What real lynching looks like..

Business is amoral (absence of morality, positive or negative).

People in business is the reason why government regulates. Why should Ringel05 explain the obvious, PMZ, to you?

Why you don't want to be an irrelevant reactionary, like Ernie S., who steals others language and definitions.

I'm sure that there's a thought in your post somewhere, but I'll be darned if I can find it.

People have looked for any "thought" in any of the posts by Fakey for a while and the score is still "Fakey's 'thoughts' = 0" and Fakey = poseur.
Starkey is a beta version of a spy, a crude prototype with parts missing kind of like an East German car. His handlers get a big kick out of how he's just not right

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What I asked you is what the difference is between 'free enterprise' and 'unrestrained capitalism' that you claimed. What I get back is bullshit. Everybody who reads this would conclude the same.

You did not get back bullshit, you got back what any lazy/inept student would get from a teacher worth his salt and only in your imagination would anyone else conclude the what you concluded. Many would conclude the same as I did that you're either too lazy or incapable of finding out on your own.
But since you are inept or lazy someone will have to explain it to you when you are ready to learn. In the meantime I suggest you take a course in how to study, I don't teach that one considering I don't teach first grade.
Now if you wish to stop being a lazy/inept/self-justifying ass and ask nicely I'll be happy to explain the difference.

Back to the bullshit. You just can't stay away from it very long. And stay away from using words that you define in your own way, and stick to standard dictionary English. I am sure that you do not teach first grade but not so sure that you went past it in school.
Well Sparky, we now know you have projection down to a science. :thup:
Why are you lying? You act like a thug all the time here threatening stuff you would be too chicken to carry out. And you were writing about blacks and you in prison sometime ago.

No, I never said I was in prison, you're a lying sack of crap. By the way puss, I never make threats.

They sure aren't promises. You play with the real guys, son, you will never see it coming.

Just saying.

You sound like some of that white mesquite crap just south of Houston.

They are what they are nancy. Just saying. I don't even know what a white mesquite is, I was born and raised on the lower east side of NYC and where I come from you don't threaten, you do. Run along now boofer, you rarely if ever have anything intelligent to say.
Trayvon Martin was no thug. In any sense of the word.

He was a kid.

He was a gang banger, a burglar a dope user and dealer and a person who we KNOW assaulted at least two innocent people, a bus driver and Zimmerman. How exactly would you define thugs dumbass?


You live in this whacked out world where people of different skin colors are inferior to yourself.

There's really not much anyone can do to crack your reality.

Because it's quite different than the rest of the world.

To bad you can't time travel back to 1933 Germany.

You were just born at the wrong time.

Not at all, I live in the world where you can look back throughout mankind's history and see the contributions and advancements different races made to mankind and to society, and the contributions made by the sub Saharan negro are almost non-existent. I live in the world where you can read the current events, around the world, and see the numerous failures of the sub Saharan negro throughout the world. Their failures in EVERY nation they have been taken to or have emigrated to, not to mention the massive failures on their own continent. I live in the world where you can look to how the sub Saharan negro leads this nation in EVERY negative category we measure, drop out rates, poverty rates, crime rates, welfare rates, unwed pregnancy rates, food stamp rates, incarceration rates, etc., etc., etc. in spite of the untold billions of dollars the white man has spent trying to save the negro from themselves. It is what it is slick. Can't deny the evidence you see with your own eyes.

You live in this whacked out world where people of different skin colors are inferior to yourself.

There's really not much anyone can do to crack your reality.

Because it's quite different than the rest of the world.

To bad you can't time travel back to 1933 Germany.

You were just born at the wrong time.

Deleted text messages from his phone showed that he was trying to buy a gun, that he smoked dope regularly, and got into several fights.
His phone also contained photos of young girls in various states of undress, and of him with a gun.
His backpack, when he was suspended, contained jewelry stolen in a residential burglary.

I guess it was you that was born at the wrong time; after they stopped teaching reading comprehension in public schools.

For which of those things is there a death sentence?

Isn't it obvious dumbass? Assaulting an armed victim.
He was a gang banger, a burglar a dope user and dealer and a person who we KNOW assaulted at least two innocent people, a bus driver and Zimmerman. How exactly would you define thugs dumbass?


You live in this whacked out world where people of different skin colors are inferior to yourself.

There's really not much anyone can do to crack your reality.

Because it's quite different than the rest of the world.

To bad you can't time travel back to 1933 Germany.

You were just born at the wrong time.

Not at all, I live in the world where you can look back throughout mankind's history and see the contributions and advancements different races made to mankind and to society, and the contributions made by the sub Saharan negro are almost non-existent. I live in the world where you can read the current events, around the world, and see the numerous failures of the sub Saharan negro throughout the world. Their failures in EVERY nation they have been taken to or have emigrated to, not to mention the massive failures on their own continent. I live in the world where you can look to how the sub Saharan negro leads this nation in EVERY negative category we measure, drop out rates, poverty rates, crime rates, welfare rates, unwed pregnancy rates, food stamp rates, incarceration rates, etc., etc., etc. in spite of the untold billions of dollars the white man has spent trying to save the negro from themselves. It is what it is slick. Can't deny the evidence you see with your own eyes.

So basically you're justifying your racism, trying to put it in "scientific" terms. Sorry, no one here is buying your world view except maybe a few of your fellow Stormfronters who slimed over with you to pollute this board.
Nice to know.
Deleted text messages from his phone showed that he was trying to buy a gun, that he smoked dope regularly, and got into several fights.
His phone also contained photos of young girls in various states of undress, and of him with a gun.
His backpack, when he was suspended, contained jewelry stolen in a residential burglary.

