What Retaliation For Soleimani's Death Would Justify War With Iran?

State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Do you have a link to some sort of data/study that backs up your conclusion? I doubt it. You're just making shit up.
We are now seeing why Trump is not suited to be President.

Most Presidents could give his reason for an attack, identify a threat and the global community would support us

But Trump lies incessantly. He has no credibility at home or abroad. Whatever Trump says must be viewed as a lie
Makes it difficult to justify your actions

No what we are seeing is just how little integrity and lack of ethics Trump supporters have that they can flip flop on staying out of endless wars and moving out of the Middle East, just because Trump has. It never was about his campaign promises and positions. It was always about him being a troll and having a large R after his name.

Trump supporters are now putting Trump before country. Sad. Biggly, perfect sad. (I had to say it like Trump would so maybe they would understand it.)

Trump has created the instability in the region.
We are now witnessing how inept he is in foreign policy and how little global support he is receiving.

The rest of the world had worked a resolution with Iran that was being complied with

Trump knew better
Again, your comments show your ignorance. Iran was violating the bullshit pinky promise Obama and horse face made with them. Obama foreign policy emboldened our enemies.

Everyone BUT Trump said Iran was following the Iran nuclear deal. EVERYONE.
Gotta love it.... you know how bad someone's TDS is when they actually say killing Iran's top military leader helped them.

Actually, it did. Before this happened, there were lots of people in the streets, protesting the leadership.


There are lots of people in the streets, chanting "death to America", who are mourning the loss of this person. Sorry, but before the attack, the people were protesting the government. Now? They have forgotten the government and are now focused on America and what we did to their general.
When there are forcible threats to the United States, the president has not merely the power but the obligation to repel them. In large measure, that is why there is an Office of the President. The Framers grasped, in a time of dire peril to the fledgling nation, that national security cannot be achieved by committee. A single chief executive, the president, was necessary to marshal the might of the nation with dispatch when America was under siege.

These are rudimentary principles. Alas, they obviously need restating in the wake of the attack President Trump authorized late Thursday that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), founder of its jihad-exporting Quds Forces and Tehran’s terror master nonpareil.

Soleimani was taken out near the airport in Baghdad, along with Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy chief of the Iranian-backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq. The PMF make up one of several networks that Soleimani and the mullahs forged on the model of Hezbollah, their longtime terrorist faction in Lebanon — indeed, the outfit al-Muhandis directly led is known as the Hezbollah Brigades, or Kata’ib Hezbollah.

Soleimani and al-Muhandis were in the act of making war on the United States. Not just plotting it, though there was plenty of that going on, too.

In late 2019, the Hezbollah Brigades, backed by Soleimani, carried out repeated attacks on U.S. coalition forces in Iraq. There were 11 attacks on bases housing U.S. military personnel in just the last two months. As the Defense Department has recounted, these included “a 30-plus rocket attack on an Iraqi base near Kirkuk that resulted in the death of a U.S. citizen and injured four U.S. service members” as well as members of the Iraqi security forces.

In response, American forces carried out missile strikes against Hezbollah Brigades targets in Iraq and Syria.

After vowing revenge, the jihadist militias stormed the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Though foiled in the attempt to replicate the 1979 attack in Tehran, in which our embassy was breached and hostages were taken, the brigades — shouting the menacing Iranian refrain “Death to America!” — did significant damage. They burned the outer walls, checkpoint and reception area, smashed windows, and trapped hundreds of diplomatic personnel.

The brigades left graffiti on the walls bragging about the participation of Soleimani and the “Popular Mobilization Commission.” President Trump warned on Twitter that Iran would be held accountable and would “pay a very BIG PRICE.” Iran’s “supreme leader,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, scoffed in reply, “You can’t do anything.”

He may want to rethink that one.

It is worth bearing in mind that an attack on another nation’s embassy is, by itself, an act of war. Of course, Iran has done far worse, and Soleimani has been at the center of it all for decades. Our government estimates that he was responsible for the killing of more than 600 U.S. troops during the fighting in Iraq — and that represents just some of his anti-American operations, coordinating the networks that target Americans and our interests throughout the region.

Targeting Soleimani: Trump was justified, legally and strategically

These effers (Iran) declared war on us 40 years ago. Soleimani has been orchestrating attacks against Americans for much of that time. Which means it wasn't an assassination, he was an enemy combatant commander who became a combat casualty because of a righteous responsive strike, conducted while he was in the act of levying war by directing his forces against us. Are we supposed to sit back and do nothing? I think not, doing nothing emboldens further attacks.
Gotta love it.... you know how bad someone's TDS is when they actually say killing Iran's top military leader helped them.

Actually, it did. Before this happened, there were lots of people in the streets, protesting the leadership.


There are lots of people in the streets, chanting "death to America", who are mourning the loss of this person. Sorry, but before the attack, the people were protesting the government. Now? They have forgotten the government and are now focused on America and what we did to their general.

Yeah because crowds yelling death to America has never happened before in Iran/Iraq.
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Ummmmm, he was a enemy general, in a theater of war.....the fact that obummer kissed his ass only shows what a useless piece of shit obummer was, this dude was a legit target, just like Yamomoto during WWII.

We haven't declared war on Iran.
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Ummmmm, he was a enemy general, in a theater of war.....the fact that obummer kissed his ass only shows what a useless piece of shit obummer was, this dude was a legit target, just like Yamomoto during WWII.

We haven't declared war on Iran.

