What REAL Christians look like

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Are you know claiming you have never directed comments in my direction regarding how little I exemplify Christ? Because I would put that down as another fucking lie from you, which would make at least two in this thread alone.

Quantum, I believe if Bruce isn't going to be honest with others about the lack of fruit in his own life ( fruits of the Spirit ) then there is no ground for judging others about what they say, do, believe.

There wasn't any grounds to begin with but as Bruce has created his own religion and his own interpretation of who God is - anyone who conflicts with that pov is an obstacle.

Jerry, I think all of us have some or all of the fruits in our lives at one time or another, although we all have moments of weakness. Bruce is just one of those angry people with an inferiority complex.

you've just described most of the people who participate on internet message boards.
I actually think I have entered an insane asylum on this thread.
This is the very bottom of the barrel.
If Christ is represented here by anyone, there is no hope whatsoever.
There isn't anyone on the earth who hasn't told a lie before. That is true.

Well, there is one, Jesus, He never told a lie. And, I didn't say I had never told a lie in my life, but as a Christian I don't practice lying. There is such a thing as truth.

Jesus is the only sinless One to have ever walked the earth. I agree. I never said you said you never told a lie in your life, Mertex. As a Christian I don't practice lying either. It is not part of our new life in Christ - or shouldn't be. The truth is the only standard for the Christian. I agree with that and on that note speaking the truth is sometimes offensive but if it isn't received we don't need to delve off into the personal attacks, insults, etc. That shouldn't be part of the Christian testimony either. We are all a work in progress and what my weaknesses may be - may not be the weaknesses of others and vice versa.

My outlook is that knowing myself to have been far worse off than any of you - there is hope for all. It is better to be talking and hearing each other out then completely shut off to each other. imo.

I agree, but it is extremely difficult to talk and hear each other when those who claim to be Christian brothers, aren't able to behave in a civilized manner and can't keep themselves from calling you pig, scum, and other things much worse that I won't repeat. It is okay to remind them, because even non-believers don't have to act that way, but at least they have an excuse.
Wait, did I forgive you bruce? If I didn't, I'll do it now...I FORGIVE YOU!!! Good night!!
Well, there is one, Jesus, He never told a lie. And, I didn't say I had never told a lie in my life, but as a Christian I don't practice lying. There is such a thing as truth.

Jesus is the only sinless One to have ever walked the earth. I agree. I never said you said you never told a lie in your life, Mertex. As a Christian I don't practice lying either. It is not part of our new life in Christ - or shouldn't be. The truth is the only standard for the Christian. I agree with that and on that note speaking the truth is sometimes offensive but if it isn't received we don't need to delve off into the personal attacks, insults, etc. That shouldn't be part of the Christian testimony either. We are all a work in progress and what my weaknesses may be - may not be the weaknesses of others and vice versa.

My outlook is that knowing myself to have been far worse off than any of you - there is hope for all. It is better to be talking and hearing each other out then completely shut off to each other. imo.

I agree, but it is extremely difficult to talk and hear each other when those who claim to be Christian brothers, aren't able to behave in a civilized manner and can't keep themselves from calling you pig, scum, and other things much worse that I won't repeat. It is okay to remind them, because even non-believers don't have to act that way, but at least they have an excuse.

"It's okay when I do it cuz I'm better!"

How can you edit out "lying scumbag" and expect to be taken seriously? No personal attack?
Your credibility just got flushed!

Bruce, I am referring to your being outraged at my asking you where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is in your own life. Your indignation is nothing more than misplaced pride. Your failure to answer the question doesn't grant you to be taken seriously. You basically have opted out on the truth here instead..... calling out faults of others. Nothing else to discuss.

- Jeri

I have repeatedly answered that question.
Your giving cretins a free pass is nothing but bald hypocrisy. Pretending that vulgar personal insults simply don't count.
Your credibility is gone.
Save the soft soap for suckers.

