What REAL Christians look like

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He didn't say to treat people bad because they treat you bad.

He said Christ wasn't above telling them off. Not because they treat anybody bad...because they were wrong.

And again Mertex...thank goodness, I don't answer to you. You hate religion, you hate Christians based on their politics. You're a progressive pig, and I would hate myself if you liked me.
I am a smart ass fuckwad, that doesn't change the fact that you are a lying sack of shit scumbag Sadducee, does it?

What was the lie?

Are you telling me that you have never told a lie? Please make that claim s I can laugh at you because everyone lies.

The specific one I was thinking of in this post is your lie that Jeremiah was using Scriptures to make a political point.

No, not everyone lies. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone does, too. You can't tell someone that they are acting like morality police, when that is exactly the same thing you and some of the others are doing, only you are doing with some vile and awful language, like what I've bolded above.
What was the lie?

Are you telling me that you have never told a lie? Please make that claim s I can laugh at you because everyone lies.

The specific one I was thinking of in this post is your lie that Jeremiah was using Scriptures to make a political point.

No, not everyone lies. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone does, too. You can't tell someone that they are acting like morality police, when that is exactly the same thing you and some of the others are doing, only you are doing with some vile and awful language, like what I've bolded above.

If someone says they never lie, that by itself makes them a liar.
Cite it. Step up, big boy.
If everyone that lies is a Sadducees, and everyone lies, are you then a Sadducees?
You aren't very good at this.

Remember when I told you you would miss it, you just did. Highlight the post you just quoted and you will see where you lied in this thread.

See the red part?
That is where you admit you are trying to put words in my mouth that I haven't said.
You seriously suck at this.

Let me repeat my post below, removing only some formatting tags.

Are you telling me that you have never told a lie? Please make that claim s I can laugh at you because everyone lies.

The specific one I was thinking of in this post is your lie that Jeremiah was using Scriptures to make a political point.

Now, feel free to point out where I put words in your mouth. All I did was beg you to tell me you never lie so I could laugh at you. Instead you chose to claim I am putting words in your mouth, which is no where near as funny. It does prove that you are a pathetic idiot though, which means you aren't even intelligent enough to debate Tank.
He didn't say to treat people bad because they treat you bad.
That is exactly what he said. He said he treats people the way they treat him, only he is lying, because he is insulting and name-calling people that are not doing that to him.

He said Christ wasn't above telling them off. Not because they treat anybody bad...because they were wrong.
When you are sinless, then you can do the same. But, it's amazing that you don't even see yourself the way you are...you're one of the ones that Christ would be telling off and shooing out of the church. You're one like the Pharisees, who thinks they are right but treat people like dirt. You're the one that is wrong.

And again Mertex...thank goodness, I don't answer to you. You hate religion, you hate Christians based on their politics. You're a progressive pig, and I would hate myself if you liked me.

No, you don't answer to me, but everyone that sees what you post, and the way you talk can see that your claim to be a Christian doesn't match up with who you really are. If you are an example of a Christian, it's no wonder that so many will turn away from it. Stop lying to yourself and accept the fact that you are not a follower of Christ.
Please, the bible is not about standing idly by while people around you rape, pillage and murder...because you're imperfect.

That's what progressives WISH it said, and that's why they hate Christians. Because they refuse to stand by and watch such things with no comment or action.

You aren't able (yet) to imprison them, so you're going to try really hard to re-define what being Christian is. You'll attack, and jeer, and steal, and criminalize, and even lie about hte contents of the bible itself.

It won't work.
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Are you know claiming you have never directed comments in my direction regarding how little I exemplify Christ? Because I would put that down as another fucking lie from you, which would make at least two in this thread alone.

Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

The irony of your post is QW has done exactly that, declaring he is not a Christian.
Your soft soap indignation is as poorly thought out as those that use the hard core vulgarity.

if my hard core vulgarity is poorly thought out, what does it say about your position that I managed to tie you into rhetorical knots that forced you to resort to childish taunts in an attempt to make me look bad?
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I have never claimed to be an atheist.
You REALLY aren't very good at this.

Neither did the Sadducee, something you would know if you actually read the Bible.

Who isn't very good at what?

I've read it many times.
Cite the verse that shows the Sadducees defending atheists.
We'll wait.
First you claim I'm an atheist. Now you claim the Sadducees were atheists that don't admit it.
You are falling off the cliff, bubba.

Can you read? Just asking because, unless you live in a different universe than I do, I never once said that the Sadducee defended atheists. I was actually using my poorly thought out vulgarity to make a point, the point that you are a fucking liar. If you had actually been a preacher at any point in your life you would know that the major conflict between Pharisees and Sadducees is that dispute over the resurrection, they even got together and used that dispute to try to trip Jesus up over a debate about marriage.

Remember that, oh he who has read the Bible a lot, and even taught it?

Or do you want to pretend I said some other fucking thing about how you claimed that Mars is actually Hell?
Are you telling me that you have never told a lie? Please make that claim s I can laugh at you because everyone lies.

The specific one I was thinking of in this post is your lie that Jeremiah was using Scriptures to make a political point.

No, not everyone lies. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone does, too. You can't tell someone that they are acting like morality police, when that is exactly the same thing you and some of the others are doing, only you are doing with some vile and awful language, like what I've bolded above.

If someone says they never lie, that by itself makes them a liar.

There isn't anyone on the earth who hasn't told a lie before. That is true.
Please, the bible is not about standing idly by while people around you rape, pillage and murder...because you're imperfect.
Oh, so the people you are debating with are raping, pillaging and murdering you? That gives you the right to call them scum and every other vile name that falls out of your mouth?

