What REAL Christians look like

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Being a "contemplative" is not synonymous with being a nun or simply a person of faith. Activism has been as much a part of faith as has disengagement throughout history.
Perhaps you would be wise to become more contemplative and remain speechless also.

I never said being a contemplative was synonymous with being a nun although it was they who coined the phrase, Bruce. Now on the matter of contemplative prayer they made this statement. Not me.

read up......

Rooted in a deep spirituality of compassion and service, Sister Simone gives voice to the hunger, isolation, and fear that so many people in America are feeling right now and shows us how we can create real transformation in our communities and in our own hearts through the contemplative life of prayer. Powerful, inspiring stories from the Nuns on the Bus tour and from Sister Simone's own life offer readers a fresh vision for a lived spirituality that is at the heart of today's progressive Christian movements working for change.

Now let me repeat something for you once again, Bruce. There is no such thing as a progressive Christian anymore than there is any such thing as a communist christian. They are the antithesis of one another - Christianity vs socialist / communist belief system. As is the contemplatives life of prayer to the life of these nun politicians. Or whatever they are calling themselves.. Contemplatives they are not. Thanks for reading.

- Jeremiah

The nun's describe their prayer life as contemplative. They don't describe a monastic life of constant contemplative stupor. Their prayer life is what compels them to act in in their daily life.
The first church was based on communal living and no personal property. You have a major uphill grind to support your idea that general socialist principles and Christianity are incompatible.
You are using god to support a political agenda, one that would be very difficult to support with scripture.

Then you don't know what a "contemplative" is, Brucie. The church has both secular and contemplatives, they are not the same thing. I am surpried their Bishop lets them get away with it.
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The best scriptural description of what a true Christian should look like to the world is written by Paul in his letter to the Galatians.
The Fruits of the Spirit describe the nature of one truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Apply these traits to your favorite self-professed Christians on these boards and you will find a fundamental disconnect.
Mention the dissonance to a believer and you will find the disconnect becomes even more dramatic as they lash out with vitriol and frequently vulgarity and never see the irony in their response.
This has been true 100% of the times I have done it. I have never gotten an admission that this teaching is simply rejected. I hear how people are imperfect and fail, and then the poster moves forward with zero effort to change their posting persona, continuing to be crude, mean and dismissive.
100% of the time.
Sometimes the finger gets pointed back at me, as if that somehow excuses them, when it is their scripture they are failing, not mine.
We know what a Christian is supposed to look like.
The real question is why they so frequently don't.

The fruits of the spirit are a lifetime of study and prayer, not an instant change. If you had really been a minister you'd know that.

The truth is, listening to hypocrites like you try to hold others to standards you won't even hold yourself to is about the most dishonest thing I can think of. Your constant mindless hatred and vitriol against the people you once called your flock makes me sick. And notice that I have never called you a liar on that score, if you are telling the truth about having been one of us it's even worse. You come here to pick fights then hide behind Jesus saying "what about the fruits of the spirit?" when confronted with the truth.

Jesus dumped the tables in the temple when he saw what was going on. Sorry about your tables, be glad it was only me and not Christ himself.

A perfect example. You did exactly what I said.
Still at 100%.

Nope, just trying to educate you, Brucie, since you obviously learned nothing in seminary.
Luddly maintains that people should be punished for voicing their faith in church. In this instance, they WERE in church. Luddly was arguing that it was right and just that they be fired and otherwise punished for stating their faith:


Yesterday, 06:22 PM
Luddly Neddite

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Why cant these fake christians just do their jobs and leave the preaching and proselytizing at church?
If I were so inclined I could pull up dozens of posts where ludds presents a scenario that criminalizes or advocates the fining/censure of christians based on the fact that their faith prevents them from towing the progressive state line.

As it is, all we have to do is wait.
Sister Simone Campbell was on Bill Maher last night and as he said about her, she was a breath of fresh air. Here's the video of her talking with ultra-conservative and fellow guest, Dinesh D'Souza during the "overtime segment" after the show -

Sister Simone Campbell Takes Dinesh D'Souza To School On Minimum Wage | Crooks and Liars

Anyone interested in hearing her remarks on the show, HBO reruns Real Time and its at the very beginning of the show.


THIS is the Christianity I learned about as a kid and is apparently all but dead now.



A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community: Sister Simone Campbell: 9780062273543: Amazon.com: Books

In the summer of 2012, Sister Simone Campbell and a group of fellow Roman Catholic nuns toured parts of the country to rally support against Congressman Paul Ryan's budget, a plan that cut vital social programs for the hurting poor and the struggling middle class. Prayer groups turned into rallies, and small town meetings became national media events. Sister Simone became a galvanizing force for progressives of all stripes and remains a driving force for programs and policies that support faith, family, and fairness.

Rooted in a deep spirituality of compassion and service, Sister Simone gives voice to the hunger, isolation, and fear that so many people in America are feeling right now and shows us how we can create real transformation in our communities and in our own hearts through the contemplative life of prayer. Powerful, inspiring stories from the Nuns on the Bus tour and from Sister Simone's own life offer readers a fresh vision for a lived spirituality that is at the heart of today's progressive Christian movements working for change.


IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

I do the same things these nuns do but you hate me because I am working for political change too - I want those dictators out of the White House and the Senate.

Sister Simone works for change and she's a good Christian. I work for change and you hate me. I feed the poor, shelter the homeless, and take care of the widow and the orphan, but you say I am not a good christian because I don't agree with your politics. What a hypocrite.

I am glad I don't have your approval. If I did I'd worry.

Dictator in the WH ? LOL You mean your better who was ELECTED twice by the American People
Oh, so according to Luddly, you have to be a progressive nutbag to be a good christian.


Uh no.

IMO, one must follow the teachings of christ/jesus/god in order to be a "good" Christian.

From what I have seen and heard about these people, they actually do that.

Unlike the preachy nutters here - like yourself.

I believe one must follow the teachings of Jesus Christ who is God in order to BE a Christian, Luddly. I do believe you believe there is a standard and that is great news. Because it tells me you do believe there is a God. In another post you mentioned something you considered to be an UN Christian thing to do and again you were right - which tells me you hold Christianity with something that is snynomous with the standard of what is good, true, just, noble of good report.

On the matter of religion and politics I don't believe they mix. You have decided they do by your response and I respect that is your personal choice. I just disagree.

Imo, You cannot soar to the heights while your eye is still fixed below. There are saints who love Gods attention and the wannabe's who love the worlds attention... the difference will be found when panic strikes. One group will stand and the other will fall. ( HARD )

And yet Jesus teaches that how you treat him will be judged by how you treat these people below. The two aren't separated in his eyes. You honor him by your actions regarding the least among us.
When you divorce the two you have left him behind as well.
Your only concern in this post is who "wins" in the end.
With that attitude, you have already lost in Christ's eyes.
Luddly maintains that people should be punished for voicing their faith in church. In this instance, they WERE in church. Luddly was arguing that it was right and just that they be fired and otherwise punished for stating their faith:


Yesterday, 06:22 PM
Luddly Neddite

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Why cant these fake christians just do their jobs and leave the preaching and proselytizing at church?

So let me get this straight: If you are a religious lib and you get involved in politics it's good. If you are religious conservative and you get involved in poliics it's bad.

The hypocrisy of these people is breathtaking.
If I were so inclined I could pull up dozens of posts where ludds presents a scenario that criminalizes or advocates the fining/censure of christians based on the fact that their faith prevents them from towing the progressive state line.

As it is, all we have to do is wait.

I only asked for one.
You can't provide it.
This thread is an example of progressives attempting to assert political dominance over faith. The premise that the only good Christian, and the only TRUE Christian swears allegiance to progressivism, does just that. The goal is to remove protections from all those Christians who DON'T support statism and progressivism, and ultimately, imprison or kill them as criminals. You do that by allowing the state to determine who is, and who isn't, Christian, and then leveling penalties and removing constitutional protections from those who don't meet the progressive standard.

All of luddly's contributions to this board assert that.

Sister Simone Campbell was on Bill Maher last night and as he said about her, she was a breath of fresh air. Here's the video of her talking with ultra-conservative and fellow guest, Dinesh D'Souza during the "overtime segment" after the show -

Sister Simone Campbell Takes Dinesh D'Souza To School On Minimum Wage | Crooks and Liars

Anyone interested in hearing her remarks on the show, HBO reruns Real Time and its at the very beginning of the show.


THIS is the Christianity I learned about as a kid and is apparently all but dead now.



A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community: Sister Simone Campbell: 9780062273543: Amazon.com: Books


IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

I do the same things these nuns do but you hate me because I am working for political change too - I want those dictators out of the White House and the Senate.

Sister Simone works for change and she's a good Christian. I work for change and you hate me. I feed the poor, shelter the homeless, and take care of the widow and the orphan, but you say I am not a good christian because I don't agree with your politics. What a hypocrite.

I am glad I don't have your approval. If I did I'd worry.

Dictator in the WH ? LOL You mean your better who was ELECTED twice by the American People

You live in NC guano you should know how many votes were stolen. Something like 30,000?

MY BETTER? Are you a racist now, too? This just gets better and better.
Luddly maintains that people should be punished for voicing their faith in church. In this instance, they WERE in church. Luddly was arguing that it was right and just that they be fired and otherwise punished for stating their faith:


Yesterday, 06:22 PM
Luddly Neddite

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Why cant these fake christians just do their jobs and leave the preaching and proselytizing at church?

Not an example of legal sanction, but of individual voicing of opinion.
Utter fail.
Luddly, these women are not contemplatives. Taking a contemplative on the road for a bus tour of politics is like taking a taking a fish from the water and laying it on a dock to die. It is simply un-natural and impossible to sustain. One or the other must give. Obviously they opted out on the contemplative lifestyle. This is not the life of ascetism!

