What real lynching looks like..

If you read posts by conservatives, some version of lmao is nearly ubiquitous. I thought that meant that it was the problem solving method taught at Rush's School for Governmental Obstruction.

He's the biggest enemy our country has ever faced.

The biggest enemy our country has ever faced was the education system that molded you into a race baiting knee jerk reactionary automaton.

Certainly you can't claim to be the product of any education system.

Of course I'm not the product of what you would consider an education system. I spelled automaton correctly.

You live in this whacked out world where people of different skin colors are inferior to yourself.

There's really not much anyone can do to crack your reality.

Because it's quite different than the rest of the world.

To bad you can't time travel back to 1933 Germany.

You were just born at the wrong time.

Not at all, I live in the world where you can look back throughout mankind's history and see the contributions and advancements different races made to mankind and to society, and the contributions made by the sub Saharan negro are almost non-existent. I live in the world where you can read the current events, around the world, and see the numerous failures of the sub Saharan negro throughout the world. Their failures in EVERY nation they have been taken to or have emigrated to, not to mention the massive failures on their own continent. I live in the world where you can look to how the sub Saharan negro leads this nation in EVERY negative category we measure, drop out rates, poverty rates, crime rates, welfare rates, unwed pregnancy rates, food stamp rates, incarceration rates, etc., etc., etc. in spite of the untold billions of dollars the white man has spent trying to save the negro from themselves. It is what it is slick. Can't deny the evidence you see with your own eyes.

So basically you're justifying your racism, trying to put it in "scientific" terms. Sorry, no one here is buying your world view except maybe a few of your fellow Stormfronters who slimed over with you to pollute this board.
Nice to know.

I don't need to "justify" anything to you or to anyone else. The facts speak for themselves. Not a single major civilization that contributed to the world or to society was ever created by the sub-Saharan negro. No major contributions to mankind or inventions/creations to better society or mankind from them throughout their history. The best thing that ever happened to the negro was slavery, because that brought them out of their stone aged existence, an existence many in Africa still live in today, and exposed them to the white man's culture, society, etc. You don't see any great exodus from the States back to the African's homeland do you? Nope, quite the contrary as a matter of fact. You have African blacks trying their damndest to get out of Africa and get into any white nation that will take them.
One trait of conservatism is the belief that reality can be whatever you want it to be. Their heroes like Rush convince them that someone without talent, skills, education or even common sense can go far. They don't realize that's only true if your business is herding conservatives.

So, with their vision exclusively on the rear view mirror, they follow their leaders, and leave behind a trail of damage that they can make go away by merely wishing it would.

Fortunately for democracy, the majority of us are not so easily fooled.

You mean like Detroit huh? Or like every other Democrat/liberal made, financed and supported, drug and crime infested, negro ghetto in the United States right? This is the problem with debating with a liberal. They're too stupid to ever actually realize just how stupid they truly are.
And that's why we read you for silliness, jtpr312.

You are advocating murder.

And, an end to the Constitution.

Sallow, thanks for posting this.

Thing is, we're going backward with the voter suppression laws and the Murder A Black Kid and Walk Law aka Stand your ground.

The GObP/R want and need to keep blacks and Hispanics away from the polls and they'll do anything they can to do it.

Including using the Constitution for their own personal toilet paper.

Dummies don't seem to realize that it didn't work before and won't work in the future. If you disagree, take a look at the skin color of Prez Barry.

No such thing as voter suppression laws in this nation, but I'm glad to see you are a racist like me. I mean why else would you automatically assume Stand your Ground laws would adversely effect negroes unless you already think negroes are responsible for the vast, vast majority of incidences where a victim must use deadly force to protect themselves from a felonious assault, rape, car jacking, home invasion, etc.?
Not at all, I live in the world where you can look back throughout mankind's history and see the contributions and advancements different races made to mankind and to society, and the contributions made by the sub Saharan negro are almost non-existent. I live in the world where you can read the current events, around the world, and see the numerous failures of the sub Saharan negro throughout the world. Their failures in EVERY nation they have been taken to or have emigrated to, not to mention the massive failures on their own continent. I live in the world where you can look to how the sub Saharan negro leads this nation in EVERY negative category we measure, drop out rates, poverty rates, crime rates, welfare rates, unwed pregnancy rates, food stamp rates, incarceration rates, etc., etc., etc. in spite of the untold billions of dollars the white man has spent trying to save the negro from themselves. It is what it is slick. Can't deny the evidence you see with your own eyes.

