What REAL Christians look like

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Luds lies.

It's what he does. He took the place of our last resident liar in chief, and he's doing her pride.

I don't know if it's that or if she just doesn't know what she's talking about. A lot of libs are like that, they just believe what they are told and don't question anything. If that's the case I would give her the benefit of the doubt but willful ignorance is another matter. She doesn't have to be as narrow minded as she is, she just chooses it.
There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


How is it possible for so many so-called christians on this board to attack their good work?

Because they are "progressive"??? H
Some rw's here are actually saying that helping our fellow man "progressive".

Hunger and homelessness should not be political and its very telling that its the "conservatives" who are attacking these women and me for posting about them.

The Christian reaction would be to admire their work.

This is exactly what I mean about "real" Christians as opposed to the preachy bible thumpers.

What I find curious is that the minimum wage was never a divisive political issue until recently. What has changed so that good people who dedicate their lives to helping the less fortunate are now being demonized as "progressives"? Do any of them really believe that Jesus would oppose a minimum wage increase?
Luds lies.

It's what he does. He took the place of our last resident liar in chief, and he's doing her pride.

I don't know if it's that or if she just doesn't know what she's talking about. A lot of libs are like that, they just believe what they are told and don't question anything. If that's the case I would give her the benefit of the doubt but willful ignorance is another matter. She doesn't have to be as narrow minded as she is, she just chooses it.

I suggest that you look up the definition of the term apolitical. The rest of your response derives from your inability to comprehend the terminology.

I would suggest you read the book of Acts before you try to tell us what the church "advocates". I have heard that mindless meme of yours too many times.

The rest of your response derives from your lack of education on either subject.

The book of Acts advocates socialism. Your inability to admit to the facts clearly stated in your own bible says volumes. You are incapable of admitting that it does advocate socialism because then you would have to admit to supporting socialism. You egregiously conflate socialism with communism and that is why you have this kneejerk response.

You are nuts, the church neither owns the means of production, nor does it manage it's resources cooperatively. It is a hierarchical structure.

We all have our own jobs. We all contribute. The church uses the money as it sees fit unless we earmark it for our own charities.

You don't know what you're talking about, you're just parroting what you've been told.
Luds lies.

It's what he does. He took the place of our last resident liar in chief, and he's doing her pride.

I don't know if it's that or if she just doesn't know what she's talking about. A lot of libs are like that, they just believe what they are told and don't question anything. If that's the case I would give her the benefit of the doubt but willful ignorance is another matter. She doesn't have to be as narrow minded as she is, she just chooses it.


Ironic that you think it's ironic, you parrot.
I would suggest you read the book of Acts before you try to tell us what the church "advocates". I have heard that mindless meme of yours too many times.

The rest of your response derives from your lack of education on either subject.

The book of Acts advocates socialism. Your inability to admit to the facts clearly stated in your own bible says volumes. You are incapable of admitting that it does advocate socialism because then you would have to admit to supporting socialism. You egregiously conflate socialism with communism and that is why you have this kneejerk response.

You are nuts, the church neither owns the means of production, nor does it manage it's resources cooperatively. It is a hierarchical structure.

We all have our own jobs. We all contribute. The church uses the money as it sees fit unless we earmark it for our own charities.

You don't know what you're talking about, you're just parroting what you've been told.

More irony!
The book of Acts advocates socialism. Your inability to admit to the facts clearly stated in your own bible says volumes. You are incapable of admitting that it does advocate socialism because then you would have to admit to supporting socialism. You egregiously conflate socialism with communism and that is why you have this kneejerk response.

You are nuts, the church neither owns the means of production, nor does it manage it's resources cooperatively. It is a hierarchical structure.

We all have our own jobs. We all contribute. The church uses the money as it sees fit unless we earmark it for our own charities.

You don't know what you're talking about, you're just parroting what you've been told.

More irony!

Why aren't you on my ignore list? I can fix that.
You are nuts, the church neither owns the means of production, nor does it manage it's resources cooperatively. It is a hierarchical structure.

We all have our own jobs. We all contribute. The church uses the money as it sees fit unless we earmark it for our own charities.