I can just imagine the reaction of Julian of Norwich, Avila, Catherine of Siena, Guyon, upon hearing such a thing. Speechless is the first thing that comes to mind.

Very good, I wish I'd said that.

You can say it next time. :eusa_angel: There are many forms of prayer. It would never be my intention to discourage any form of prayer but the prayer of contemplatives comes THROUGH the vessel and not all vessels are the same. To reach that level of prayer everything else has to be abandoned. There cannot be a trace of the world in you to get to that place. Loyola was a contemplative. Interesting that the printing press should be named after him. I'd say it was divine providence. Jean Pierre de Caussade is another most eloquent contemplative who put his thoughts about divine providence into words on paper.

According to De Caussaude we would all be here by divine appointment on this board for this specific time in history. He received many revelations about divine providence through his prayer life.

There are more things wrought through prayer than by any other force in the universe. It is unseen yet an ever present force. Every prayer unanswered that has ever been prayed even to the time of Abraham and King David is still being answered today. ( or will be in the future )
The fruits of the spirit are a lifetime of study and prayer, not an instant change. If you had really been a minister you'd know that.

The truth is, listening to hypocrites like you try to hold others to standards you won't even hold yourself to is about the most dishonest thing I can think of. Your constant mindless hatred and vitriol against the people you once called your flock makes me sick. And notice that I have never called you a liar on that score, if you are telling the truth about having been one of us it's even worse. You come here to pick fights then hide behind Jesus saying "what about the fruits of the spirit?" when confronted with the truth.

Jesus dumped the tables in the temple when he saw what was going on. Sorry about your tables, be glad it was only me and not Christ himself.

A perfect example. You did exactly what I said.
Still at 100%.

Nope, just trying to educate you, Brucie, since you obviously learned nothing in seminary.
I said people immediately point the finger at me as if that excuses the rejection of the Fruits by them when these are their scriptures, not mine.
You fell right in line.
Perfect 100% record, and I didn't even direct this at you.
You volunteered to be my exemplar.
Sister Simone Campbell was on Bill Maher last night and as he said about her, she was a breath of fresh air. Here's the video of her talking with ultra-conservative and fellow guest, Dinesh D'Souza during the "overtime segment" after the show -

Sister Simone Campbell Takes Dinesh D'Souza To School On Minimum Wage | Crooks and Liars

Anyone interested in hearing her remarks on the show, HBO reruns Real Time and its at the very beginning of the show.


THIS is the Christianity I learned about as a kid and is apparently all but dead now.



A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community: Sister Simone Campbell: 9780062273543: Amazon.com: Books

In the summer of 2012, Sister Simone Campbell and a group of fellow Roman Catholic nuns toured parts of the country to rally support against Congressman Paul Ryan's budget, a plan that cut vital social programs for the hurting poor and the struggling middle class. Prayer groups turned into rallies, and small town meetings became national media events. Sister Simone became a galvanizing force for progressives of all stripes and remains a driving force for programs and policies that support faith, family, and fairness.

Rooted in a deep spirituality of compassion and service, Sister Simone gives voice to the hunger, isolation, and fear that so many people in America are feeling right now and shows us how we can create real transformation in our communities and in our own hearts through the contemplative life of prayer. Powerful, inspiring stories from the Nuns on the Bus tour and from Sister Simone's own life offer readers a fresh vision for a lived spirituality that is at the heart of today's progressive Christian movements working for change.


IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

Lesbian Nuns :badgrin:
There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.
"Future students of language will wonder at the period in our history in which it was said with a straight face that diversity required uniformity, tolerance necessitated intolerance, and liberalism called for dogma." ... NRO's C. W. Cooke
A perfect example. You did exactly what I said.
Still at 100%.

Nope, just trying to educate you, Brucie, since you obviously learned nothing in seminary.
I said people immediately point the finger at me as if that excuses the rejection of the Fruits by them when these are their scriptures, not mine.
You fell right in line.
Perfect 100% record, and I didn't even direct this at you.
You volunteered to be my exemplar.

I don't reject the fruits of the Spirit, I just haven't reached that level of beatification. Neither have you, so I don't know where you get off judging me. I don't even think you understand what Paul was talking about. You don't understand much else about the faith.

Of all the Jewish laws and all the commands of Jesus, you have to pick something from Paul, which I thought was a little odd. If you want to quote Paul, why don't we talk about what Paul said about homosexuality? You wouldn't like that at all, would you? Is this just more cherry picking?
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There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.

There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.

The church was not even close to that. The church is not owned by society, the church is and was self contained.
There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


I'm a Christian who disagrees with using God for a political agenda, Derideo. I don't agree with what they are doing as it appears to be done in Gods name. That would fall under my concern. Yes. Progressive Christianity is a real stretch here. I can't believe the term exists! Politics and God do not mix. Ever. imo.

As for Christianity advocating socialism? The early church in the book of Acts had all things in common by choice not force from non believers. The Apostles didn't live like Kings, Paul had one coat. There are differences that are notable.
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