That's what progressives WISH it said, and that's why they hate Christians. Because they refuse to stand by and watch such things with no comment or action.
You are lumping every one into one big pile. Did you know there are conservatives that murder, commit adultery, steal, lie, and yes, have abortions and are homosexuals? And some that are not even Christian? You are narrow minded and in no way qualified to be making those kinds of condemnations.

You aren't able (yet) to imprison them, so you're going to try really hard to re-define what being Christian is. You'll attack, and jeer, and steal, and criminalize, and even lie about hte contents of the bible itself.
Now you are just rambling like a mad woman, making accusations that exist only in your head. You need to become familiar with the Bible, so you know exactly what it says.

It won't work.
Take your own advice.
No, not everyone lies. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone does, too. You can't tell someone that they are acting like morality police, when that is exactly the same thing you and some of the others are doing, only you are doing with some vile and awful language, like what I've bolded above.

If someone says they never lie, that by itself makes them a liar.

There isn't anyone on the earth who hasn't told a lie before. That is true.

Well, there is one, Jesus, He never told a lie. And, I didn't say I had never told a lie in my life, but as a Christian I don't practice lying. There is such a thing as truth.
Please, the bible is not about standing idly by while people around you rape, pillage and murder...because you're imperfect.
Oh, so the people you are debating with are raping, pillaging and murdering you? That gives you the right to call them scum and every other vile name that falls out of your mouth?

That's what progressives WISH it said, and that's why they hate Christians. Because they refuse to stand by and watch such things with no comment or action.
You are lumping every one into one big pile. Did you know there are conservatives that murder, commit adultery, steal, lie, and yes, have abortions and are homosexuals? And some that are not even Christian? You are narrow minded and in no way qualified to be making those kinds of condemnations.

You aren't able (yet) to imprison them, so you're going to try really hard to re-define what being Christian is. You'll attack, and jeer, and steal, and criminalize, and even lie about hte contents of the bible itself.
Now you are just rambling like a mad woman, making accusations that exist only in your head. You need to become familiar with the Bible, so you know exactly what it says.

It won't work.
Take your own advice.

I do.

What's more...I'm correct.

Now you may fuck off.

Please forgive me for saying fuck. I'm sorry you're such a pig.
Well before all of you go to bed tonight say to yourselves I choose to forgive that person and drop it like a rock from your mind after that. Good night and sweet dreams. - Jeri
How can you edit out "lying scumbag" and expect to be taken seriously? No personal attack?
Your credibility just got flushed!

Bruce, I am referring to your being outraged at my asking you where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is in your own life. Your indignation is nothing more than misplaced pride. Your failure to answer the question doesn't grant you to be taken seriously. You basically have opted out on the truth here instead..... calling out faults of others. Nothing else to discuss.

- Jeri

I have repeatedly answered that question.
Your giving cretins a free pass is nothing but bald hypocrisy. Pretending that vulgar personal insults simply don't count.
Your credibility is gone.
Save the soft soap for suckers.

Wouldn't I have to claim the title of Christian before you could berate Jeremiah for not condemning me for calling you and asshole? I bet you were wondering why I compare you to a Sadducee instead of a Pharisee.
If someone says they never lie, that by itself makes them a liar.

There isn't anyone on the earth who hasn't told a lie before. That is true.

Well, there is one, Jesus, He never told a lie. And, I didn't say I had never told a lie in my life, but as a Christian I don't practice lying. There is such a thing as truth.

Jesus is the only sinless One to have ever walked the earth. I agree. I never said you said you never told a lie in your life, Mertex. As a Christian I don't practice lying either. It is not part of our new life in Christ - or shouldn't be. The truth is the only standard for the Christian. I agree with that and on that note speaking the truth is sometimes offensive but if it isn't received we don't need to delve off into the personal attacks, insults, etc. That shouldn't be part of the Christian testimony either. We are all a work in progress and what my weaknesses may be - may not be the weaknesses of others and vice versa.

My outlook is that knowing myself to have been far worse off than any of you - there is hope for all. It is better to be talking and hearing each other out then completely shut off to each other. imo.
Indeed it does. :thup:

God gave them over.....Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

I know Quantum knows the Lord. I have read things he's written that left me with no doubt it was the wisdom of God speaking through him. If I had a serious problem he is one person I would expect would give a right answer.

In spite of his open rejection of Christianity?
His words!
Big of you.

I must have missed that post, was I asleep?
The best scriptural description of what a true Christian should look like to the world is written by Paul in his letter to the Galatians.
The Fruits of the Spirit describe the nature of one truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Apply these traits to your favorite self-professed Christians on these boards and you will find a fundamental disconnect.
Mention the dissonance to a believer and you will find the disconnect becomes even more dramatic as they lash out with vitriol and frequently vulgarity and never see the irony in their response.
This has been true 100% of the times I have done it. I have never gotten an admission that this teaching is simply rejected. I hear how people are imperfect and fail, and then the poster moves forward with zero effort to change their posting persona, continuing to be crude, mean and dismissive.
100% of the time.
Sometimes the finger gets pointed back at me, as if that somehow excuses them, when it is their scripture they are failing, not mine.
We know what a Christian is supposed to look like.
The real question is why they so frequently don't.

The Irish Ram is a good example of what a real Christian acts like. She frequently posts in this section on religion and ethics. She never fails to lift my spirits, and I am kind of an agnostic. I struggle with faith.

Yes, and she never insults or calls those with whom she is debating vile and ugly names, because that isn't what Christians are supposed to do. Yet it is amusing, to see some defending Christianity with vitriol and hate-filled language, and it makes you wonder how they reconcile that with their conscience.
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