I guess it was you that was born at the wrong time; after they stopped teaching reading comprehension in public schools.

For which of those things is there a death sentence?

Isn't it obvious dumbass? Assaulting an armed victim.

The NRA is trying to reach a goal of all whites carrying concealed weapons. That way all communities can enjoy the benefits now only available in the poorest neighborhoods. Everybody at risk all of the time.

If they are successful, you'll be able to tell your grandchildren (hopefully before their TM moment comes) that you did your part in ending civilization.
For which of those things is there a death sentence?

Isn't it obvious dumbass? Assaulting an armed victim.

The NRA is trying to reach a goal of all whites carrying concealed weapons. That way all communities can enjoy the benefits now only available in the poorest neighborhoods. Everybody at risk all of the time.

If they are successful, you'll be able to tell your grandchildren (hopefully before their TM moment comes) that you did your part in ending civilization.

Hey dummy look up the history if the nra
I don't need to. As I'm liberal, I am concerned with the future. You conservatives can take care of the past.
For which of those things is there a death sentence?

Isn't it obvious dumbass? Assaulting an armed victim.

The NRA is trying to reach a goal of all whites carrying concealed weapons. That way all communities can enjoy the benefits now only available in the poorest neighborhoods. Everybody at risk all of the time.

If they are successful, you'll be able to tell your grandchildren (hopefully before their TM moment comes) that you did your part in ending civilization.

The NRA supports everyone's Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. That includes blacks, not disqualified from possessing firearms due to being under age or felony convictions.
You see, for Conservatives, it's not about race, it's about rights.
One trait of conservatism is the belief that reality can be whatever you want it to be. Their heroes like Rush convince them that someone without talent, skills, education or even common sense can go far. They don't realize that's only true if your business is herding conservatives.

So, with their vision exclusively on the rear view mirror, they follow their leaders, and leave behind a trail of damage that they can make go away by merely wishing it would.

Fortunately for democracy, the majority of us are not so easily fooled.
I don't need to. As I'm liberal, I am concerned with the future. You conservatives can take care of the past.

Libs are concerned with a future where Trayvon would have the right to assault and possibly kill a white guy without being concerned that he might get shot.
You have zero concern for my right to defend myself, my right to speak out against a President with ideas that I find morally repugnant. You have zero concern about my right to worship when and where I choose or my right to keep the fruits of my labor.
Yup, I'll take care of a great deal of the past and work to see that the country maintains the rights, responsibilities and values that served us so well for the first 150 years of our country.
One trait of conservatism is the belief that reality can be whatever you want it to be. Their heroes like Rush convince them that someone without talent, skills, education or even common sense can go far. They don't realize that's only true if your business is herding conservatives.

So, with their vision exclusively on the rear view mirror, they follow their leaders, and leave behind a trail of damage that they can make go away by merely wishing it would.

Fortunately for democracy, the majority of us are not so easily fooled.

That's NOT a "trait" of conservatism.

It's just some dumb-ass pontificating lolberal making shit up.
One trait of conservatism is the belief that reality can be whatever you want it to be. Their heroes like Rush convince them that someone without talent, skills, education or even common sense can go far. They don't realize that's only true if your business is herding conservatives.

So, with their vision exclusively on the rear view mirror, they follow their leaders, and leave behind a trail of damage that they can make go away by merely wishing it would.

Fortunately for democracy, the majority of us are not so easily fooled.

wtf. babbling bs
and your hardon for Rush is duly noted...now I go laugh my ass off
I don't need to. As I'm liberal, I am concerned with the future. You conservatives can take care of the past.

Libs are concerned with a future where Trayvon would have the right to assault and possibly kill a white guy without being concerned that he might get shot.
You have zero concern for my right to defend myself, my right to speak out against a President with ideas that I find morally repugnant. You have zero concern about my right to worship when and where I choose or my right to keep the fruits of my labor.
Yup, I'll take care of a great deal of the past and work to see that the country maintains the rights, responsibilities and values that served us so well for the first 150 years of our country.

Part of conservatism's we can define what's true is the belief that something that's been a minority belief for 20 years is responsible for all of the success of the country since the beginning. America has been built by people who envision and create the future, not people who worship the past and fear the future.
Maybe I misspoke. It's certainly a trait of conservatives as demonstrated here and all elsewheres in my experience.
One trait of conservatism is the belief that reality can be whatever you want it to be. Their heroes like Rush convince them that someone without talent, skills, education or even common sense can go far. They don't realize that's only true if your business is herding conservatives.

So, with their vision exclusively on the rear view mirror, they follow their leaders, and leave behind a trail of damage that they can make go away by merely wishing it would.

Fortunately for democracy, the majority of us are not so easily fooled.

wtf. babbling bs
and your hardon for Rush is duly noted...now I go laugh my ass off

That’s certainly the normal conservative approach to problem solving.
One trait of conservatism is the belief that reality can be whatever you want it to be. Their heroes like Rush convince them that someone without talent, skills, education or even common sense can go far. They don't realize that's only true if your business is herding conservatives.

So, with their vision exclusively on the rear view mirror, they follow their leaders, and leave behind a trail of damage that they can make go away by merely wishing it would.

Fortunately for democracy, the majority of us are not so easily fooled.

wtf. babbling bs
and your hardon for Rush is duly noted...now I go laugh my ass off

That’s certainly the normal conservative approach to problem solving.

Why would your hard on for Rush be considered a problem for Stephanie in need of solving by her?

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