What REAL Christians look like

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Mertex follows me around the board calling me names. Seriously.

So where were we?

Oh yeah. You can be a good Christian without being a progressive, and we must fight against them finding ways to punish us for our religion.

Because that's where it's going.

Of course you can be a good Christian without being a progressive.

But I think we need to be keeping the commandments, including being kind to and loving our enemies and let God fight for us.

The worst anyone can do is the same thing they did to Christ. And we will be blessed if that happens.

Letting God fight for us isn't a commandment. At all. In fact, the bible tells us we are supposed to fight evil...particularly in the end times.

As for the rest...yes, you've said it all before. In fact, it's pretty much all you ever say. You seem to view yourself as the great equalizer or something, the person who isn't afraid to chastise his own or whatever. It's a schtick, it's yours, you don't need to waste it on me, I've had more than my fair share. I don't want others to miss out.
Sister Simone Campbell was on Bill Maher last night and as he said about her, she was a breath of fresh air. Here's the video of her talking with ultra-conservative and fellow guest, Dinesh D'Souza during the "overtime segment" after the show -

Sister Simone Campbell Takes Dinesh D'Souza To School On Minimum Wage | Crooks and Liars

Anyone interested in hearing her remarks on the show, HBO reruns Real Time and its at the very beginning of the show.


THIS is the Christianity I learned about as a kid and is apparently all but dead now.

Rooted in a deep spirituality of compassion and service, Sister Simone gives voice to the hunger, isolation, and fear that so many people in America are feeling right now and shows us how we can create real transformation in our communities and in our own hearts through the contemplative life of prayer. Powerful, inspiring stories from the Nuns on the Bus tour and from Sister Simone's own life offer readers a fresh vision for a lived spirituality that is at the heart of today's progressive Christian movements working for change.

IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

Nuns on the Bus is a Catholic pressure group in the United States. Their name comes from the fact that they tour the country on a bus.
The Nuns' journeys are sponsored by NETWORK.
Nuns on the Bus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NETWORK is a Roman Catholic social justice lobby in Washington, D.C

Lobbying Spending Database - NETWORK, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Many believed Pope Francis would reverse criticism of U.S. nuns for behavior deemed conflicting with Church teaching; instead however, he reaffirmed the Vatican's reprimand of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)

LCWR, representing more than 90 percent of US Catholic nuns, was publicly criticized for "serious doctrinal problems" under the direction of Pope Benedict XVI. According to the Vatican, these rogue nuns were pushing "radical feminist themes" that were inconsistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Nuns Thrown Under the Bus*|*Gina Messina-Dysert

Mertex follows me around the board calling me names. Seriously.

So where were we?

Oh yeah. You can be a good Christian without being a progressive, and we must fight against them finding ways to punish us for our religion.

Because that's where it's going.

Of course you can be a good Christian without being a progressive.

But I think we need to be keeping the commandments, including being kind to and loving our enemies and let God fight for us.

The worst anyone can do is the same thing they did to Christ. And we will be blessed if that happens.

Letting God fight for us isn't a commandment. At all. In fact, the bible tells us we are supposed to fight evil...particularly in the end times.

As for the rest...yes, you've said it all before. In fact, it's pretty much all you ever say. You seem to view yourself as the great equalizer or something, the person who isn't afraid to chastise his own or whatever. It's a schtick, it's yours, you don't need to waste it on me, I've had more than my fair share. I don't want others to miss out.

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

-Romans 12:19
Moderator Message:

Did a LITTLE thread cleaning here.
There's a pretty good discussion on, but also some bickering.
I TRIED to cut down on bickering, but sometimes it's hard to separate it out
because of the Topic Title.

Use discretion. Follow the Zone2 forum rule.. EVERY POST has to have relevance to the topic..
Makes it easier for others to follow and keeps the conversation on track..


Some of you better go back and see which posts have been deleted. I'm not leaving til the bickering stops..
So don't call her a pig.

I call her a pig because to me, she is one.

You think your words matter. They only matter in that they show what kind of person you are. Not a role model for Christ, that's for sure.

