What REAL Christians look like

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Are you know claiming you have never directed comments in my direction regarding how little I exemplify Christ? Because I would put that down as another fucking lie from you, which would make at least two in this thread alone.

Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

Jerry, I think all of us have some or all of the fruits in our lives at one time or another, although we all have moments of weakness. Bruce is just one of those angry people with an inferiority complex.

And we forgive him for that!
Are you know claiming you have never directed comments in my direction regarding how little I exemplify Christ? Because I would put that down as another fucking lie from you, which would make at least two in this thread alone.

Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

I really don't know what Bruce believes but THAT is the definition of all religions - an interpretation of what god is.

IF that is what he does or has done, who is to say his interpretation and/or his religion is any more or less valid than anyone elses?

Well you appear to think you are, given the fact that you think you're the one who knows what a REAL christian looks like...per the OP...

But I forgive you for being stupid.
Haven't you continuously judged me? Quite colorfully?
You really aren't good at this.
No, I called you a lying scumbag Sadducee. Sadducees were the lawyers of atheists of Jesus day who used Scripture to judge others, just like you are doing in this thread. Unless you are now claiming you aren't an atheist.

I have never claimed to be an atheist.
You REALLY aren't very good at this.

Actually he just made the point that you were acting as a Sadducee, Bruce. Quite well, in fact. Pointing out a flaw in behavior is not a personal attack although I get it that you perceive any negative feedback to be such.
Are you know claiming you have never directed comments in my direction regarding how little I exemplify Christ? Because I would put that down as another fucking lie from you, which would make at least two in this thread alone.

Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

Jerry, I think all of us have some or all of the fruits in our lives at one time or another, although we all have moments of weakness. Bruce is just one of those angry people with an inferiority complex.

More playground psychology in lieu of argument.
You should have quit when you said you were going to.
Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

I really don't know what Bruce believes but THAT is the definition of all religions - an interpretation of what god is.

IF that is what he does or has done, who is to say his interpretation and/or his religion is any more or less valid than anyone elses?

Well you appear to think you are, given the fact that you think you're the one who knows what a REAL christian looks like...per the OP...

But I forgive you for being stupid.

Is scripture stupid?
All the suggestions of what it means to be a Christian have been supported with relevant scriptural citations.
No, I called you a lying scumbag Sadducee. Sadducees were the lawyers of atheists of Jesus day who used Scripture to judge others, just like you are doing in this thread. Unless you are now claiming you aren't an atheist.

I have never claimed to be an atheist.
You REALLY aren't very good at this.

Actually he just made the point that you were acting as a Sadducee, Bruce. Quite well, in fact. Pointing out a flaw in behavior is not a personal attack although I get it that you perceive any negative feedback to be such.

How can you edit out "lying scumbag" and expect to be taken seriously? No personal attack?
Your credibility just got flushed!
Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

I really don't know what Bruce believes but THAT is the definition of all religions - an interpretation of what god is.

IF that is what he does or has done, who is to say his interpretation and/or his religion is any more or less valid than anyone elses?

Well you appear to think you are, given the fact that you think you're the one who knows what a REAL christian looks like...per the OP...

But I forgive you for being stupid.

I don't forgive you for saying progressives are pedophiles.

You owe a lot of innocent decent people apologies but of course, you're too much of a hypocrite to admit you're wrong.
In all honesty the title should have read this is what I want a christian to look like. Message? If they don't look / sound like this I won't accept them as a Christian. Toss out the bible, we'll choose the verses we like, ignore the rest and the world can go along to get along or else.

Sorry. I do not play that game. The bible doesn't need an opinion. It is what it is. The truth.
Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

Jerry, I think all of us have some or all of the fruits in our lives at one time or another, although we all have moments of weakness. Bruce is just one of those angry people with an inferiority complex.

And we forgive him for that!

I have never claimed to be an atheist.
You REALLY aren't very good at this.

Actually he just made the point that you were acting as a Sadducee, Bruce. Quite well, in fact. Pointing out a flaw in behavior is not a personal attack although I get it that you perceive any negative feedback to be such.

How can you edit out "lying scumbag" and expect to be taken seriously? No personal attack?
Your credibility just got flushed!

Bruce, I am referring to your being outraged at my asking you where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is in your own life. Your indignation is nothing more than misplaced pride. Your failure to answer the question doesn't grant you to be taken seriously. You basically have opted out on the truth here instead..... calling out faults of others. Nothing else to discuss.

- Jeri
Contemplatives live a life of prayer. A lot of people think prayer is the most powerful service there is. To call them "selfish" is idiotic, but then, we don't get a lot of theological geniuses here.
You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

Care to point out where I ever claimed to be a model fucking Christan, asshole? Having actually read the Bible, and understood it, I know it is entirely possible to believe yourself a follower of Jesus, and to even be able to work fucking miracles, and still end up not in heaven, so I don't claim to be a Christian, I just assert a belief in God, and then go about my life the way that seems best to me, which includes not judging other people based on what they claim to believe. That last part alone puts me an entire order of magnitude closer to God that you have ever been.

Indeed it does. :thup:

God gave them over.....Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient
In all honesty the title should have read this is what I want a christian to look like. Message? If they don't look / sound like this I won't accept them as a Christian. Toss out the bible, we'll choose the verses we like, ignore the rest and the world can go along to get along or else.

