What REAL Christians look like

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In my own experience no one is so consistent as to be 100% of the time anything, Bruce. I have found some wonderful Christian people on this board. They are not at all as you are describing those you have met. I guess that we have a difference of experience.

On a message board you have only the word of a person who claims to believe in God. Then they go off in some direction writing threads that either draw people or repel them from listening. You have at least one person who came here claiming to "be God" before morphing into another s/n that wrote along the same lines.. and in reality he's neither.... just a troll trying to destroy the name of Christians. You can factor that in too. All in all there are some very nice Christian people here. If you look for the best that is what you'll find. In everyone. ( not just Christians )

Poor reading skills are a hallmark of someone with an agenda and not the interest in actual discussion.
The only thing I said was 100% was the number of times people have reacted poorly to being called out in the face of the Fruits when I have done this.
Your response is to something I never said.
I have met a few Christians here that I admire (very few) but they are usually roundly criticized by the "true Scotsmen". The one's deserving respect are rarely heard from, though, as they simply live their faith and witness through who they are, not what they say.
I confront the so called "believers" who demonstrate a very basic disconnect with Paul's teaching on the Fruits, and I have NEVER been met with remorse that the poster does not attempt to emulate these traits.
100% of the time I hear an attempt to excuse the monstrous behavior.
There has never been a single exception.

My guess is that, if I checked the thread on the brothers who were kicked of HGTV, you wouldn't be there admiring the display of the fruit of the spirit those brothers gave. In fact, my guess is that, if you have any comment on the situation at all, it would be something about them being intolerant bigots.

You are a fuckfaced hypocrite who thinks that you have a license to judge people based on a standard you don't even understand, much less live by yourself. Until you can do both, all you are going to get from me is complete and utter contempt every single fucking time you bring up anything about how I, or anyone else, conducts themselves.
Acts 2, verses 44 and 45:

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."

Acts 4, verse 32:

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions were his own, but they shared everything they had."

and Acts 4, verses 34 and 35:

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from their sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


It is easy to draw this conclusion and I can understand how Derideo may come to it but it isn't scriptural. Paul said if a man didn't work neither should he eat. The bible says each man planted his own vineyard and lived in his own home - that he built - not the state or the govt. The bottom line is communism wants the wealth redistribution without God which is what makes it so diabolical. You simply cannot take a principle that is divine in its nature and freedom and turn it into a law so you can strip others of their wealth. It doesn't work that way. The moment it is turned into a govt system, a law it becomes a dangerous weapon against all free men and women.

Even Jesus said render unto Ceasar so taxation is not "stripping others of their wealth".
The premise of Christianity is that each man chooses to surrender.


In the name of God, personally, and to God...not the state. Christ flogged the money changers, remember.
How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


hAdvocate | Define Advocate at Dictionary.com

ad·vo·cate [v. ad-vuh-keyt; n. ad-vuh-kit, -keyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), ad·vo·cat·ed, ad·vo·cat·ing.
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument;


Acts does not describe, nor advocate, the seizure of property by the state, to then be redistributed. It describes believers who willingly share amongst themselves, and give as they are moved.

Pretty much the opposite of socialism. Go read books. Please. Lots of them. And not from a democratic underground reading list.

Taxation is not the "seizure of property by the state, to then be redistributed". Taking an extremist position like this is a tacit concession that you cannot refute that Acts advocates socialism. Have a nice day.
How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


hAdvocate | Define Advocate at Dictionary.com

ad·vo·cate [v. ad-vuh-keyt; n. ad-vuh-kit, -keyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), ad·vo·cat·ed, ad·vo·cat·ing.
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument;


Acts does not describe, nor advocate, the seizure of property by the state, to then be redistributed. It describes believers who willingly share amongst themselves, and give as they are moved.

Pretty much the opposite of socialism. Go read books. Please. Lots of them. And not from a democratic underground reading list.

When libs realized they couldn't make Christianity go away, they decided to highjack it. Look at all of the Obama/Messiah icons:

So the only way to be a real Christian according to Lud is to support his policies regardless of whether they actually help people?

Ill pass and focus on following Christ and making sure i actually help people.
The premise of Christianity is that each man chooses to surrender.


In the name of God, personally, and to God...not the state. Christ flogged the money changers, remember.

Jesus did not flog the tax collectors. He said render unto Ceasar.


Acts does not describe, nor advocate, the seizure of property by the state, to then be redistributed. It describes believers who willingly share amongst themselves, and give as they are moved.

Pretty much the opposite of socialism. Go read books. Please. Lots of them. And not from a democratic underground reading list.