You don't know what you're talking about, you're just parroting what you've been told.

More irony!

Why aren't you on my ignore list? I can fix that.

Thank you for admitting that you cannot defend your own position. Have a nice day.
The book of acts advocates socialism...


Acts 2, verses 44 and 45:

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."

Acts 4, verse 32:

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions were his own, but they shared everything they had."

and Acts 4, verses 34 and 35:

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from their sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."
The book of acts advocates socialism...


Acts 2, verses 44 and 45:

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."

Acts 4, verse 32:

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions were his own, but they shared everything they had."

and Acts 4, verses 34 and 35:

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from their sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?

Why aren't you on my ignore list? I can fix that.

Thank you for admitting that you cannot defend your own position. Have a nice day.

Hey, I am not going to educate you just so you can stay in the conversation. Do your own homework.

Your failure to grasp how debates work appears to be par for the course. You could not defend your position therefore you de facto conceded it. Have a nice day.
Sister Simone Campbell was on Bill Maher last night and as he said about her, she was a breath of fresh air. Here's the video of her talking with ultra-conservative and fellow guest, Dinesh D'Souza during the "overtime segment" after the show -

Sister Simone Campbell Takes Dinesh D'Souza To School On Minimum Wage | Crooks and Liars

Anyone interested in hearing her remarks on the show, HBO reruns Real Time and its at the very beginning of the show.


THIS is the Christianity I learned about as a kid and is apparently all but dead now.

A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community: Sister Simone Campbell: 9780062273543: Amazon.com: Books

In the summer of 2012, Sister Simone Campbell and a group of fellow Roman Catholic nuns toured parts of the country to rally support against Congressman Paul Ryan's budget, a plan that cut vital social programs for the hurting poor and the struggling middle class. Prayer groups turned into rallies, and small town meetings became national media events. Sister Simone became a galvanizing force for progressives of all stripes and remains a driving force for programs and policies that support faith, family, and fairness.

Rooted in a deep spirituality of compassion and service, Sister Simone gives voice to the hunger, isolation, and fear that so many people in America are feeling right now and shows us how we can create real transformation in our communities and in our own hearts through the contemplative life of prayer. Powerful, inspiring stories from the Nuns on the Bus tour and from Sister Simone's own life offer readers a fresh vision for a lived spirituality that is at the heart of today's progressive Christian movements working for change.
IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

One has to wonder why Robin, who works full time at a minimum wage job, doesn't have enough money to pay rent, yet still has enough money to go to the White House and complain about getting minimum wage. I remember working part time at a minimum wage job and having enough money to pay rent and a couple of other bills. Has rent increased that much in the time since I used to work that kind of job? If so, why? Could it be the policies of progressive governments that mandate the minimum size of an apartment, rent control policies, maximum occupation of an apartment, the number of available rental units in a neighborhood, zoning laws, and all those wonderful regulations that the radical left loves?

That said, I wonder why the fuck you think that the Separation of Church and State only applies to other people's religions. You are free to believe that aliens had sex with humans in Paracas, and that this proves that the alien God wants us to raise the minimum wage, but you cannot shove your fucked up religion in my face without me smacking you down every single time you try it.
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The book of acts advocates socialism...


Acts 2, verses 44 and 45:

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."

Acts 4, verse 32:

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions were his own, but they shared everything they had."

and Acts 4, verses 34 and 35:

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from their sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


hAdvocate | Define Advocate at Dictionary.com

ad·vo·cate [v. ad-vuh-keyt; n. ad-vuh-kit, -keyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), ad·vo·cat·ed, ad·vo·cat·ing.
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument;
In the early church in the book of Acts the brethren shared all things in common as an act of their love towards one another. The Apostles divided lands, money, according to need, widow, etc. There was no law involved, no govt system installed, it was a community of believers who decided to sell what they had to share with others. The Apostles didn't live lavishly. Paul had one coat, Derideo.

This is is the distinction between communism ( Socialism is only a weaker brand of communism ) and christianity.

