What REAL Christians look like

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The best scriptural description of what a true Christian should look like to the world is written by Paul in his letter to the Galatians.
The Fruits of the Spirit describe the nature of one truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Apply these traits to your favorite self-professed Christians on these boards and you will find a fundamental disconnect.
Mention the dissonance to a believer and you will find the disconnect becomes even more dramatic as they lash out with vitriol and frequently vulgarity and never see the irony in their response.
This has been true 100% of the times I have done it. I have never gotten an admission that this teaching is simply rejected. I hear how people are imperfect and fail, and then the poster moves forward with zero effort to change their posting persona, continuing to be crude, mean and dismissive.
100% of the time.
Sometimes the finger gets pointed back at me, as if that somehow excuses them, when it is their scripture they are failing, not mine.
We know what a Christian is supposed to look like.
The real question is why they so frequently don't.

The Irish Ram is a good example of what a real Christian acts like. She posts in the relgion section. She never fails to lift my spirits, and I am kind of an agnostic. I struggle with faith.

The girl has patience, I'll give you that. More than I do.

It's not about patience, it's about being true to your faith.
We're lucky that progressive scum still don't have the power to punish us for not adhering to their idea of what our faith should be then, aren't we?
Nobody is trying to punish you. Just pointing out your hypocrisy. Jesus is the one that you have to answer to, and won't you be surprised!:eek: You really don't exhibit much faith, but keep patting yourself on the back while you dishonor His name.

Eat glass. You people are scum and we are past feeling obligated to spare your feelings. You're a menace, a threat, and we are fed up with trying to accomodate your perverted sense of how people should live and worship
Funny thing....anything you say to me, is bounced off Jesus....so I could care less what you call me. I just like pointing out the fact that you think that being against abortion and hating homosexuals is all there is to being a Christian, and you can just disregard the rest of his teachings. Pity you....:eusa_pray:

James 1:26 ESV

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Good fucking thing I don't claim I am religious, isn't it, asshole?

It's not like we can't tell. You're also not very human, either.
Oh that's just the beginning of it.

It's not just about identifying non-progressive christians as *fake*. It's about telling them not to preach..which is in and of itself...PREACHING. Apparently only progressive Christians should be allowed to speak out on religious topics.

Except no one has said anything remotely like that except you!

She makes things up and then accuses people of saying them, then she posts a response based on what she said was said, that was never said.....:lol::lol:
Yes, because that is what Jesus taught us, right? Jesus said, when someone treats you bad, you treat them bad right back, and if they say something you don't agree with, you go ahead and treat them bad. Call them scum, loons, libtards, moonbats, etc., because that is what a Christian is supposed to do. I get you, loud and clear.

Look at the title of the thread, then go back over your posts and see how you match up.

Jesus wasn't above telling liars and hypocrites off. Ask the Pharisees. It's simple: act like a lady/gentleman and you won't have any trouble from us.
You're not Jesus. And you must have a different Bible that teaches other than what Jesus taught. You are not supposed to treat someone bad just because they treat you bad, however, you are name-calling and insulting people that are not doing that to you, so how does that square with your own claim that if someone acts like a lady/gentleman they won't have any trouble? You're not even able to stay true to your own words.

If you can dispute what they are saying, do it, you don't have to resort to name-calling, only those that can't defend their stance do that.

I tend to treat people bad because they are assholes that threat other people bad. Personally, I don't give a fuck how you treat me here, I have bigger fucking problems in my life that what some pathetic poster on a message board thinks about me, but I thoroughly enjoy trashing the people that think I can't defend my position because I call them scumbag assholes, ask bruce how that worked out for him.
What was the lie?

Are you telling me that you have never told a lie? Please make that claim s I can laugh at you because everyone lies.

The specific one I was thinking of in this post is your lie that Jeremiah was using Scriptures to make a political point.

No, not everyone lies. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone does, too. You can't tell someone that they are acting like morality police, when that is exactly the same thing you and some of the others are doing, only you are doing with some vile and awful language, like what I've bolded above.

Everybody lies.

Let me rephrase that, you are a liar.

Any questions?
He didn't say to treat people bad because they treat you bad.
That is exactly what he said. He said he treats people the way they treat him, only he is lying, because he is insulting and name-calling people that are not doing that to him.

He said Christ wasn't above telling them off. Not because they treat anybody bad...because they were wrong.
When you are sinless, then you can do the same. But, it's amazing that you don't even see yourself the way you are...you're one of the ones that Christ would be telling off and shooing out of the church. You're one like the Pharisees, who thinks they are right but treat people like dirt. You're the one that is wrong.

And again Mertex...thank goodness, I don't answer to you. You hate religion, you hate Christians based on their politics. You're a progressive pig, and I would hate myself if you liked me.
No, you don't answer to me, but everyone that sees what you post, and the way you talk can see that your claim to be a Christian doesn't match up with who you really are. If you are an example of a Christian, it's no wonder that so many will turn away from it. Stop lying to yourself and accept the fact that you are not a follower of Christ.

