What REAL Christians look like

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I remain flabbergasted that this thread remains in this forum.

It's like they're finally embracing the bias.

I wish they would admit it in the rules, though, so those of us who keep hoping for this place to live up to the rules it has established will know there's no longer any hope.
And the group who is here claiming that Christianity embraces socialism also screeched that Bundy should have been shot for daring to confront state tyranny....and jeered at him for his faith.
I don't need to cross-post. Being a dishonest hack, you (and luds) would just claim that it doesn't prove anything or carry on as if you never saw it. The people I care about know it's true. The rest...meh, you're just...well, dishonest hacks.
I don't need to cross-post. Being a dishonest hack, you (and luds) would just claim that it doesn't prove anything or carry on as if you never saw it. The people I care about know it's true. The rest...meh, you're just...well, dishonest hacks.

Since I am the primary one making the socialism case and you cannot provide a single link backing up your allegation against me about Bundy I am going to take that as your admission of being wrong even if you cannot bring yourself to admit as much.
Which proves how undisciplined a thinker, and how stupid you really are.

I didn't refer just to you. And I admit no such thing. You loons blatantly lie and post crap threads like this, pretending to be serious...but it's just a ploy to engage your opponents in meaningless and time consuming searches...and when all the material is presented (as it always is) and you are made to look a fool, you just change the subject.

It's like dealing with children. I wish just one of you was my intellectual equal. As it is, I could put my 10 year old on this garbage, if I wasn't afraid for his safety online, and HE'D route your ass.
Nope, just trying to educate you, Brucie, since you obviously learned nothing in seminary.
I said people immediately point the finger at me as if that excuses the rejection of the Fruits by them when these are their scriptures, not mine.
You fell right in line.
Perfect 100% record, and I didn't even direct this at you.
You volunteered to be my exemplar.

I don't reject the fruits of the Spirit, I just haven't reached that level of beatification. Neither have you, so I don't know where you get off judging me. I don't even think you understand what Paul was talking about. You don't understand much else about the faith.

Of all the Jewish laws and all the commands of Jesus, you have to pick something from Paul, which I thought was a little odd. If you want to quote Paul, why don't we talk about what Paul said about homosexuality? You wouldn't like that at all, would you? Is this just more cherry picking?

More tortured avoidance.
It is like a Pavlov experiment.
Mention the Fruits to a professed Christian and it is like pouring salt on a snail.
You attack me, not the argument. You first say that the Fruits are something that will happen to you, rather than a reflection of your relationship to god. You pretend I don't understand the verse. You denigrate Paul as a lesser scriptural voice. Then you seek to change the topic to avoid it.
All without this ever being directed at you.
Which proves how undisciplined a thinker, and how stupid you really are.

I didn't refer just to you. And I admit no such thing. You loons blatantly lie and post crap threads like this, pretending to be serious...but it's just a ploy to engage your opponents in meaningless and time consuming searches...and when all the material is presented (as it always is) and you are made to look a fool, you just change the subject.

It's like dealing with children. I wish just one of you was my intellectual equal. As it is, I could put my 10 year old on this garbage, if I wasn't afraid for his safety online, and HE'D route your ass.

If you check the thread you will find that I was the only person to provide any substance in the form of direct quotations from the books of Acts. Neither you nor anyone else was able to refute that they were advocating socialism. Instead the responses ranged from baseless allegations about not having read the book of Acts to outright ludicrous hyperbole about taxation being theft by the government.

You then made a baseless allegation that those who were posting about the Bible's advocacy of socialism, namely myself, had "screeched that Bundy should have been shot". When challenged to prove that you accused me of dishonesty followed by a further allegation of stupidity.

The thread speaks for itself. No one has refuted anything that I have posted and none of the allegations against me have been substantiated either.

Instead I have made a point of sticking to the OP and pointing out how the socialism in the book of Acts is in full accordance with the actions of the Sisters themselves.

Now this is where you neg rep me because you cannot refute anything that I have just posted. :badgrin:
The premise of Christianity is that each man chooses to surrender.


In the name of God, personally, and to God...not the state. Christ flogged the money changers, remember.

Christ never touched the money changers.
Read it again.
If you can cite the verse, do it.
Otherwise, retract and apologize to your god.
Nope, just trying to educate you, Brucie, since you obviously learned nothing in seminary.
I said people immediately point the finger at me as if that excuses the rejection of the Fruits by them when these are their scriptures, not mine.
You fell right in line.
Perfect 100% record, and I didn't even direct this at you.
You volunteered to be my exemplar.

I am a smart ass fuckwad, that doesn't change the fact that you are a lying sack of shit scumbag Sadducee, does it?

What was the lie?
The book of acts advocates socialism...


Acts 2, verses 44 and 45:

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."

