What REAL Christians look like

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I wonder how many of these people go into a church and pick fights with the minister, go to functions where Christians are, go to parties and start arguments, or act like jackasses in real life. The answer is none, because they know if they did they'd get shown the door or otherwise get knocked on their asses.

They are just so small and impotent they can't make themselves feel powerful any other way but to come here and start trouble. I've had it, they're too nuts for me.

I actually have these discussions with pastors all the time. Pastors talk about the hypocrisy of their congregations a lot.
Pastors aren't as thin skinned as you are, as they know these are legitimate issues they have to cope with in their work. There is a constant push/pull as to how far to push congregants in what is actually expected of them by scripture. Push to hard and you get empty pews, pull back to much and you have an empty faith.
Total paranoid fantasy.
Point out a post where Luddly is trying to make your theological foolishness illegal.
Quote him.

You must not read much, or you are a lying scumbag asshole. Personally, I vote for the latter.

A vote won't prove a thing.
Quoting him would, but none of you liars seem to be able to do that.
Can you?

Are you 100% sure I cannot quote him wanting to make any sort of "theological foolishness" illegal? After all,. I have been arguing with the moron for almost 3 years now, while you have only been on this board for a few weeks. If I can find a single example of him advocating in favor of using the law to restrict religious practices in any way, shape, or form, will you admit you are a stupid fuckwad and leave the board? Because, I can fucking guarantee you, I can find plenty of examples of religious beliefs and practices he thinks should be illegal.

Go ahead, bet me that I can't come up with even one.

You really can't get past the fact that you are a stupid fucking asshole, can you?

God uses people in different ways. Calling someone who obeys God selfish is as ignorant as claiming that a fireman who dies saving a child is suicidal.

On the other hand, that level of ignorance helps explain why you think Christianity advocates socialism.
Contemplatives live a life of prayer. A lot of people think prayer is the most powerful service there is. To call them "selfish" is idiotic, but then, we don't get a lot of theological geniuses here.
You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

Care to point out where I ever claimed to be a model fucking Christan, asshole? Having actually read the Bible, and understood it, I know it is entirely possible to believe yourself a follower of Jesus, and to even be able to work fucking miracles, and still end up not in heaven, so I don't claim to be a Christian, I just assert a belief in God, and then go about my life the way that seems best to me, which includes not judging other people based on what they claim to believe. That last part alone puts me an entire order of magnitude closer to God that you have ever been.
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:lol: Never fails....all that most conservatives can do is go vitriolic and call names because they can't even act civil in a debate. And then you are trying to proclaim Christianity. That is hilarious. Calling people nutwads, loons, libtards, and dumb, just makes you and Clement a perfect example of who should not proclaim to be Christians.

We're lucky that progressive scum still don't have the power to punish us for not adhering to their idea of what our faith should be then, aren't we?

Eat glass. You people are scum and we are past feeling obligated to spare your feelings. You're a menace, a threat, and we are fed up with trying to accomodate your perverted sense of how people should live and worship

It isn't what we say.
It is what your scriptures say.
Forgive 7x70 times.
Let the Fruits guide your behavior.
Or don't.
But don't blame those that know what is expected of you, or notice how unconcerned you are about abiding by it.

They aren't my Scriptures, but thanks for playing.
The premise of Christianity is that each man chooses to surrender.


In the name of God, personally, and to God...not the state. Christ flogged the money changers, remember.

Christ never touched the money changers.
Read it again.
If you can cite the verse, do it.
Otherwise, retract and apologize to your god.

Define touch.

Mathew 21:12 and Mark 11:15 uses the verb ekballō, which is translated as cast out, which implies the use of force. They also use the verb katastrephō, and I bet even you can figure out what English word we derive from that. Sounds like a peaceful protest to me.

Then we have John 2:15, which clearly says he made a scourge of small ropes and drove them out of the temple. But, by all means, keep pretending you were a minister at some point in your life filled with pathetic lies.

Do you think when demons are "cast out" this is a physical forced removal?
You underestimate the force of his will and want to make him a street bully instead.
The best scriptural description of what a true Christian should look like to the world is written by Paul in his letter to the Galatians.
The Fruits of the Spirit describe the nature of one truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Apply these traits to your favorite self-professed Christians on these boards and you will find a fundamental disconnect.
Mention the dissonance to a believer and you will find the disconnect becomes even more dramatic as they lash out with vitriol and frequently vulgarity and never see the irony in their response.
This has been true 100% of the times I have done it. I have never gotten an admission that this teaching is simply rejected. I hear how people are imperfect and fail, and then the poster moves forward with zero effort to change their posting persona, continuing to be crude, mean and dismissive.
100% of the time.
Sometimes the finger gets pointed back at me, as if that somehow excuses them, when it is their scripture they are failing, not mine.
We know what a Christian is supposed to look like.
The real question is why they so frequently don't.