While the idea of communal living and even the term communist is derived from this lifestyle depicted in Acts it is the antithesis of it in reality. The leaders of communism deify themselves as gods, demand all proceeds be given to them so they can live like kings while the people starve. See N. Korea for example. Mao for another. Stalin for another, Cescescu of Romania for another. This is why they have made the God and the bible their enemy. They know given the choice people will choose God over communism.

The reason young people in America do not fear communism is they have no real experience with it. Talk to someone who has lived in a communist nation and it is a completely different story.

While Derideo and I don't agree I respect his point of view.
The book of acts advocates socialism...


Acts 2, verses 44 and 45:

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."

Acts 4, verse 32:

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions were his own, but they shared everything they had."

and Acts 4, verses 34 and 35:

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from their sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


It is easy to draw this conclusion and I can understand how Derideo may come to it but it isn't scriptural. Paul said if a man didn't work neither should he eat. The bible says each man planted his own vineyard and lived in his own home - that he built - not the state or the govt. The bottom line is communism wants the wealth redistribution without God which is what makes it so diabolical. You simply cannot take a principle that is divine in its nature and freedom and turn it into a law so you can strip others of their wealth. It doesn't work that way. The moment it is turned into a govt system, a law it becomes a dangerous weapon against all free men and women.
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Acts 2, verses 44 and 45:

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."

Acts 4, verse 32:

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions were his own, but they shared everything they had."

and Acts 4, verses 34 and 35:

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from their sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


hAdvocate | Define Advocate at Dictionary.com

ad·vo·cate [v. ad-vuh-keyt; n. ad-vuh-kit, -keyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), ad·vo·cat·ed, ad·vo·cat·ing.
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument;


Acts does not describe, nor advocate, the seizure of property by the state, to then be redistributed. It describes believers who willingly share amongst themselves, and give as they are moved.

Pretty much the opposite of socialism. Go read books. Please. Lots of them. And not from a democratic underground reading list.
Oh, so according to Luddly, you have to be a progressive nutbag to be a good christian.


Uh no.

IMO, one must follow the teachings of christ/jesus/god in order to be a "good" Christian.

From what I have seen and heard about these people, they actually do that.

Unlike the preachy nutters here - like yourself.

I spent 25 years working for a homeless ministry. We went out, talked to people, gave them food, clothing, and shelter, worked with doctors to get them medical care, and did it all without once holding a fucking gun to anyone's head to make them help. Come back when your resume matches mine, especially the no guns part.
In the early church in the book of Acts the brethren shared all things in common as an act of their love towards one another. The Apostles divided lands, money, according to need, widow, etc. There was no law involved, no govt system installed, it was a community of believers who decided to sell what they had to share with others. The Apostles didn't live lavishly. Paul had one coat, Derideo.

This is is the distinction between communism ( Socialism is only a weaker brand of communism ) and christianity.

While the idea of communal living and even the term communist is derived from this lifestyle depicted in Acts it is the antithesis of it in reality. The leaders of communism deify themselves as gods, demand all proceeds be given to them so they can live like kings while the people starve. See N. Korea for example. Mao for another. Stalin for another, Cescescu of Romania for another. This is why they have made the God and the bible their enemy. They know given the choice people will choose God over communism.

The reason young people in America do not fear communism is they have no real experience with it. Talk to someone who has lived in a communist nation and it is a completely different story.

While Derideo and I don't agree I respect his point of view.

And I respect yours too, Jeri.

Your point about communism is perfectly valid and yes, young people today don't have any experience of the Cold War era. But those of us who do know that communism was a political perversion of the socialism advocated in the Bible.

The spirit of sharing worldly goods amongst those in need came from placing more value on doing good for others than from selfishly accumulating wealth for oneself. This form of socialism was directed by the teachings of loving one another and treating them accordingly without any form of government is certainly true too.

But Americans pride themselves on this being a Christian nation and the teachings of Christianity do not advocate capitalism. Instead they admonish the wealthy about the accumulation of worldly goods at the cost of one's entry into Heaven.

So the OP asks the question which are the real Christians? Those who place their own wealth first and foremost or those who are embracing the Christian teachings and supporting the raise in the minimum wage? Because if it is the former they cannot claim that this is a Christian nation any longer.
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