What REAL Christians look like

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Note* Contemplatives are selfless, not selfish. They have laid down their lives to God in prayer and meet the requirements which are not the same as joining your local rotary club, Derideo. They've paid the price and the prayers they pray are inspired by the Holy Spirit so it is all God breathed and God driven. There is no flesh involved there.
THIS is the Christianity I learned about as a kid and is apparently all but dead now.
What an odd statement.

Worldwide, Christianity is growing. A majority of these Christans are on the left regarding economic issues. Do you really think many Christians in Latin America and Africa and the Philippines are devoted to Ayn Rand? On cultural issues most Christians are conservative.

And by the way Maher is a lowlife.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe57F77ZKIs"]Bill Maher compares retarded children to dogs [/ame]
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You're just averse to any moniker that includes the term "Conservative".

Going on a bus tour to slander an elected official church have been commanded to pray for ( according to scripture ) is not the act of Christians. It's a sin. You give up your life of worldy interests / agendas when you take your vows to become a nun. This one makes no sense.
There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.

The church was not even close to that. The church is not owned by society, the church is and was self contained.

I suggest that you look up the definition of the term apolitical. The rest of your response derives from your inability to comprehend the terminology.
Luddly maintains that people should be punished for voicing their faith in church. In this instance, they WERE in church. Luddly was arguing that it was right and just that they be fired and otherwise punished for stating their faith:


Yesterday, 06:22 PM
Luddly Neddite

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Why cant these fake christians just do their jobs and leave the preaching and proselytizing at church?


In that same thread, I wrote I was against them being fired for what they believe.
If I were so inclined I could pull up dozens of posts where ludds presents a scenario that criminalizes or advocates the fining/censure of christians based on the fact that their faith prevents them from towing the progressive state line.

As it is, all we have to do is wait.

Do it.

Or just keep lying about it.

There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


I'm a Christian who disagrees with using God for a political agenda, Derideo. I don't agree with what they are doing as it appears to be done in Gods name. That would fall under my concern. Yes. Progressive Christianity is a real stretch here. I can't believe the term exists! Politics and God do not mix. Ever. imo.

As for Christianity advocating socialism? The early church in the book of Acts had all things in common by choice not force from non believers. The Apostles didn't live like Kings, Paul had one coat. There are differences that are notable.

Christianity embraced socialism and still does as a value. Those who are wealthy are advised to be generous and share. Those who are needy are blessed. Christianity arose as a means to give hope to the poor. It was based upon reaching out and doing good to help the less fortunate in the name of God.

In the past there was no political agenda when it came to raising the minimum wage. That is something that has only transpired since the advent of the Tea Party and the current Administration suggesting that it is time to raise it again. It is wrong to blame the Sisters for advocating their beliefs and denouncing them for becoming involved in politics. They would be doing the exact same thing if the political parties were on opposite sides of this issue.

So they are doing what is right in accordance with the teachings in the bible. Simply because there is a political faction that is opposed to doing what is right does not make what the Sisters are doing political in the slightest.
If I were so inclined I could pull up dozens of posts where ludds presents a scenario that criminalizes or advocates the fining/censure of christians based on the fact that their faith prevents them from towing the progressive state line.

As it is, all we have to do is wait.

I only asked for one.
You can't provide it.

Two lines from what I actually wrote in post #9 -

IMO, one must follow the teachings of christ/jesus/god in order to be a "good" Christian.

From what I have seen and heard about these people, they actually do that.

He'll do it here if we give him time.

Prove I have ever even hinted at such a thing.

FACT is, you're lying just as you always lie. You're trying to wiggle sideways away from what I really wrote.

You did it in the op.

Also in the quoted post that I provided where you said that christians should be restricted to discussing religion only in churches...however, the discussion you were referring to did take inside a church, so your true meaning was that they should be penalized for that, as well.

I'm not a liar. You are, as has been universally noted.
Luddly maintains that people should be punished for voicing their faith in church. In this instance, they WERE in church. Luddly was arguing that it was right and just that they be fired and otherwise punished for stating their faith:


Yesterday, 06:22 PM
Luddly Neddite

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Why cant these fake christians just do their jobs and leave the preaching and proselytizing at church?


In that same thread, I wrote I was against them being fired for what they believe.