So basically you're justifying your racism, trying to put it in "scientific" terms. Sorry, no one here is buying your world view except maybe a few of your fellow Stormfronters who slimed over with you to pollute this board.
Nice to know.

I don't need to "justify" anything to you or to anyone else. The facts speak for themselves. Not a single major civilization that contributed to the world or to society was ever created by the sub-Saharan negro. No major contributions to mankind or inventions/creations to better society or mankind from them throughout their history. The best thing that ever happened to the negro was slavery, because that brought them out of their stone aged existence, an existence many in Africa still live in today, and exposed them to the white man's culture, society, etc. You don't see any great exodus from the States back to the African's homeland do you? Nope, quite the contrary as a matter of fact. You have African blacks trying their damndest to get out of Africa and get into any white nation that will take them.

You keep pushing your psudo-science rationalities and only the extremely ignorant and extremely gullible will continue to emulate you. As for you're not needing to justify anything........ you're posting you banal tripe here aren't you......? :lol:
Thanks for that contribution.

It can be stored away in case there's ever a need to point out how little of substance you have to offer.

Look. It's simple. Stephanie nailed it and you. You have a hard on for Rush. We get it.

What we don't see is why we should care about your hard on for Rush.

it is because liberals assume we are like them and need someone like Rush to do our thinking for us....

Are you going to tell us that it's just a coincidence that conservatives all talk about the same things at the same time using the same words and making the same errors?

It's a cult.
When something is true its true no matter who said it....If we speak the truth we are speaking the same thing I know it is hard for a liberal to understand seeing as they dont know what truth really means.
If you read posts by conservatives, some version of lmao is nearly ubiquitous. I thought that meant that it was the problem solving method taught at Rush's School for Governmental Obstruction.

He's the biggest enemy our country has ever faced.

You are who.

Why are you here?

To restore American democracy. To move the country from watching Republicans watching problems and return to the days of solving them.

Right there tells us something about your intelligence...We are not a democracy we are a constitutional republic...
If you read posts by conservatives, some version of lmao is nearly ubiquitous. I thought that meant that it was the problem solving method taught at Rush's School for Governmental Obstruction.

He's the biggest enemy our country has ever faced.

The biggest enemy our country has ever faced was the education system that molded you into a race baiting knee jerk reactionary automaton.

Certainly you can't claim to be the product of any education system.

If you were so smart you wouldn't call us a democracy.... Nope I will say your just shy of complete retard.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAKG-kbKeIo&feature=player_detailpage]Never Go Full Retard - YouTube[/ame]
English defines a republic as a country without a monarch. That's what all of the republics around the world have in common. We don't have one.

English defines a democracy as a country that makes decisions based on a plurality of votes. That's how we elect our representatives, that's how our representatives decide on laws, that's how courts decide on those accused of breaking those laws.

Our founders felt that democracy would not give them enough influence over the country. They designed a plutocracy of wealthy, white, educated men.

We the people, through the investment of blood, sweat and tears, amended their plan until, ultimately universal suffrage was achieved. Democracy.

Republicans, through their media propagandists, have been working on undoing the progress of the nation by restoring the original plutocracy. Look how many republicans now believe, in lock step, that has already been accomplished.

We the people, however, are not going to surrender our hard won gains. That giant flushing sound you hear is the republican party learning about the power of the democracy they wish we didn't have.

We are a constitutional democratic republic.
The biggest enemy our country has ever faced was the education system that molded you into a race baiting knee jerk reactionary automaton.

Certainly you can't claim to be the product of any education system.

If you were so smart you wouldn't call us a democracy.... Nope I will say your just shy of complete retard.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAKG-kbKeIo&feature=player_detailpage]Never Go Full Retard - YouTube[/ame]

Re your tag line......

The NRA is working hard recruiting people who follow easy, like you, towards the goal of selling enough guns so that every neighborhood can achieve the murder rate of today's Detroit ghettos. It's a stretch goal, but doable.
This is something people should come to understand.

Black Women who were Lynched in America | Henrietta Vinton Davis's Weblog

Jennie Steers
On July 25, 1903 a mob lynched Jennie Steers on the Beard Plantation in Louisiana for supposedly giving a white teenager, 16 year-old Elizabeth Dolan, a glass of poisoned lemonade. Before they killed her, the mob tried to force her to confess but she refused and was hanged. (100 Years at Lynching. Ralph Ginzburg)

Laura Nelson
Laura Nelson was lynched on May 23, 1911 In Okemah, Okluskee, Oklahoma. Her fifteen year old son was also lynched at the same time but I could not find a photo of her son. The photograph of Nelson was drawn from a postcard. Authorities accused her of killing a deputy sheriff who supposedly stumbled on some stolen goods in her house. Why they lynched her child is a mystery. The mob raped and dragged Nelson six miles to the Canadian River and hanged her from a bridge.(NAACP: One Hundred Years of Lynching in the US 1889-1918 )

Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwick
The lynchers maintained that Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwlck killed her female employer in Pinehurst, Georgia on June 24, 1912. Nobody knows if or why Barksdale or Bostick killed her employer because there was no trial and no one thought to take a statement from this Black woman who authorities claimed had ”violent fits of insanity” and should have been placed in a hospital. Nobody was arrested and the crowd was In a festive mood. Placed in a car with a rope around her neck, and the other end tied to a tree limb, the lynchers drove at high speed and she was strangled to death. For good measure the mob shot her eyes out and shot enough bullets Into her body that she was “cut in two.”

Marie Scott
March 31, 1914, a white mob of at least a dozen males, yanked seventeen year-old Marie Scott from jail, threw a rope over her head as she screamed and hanged her from a telephone pole in Wagoner County, Oklahoma. What happened? Two drunken white men barged Into her house as she was dressing. They locked themselves in her room and criminally “assaulted” her. Her brother apparently heard her screams for help, kicked down the door, killed one assailant and fled. Some accounts state that the assailant was stabbed. Frustrated by their inability to lynch Marie Scott’s brother the mob lynched Marie Scott. (Crisis 1914 and 100 Years of Lynching)

I wonder what your point is, Salmonella.....

That this is a terrible, racist nation that hates and oppresses black folk?


Consider this fact:
more blacks have immigrated to the United States than were brought here as slaves.

To me, that means that these blacks have a far different view of the nation than you do, and you are a hateful smear-merchant.

Did I hit the nail on your head?
This is something people should come to understand.

Black Women who were Lynched in America | Henrietta Vinton Davis's Weblog

Jennie Steers
On July 25, 1903 a mob lynched Jennie Steers on the Beard Plantation in Louisiana for supposedly giving a white teenager, 16 year-old Elizabeth Dolan, a glass of poisoned lemonade. Before they killed her, the mob tried to force her to confess but she refused and was hanged. (100 Years at Lynching. Ralph Ginzburg)

Laura Nelson
Laura Nelson was lynched on May 23, 1911 In Okemah, Okluskee, Oklahoma. Her fifteen year old son was also lynched at the same time but I could not find a photo of her son. The photograph of Nelson was drawn from a postcard. Authorities accused her of killing a deputy sheriff who supposedly stumbled on some stolen goods in her house. Why they lynched her child is a mystery. The mob raped and dragged Nelson six miles to the Canadian River and hanged her from a bridge.(NAACP: One Hundred Years of Lynching in the US 1889-1918 )

Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwick
The lynchers maintained that Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwlck killed her female employer in Pinehurst, Georgia on June 24, 1912. Nobody knows if or why Barksdale or Bostick killed her employer because there was no trial and no one thought to take a statement from this Black woman who authorities claimed had ”violent fits of insanity” and should have been placed in a hospital. Nobody was arrested and the crowd was In a festive mood. Placed in a car with a rope around her neck, and the other end tied to a tree limb, the lynchers drove at high speed and she was strangled to death. For good measure the mob shot her eyes out and shot enough bullets Into her body that she was “cut in two.”

Marie Scott
March 31, 1914, a white mob of at least a dozen males, yanked seventeen year-old Marie Scott from jail, threw a rope over her head as she screamed and hanged her from a telephone pole in Wagoner County, Oklahoma. What happened? Two drunken white men barged Into her house as she was dressing. They locked themselves in her room and criminally “assaulted” her. Her brother apparently heard her screams for help, kicked down the door, killed one assailant and fled. Some accounts state that the assailant was stabbed. Frustrated by their inability to lynch Marie Scott’s brother the mob lynched Marie Scott. (Crisis 1914 and 100 Years of Lynching)

I wonder what your point is, Salmonella.....

That this is a terrible, racist nation that hates and oppresses black folk?


Consider this fact:
more blacks have immigrated to the United States than were brought here as slaves.

To me, that means that these blacks have a far different view of the nation than you do, and you are a hateful smear-merchant.

Did I hit the nail on your head?

Sheesh. Miss your coffee today? More --FAR more-- Africans were brought here against their will than Europeans were. And then you've stacked your deck with (over) a century and a half of immigration time when slave trade was defunct so it becomes an IMPOSSIBLE comparison.

I mean ........ DUH. :cuckoo:

That is, bar none, the lamest reasoning I've seen all day.
Last edited:

I wonder what your point is, Salmonella.....