Acts 4, verse 32:

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions were his own, but they shared everything they had."

and Acts 4, verses 34 and 35:

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from their sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


:lol: Never fails....all that most conservatives can do is go vitriolic and call names because they can't even act civil in a debate. And then you are trying to proclaim Christianity. That is hilarious. Calling people nutwads, loons, libtards, and dumb, just makes you and Clement a perfect example of who should not proclaim to be Christians.
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This thread is an example of progressives attempting to assert political dominance over faith. The premise that the only good Christian, and the only TRUE Christian swears allegiance to progressivism, does just that. The goal is to remove protections from all those Christians who DON'T support statism and progressivism, and ultimately, imprison or kill them as criminals. You do that by allowing the state to determine who is, and who isn't, Christian, and then leveling penalties and removing constitutional protections from those who don't meet the progressive standard.

All of luddly's contributions to this board assert that.

Total paranoid fantasy.
Point out a post where Luddly is trying to make your theological foolishness illegal.
Quote him.

You must not read much, or you are a lying scumbag asshole. Personally, I vote for the latter.

A vote won't prove a thing.
Quoting him would, but none of you liars seem to be able to do that.
Can you?
And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables

john 2:15
By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


You really can't get past the fact that you are a stupid fucking asshole, can you?

God uses people in different ways. Calling someone who obeys God selfish is as ignorant as claiming that a fireman who dies saving a child is suicidal.

On the other hand, that level of ignorance helps explain why you think Christianity advocates socialism.
Contemplatives live a life of prayer. A lot of people think prayer is the most powerful service there is. To call them "selfish" is idiotic, but then, we don't get a lot of theological geniuses here.
You mean like Quantum Windbag, who clearly takes the Fruits to heart in his dealings with posters he sees as disposable creatures, using profanity as his theological baseline.
This is your ally.
Christianity embraced socialism and still does as a value. Those who are wealthy are advised to be generous and share. Those who are needy are blessed. Christianity arose as a means to give hope to the poor. It was based upon reaching out and doing good to help the less fortunate in the name of God.

I see the problem here, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Socialism means that everyone in the group owns the means of production. If that is how Christianity works you should be able to find biblical examples of, for example, Paul taking a joint ownership in the tent making business Aquila and Priscilla.

I won't hold my breath.

In the past there was no political agenda when it came to raising the minimum wage. That is something that has only transpired since the advent of the Tea Party and the current Administration suggesting that it is time to raise it again. It is wrong to blame the Sisters for advocating their beliefs and denouncing them for becoming involved in politics. They would be doing the exact same thing if the political parties were on opposite sides of this issue.

When in the past was that? What planet are we talking about?

So they are doing what is right in accordance with the teachings in the bible. Simply because there is a political faction that is opposed to doing what is right does not make what the Sisters are doing political in the slightest.

No, they are doing what is right according to what they believe, not according to the Bible. The Bible clearly teaches Christians to not force their views on other people, but to presuade them by example. These nuns have chosen to hold a gun topeople's heads to get them to go along with their personal beliefs, there is no way you will find that in the Bible.

That is true. Christians are not to force their views on other people. The truth is prayer is not as glamorous to some people unless there is an audience to listen. Not everyone who serves God does so for the same purpose. Yes, there are people who are called to pray and it is no small labor.

Do people really believe that Satan is going to sit by and do nothing about a contemplative? Oh my! He is going to turn hell loose on the individual who intercedes day and night. He wants to wear them down, distract them, persecute them and he has a world full of people at his disposal to do it with. Even inside the convents it was never safe. The contemplative Faustina ( Helena Kowalska ) was cruelly tormented even within her own ranks. It is a bitter battle right to the end. There is no such thing as a lazy prayer warrior.

All hell fears a praying Christian. Not so for the traveling nuns. They may do what they wish but not in Gods name.
Which proves how undisciplined a thinker, and how stupid you really are.

I didn't refer just to you. And I admit no such thing. You loons blatantly lie and post crap threads like this, pretending to be serious...but it's just a ploy to engage your opponents in meaningless and time consuming searches...and when all the material is presented (as it always is) and you are made to look a fool, you just change the subject.

It's like dealing with children. I wish just one of you was my intellectual equal. As it is, I could put my 10 year old on this garbage, if I wasn't afraid for his safety online, and HE'D route your ass.

Would your 10 year old have the intellectual courage to support their argument with what should be a very easily cited quotation?
If so go get him.
Daddy is humiliating himself.
Acts 2, verses 44 and 45:

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."

Acts 4, verse 32:

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions were his own, but they shared everything they had."

and Acts 4, verses 34 and 35:

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from their sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


:lol: Never fails....all that most conservatives can do is go vitriolic and call names because they can't even act civil in a debate. And then you are trying to proclaim Christianity. That is hilarious. Calling people nutwads, loons, libtards, and dumb, just makes you and Clement a perfect example of who should not proclaim to be Christians.

We're lucky that progressive scum still don't have the power to punish us for not adhering to their idea of what our faith should be then, aren't we?

Eat glass. You people are scum and we are past feeling obligated to spare your feelings. You're a menace, a threat, and we are fed up with trying to accomodate your perverted sense of how people should live and worship
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