But that they should be fired for no cause, and suffer the *repercussions* of what they said in church.

You lose.
Sister Simone Campbell was on Bill Maher last night and as he said about her, she was a breath of fresh air. Here's the video of her talking with ultra-conservative and fellow guest, Dinesh D'Souza during the "overtime segment" after the show -

Sister Simone Campbell Takes Dinesh D'Souza To School On Minimum Wage | Crooks and Liars

Anyone interested in hearing her remarks on the show, HBO reruns Real Time and its at the very beginning of the show.


THIS is the Christianity I learned about as a kid and is apparently all but dead now.



A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community: Sister Simone Campbell: 9780062273543: Amazon.com: Books

In the summer of 2012, Sister Simone Campbell and a group of fellow Roman Catholic nuns toured parts of the country to rally support against Congressman Paul Ryan's budget, a plan that cut vital social programs for the hurting poor and the struggling middle class. Prayer groups turned into rallies, and small town meetings became national media events. Sister Simone became a galvanizing force for progressives of all stripes and remains a driving force for programs and policies that support faith, family, and fairness.

Rooted in a deep spirituality of compassion and service, Sister Simone gives voice to the hunger, isolation, and fear that so many people in America are feeling right now and shows us how we can create real transformation in our communities and in our own hearts through the contemplative life of prayer. Powerful, inspiring stories from the Nuns on the Bus tour and from Sister Simone's own life offer readers a fresh vision for a lived spirituality that is at the heart of today's progressive Christian movements working for change.


IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

Lesbian Nuns :badgrin:

What are you? 10 years old?

So many of your posts sound like a little kid who has discovered naughty words and still doesn't know how to use them.

Do you really think the hungry children these women help care if they're hetero or homo?

Nope, its the fake christians who care more about that than they do hungry kids.
By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.

The church was not even close to that. The church is not owned by society, the church is and was self contained.

I suggest that you look up the definition of the term apolitical. The rest of your response derives from your inability to comprehend the terminology.

I would suggest you read the book of Acts before you try to tell us what the church "advocates". I have heard that mindless meme of yours too many times.

The rest of your response derives from your lack of education on either subject.
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There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


How is it possible for so many so-called christians on this board to attack their good work?

Because they are "progressive"??? H
Some rw's here are actually saying that helping our fellow man "progressive".

Hunger and homelessness should not be political and its very telling that its the "conservatives" who are attacking these women and me for posting about them.

The Christian reaction would be to admire their work.

This is exactly what I mean about "real" Christians as opposed to the preachy bible thumpers.
There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


How is it possible for so many so-called christians on this board to attack their good work?

Because they are "progressive"??? H
Some rw's here are actually saying that helping our fellow man "progressive".

Hunger and homelessness should not be political and its very telling that its the "conservatives" who are attacking these women and me for posting about them.

The Christian reaction would be to admire their work.

This is exactly what I mean about "real" Christians as opposed to the preachy bible thumpers.

Nobody is attacking them, they are attacking you for your hypocrisy.
Luds lies.

It's what he does. He took the place of our last resident liar in chief, and he's doing her pride.
Luddly maintains that people should be punished for voicing their faith in church. In this instance, they WERE in church. Luddly was arguing that it was right and just that they be fired and otherwise punished for stating their faith:


Yesterday, 06:22 PM
Luddly Neddite

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Why cant these fake christians just do their jobs and leave the preaching and proselytizing at church?


In that same thread, I wrote I was against them being fired for what they believe.

But that they should be fired for no cause, and suffer the *repercussions* of what they said in church.

You lose.

Once again, you LIE.

What I wrote is that its legal to fire without cause and that THAT should "upset" people.
Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.

The church was not even close to that. The church is not owned by society, the church is and was self contained.

I suggest that you look up the definition of the term apolitical. The rest of your response derives from your inability to comprehend the terminology.

I would suggest you read the book of Acts before you try to tell us what the church "advocates". I have heard that mindless meme of yours too many times.

The rest of your response derives from your lack of education on either subject.

The book of Acts advocates socialism. Your inability to admit to the facts clearly stated in your own bible says volumes. You are incapable of admitting that it does advocate socialism because then you would have to admit to supporting socialism. You egregiously conflate socialism with communism and that is why you have this kneejerk response.
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