They declared war on us long ago.
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Ummmmm, he was a enemy general, in a theater of war.....the fact that obummer kissed his ass only shows what a useless piece of shit obummer was, this dude was a legit target, just like Yamomoto during WWII.

We haven't declared war on Iran.

They declared war on us long ago.
Really? When was that?
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State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Not sure that's true. The really bad guys ought to be stopped, and if state assassinations are the only way then I got no problem with doing it. For sure the dead bad guys will be replaced, but it does send an ominous message: DON'T FUCK WITH US. It's called deterrence, and sometimes it works. Some would even call it Justice.

I'm quite sure it's true. The subtext of all this is terrorism. And terrorists aren't deterred by "ominous messages". They are inspired by them.
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Ummmmm, he was a enemy general, in a theater of war.....the fact that obummer kissed his ass only shows what a useless piece of shit obummer was, this dude was a legit target, just like Yamomoto during WWII.

We haven't declared war on Iran.

They consider Iran and their army a terrorist organization... and the war on terror has been going on since 2001.
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Ummmmm, he was a enemy general, in a theater of war.....the fact that obummer kissed his ass only shows what a useless piece of shit obummer was, this dude was a legit target, just like Yamomoto during WWII.

We haven't declared war on Iran.

They consider Iran and their army a terrorist organization... and the war on terror has been going on since 2001.
Ahh yes. The "War" on terror. Justification for pretty much any fucked up thing government wants to do
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Ummmmm, he was a enemy general, in a theater of war.....the fact that obummer kissed his ass only shows what a useless piece of shit obummer was, this dude was a legit target, just like Yamomoto during WWII.

We haven't declared war on Iran.

They consider Iran and their army a terrorist organization... and the war on terror has been going on since 2001.
Ahh yes. The "War" on terror. Justification for pretty much any fucked up thing government wants to do

I don't necessarily having a situation like it either, where it can justify some unethical actions under the cover of war. That aside, but they do consider it a war/conflict as people that join the military now, or are members now get a service medal for it.

State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Ummmmm, he was a enemy general, in a theater of war.....the fact that obummer kissed his ass only shows what a useless piece of shit obummer was, this dude was a legit target, just like Yamomoto during WWII.

We haven't declared war on Iran.

They declared war on us long ago.
Really? When was that?

When they took over the US embassy and held the hostages for 444 days. Look up international law. Attacking an embassy is tantamount to a Declaration of war.
If Iran believes in an Eye for an Eye then just give them Pelosi and be done with it already.
Iran might retaliate by dumping Obama, Biden, and Kerry's kickback money into the Bernie Sanders campaign.
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.

Ummmmm, he was a enemy general, in a theater of war.....the fact that obummer kissed his ass only shows what a useless piece of shit obummer was, this dude was a legit target, just like Yamomoto during WWII.

We haven't declared war on Iran.

They declared war on us long ago.
Really? When was that?

When they took over the US embassy and held the hostages for 444 days. Look up international law. Attacking an embassy is tantamount to a Declaration of war.

Tantamount. But not a declaration. And we haven't declared war either. The Constitution vests the power to declare war with Congress for a reason.

It was an assassination, and by claiming assassination as a valid response to international disputes, we invite other nations to do the same. Perhaps to us.
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.
It wasn't an assassination. Please educate yourself.
Yes it was. Please use a dictionary.

A dictionary doesn't count in US law, Us law counts.

Fact Sheet: Designation of Iranian Entities and Individuals for Proliferation Activities and Support for Terrorism

He was on the known terrorist list

We have a resolution that terrorists that are an immanent threat can be taken out.

We also have a resolution that details what an assassination is and isn't

Executive Order 11905 | United States history

We have been taking out terrorists targets for many many years. Obama used over 3,000 drone hits to accomplish the same thing - so I guess he assassinated people too?

Take your emotions out of it. This was a justified, legal threat elimination.
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.
It wasn't an assassination. Please educate yourself.
Yes it was. Please use a dictionary.

A dictionary doesn't count in US law, Us law counts.

Fact Sheet: Designation of Iranian Entities and Individuals for Proliferation Activities and Support for Terrorism

He was on the known terrorist list

We have a resolution that terrorists that are an immanent threat can be taken out.

We also have a resolution that details what an assassination is and isn't

Executive Order 11905 | United States history

We have been taking out terrorists targets for many many years. Obama used over 3,000 drone hits to accomplish the same thing - so I guess he assassinated people too?

Take your emotions out of it. This was a justified, legal threat elimination.

Would you be ok with other nations taking up the same policy?
State sponsored (or state ordered) assassinations don't make the world a safer place. They do the opposite.
It wasn't an assassination. Please educate yourself.
Yes it was. Please use a dictionary.

A dictionary doesn't count in US law, Us law counts.

Fact Sheet: Designation of Iranian Entities and Individuals for Proliferation Activities and Support for Terrorism

He was on the known terrorist list

We have a resolution that terrorists that are an immanent threat can be taken out.

We also have a resolution that details what an assassination is and isn't

Executive Order 11905 | United States history

We have been taking out terrorists targets for many many years. Obama used over 3,000 drone hits to accomplish the same thing - so I guess he assassinated people too?

Take your emotions out of it. This was a justified, legal threat elimination.

Would you be ok with other nations taking up the same policy?

It wasn't an assassination. I've provided proof, yet you provide a red herring as a response. Typical logical fallacy.

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