What rights did John Kerry have?


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
John Kerry said he canceled the Monroe Doctrine. How could he cancel it, being just the secretary? Does the US Secretary of State have the right to abolish the main military-political doctrine?
John Kerry said he canceled the Monroe Doctrine. How could he cancel it, being just the secretary? Does the US Secretary of State have the right to abolish the main military-political doctrine?

Yes, the US Secretary of State does have the power to do so. If the president were against it, it would not happen.

The Monroe Doctrine was to protect South and Central America from european involvement and takeover. That is no longer valid.
link to exact quote, please

Nov. 18, 2013 6:19 pm ET

At a time when the Middle East, Afghanistan and China monopolize U.S. foreign-policy, Latin America hasn't received much attention. Until today, that is, when Secretary of State John Kerry declared the expiration of the nearly 200-year old lodestar of U.S. diplomacy in the Americas.

"The era of the Monroe Doctrine is over," Mr. Kerry said in a speech at the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C.

That prompted some tepid applause, which Mr. Kerry encouraged: "That's worth applauding. That's not a bad thing."
Although mainly a statement of the obvious, Mr. Kerry's declaration was welcomed at home and abroad, prompting a social media eruption.
The Monroe Doctrine was meant to keep Europeans out of Latin America in the wake of regional independence movements from Spain. It was later amplified by President Theodore Roosevelt with an eye toward making the U.S. the dominant player in the whole region.
The doctrine underpinned the first century of U.S. involvement overseas. Until World War 1, U.S. foreign-policy interests were overwhelmingly found in Latin America—for good (such as the Panama Canal) and bad (such as the U.S.-supported Panamanian revolution that made the canal possible.)

From a Latin American perspective, the Monroe Doctrine was often seen as a license for the U.S. to intervene at will in countries' internal affairs. As 19 century Mexican strongman Porfirio Diaz put it: "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States."
Mr. Kerry expanded upon his remarks, making clear that for the Obama administration, the old paradigm of a Washington-dominated hemisphere is passe.
"The relationship that we seek and that we have worked hard to foster is not about a United States declaration about how and when it will intervene in the affairs of other American states. It's about all of our countries viewing one another as equals, sharing responsibilities, cooperating on security issues, and adhering not to doctrine, but to the decisions that we make as partners to advance the values and the interests that we share," he said.
State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said at a news briefing that Mr. Kerry has made similar remarks in the past. Still, Monday's comments receivedwide play in the Latin American press. Venezuela's El Universal, for example, noted the "end of the U.S. interventionist policy" in the region. Some read too much into it, mistakenly celebrating the end of the "error" of the Monroe Doctrine (instead of the "era").
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link to exact quote, please
Pires M., Nascimento L. (2020) Monroe Doctrine 2.0 and Triangular Relations
USA, China and Latin America // Bulletin of International Organizations. T. 15. No. 3. S. 202–222
(in Russian and English). DOI: 10.17323/1996-7845-2020-03-08
Pires M., Nascimento L. (2020) Monroe Doctrine 2.0 and Triangular Relations
USA, China and Latin America // Bulletin of International Organizations. T. 15. No. 3. S. 202–222
(in Russian and English). DOI: 10.17323/1996-7845-2020-03-08
On November 18, 2013 -- "State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said at a news briefing that Mr. Kerry has made similar remarks in the past."
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From a Latin American perspective, the Monroe Doctrine was often seen as a license for the U.S. to intervene at will in countries' internal affairs. As 19 century Mexican strongman Porfirio Diaz put it: "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States."
Mr. Kerry expanded upon his remarks, making clear that for the Obama administration, the old paradigm of a Washington-dominated hemisphere is passe.
"The relationship that we seek and that we have worked hard to foster is not about a United States declaration about how and when it will intervene in the affairs of other American states. It's about all of our countries viewing one another as equals, sharing responsibilities, cooperating on security issues, and adhering not to doctrine, but to the decisions that we make as partners to advance the values and the interests that we share," he said.
I'm not interested in what these nonentities said, I ask who gave them the right to declare the Monroe Doctrine obsolete and so on?
As far as I understood, Kerry had no right to state this.
Maybe it is worth starting a criminal case for fraud and betrayal of the nation?

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