I'm not trying to be your role model. I'm telling you that your progressive beliefs are at odds with Christ's teachings, and therefore you are my enemy.

Get used to it.

But shouldn't you be trying to be her role model and a role model for all people? Isn't that what Christ asked to do when He asked us to let our light shine?
And as for this topic, being Christian is not dependent on who you are or are not as far as political affiliation goes. I think it is rather foolish to think that way.

Progressivism is not compatible with Christianity. Not in any way, shape or form. Regardless of what the OP says. It's not so much a political belief as an illness.
You think your words matter. They only matter in that they show what kind of person you are. Not a role model for Christ, that's for sure.

I'm not trying to be your role model. I'm telling you that your progressive beliefs are at odds with Christ's teachings, and therefore you are my enemy.

Get used to it.

But shouldn't you be trying to be her role model and a role model for all people? Isn't that what Christ asked to do when He asked us to let our light shine?

He didn't require that we fail to identify evil, avatar. He never required that. He identified it himself, more than once. And he was definite about his rejection of it.
What sort of example did he show the money changers?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Isaiah 59:8: "The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace."[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] "Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?" (I Cor. 6:1-5)

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Revelation 2:2? " I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:"

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Proverbs 24:23 says, "These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment."[/FONT]
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Mertex follows me around the board calling me names. Seriously.

So where were we?

Oh yeah. You can be a good Christian without being a progressive, and we must fight against them finding ways to punish us for our religion.

Because that's where it's going.

Of course you can be a good Christian without being a progressive.

But I think we need to be keeping the commandments, including being kind to and loving our enemies and let God fight for us.

The worst anyone can do is the same thing they did to Christ. And we will be blessed if that happens.

Letting God fight for us isn't a commandment. At all. In fact, the bible tells us we are supposed to fight evil...particularly in the end times.

As for the rest...yes, you've said it all before. In fact, it's pretty much all you ever say. You seem to view yourself as the great equalizer or something, the person who isn't afraid to chastise his own or whatever. It's a schtick, it's yours, you don't need to waste it on me, I've had more than my fair share. I don't want others to miss out.

yeah, actually it is:
"¶And I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, Thine eyes have seen all that the Lord your God hath done unto these two kings: so shall the Lord do unto all the kingdoms whither thou passest.

Ye shall not fear them: for the Lord your God he shall fight for you. (Deut 3:21-22)
In what place therefore ye hear the sound of the trumpet, resort ye thither unto us: our God shall fight for us. (Nehemiah 4:20)

And ye have seen all that the Lord your God hath done unto all these nations because of you; for the Lord your God is he that hath fought for you. (Joshua 23:3)

And all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time, because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel. (Joshua 10:42)

The Lord your God which goeth before you, he shall fight for you, according to all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes (Deut 1:30)

Those were a few of them. I could have added others.

The key is:

And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the Lord will do wonders among you. (Joshua 3:5)

Trust God. He can handle the enemies we may face. And who knows, if we keep His commandments, it's possible those enemies can become friends and family.
I'm not trying to be your role model. I'm telling you that your progressive beliefs are at odds with Christ's teachings, and therefore you are my enemy.

Get used to it.

But shouldn't you be trying to be her role model and a role model for all people? Isn't that what Christ asked to do when He asked us to let our light shine?

He didn't require that we fail to identify evil, avatar. He never required that. He identified it himself, more than once. And he was definite about his rejection of it.

Nor have I said said so either. What I have said is that we must be kind and loving.

And we should focus on eliminating the evil in ourselves first.
Well, there is one, Jesus, He never told a lie. And, I didn't say I had never told a lie in my life, but as a Christian I don't practice lying. There is such a thing as truth.

Jesus is the only sinless One to have ever walked the earth. I agree. I never said you said you never told a lie in your life, Mertex. As a Christian I don't practice lying either. It is not part of our new life in Christ - or shouldn't be. The truth is the only standard for the Christian. I agree with that and on that note speaking the truth is sometimes offensive but if it isn't received we don't need to delve off into the personal attacks, insults, etc. That shouldn't be part of the Christian testimony either. We are all a work in progress and what my weaknesses may be - may not be the weaknesses of others and vice versa.

