What REAL Christians look like

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You really can't get past the fact that you are a stupid fucking asshole, can you?

God uses people in different ways. Calling someone who obeys God selfish is as ignorant as claiming that a fireman who dies saving a child is suicidal.

On the other hand, that level of ignorance helps explain why you think Christianity advocates socialism.
Contemplatives live a life of prayer. A lot of people think prayer is the most powerful service there is. To call them "selfish" is idiotic, but then, we don't get a lot of theological geniuses here.
You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

I do not see that but where is the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Long Suffering, hardly noticing when others get it wrong? Sound familiar? You are like the morality police here, Bruce. Who appointed you? The accuser of the brethren. That's who.
Which proves how undisciplined a thinker, and how stupid you really are.

I didn't refer just to you. And I admit no such thing. You loons blatantly lie and post crap threads like this, pretending to be serious...but it's just a ploy to engage your opponents in meaningless and time consuming searches...and when all the material is presented (as it always is) and you are made to look a fool, you just change the subject.

It's like dealing with children. I wish just one of you was my intellectual equal. As it is, I could put my 10 year old on this garbage, if I wasn't afraid for his safety online, and HE'D route your ass.

Would your 10 year old have the intellectual courage to support their argument with what should be a very easily cited quotation?
If so go get him.
Daddy is humiliating himself.

Oh, you mean like I already did? As I said, you ignore the truth and you lie.Yes my 10 year old son would pwn you, but as his MOTHER I feel obligated to protect him from the perverts (who oddly, are also progressive) who haunt these forums.
How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


:lol: Never fails....all that most conservatives can do is go vitriolic and call names because they can't even act civil in a debate. And then you are trying to proclaim Christianity. That is hilarious. Calling people nutwads, loons, libtards, and dumb, just makes you and Clement a perfect example of who should not proclaim to be Christians.

We're lucky that progressive scum still don't have the power to punish us for not adhering to their idea of what our faith should be then, aren't we?

Eat glass. You people are scum and we are past feeling obligated to spare your feelings. You're a menace, a threat, and we are fed up with trying to accomodate your perverted sense of how people should live and worship

It isn't what we say.
It is what your scriptures say.
Forgive 7x70 times.
Let the Fruits guide your behavior.
Or don't.
But don't blame those that know what is expected of you, or notice how unconcerned you are about abiding by it.
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Contemplatives live a life of prayer. A lot of people think prayer is the most powerful service there is. To call them "selfish" is idiotic, but then, we don't get a lot of theological geniuses here.
You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

I do not see that but where is the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Long Suffering, hardly noticing when others get it wrong? Sound familiar? You are like the morality police here, Bruce. Who appointed you? The accuser of the brethren. That's who.

And we know who that is, don't we? You should explain in to Brucie, he has little to no religious education.
I said people immediately point the finger at me as if that excuses the rejection of the Fruits by them when these are their scriptures, not mine.
You fell right in line.
Perfect 100% record, and I didn't even direct this at you.
You volunteered to be my exemplar.

I don't reject the fruits of the Spirit, I just haven't reached that level of beatification. Neither have you, so I don't know where you get off judging me. I don't even think you understand what Paul was talking about. You don't understand much else about the faith.

Of all the Jewish laws and all the commands of Jesus, you have to pick something from Paul, which I thought was a little odd. If you want to quote Paul, why don't we talk about what Paul said about homosexuality? You wouldn't like that at all, would you? Is this just more cherry picking?

More tortured avoidance.
It is like a Pavlov experiment.
Mention the Fruits to a professed Christian and it is like pouring salt on a snail.
You attack me, not the argument. You first say that the Fruits are something that will happen to you, rather than a reflection of your relationship to god. You pretend I don't understand the verse. You denigrate Paul as a lesser scriptural voice. Then you seek to change the topic to avoid it.
All without this ever being directed at you.

Quit whining, Brucie, nobody "attacked" you. I am just sick of your dishonesty, and so is everybody else. I asked you a question, why don't you answer it?

So give me your Baghdad Bob answer: "I win - there are no Americans in Baghdad!
Contemplatives live a life of prayer. A lot of people think prayer is the most powerful service there is. To call them "selfish" is idiotic, but then, we don't get a lot of theological geniuses here.
You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

I do not see that but where is the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Long Suffering, hardly noticing when others get it wrong? Sound familiar? You are like the morality police here, Bruce. Who appointed you? The accuser of the brethren. That's who.

Hmmm, I have those fruits too, Jeri. :) Granted I do notice when others get it wrong but I try not to rub their noses in it unless they ask me too! :D

:lol: Never fails....all that most conservatives can do is go vitriolic and call names because they can't even act civil in a debate. And then you are trying to proclaim Christianity. That is hilarious. Calling people nutwads, loons, libtards, and dumb, just makes you and Clement a perfect example of who should not proclaim to be Christians.

We're lucky that progressive scum still don't have the power to punish us for not adhering to their idea of what our faith should be then, aren't we?

Eat glass. You people are scum and we are past feeling obligated to spare your feelings. You're a menace, a threat, and we are fed up with trying to accomodate your perverted sense of how people should live and worship

It isn't what we say.
It is what your scriptures say.
Forgive 7x70 times.
Let the Frits guide your behavior.
Or don't.
But don't blame those that know what is expected of you, or notice how unconcerned you are about abiding by it.


I do forgive you.

But I don't have to tolerate your rhetoric, or support your depravity. I don't have to fail to notice that you're lying, disgusting, and a threat to all humanity. I can forgive you and still decry your behavior.