Sorry. I do not play that game. The bible doesn't need an opinion. It is what it is. The truth.

Exactly. State control of religion. it's what progressives are all about.
Actually he just made the point that you were acting as a Sadducee, Bruce. Quite well, in fact. Pointing out a flaw in behavior is not a personal attack although I get it that you perceive any negative feedback to be such.

How can you edit out "lying scumbag" and expect to be taken seriously? No personal attack?
Your credibility just got flushed!

Bruce, I am referring to your being outraged at my asking you where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is in your own life. Your indignation is nothing more than misplaced pride. Your failure to answer the question doesn't grant you to be taken seriously. You basically have opted out on the truth here instead..... calling out faults of others. Nothing else to discuss.

- Jeri

I have repeatedly answered that question.
Your giving cretins a free pass is nothing but bald hypocrisy. Pretending that vulgar personal insults simply don't count.
Your credibility is gone.
Save the soft soap for suckers.
You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

Care to point out where I ever claimed to be a model fucking Christan, asshole? Having actually read the Bible, and understood it, I know it is entirely possible to believe yourself a follower of Jesus, and to even be able to work fucking miracles, and still end up not in heaven, so I don't claim to be a Christian, I just assert a belief in God, and then go about my life the way that seems best to me, which includes not judging other people based on what they claim to believe. That last part alone puts me an entire order of magnitude closer to God that you have ever been.

Indeed it does. :thup:

God gave them over.....Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

I know Quantum knows the Lord. I have read things he's written that left me with no doubt it was the wisdom of God speaking through him. If I had a serious problem he is one person I would expect would give a right answer.
Care to point out where I ever claimed to be a model fucking Christan, asshole? Having actually read the Bible, and understood it, I know it is entirely possible to believe yourself a follower of Jesus, and to even be able to work fucking miracles, and still end up not in heaven, so I don't claim to be a Christian, I just assert a belief in God, and then go about my life the way that seems best to me, which includes not judging other people based on what they claim to believe. That last part alone puts me an entire order of magnitude closer to God that you have ever been.

Indeed it does. :thup:

God gave them over.....Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

I know Quantum knows the Lord. I have read things he's written that left me with no doubt it was the wisdom of God speaking through him. If I had a serious problem he is one person I would expect would give a right answer.

In spite of his open rejection of Christianity?
His words!
Big of you.
I bridle my tongue all the time.
Wow, you mean it could be worse? We've only seen the "bridled" side of you?

Again. Stop preaching, scum. You cretins think professions of faith belong only in the church...unless you're the ones blathering.

People who talk like you reside in the gutter, not in church, you give religion a bad name.
How can you edit out "lying scumbag" and expect to be taken seriously? No personal attack?
Your credibility just got flushed!

Bruce, I am referring to your being outraged at my asking you where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is in your own life. Your indignation is nothing more than misplaced pride. Your failure to answer the question doesn't grant you to be taken seriously. You basically have opted out on the truth here instead..... calling out faults of others. Nothing else to discuss.

- Jeri

I have repeatedly answered that question.
Your giving cretins a free pass is nothing but bald hypocrisy. Pretending that vulgar personal insults simply don't count.
Your credibility is gone.
Save the soft soap for suckers.

Oh please, Bruce. Too late in the evening for such drama. My credibility does not rise or fall on account of your say so. You are taking this message board dialogue far too seriously. Quantum made his point, you dodged twice, I'm telling you the truth - he was telling you the truth - there is wisdom in many counselors.

Save the drama for daytime hours. I'm more awake then.. thanks... :eusa_angel:
Bruce, I am referring to your being outraged at my asking you where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is in your own life. Your indignation is nothing more than misplaced pride. Your failure to answer the question doesn't grant you to be taken seriously. You basically have opted out on the truth here instead..... calling out faults of others. Nothing else to discuss.

- Jeri

I have repeatedly answered that question.
Your giving cretins a free pass is nothing but bald hypocrisy. Pretending that vulgar personal insults simply don't count.
Your credibility is gone.
Save the soft soap for suckers.

Oh please, Bruce. Too late in the evening for such drama. My credibility does not rise or fall on account of your say so. You are taking this message board dialogue far too seriously. Quantum made his point, you dodged twice, I'm telling you the truth - he was telling you the truth - there is wisdom in many counselors.

Save the drama for daytime hours. I'm more awake then.. thanks... :eusa_angel:

Your credibility rises and falls on your posts.
It fell.
Yes, because that is what Jesus taught us, right? Jesus said, when someone treats you bad, you treat them bad right back, and if they say something you don't agree with, you go ahead and treat them bad. Call them scum, loons, libtards, moonbats, etc., because that is what a Christian is supposed to do. I get you, loud and clear.

Look at the title of the thread, then go back over your posts and see how you match up.

Jesus wasn't above telling liars and hypocrites off. Ask the Pharisees. It's simple: act like a lady/gentleman and you won't have any trouble from us.
You're not Jesus. And you must have a different Bible that teaches other than what Jesus taught. You are not supposed to treat someone bad just because they treat you bad, however, you are name-calling and insulting people that are not doing that to you, so how does that square with your own claim that if someone acts like a lady/gentleman they won't have any trouble? You're not even able to stay true to your own words.

If you can dispute what they are saying, do it, you don't have to resort to name-calling, only those that can't defend their stance do that.
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