My outlook is that knowing myself to have been far worse off than any of you - there is hope for all. It is better to be talking and hearing each other out then completely shut off to each other. imo.

I agree, but it is extremely difficult to talk and hear each other when those who claim to be Christian brothers, aren't able to behave in a civilized manner and can't keep themselves from calling you pig, scum, and other things much worse that I won't repeat. It is okay to remind them, because even non-believers don't have to act that way, but at least they have an excuse.

Yeah, it is a good thing the early Christians never had that problem.

Ever think that, if you stopped being a self righteous little prick you might be able to learn something? Do you actually believe that your insults are less offensive to God because you pretend that you aren't actually insulting people? You are the disgusting underbelly of the lowlife that scumbags scrape off the bottom of their shoes. If you are an example of what a Christian is supposed to be the world is better off in Hell.
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We aren't obliged to be kind and loving to Satan.

And the we are obliged to fight against evil. You are mistaken in your interpretation. We are to fight against evil..actively, physically, when necessary, to the very end.
What was said to Joshua was for Joshua, and does not mean that all Christians forevermore must be pacifists, and oblige satan and the demons.
Sister Simone Campbell was on Bill Maher last night and as he said about her, she was a breath of fresh air. Here's the video of her talking with ultra-conservative and fellow guest, Dinesh D'Souza during the "overtime segment" after the show -

Sister Simone Campbell Takes Dinesh D'Souza To School On Minimum Wage | Crooks and Liars

Anyone interested in hearing her remarks on the show, HBO reruns Real Time and its at the very beginning of the show.


THIS is the Christianity I learned about as a kid and is apparently all but dead now.

Rooted in a deep spirituality of compassion and service, Sister Simone gives voice to the hunger, isolation, and fear that so many people in America are feeling right now and shows us how we can create real transformation in our communities and in our own hearts through the contemplative life of prayer. Powerful, inspiring stories from the Nuns on the Bus tour and from Sister Simone's own life offer readers a fresh vision for a lived spirituality that is at the heart of today's progressive Christian movements working for change.
IMO, preachy proselytizers like @Clement @Avatar and @GISMYS and other fake christians could learn a lot from real Christians like these women.

Nuns on the Bus is a Catholic pressure group in the United States. Their name comes from the fact that they tour the country on a bus.
The Nuns' journeys are sponsored by NETWORK.
Nuns on the Bus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NETWORK is a Roman Catholic social justice lobby in Washington, D.C

Lobbying Spending Database - NETWORK, 2014 | OpenSecrets

Many believed Pope Francis would reverse criticism of U.S. nuns for behavior deemed conflicting with Church teaching; instead however, he reaffirmed the Vatican's reprimand of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)

LCWR, representing more than 90 percent of US Catholic nuns, was publicly criticized for "serious doctrinal problems" under the direction of Pope Benedict XVI. According to the Vatican, these rogue nuns were pushing "radical feminist themes" that were inconsistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Nuns Thrown Under the Bus*|*Gina Messina-Dysert


Pro-abortion nuns. Awesome.

Of course progressives want us to be like them.
We aren't obliged to be kind and loving to Satan.

And the we are obliged to fight against evil. You are mistaken in your interpretation. We are to fight against evil..actively, physically, when necessary, to the very end.
What was said to Joshua was for Joshua, and does not mean that all Christians forevermore must be pacifists, and oblige satan and the demons.

No one is suggesting that we oblige satan or demons. We are saying be kind to your fellow man.
You're not Jesus. And you must have a different Bible that teaches other than what Jesus taught. You are not supposed to treat someone bad just because they treat you bad, however, you are name-calling and insulting people that are not doing that to you, so how does that square with your own claim that if someone acts like a lady/gentleman they won't have any trouble? You're not even able to stay true to your own words.

If you can dispute what they are saying, do it, you don't have to resort to name-calling, only those that can't defend their stance do that.