So don't worry, I forgive you. That doesn't mean I will stand by and do nothing while you trample human rights.

PS...I don't answer to you. You loons expend a lot of energy on message boards telling Christians how they're supposed to tow the progressive line. It means nothing to us. We don't answer to you.

And that makes you crazy. As this thread proves. Over and over again.

What is really amazing, and I never get tired of watching...is that as you're preaching about *proper* christian behavior and belief, you're criticizing us for preaching to YOU.

I never get tired of it. Which is good, because it happens continually.
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You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

I do not see that but where is the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Long Suffering, hardly noticing when others get it wrong? Sound familiar? You are like the morality police here, Bruce. Who appointed you? The accuser of the brethren. That's who.

And we know who that is, don't we? You should explain in to Brucie, he has little to no religious education.

If we saw eternity we would all stop at once.

Imagine eternity being like the ocean in an hour glass that lets out one drop of water at a time. If one was to empty all the oceans of the world through that hour glass it would not scratch the surface of eternity. That is how vast, how long, how wide eternity is.. we will all spend it in one of two places.

The time we have here is like a vapor. The world around us - this world we base our "reality" off of is an illusion - behind govt doors corruption is far beyond our knowledge, nations are rising against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms and mens souls are at stake.

We can try to rescue them. Or we can argue with them. It is a choice that will determine whether our own work is going to stand or fall. I have no desire to be "right" - to win any arguement - the arguement has already been won at the cross. Believe it or don't believe it. It's a finished work and the only salvation we have available to us. This isn't a multiple choice question. It's yes or no. Very simple.
You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.

I do not see that but where is the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Long Suffering, hardly noticing when others get it wrong? Sound familiar? You are like the morality police here, Bruce. Who appointed you? The accuser of the brethren. That's who.

Hmmm, I have those fruits too, Jeri. :) Granted I do notice when others get it wrong but I try not to rub their noses in it unless they ask me too! :D


Yes, some folks do ask for the truth without realizing they are asking for it. It's quite amazing when that happens. I believe you are a very loving person, Derideo, and try to believe the best in everyone. That is what I've seen of you. I believe the same thing about Quantum Windbag.
IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

I'm currently in the "Pope is a Commie" thread dealing with conservatards who think the Catholic Church is communist. And frankly, I don't think this statement is much better.

I don't always agree with Avatar, but I have no doubt about his faith and motives. Even GISMYS, who is about as annoying as anyone on the board, is genuine about his faith.

I think calling out others for not being "real Christians" is diminishing. I don't see any difference between that and Sarah Palin referencing "real Americans."
I believe we should seek to be at peace with all men. That doesn't mean we cannot have an honest discussion and speak truth. if it disagrees with the reader they have time to think it over and there may be a change of heart. Either way if someone is reading what you write they are listening on some level. Nothing is lost.
IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

I'm currently in the "Pope is a Commie" thread dealing with conservatards who think the Catholic Church is communist. And frankly, I don't think this statement is much better.

I don't always agree with Avatar, but I have no doubt about his faith and motives. Even GISMYS, who is about as annoying as anyone on the board, is genuine about his faith.

I think calling out others for not being "real Christians" is diminishing. I don't see any difference between that and Sarah Palin referencing "real Americans."

How confusing. DT maintains that Christ advised us to be socialist..
Oh that's just the beginning of it.

It's not just about identifying non-progressive christians as *fake*. It's about telling them not to preach..which is in and of itself...PREACHING. Apparently only progressive Christians should be allowed to speak out on religious topics.
How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


:lol: Never fails....all that most conservatives can do is go vitriolic and call names because they can't even act civil in a debate. And then you are trying to proclaim Christianity. That is hilarious. Calling people nutwads, loons, libtards, and dumb, just makes you and Clement a perfect example of who should not proclaim to be Christians.

I am going to listen to YOUR advice on Christian living? It's really simple - if you come in here and act like a jackass you're going to get treated like one. Act like a lady or a gentleman and you'll get treated like one of those.
How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


:lol: Never fails....all that most conservatives can do is go vitriolic and call names because they can't even act civil in a debate. And then you are trying to proclaim Christianity. That is hilarious. Calling people nutwads, loons, libtards, and dumb, just makes you and Clement a perfect example of who should not proclaim to be Christians.

We're lucky that progressive scum still don't have the power to punish us for not adhering to their idea of what our faith should be then, aren't we?
Nobody is trying to punish you. Just pointing out your hypocrisy. Jesus is the one that you have to answer to, and won't you be surprised!:eek: You really don't exhibit much faith, but keep patting yourself on the back while you dishonor His name.

Eat glass. You people are scum and we are past feeling obligated to spare your feelings. You're a menace, a threat, and we are fed up with trying to accomodate your perverted sense of how people should live and worship

Funny thing....anything you say to me, is bounced off Jesus....so I could care less what you call me. I just like pointing out the fact that you think that being against abortion and hating homosexuals is all there is to being a Christian, and you can just disregard the rest of his teachings. Pity you....:eusa_pray:

James 1:26 ESV

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.
I bridle my tongue all the time.

Again. Stop preaching, scum. You cretins think professions of faith belong only in the church...unless you're the ones blathering.
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I wonder how many of these people go into a church and pick fights with the minister, go to functions where Christians are, go to parties and start arguments, or act like jackasses in real life. The answer is none, because they know if they did they'd get shown the door or otherwise get knocked on their asses.

They are just so small and impotent they can't make themselves feel powerful any other way but to come here and start trouble. I've had it, they're too nuts for me.
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