Except for the fact that Paul, who never claimed to be sinless, had no problem telling people off, you have a pretty good point, for an uneducated idiot that thinks left is purple and up is green.
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Nobody is trying to punish you. Just pointing out your hypocrisy. Jesus is the one that you have to answer to, and won't you be surprised!:eek: You really don't exhibit much faith, but keep patting yourself on the back while you dishonor His name.

Funny thing....anything you say to me, is bounced off Jesus....so I could care less what you call me. I just like pointing out the fact that you think that being against abortion and hating homosexuals is all there is to being a Christian, and you can just disregard the rest of his teachings. Pity you....:eusa_pray:

James 1:26 ESV

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Good fucking thing I don't claim I am religious, isn't it, asshole?

It's not like we can't tell. You're also not very human, either.

I thought that was something *we* don't do?

Like I said, I would seriously reconsider my entire life if you liked me. You're a disgusting worm, as are all progressives.
Indeed it does. :thup:

God gave them over.....Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

I know Quantum knows the Lord. I have read things he's written that left me with no doubt it was the wisdom of God speaking through him. If I had a serious problem he is one person I would expect would give a right answer.

In spite of his open rejection of Christianity?
His words!
Big of you.

Unlike you he proclaims faith in God he just isn't feigning a false piety, Bruce. It reminds me of the two men in the temple. One said, I thank God I'm not like that guy over there! Thinking himself already perfect he was busy judging everyone inside the temple I suppose, having a look around - too busy to pray - .... but afar off was a publican who was praying have mercy upon me oh Lord, a sinner. He didn't feign false piety, he was humble before God and Jesus asked, which man God had heard... it was the humble man, Bruce.

There is not a person on earth walking in sinless perfection. God looks upon the heart. That is where people miss it. When you go to sleep tonight ask God to show you your own heart, Bruce. I'll be praying for that too. Good night.
And I am very sorry you're a disgusting worm. I hope the scales drop from your eyes before it's too late for you. But as you are..you're disgusting.
Are you know claiming you have never directed comments in my direction regarding how little I exemplify Christ? Because I would put that down as another fucking lie from you, which would make at least two in this thread alone.

Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

I really don't know what Bruce believes but THAT is the definition of all religions - an interpretation of what god is.

IF that is what he does or has done, who is to say his interpretation and/or his religion is any more or less valid than anyone elses?

It's okay to defend the foul-mouthed ones, who spew vulgarities, but if you bring it to their attention, then you are a morality police and judging. What they are doing is discerning, even though they have to use insults and name-calling, but that's okay, because they happen to be on the right side, or so they think.
Oh that's just the beginning of it.

It's not just about identifying non-progressive christians as *fake*. It's about telling them not to preach..which is in and of itself...PREACHING. Apparently only progressive Christians should be allowed to speak out on religious topics.

Except no one has said anything remotely like that except you!

She makes things up and then accuses people of saying them, then she posts a response based on what she said was said, that was never said.....:lol::lol:

Funny, some of us profess to be Christians, but yet here we are doing and saying un-Christian things, namely the interactions I see between liberals and kosher. Not a perfect Christian myself, I hardly go to church. But I believe my faith in God transcends the limits of a building. That means going out into the world and not being a jerk to everyone who doesn't agree with me. Quite easy actually.
I really don't know what Bruce believes but THAT is the definition of all religions - an interpretation of what god is.

IF that is what he does or has done, who is to say his interpretation and/or his religion is any more or less valid than anyone elses?

Well you appear to think you are, given the fact that you think you're the one who knows what a REAL christian looks like...per the OP...

But I forgive you for being stupid.

Is scripture stupid?
All the suggestions of what it means to be a Christian have been supported with relevant scriptural citations.

Maybe her twisted version is.
This thread has been all about progressive twisting scripture and trying to tell Christians how to be *proper* all the way through.

I won't be taking it seriously. It should have been in the badlands from the beginning. It's a bait thread.
And if I don't advocate 'economic justice' that suddenly disqualifies me from being a 'real Christian'? You don't know how offensive that is, Luddly. Before you go telling Christians what real Christians are like, please, try being a Christian. Live the life of a Christian. You have no room to judge, sitting on the outside.
In all honesty the title should have read this is what I want a christian to look like. Message? If they don't look / sound like this I won't accept them as a Christian. Toss out the bible, we'll choose the verses we like, ignore the rest and the world can go along to get along or else.

Sorry. I do not play that game. The bible doesn't need an opinion. It is what it is. The truth.

Exactly. State control of religion. it's what progressives are all about.

As opposed to your Religion controlled state....interesting, that's what you're all about.
Nobody is trying to punish you. Just pointing out your hypocrisy. Jesus is the one that you have to answer to, and won't you be surprised!:eek: You really don't exhibit much faith, but keep patting yourself on the back while you dishonor His name.

Funny thing....anything you say to me, is bounced off Jesus....so I could care less what you call me. I just like pointing out the fact that you think that being against abortion and hating homosexuals is all there is to being a Christian, and you can just disregard the rest of his teachings. Pity you....:eusa_pray:

James 1:26 ESV

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Good fucking thing I don't claim I am religious, isn't it, asshole?

It's not like we can't tell. You're also not very human, either.

This is an example of you not insulting other people, right?

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