The Irish Ram is a good example of what a real Christian acts like. She frequently posts in this section on religion and ethics. She never fails to lift my spirits, and I am kind of an agnostic. I struggle with faith.
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I actually have these discussions with pastors all the time. Pastors talk about the hypocrisy of their congregations a lot.

No they don't, a pastor is not about to discuss his congregation with you. You are lying again.

Pastors aren't as thin skinned as you are, as they know these are legitimate issues they have to cope with in their work.

I would probably just walk away from you in real life.

There is a constant push/pull as to how far to push congregants in what is actually expected of them by scripture. Push to hard and you get empty pews, pull back to much and you have an empty faith.

I don't worry about one or the other. If you had been a minister, you'd know that God brings the people in, and God keeps you in your faith.
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You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

I do not see that but where is the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Long Suffering, hardly noticing when others get it wrong? Sound familiar? You are like the morality police here, Bruce. Who appointed you? The accuser of the brethren. That's who.

Hmmm, I have those fruits too, Jeri. :) Granted I do notice when others get it wrong but I try not to rub their noses in it unless they ask me too! :D


That explains why you have never put anyone on ignore simply because they fucking annoy you.

Wait, you have done that, I am the one that refuses to let people annoy me so much that I have to ignore them to find peace.

Everyone please quote this so the hypocrite cannot miss it.
Would your 10 year old have the intellectual courage to support their argument with what should be a very easily cited quotation?
If so go get him.
Daddy is humiliating himself.

Oh, you mean like I already did? As I said, you ignore the truth and you lie.Yes my 10 year old son would pwn you, but as his MOTHER I feel obligated to protect him from the perverts (who oddly, are also progressive) who haunt these forums.

Where is the cited quote? I can't find it.
Happy Mother's Day!

Anytime she gets caught in her lies, she accuses other posters of being pedophiles. Its her usual MO.
The best scriptural description of what a true Christian should look like to the world is written by Paul in his letter to the Galatians.
The Fruits of the Spirit describe the nature of one truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Apply these traits to your favorite self-professed Christians on these boards and you will find a fundamental disconnect.
Mention the dissonance to a believer and you will find the disconnect becomes even more dramatic as they lash out with vitriol and frequently vulgarity and never see the irony in their response.
This has been true 100% of the times I have done it. I have never gotten an admission that this teaching is simply rejected. I hear how people are imperfect and fail, and then the poster moves forward with zero effort to change their posting persona, continuing to be crude, mean and dismissive.
100% of the time.
Sometimes the finger gets pointed back at me, as if that somehow excuses them, when it is their scripture they are failing, not mine.
We know what a Christian is supposed to look like.
The real question is why they so frequently don't.

The Irish Ram is a good example of what a real Christian acts like. She posts in the relgion section. She never fails to lift my spirits, and I am kind of an agnostic. I struggle with faith.

The girl has patience, I'll give you that. More than I do.
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You must not read much, or you are a lying scumbag asshole. Personally, I vote for the latter.

A vote won't prove a thing.
Quoting him would, but none of you liars seem to be able to do that.
Can you?

Are you 100% sure I cannot quote him wanting to make any sort of "theological foolishness" illegal? After all,. I have been arguing with the moron for almost 3 years now, while you have only been on this board for a few weeks. If I can find a single example of him advocating in favor of using the law to restrict religious practices in any way, shape, or form, will you admit you are a stupid fuckwad and leave the board? Because, I can fucking guarantee you, I can find plenty of examples of religious beliefs and practices he thinks should be illegal.

Go ahead, bet me that I can't come up with even one.


Then do it.
I won't go anywhere though.
I just want you to be an adult and defend your wild accusations.
:lol: Never fails....all that most conservatives can do is go vitriolic and call names because they can't even act civil in a debate. And then you are trying to proclaim Christianity. That is hilarious. Calling people nutwads, loons, libtards, and dumb, just makes you and Clement a perfect example of who should not proclaim to be Christians.

We're lucky that progressive scum still don't have the power to punish us for not adhering to their idea of what our faith should be then, aren't we?
Nobody is trying to punish you. Just pointing out your hypocrisy. Jesus is the one that you have to answer to, and won't you be surprised!:eek: You really don't exhibit much faith, but keep patting yourself on the back while you dishonor His name.