That this is a terrible, racist nation that hates and oppresses black folk?


Consider this fact:
more blacks have immigrated to the United States than were brought here as slaves.

To me, that means that these blacks have a far different view of the nation than you do, and you are a hateful smear-merchant.

Did I hit the nail on your head?

Sheesh. Miss your coffee today? More --FAR more-- Africans were brought here against their will than Europeans were. And then you've stacked your deck with (over) a century and a half of immigration time when slave trade was defunct so it becomes an IMPOSSIBLE comparison.

I mean ........ DUH. :cuckoo:

That is, bar none, the lamest reasoning I've seen all day.

Many thought that Obama's election portended the beginning of post racist America. What they missed however is that another major cultural tsunami happened coincidently. The extinction of what the GOP became post 60s.

Species going extinct are like mama grizzlies. Their entire world is ending and there is no greater threat than that. So, whatever needs to be done, needs to be done.

The spiritual leadership of the GOP during these times has been Rush, Glen Beck, and the other media herders who have nowhere near the education or inclination to solve problems.

The titular leadership is no better. Boehner, Rove, McConnell, Norquist. And look at the clown car of 2012 candidates they cycled through.

To make matters worse, Obama turned out to be an exceptional President.

It's the perfect storm for republicans.

They have to play all of the cards in desperate hope for redemption.

Re-energizing racism, empowering their resident racists, is merely one of them.

The extinction is of course unavoidable at this point, and something new and better will rise from the ashes. Over time.

During that transition time however the racist pot will be stirred daily by their media.
Certainly you can't claim to be the product of any education system.

If you were so smart you wouldn't call us a democracy.... Nope I will say your just shy of complete retard.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAKG-kbKeIo&feature=player_detailpage]Never Go Full Retard - YouTube[/ame]

Re your tag line......

The NRA is working hard recruiting people who follow easy, like you, towards the goal of selling enough guns so that every neighborhood can achieve the murder rate of today's Detroit ghettos. It's a stretch goal, but doable.

You mean where gun laws are toughest?
If you were so smart you wouldn't call us a democracy.... Nope I will say your just shy of complete retard.

Never Go Full Retard - YouTube

Re your tag line......

The NRA is working hard recruiting people who follow easy, like you, towards the goal of selling enough guns so that every neighborhood can achieve the murder rate of today's Detroit ghettos. It's a stretch goal, but doable.

You mean where gun laws are toughest?

No I mean where, in fact, nearly everyone is armed.
If you were so smart you wouldn't call us a democracy.... Nope I will say your just shy of complete retard.

Never Go Full Retard - YouTube

Re your tag line......

The NRA is working hard recruiting people who follow easy, like you, towards the goal of selling enough guns so that every neighborhood can achieve the murder rate of today's Detroit ghettos. It's a stretch goal, but doable.

You mean where gun laws are toughest?

I think that it is revealing that you use a minion as your avatar.
Re your tag line......

The NRA is working hard recruiting people who follow easy, like you, towards the goal of selling enough guns so that every neighborhood can achieve the murder rate of today's Detroit ghettos. It's a stretch goal, but doable.

You mean where gun laws are toughest?

No I mean where, in fact, nearly everyone is armed.

Cha-ching! Keep racking up those posting moneys shill.
I wish you were right, but like most things in your life, what you wish was true is not.

I do this to return the favor of having been born in a great country.

Typically, attacks on our country have come from off shore and our military makes sure that our interests prevail.

The last internal threat that we faced was from Joe McCarthy and that was pretty minor compared to your cult.

People in your cult hate America with the same fervor, and based on the same ignorance, as our external enemies, and for the same reason. That’s what they've been taught.

My contribution to the restoration of the American dream is pretty minor by any standards but >0.

I might as well be using my education and experience for good, and this is the most important cause at the moment.
I wish you were right, but like most things in your life, what you wish was true is not.

I do this to return the favor of having been born in a great country.

Typically, attacks on our country have come from off shore and our military makes sure that our interests prevail.

The last internal threat that we faced was from Joe McCarthy and that was pretty minor compared to your cult.

People in your cult hate America with the same fervor, and based on the same ignorance, as our external enemies, and for the same reason. That’s what they've been taught.

My contribution to the restoration of the American dream is pretty minor by any standards but >0.

I might as well be using my education and experience for good, and this is the most important cause at the moment.
My cult? Please, tell me which cult that might be. This aught to be good........
As for your take on America and who hates it and who doesn't........ Sure thing Thanatos......... uummmm PMS...... :lol:

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