When libs realized they couldn't make Christianity go away, they decided to highjack it. Look at all of the Obama/Messiah icons:


Prove that any of them were created by "libs"!
Dictator in the WH ? LOL You mean your better who was ELECTED twice by the American People

He may be your better. But the President of the United States is no better than any of the citizens.
Being a "contemplative" is not synonymous with being a nun or simply a person of faith. Activism has been as much a part of faith as has disengagement throughout history.
Perhaps you would be wise to become more contemplative and remain speechless also.

I never said being a contemplative was synonymous with being a nun although it was they who coined the phrase, Bruce. Now on the matter of contemplative prayer they made this statement. Not me.

read up......

Rooted in a deep spirituality of compassion and service, Sister Simone gives voice to the hunger, isolation, and fear that so many people in America are feeling right now and shows us how we can create real transformation in our communities and in our own hearts through the contemplative life of prayer. Powerful, inspiring stories from the Nuns on the Bus tour and from Sister Simone's own life offer readers a fresh vision for a lived spirituality that is at the heart of today's progressive Christian movements working for change.

Now let me repeat something for you once again, Bruce. There is no such thing as a progressive Christian anymore than there is any such thing as a communist christian. They are the antithesis of one another - Christianity vs socialist / communist belief system. As is the contemplatives life of prayer to the life of these nun politicians. Or whatever they are calling themselves.. Contemplatives they are not. Thanks for reading.

- Jeremiah

The nun's describe their prayer life as contemplative. They don't describe a monastic life of constant contemplative stupor. Their prayer life is what compels them to act in in their daily life.
The first church was based on communal living and no personal property. You have a major uphill grind to support your idea that general socialist principles and Christianity are incompatible.
You are using god to support a political agenda, one that would be very difficult to support with scripture.

The first church was a lot of things, but you are full of shit in your description of it. You are the scumbag Sadducee who is trying to use the Scripture to defend politics, all Jeri is doing is expressing her personal beliefs.

By the way, asshole, contemplation is only puts you in a stupor if you can't think. I would get into the differences between Apollonian and Dionysian lifestyles, and how they are both emotional vibrant and fulfilling, but only someone with an actual working brain could begin to understand them.
This thread is an example of progressives attempting to assert political dominance over faith. The premise that the only good Christian, and the only TRUE Christian swears allegiance to progressivism, does just that. The goal is to remove protections from all those Christians who DON'T support statism and progressivism, and ultimately, imprison or kill them as criminals. You do that by allowing the state to determine who is, and who isn't, Christian, and then leveling penalties and removing constitutional protections from those who don't meet the progressive standard.

All of luddly's contributions to this board assert that.

Total paranoid fantasy.
Point out a post where Luddly is trying to make your theological foolishness illegal.
Quote him.

You must not read much, or you are a lying scumbag asshole. Personally, I vote for the latter.
Sister Simone Campbell was on Bill Maher last night and as he said about her, she was a breath of fresh air. Here's the video of her talking with ultra-conservative and fellow guest, Dinesh D'Souza during the "overtime segment" after the show -

Sister Simone Campbell Takes Dinesh D'Souza To School On Minimum Wage | Crooks and Liars

Anyone interested in hearing her remarks on the show, HBO reruns Real Time and its at the very beginning of the show.


THIS is the Christianity I learned about as a kid and is apparently all but dead now.



A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community: Sister Simone Campbell: 9780062273543: Amazon.com: Books


IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

I do the same things these nuns do but you hate me because I am working for political change too - I want those dictators out of the White House and the Senate.

Sister Simone works for change and she's a good Christian. I work for change and you hate me. I feed the poor, shelter the homeless, and take care of the widow and the orphan, but you say I am not a good christian because I don't agree with your politics. What a hypocrite.

I am glad I don't have your approval. If I did I'd worry.

Dictator in the WH ? LOL You mean your better who was ELECTED twice by the American People

Obama is a lot of things, but none of them is my, or anyone else's, better, even yours.
A perfect example. You did exactly what I said.
Still at 100%.

Nope, just trying to educate you, Brucie, since you obviously learned nothing in seminary.
I said people immediately point the finger at me as if that excuses the rejection of the Fruits by them when these are their scriptures, not mine.
You fell right in line.
Perfect 100% record, and I didn't even direct this at you.
You volunteered to be my exemplar.

I am a smart ass fuckwad, that doesn't change the fact that you are a lying sack of shit scumbag Sadducee, does it?
There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


You really can't get past the fact that you are a stupid fucking asshole, can you?

God uses people in different ways. Calling someone who obeys God selfish is as ignorant as claiming that a fireman who dies saving a child is suicidal.

On the other hand, that level of ignorance helps explain why you think Christianity advocates socialism.
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By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.