Eat glass. You people are scum and we are past feeling obligated to spare your feelings. You're a menace, a threat, and we are fed up with trying to accomodate your perverted sense of how people should live and worship
Funny thing....anything you say to me, is bounced off Jesus....so I could care less what you call me. I just like pointing out the fact that you think that being against abortion and hating homosexuals is all there is to being a Christian, and you can just disregard the rest of his teachings. Pity you....:eusa_pray:

James 1:26 ESV

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Good fucking thing I don't claim I am religious, isn't it, asshole?
Oh that's just the beginning of it.

It's not just about identifying non-progressive christians as *fake*. It's about telling them not to preach..which is in and of itself...PREACHING. Apparently only progressive Christians should be allowed to speak out on religious topics.

Except no one has said anything remotely like that except you!
I am a smart ass fuckwad, that doesn't change the fact that you are a lying sack of shit scumbag Sadducee, does it?

What was the lie?

Are you telling me that you have never told a lie? Please make that claim s I can laugh at you because everyone lies.

The specific one I was thinking of in this post is your lie that Jeremiah was using Scriptures to make a political point.

Cite it. Step up, big boy.
If everyone that lies is a Sadducees, and everyone lies, are you then a Sadducees?
You aren't very good at this.
I would suggest you read the book of Acts before you try to tell us what the church "advocates". I have heard that mindless meme of yours too many times.

The rest of your response derives from your lack of education on either subject.

The book of Acts advocates socialism. Your inability to admit to the facts clearly stated in your own bible says volumes. You are incapable of admitting that it does advocate socialism because then you would have to admit to supporting socialism. You egregiously conflate socialism with communism and that is why you have this kneejerk response.

Isn't the most basic dichotomy of "christianity"?

Jesus was a liberal socialist. He believed in helping your fellow man, taking care of each other. He didn't care about wealth and in fact, used a whip to throw out the money changers. He said you can't simultaneously serve god and money but most rw's serve money first and god is way down the list.

If there was/is a god, jesus, christ, he would be horrified at those who say they follow him because its exactly the opposite. We read the hatred here every day - hatred for the poor, for children, for the elderly, disabled, our vets and their families. A lot of the "christians" here hate those people and would cheerfully let them starve on the streets.

This is what I'm talking about when I say "fake christians".

The basic dichotomy of Christianity is that a bunch of morons don't know the difference between socialism and communism? Isn't that more indicative of a lack of education than anything else?

You are so misinformed about what being a Christian is that anyone that looks fake to you must be doing something right.
Contemplatives live a life of prayer. A lot of people think prayer is the most powerful service there is. To call them "selfish" is idiotic, but then, we don't get a lot of theological geniuses here.
You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

Care to point out where I ever claimed to be a model fucking Christan, asshole? Having actually read the Bible, and understood it, I know it is entirely possible to believe yourself a follower of Jesus, and to even be able to work fucking miracles, and still end up not in heaven, so I don't claim to be a Christin, I just assert a belief in God, and then go about my life the ay that seems best to me, which includes not judging other people based on what they claim to believe. That last part alone puts me an entire order of magnitude closer to God that you have ever been.

Haven't you continuously judged me? Quite colorfully?
You really aren't good at this.
More tortured avoidance.
It is like a Pavlov experiment.
Mention the Fruits to a professed Christian and it is like pouring salt on a snail.
You attack me, not the argument. You first say that the Fruits are something that will happen to you, rather than a reflection of your relationship to god. You pretend I don't understand the verse. You denigrate Paul as a lesser scriptural voice. Then you seek to change the topic to avoid it.
All without this ever being directed at you.

Funny how you haven't actually dealt with anything I said to you. Is there a reason for that, other than the fact that I proved you were a lying sack of shit?

But I did.
I asked you to cite the lie.
Have you?

As a matter of fact I did. Don't worry, you will miss it.
And we know who that is, don't we? You should explain in to Brucie, he has little to no religious education.


I do forgive you.

But I don't have to tolerate your rhetoric, or support your depravity. I don't have to fail to notice that you're lying, disgusting, and a threat to all humanity. I can forgive you and still decry your behavior.

So don't worry, I forgive you. That doesn't mean I will stand by and do nothing while you trample human rights.

PS...I don't answer to you. You loons expend a lot of energy on message boards telling Christians how they're supposed to tow the progressive line. It means nothing to us. We don't answer to you.

And that makes you crazy. As this thread proves. Over and over again.

What is really amazing, and I never get tired of watching...is that as you're preaching about *proper* christian behavior and belief, you're criticizing us for preaching to YOU.

I never get tired of it. Which is good, because it happens continually.
So Clement thinks I am Satan's spawn...

No, I think you're just another message board jerk with an exaggerated opinion of himself who was probably bullied as a child.

Another staple of the argumentatively impaired.
Inventing a personal insulting history for the adversary that is completely humiliating you.
Scripture calls it false witness.
What do you call it?
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