Why should you expect someone else to live according to standards you don't?
He doesn't expect them to live by them. Which is good, because they aren't.
Jesus wasn't above telling liars and hypocrites off. Ask the Pharisees. It's simple: act like a lady/gentleman and you won't have any trouble from us.
You're not Jesus. And you must have a different Bible that teaches other than what Jesus taught. You are not supposed to treat someone bad just because they treat you bad, however, you are name-calling and insulting people that are not doing that to you, so how does that square with your own claim that if someone acts like a lady/gentleman they won't have any trouble? You're not even able to stay true to your own words.

If you can dispute what they are saying, do it, you don't have to resort to name-calling, only those that can't defend their stance do that.

I tend to treat people bad because they are assholes that threat other people bad. Personally, I don't give a fuck how you treat me here, I have bigger fucking problems in my life that what some pathetic poster on a message board thinks about me, but I thoroughly enjoy trashing the people that think I can't defend my position because I call them scumbag assholes, ask bruce how that worked out for him.

You treat people bad because you are the one that acts like what you call them. And obviously you care what posters on message boards think about you, or you wouldn't be here getting all puffed up about yourself. And you just think you can defend your position.

It is easy to tell when someone can't defend their position, they turn to vitriol, name-calling and insults, and that's exactly what you do.

And, I'm sure that Bruce isn't devastated by anything you called him. If you think your insults carry much weight, you are far more delusional about yourself than you might realize.
Care to point out where I ever claimed to be a model fucking Christan, asshole? Having actually read the Bible, and understood it, I know it is entirely possible to believe yourself a follower of Jesus, and to even be able to work fucking miracles, and still end up not in heaven, so I don't claim to be a Christian, I just assert a belief in God, and then go about my life the way that seems best to me, which includes not judging other people based on what they claim to believe. That last part alone puts me an entire order of magnitude closer to God that you have ever been.

Indeed it does. :thup:

God gave them over.....Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

I know Quantum knows the Lord. I have read things he's written that left me with no doubt it was the wisdom of God speaking through him. If I had a serious problem he is one person I would expect would give a right answer.

That's the problem. People expect those who speak the wisdom of God to be perfect. The fact is no one is perfect. Everyone is flawed. That's the entire point of the Atonement. That's why we need forgiveness. But that doesn't mean God can't use us to bless people at times.

I mean heck, when Joseph of Egypt's brothers sold him to slavery, God used it to save them. If He can bring about a great good with the evils of some men, imagine what He could do if we were trying to do good?

God can use anyone, especially imperfect people, to save, lift, and inspire others.
Well, there is one, Jesus, He never told a lie. And, I didn't say I had never told a lie in my life, but as a Christian I don't practice lying. There is such a thing as truth.

Jesus is the only sinless One to have ever walked the earth. I agree. I never said you said you never told a lie in your life, Mertex. As a Christian I don't practice lying either. It is not part of our new life in Christ - or shouldn't be. The truth is the only standard for the Christian. I agree with that and on that note speaking the truth is sometimes offensive but if it isn't received we don't need to delve off into the personal attacks, insults, etc. That shouldn't be part of the Christian testimony either. We are all a work in progress and what my weaknesses may be - may not be the weaknesses of others and vice versa.

My outlook is that knowing myself to have been far worse off than any of you - there is hope for all. It is better to be talking and hearing each other out then completely shut off to each other. imo.

I agree, but it is extremely difficult to talk and hear each other when those who claim to be Christian brothers, aren't able to behave in a civilized manner and can't keep themselves from calling you pig, scum, and other things much worse that I won't repeat. It is okay to remind them, because even non-believers don't have to act that way, but at least they have an excuse.

So, let me ask you an honest question: What were you doing when you were being called those names? Responding in kind. Calling her subhuman, a bad debater and a 'vile person.' Nobody has an excuse for this behavior, especially Christians, and most certainly not you. I find it interesting how people simply hop on their ivory towers and judge from afar, while hurling flaming invective from their ramparts.
Are you telling me that you have never told a lie? Please make that claim s I can laugh at you because everyone lies.

The specific one I was thinking of in this post is your lie that Jeremiah was using Scriptures to make a political point.