The church was not even close to that. The church is not owned by society, the church is and was self contained.

I suggest that you look up the definition of the term apolitical. The rest of your response derives from your inability to comprehend the terminology.

I suggest you reread the passage of Acts you think advocates socialism and admit you have your head up Marx's ass.
There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


You really can't get past the fact that you are a stupid fucking asshole, can you?

God uses people in different ways. Calling someone who obeys God selfish is as ignorant as claiming that a fireman who dies saving a child is suicidal.

On the other hand, that level of ignorance helps explain why you think Christianity advocates socialism.
Contemplatives live a life of prayer. A lot of people think prayer is the most powerful service there is. To call them "selfish" is idiotic, but then, we don't get a lot of theological geniuses here.
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By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


You really can't get past the fact that you are a stupid fucking asshole, can you?

God uses people in different ways. Calling someone who obeys God selfish is as ignorant as claiming that a fireman who dies saving a child is suicidal.

On the other hand, that level of ignorance helps explain why you think Christianity advocates socialism.

Contemplatives live a life of prayer. A lot of people think prayer is the most powerful service there is. To call them "selfish" is idiotic.

It all depends upon perspective. From the point of view of what is a contemplative giving compared to what they are receiving it can most certainly be considered to be selfish if they are living nothing but a "life of prayer". On the other hand if they are like the Sisters in the OP they are most certainly doing a powerful service for the benefit of the least fortunate who have to survive on minimum wage.
Christianity embraced socialism and still does as a value. Those who are wealthy are advised to be generous and share. Those who are needy are blessed. Christianity arose as a means to give hope to the poor. It was based upon reaching out and doing good to help the less fortunate in the name of God.

I see the problem here, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Socialism means that everyone in the group owns the means of production. If that is how Christianity works you should be able to find biblical examples of, for example, Paul taking a joint ownership in the tent making business Aquila and Priscilla.

I won't hold my breath.

In the past there was no political agenda when it came to raising the minimum wage. That is something that has only transpired since the advent of the Tea Party and the current Administration suggesting that it is time to raise it again. It is wrong to blame the Sisters for advocating their beliefs and denouncing them for becoming involved in politics. They would be doing the exact same thing if the political parties were on opposite sides of this issue.

When in the past was that? What planet are we talking about?

So they are doing what is right in accordance with the teachings in the bible. Simply because there is a political faction that is opposed to doing what is right does not make what the Sisters are doing political in the slightest.

No, they are doing what is right according to what they believe, not according to the Bible. The Bible clearly teaches Christians to not force their views on other people, but to presuade them by example. These nuns have chosen to hold a gun topeople's heads to get them to go along with their personal beliefs, there is no way you will find that in the Bible.
There was a contemplative who was unknown by name but the author of the cloud of the unknowing. He said one day God showed him the danger of allowing his heart be influenced by outside sources. He had seen a loaf of bread placed in the oven. The baker wasn't aware a cinamon stick was placed in the oven already. The bread came out with the aroma of cinammon through it. He learned a lesson this was him. He was to be like broken bread to others - should he have this liberty? No, was his conclusion. He had no political opinion of his own. He had no opinion.

In the bible the one characteristic of Ezekiel that is most remarkable is the absence of self and complete obedience - focus - on God and what He says. This is the goal of the contemplative. imo. His complete and utter detachment. The one word that defines the true contemplative more than any other word is " detached "... as in from the world.

By that definition, Jeri, comtemplatives are selfish. They seek only their own spiritual enlightenment and ignore the suffering of others. The Sisters have done their own contemplation about the suffering of others and their enlightenment is to go forth and do something about it. As someone who believes in God who are you to question what is motivating them to do good works?

You also made the statement that Christianity is the opposite of socialism/communism. From a political standpoint communism and Christianity are polar opposites but from an apolitical position Christianity advocates socialism.


How is it possible for so many so-called christians on this board to attack their good work?

Because they are "progressive"??? H
Some rw's here are actually saying that helping our fellow man "progressive".

Hunger and homelessness should not be political and its very telling that its the "conservatives" who are attacking these women and me for posting about them.

The Christian reaction would be to admire their work.

This is exactly what I mean about "real" Christians as opposed to the preachy bible thumpers.

Why is the Christian response to people putting a gun to someone's head admiration? Can you show me where that is in the Bible, because I flat out missed it.
The book of acts advocates socialism...


Acts 2, verses 44 and 45:

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."

Acts 4, verse 32:

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions were his own, but they shared everything they had."

and Acts 4, verses 34 and 35:

"There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from their sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

How does describing this "advocate" for socialism, nutwad?


There is two ways that works, he can't read, and he doesn't know what socialism is.
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