you the right to call them scum and every other vile name that falls out of your mouth?

You are lumping every one into one big pile. Did you know there are conservatives that murder, commit adultery, steal, lie, and yes, have abortions and are homosexuals? And some that are not even Christian? You are narrow minded and in no way qualified to be making those kinds of condemnations.

Now you are just rambling like a mad woman, making accusations that exist only in your head. You need to become familiar with the Bible, so you know exactly what it says.

Take your own advice.

I do.

What's more...I'm correct.

Now you may fuck off.

Please forgive me for saying fuck. I'm sorry you're such a pig.

Thanks, for proving over and over what a fake Christian you really are. And you aren't correct, you are just a vile person.

I am correct.

And as a true Christian, I know that it's not my responsibility to judge where others are in their walk.

I forgive you for pretending to be a *real* christian, and pretending to know who and who isn't *fake*.

I also forgive you for being a progressive pig.
Well, it's not my responsibility NOW to judge.

But in the end, I will be one of the saints...which means I will be judging.

That should keep you up at night, but I'm sure it doesn't, pig that you are.
Indeed it does. :thup:

God gave them over.....Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

I know Quantum knows the Lord. I have read things he's written that left me with no doubt it was the wisdom of God speaking through him. If I had a serious problem he is one person I would expect would give a right answer.

Colossians 3:8 ESV

But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

Knowing the Lord means believing in Jesus. Not claiming to be a Christian appears as a rejection of Jesus, and that does not put anyone any closer to God.

Shouldn't you make sure you aren't calling other people sub human before you complain about the fucking way they use adjectives to emphasize a fucking point, asshole?
Oh so now we're pretending christians who aren't progressives are "fundamentalists".

Got it.

Only type of religious people several in this group seem to recognize despite many of us not being fundamentalists at all.

I know. They recognize pro-abortion progressive *christians*...and they call the rest either *fake* or *fundies*.

It's a progressive thing. It's what they do. They marginalize and criminalize and penalize the opposition, and they do it in any way they can.
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