I tend to treat people bad because they are assholes that threat other people bad. Personally, I don't give a fuck how you treat me here, I have bigger fucking problems in my life that what some pathetic poster on a message board thinks about me, but I thoroughly enjoy trashing the people that think I can't defend my position because I call them scumbag assholes, ask bruce how that worked out for him.

You treat people bad because you are the one that acts like what you call them. And obviously you care what posters on message boards think about you, or you wouldn't be here getting all puffed up about yourself. And you just think you can defend your position.

It is easy to tell when someone can't defend their position, they turn to vitriol, name-calling and insults, and that's exactly what you do.

And, I'm sure that Bruce isn't devastated by anything you called him. If you think your insults carry much weight, you are far more delusional about yourself than you might realize.

Fuck off, scumbag.

You want to know the difference between you and me? I treat people exactly like I expect them to treat me? I don't want people to tiptoe around me and pretend that words like fuck don't exist, I want them to express themselves openly and honestly. When I call someone an asshole I don't mean it personally, and I will drop whatever I am doing to help them if they need it. I had an outright feud going with one poster, and sent her a PM because she made a mistake and when she was trying to post a picture and actually posted a link to her desktop, complete with her full name. In other words, I don't take any of this shit seriously, it is just a way to have fun. If you think I cannot defend my position, pick any subject and call me out on it, I can defend it with, or without, profanity, because I can actually think.

You, on the other hand, turn your nose up whenever people you disagree with say something to you, no matter how polite they are about it. You snob around threads pretending that you don't insult people, and then call them less than human, or uncivilized. You judge people for their fucking language, and use a naked woman as an avatar. You pretend that you are better than other people because you follow a fake version of the Bible that lets you be a scumbag hypocrite.


By the way, I agree bruce isn't devastated by anything I called him, he is devastated by the fact that a person who has to resort to profanity because he can't think managed to out think him. Not that it was hard, I was drugged at the time. You should tell him to be thankful I didn't catch him when I wasn't dealing with the drugs I need to get through everything that modern medicine is killing off a portion of my body, he might actually have been devastated by one of my insults.
Jesus is the only sinless One to have ever walked the earth. I agree. I never said you said you never told a lie in your life, Mertex. As a Christian I don't practice lying either. It is not part of our new life in Christ - or shouldn't be. The truth is the only standard for the Christian. I agree with that and on that note speaking the truth is sometimes offensive but if it isn't received we don't need to delve off into the personal attacks, insults, etc. That shouldn't be part of the Christian testimony either. We are all a work in progress and what my weaknesses may be - may not be the weaknesses of others and vice versa.

My outlook is that knowing myself to have been far worse off than any of you - there is hope for all. It is better to be talking and hearing each other out then completely shut off to each other. imo.

I agree, but it is extremely difficult to talk and hear each other when those who claim to be Christian brothers, aren't able to behave in a civilized manner and can't keep themselves from calling you pig, scum, and other things much worse that I won't repeat. It is okay to remind them, because even non-believers don't have to act that way, but at least they have an excuse.

So, let me ask you an honest question: What were you doing when you were being called those names? Responding in kind. Calling her subhuman, a bad debater and a 'vile person.' Nobody has an excuse for this behavior, especially Christians, and most certainly not you. I find it interesting how people simply hop on their ivory towers and judge from afar, while hurling flaming invective from their ramparts.

Which is why I prefer to be down on the streets, I might get dirty, but at least I can look at myself in the mirror every day.
No, not everyone lies. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone does, too. You can't tell someone that they are acting like morality police, when that is exactly the same thing you and some of the others are doing, only you are doing with some vile and awful language, like what I've bolded above.

Everybody lies.

Let me rephrase that, you are a liar.

Any questions?

I never said I have never told a lie. I don't practice lying, and no, I am not a liar.
You may do it so often that you have become accustomed with it, but some of us do have integrity and don't need to rely on lies in order to function.

You admitted that you told lies, and I have seen you do so in this very thread, that makes you, by definition, a liar.

Maybe you should practice telling the truth more, it gets easier after a few years.
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