No, not everyone lies. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone does, too. You can't tell someone that they are acting like morality police, when that is exactly the same thing you and some of the others are doing, only you are doing with some vile and awful language, like what I've bolded above.

Everybody lies.

Let me rephrase that, you are a liar.

Any questions?

I never said I have never told a lie. I don't practice lying, and no, I am not a liar.
You may do it so often that you have become accustomed with it, but some of us do have integrity and don't need to rely on lies in order to function.
If someone says they never lie, that by itself makes them a liar.

There isn't anyone on the earth who hasn't told a lie before. That is true.

Well, there is one, Jesus, He never told a lie. And, I didn't say I had never told a lie in my life, but as a Christian I don't practice lying. There is such a thing as truth.

There are many ways to lie. Sometimes we do it without realizing it. But we should all work on avoiding it whenever possible.

It's why I've been working on cutting down on my sarcasm. Because sarcasm is by nature a lie. Not easy though.
He didn't say to treat people bad because they treat you bad.

He said Christ wasn't above telling them off. Not because they treat anybody bad...because they were wrong.

And again Mertex...thank goodness, I don't answer to you. You hate religion, you hate Christians based on their politics. You're a progressive pig, and I would hate myself if you liked me.

I've never seen anything from Mertex to suggest she is a pig. I think that's uncalled for.

Honestly, both of them need to stop. Christianity is least represented by those who cannot cease from calling names and insulting one another. I was in Bible study a week or so ago, we were taught to turn the other cheek. The idea of turning the other cheek is something we should all practice.
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He didn't say to treat people bad because they treat you bad.
That is exactly what he said. He said he treats people the way they treat him, only he is lying, because he is insulting and name-calling people that are not doing that to him.

When you are sinless, then you can do the same. But, it's amazing that you don't even see yourself the way you are...you're one of the ones that Christ would be telling off and shooing out of the church. You're one like the Pharisees, who thinks they are right but treat people like dirt. You're the one that is wrong.

And again Mertex...thank goodness, I don't answer to you. You hate religion, you hate Christians based on their politics. You're a progressive pig, and I would hate myself if you liked me.
No, you don't answer to me, but everyone that sees what you post, and the way you talk can see that your claim to be a Christian doesn't match up with who you really are. If you are an example of a Christian, it's no wonder that so many will turn away from it. Stop lying to yourself and accept the fact that you are not a follower of Christ.

Except for the fact that Paul, who never claimed to be sinless, had no problem telling people off, you have a pretty good point, for an uneducated idiot that thinks left is purple and up is green.

You, who claim to not be a Christian, is trying to educate me on Paul? That is too funny.
Paul never called people the names you call them, so don't try to compare yourself to him. The fact that you are not a Christian is your excuse for doing it, and I'll grant you that, I expect that from people like you, my admonishment was to those who claim to be Christian, then spew venom and hate-filled language at those whom they don't agree with.
Good fucking thing I don't claim I am religious, isn't it, asshole?

It's not like we can't tell. You're also not very human, either.

I thought that was something *we* don't do?

Like I said, I would seriously reconsider my entire life if you liked me. You're a disgusting worm, as are all progressives.

Thanks again, you keep proving my statements over and over. I don't have to do anything but thank you. You're the perfect example of what a Christian is not supposed to be like.
I'm not interested in religion-controlled state.

That's a progressive thing. State control of religion.

Not my thing at all.

You really don't even know what you are interested in.

Your comments show otherwise.
I actually think I have entered an insane asylum on this thread.
This is the very bottom of the barrel.
If Christ is represented here by anyone, there is no hope whatsoever.

That's where you are wrong. Because of Christ there is always hope. Even among the least of those who can be called saints.
I thought that was something *we* don't do?

Like I said, I would seriously reconsider my entire life if you liked me. You're a disgusting worm, as are all progressives.

As usual, rules are for other people, not the enlightened ones that have achieved perfection and are free to force other people to do what they say.

I forgive her for being a pig..and I forgive you for getting it.

Oh, you're such a fine Christian, Kg, thanks for proving it over and over.
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