What should be done, if anything, to bring home $5 trillion held overseas by American businesses?

Mostly to Chinese and Japanese banks holding our debt.
How much? Where does the rest go?
I'm sorry you don't understand how interest on debt works. It's money paid for money you borrow. We're having to borrow a trillion dollars a year to keep the lights on. Each year, that's another trillion dollars we will have to pay interest on in addition to what we're already paying. At some point we can no longer pay the interest. This isn't a theory or scare tactic, it just happened to Greece a few years ago.
So you think our debt is like a credit card bill that we are paying interest on right? I understand how it works but you apparently do not. Try one more time to answer a simple question. You say our interest payments are mostly going to the Chinese. I'm asking how much of it is going to the Chinese and where is the other percentage going?
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
How much? Where does the rest go?
I'm sorry you don't understand how interest on debt works. It's money paid for money you borrow. We're having to borrow a trillion dollars a year to keep the lights on. Each year, that's another trillion dollars we will have to pay interest on in addition to what we're already paying. At some point we can no longer pay the interest. This isn't a theory or scare tactic, it just happened to Greece a few years ago.
So you think our debt is like a credit card bill that we are paying interest on right? I understand how it works but you apparently do not. Try one more time to answer a simple question. You say our interest payments are mostly going to the Chinese. I'm asking how much of it is going to the Chinese and where is the other percentage going?
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
What are you talking about? I didn't make an excuse, I explained how a system works, there was no opinion in what I wrote. You obviously have an inferior understanding of how the economics of our nation functions and I was giving you resources to better educate yourself. My opinion is there is a ton of waste and plenty of room for improvements and reform in our fiscal system. Try being a little less defensive, its ok that you don't know it all... and about your last statement:

"In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!"

That shows that you still have no comprehension of how it works. Government spending has nothing to do with retirement accounts. But when you buy a million dollars of treasury bonds to put in your 401k, the debt ticks up by a million dollars. Thats how it works. I can't explain it any simpler. Click those links and read slowly, maybe next time you talk economics you won't sound so damn stupid.
How much? Where does the rest go?
I'm sorry you don't understand how interest on debt works. It's money paid for money you borrow. We're having to borrow a trillion dollars a year to keep the lights on. Each year, that's another trillion dollars we will have to pay interest on in addition to what we're already paying. At some point we can no longer pay the interest. This isn't a theory or scare tactic, it just happened to Greece a few years ago.
So you think our debt is like a credit card bill that we are paying interest on right? I understand how it works but you apparently do not. Try one more time to answer a simple question. You say our interest payments are mostly going to the Chinese. I'm asking how much of it is going to the Chinese and where is the other percentage going?
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?
What a load of malarkey. No, the debt doesn't tick up when I buy U.S. bonds, retard. The debt rises when we run deficits because we can't control our spending.

In any event, you seem to be in agreement with me regarding across the board budget cuts. This whole argument began when I challenged the leftist meme about cutting defense spending. Stop trying to pretend you're educating me, you couldn't educate a jello cup.
What a load of malarkey. No, the debt doesn't tick up when I buy U.S. bonds, retard. The debt rises when we run deficits because we can't control our spending.

In any event, you seem to be in agreement with me regarding across the board budget cuts. This whole argument began when I challenged the leftist meme about cutting defense spending. Stop trying to pretend you're educating me, you couldn't educate a jello cup.
cant say I didn't try
Last edited:
I'm sorry you don't understand how interest on debt works. It's money paid for money you borrow. We're having to borrow a trillion dollars a year to keep the lights on. Each year, that's another trillion dollars we will have to pay interest on in addition to what we're already paying. At some point we can no longer pay the interest. This isn't a theory or scare tactic, it just happened to Greece a few years ago.
So you think our debt is like a credit card bill that we are paying interest on right? I understand how it works but you apparently do not. Try one more time to answer a simple question. You say our interest payments are mostly going to the Chinese. I'm asking how much of it is going to the Chinese and where is the other percentage going?
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
So you think our debt is like a credit card bill that we are paying interest on right? I understand how it works but you apparently do not. Try one more time to answer a simple question. You say our interest payments are mostly going to the Chinese. I'm asking how much of it is going to the Chinese and where is the other percentage going?
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
In other words, we need to do the opposite now, instead of repeating historical mistakes and claiming we are not really like that, now.
End any tax preference for foreign labor of US subsidiaries. Only US Firms should get US tax preferences for US labor.
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
In other words, we need to do the opposite now, instead of repeating historical mistakes and claiming we are not really like that, now.
Mistakes? What th fuck are you talking about? The mistake is thinking you increase revenue by increasing tax rates. There's an old adage but a true one... the more you tax something, the less of it you get. Tax high incomes and you'll get less high incomes.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
In other words, we need to do the opposite now, instead of repeating historical mistakes and claiming we are not really like that, now.
Mistakes? What th fuck are you talking about? The mistake is thinking you increase revenue by increasing tax rates. There's an old adage but a true one... the more you tax something, the less of it you get. Tax high incomes and you'll get less high incomes.
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?
So you think our debt is like a credit card bill that we are paying interest on right? I understand how it works but you apparently do not. Try one more time to answer a simple question. You say our interest payments are mostly going to the Chinese. I'm asking how much of it is going to the Chinese and where is the other percentage going?
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
Here is another article that explains how debt works. Do yourself a favor and read it along with the other two I posted

Borrowing and the Federal Debt
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
Here is another article that explains how debt works. Do yourself a favor and read it along with the other two I posted

Borrowing and the Federal Debt
Your article supports my argument!
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
Here is another article that explains how debt works. Do yourself a favor and read it along with the other two I posted

Borrowing and the Federal Debt
Your article supports my argument!
Like my other posts, no arguement is being presented, simply facts about how our economy works. You making claims that China owns the majority of our debt and that our countries debt is similar to a person with credit card debt shows me that you don't fully understand how these large scale economics operate.

Glad you read it.
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
Here is another article that explains how debt works. Do yourself a favor and read it along with the other two I posted

Borrowing and the Federal Debt
Let's end drug war, first; to see if we can be more fiscally responsible, or simply raise taxes on the rich until our debt problem is liquidated.
So you think our debt is like a credit card bill that we are paying interest on right? I understand how it works but you apparently do not. Try one more time to answer a simple question. You say our interest payments are mostly going to the Chinese. I'm asking how much of it is going to the Chinese and where is the other percentage going?
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
Oh, bullshit. Reagan lowered the top bracket and revenues fell. Bush lowered the top bracket and revenues fell in . Revenues increased after Reagan raised other taxes after lowering income tax. Revenues under Bush started increasing again as the housing bubble fueled the economy.

Government Tax and Revenue Chart: United States 1960-2017 - Federal State Local Data

If you didn't post bullshit, you'd have nothing to post at all.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
Here is another article that explains how debt works. Do yourself a favor and read it along with the other two I posted

Borrowing and the Federal Debt
Let's end drug war, first; to see if we can be more fiscally responsible, or simply raise taxes on the rich until our debt problem is liquidated.
My guess is that drug legalization is what saves the economy of this country
Yes, it pretty much works the same way as your credit card. It's far more complex and there are some nuanced differences, but it's fundamentally the same.

I don't know the actual percentage of debt the Chinese hold, it's a chunk. I don't understand your questions here... the part not held by China is held by other countries. Are you trying to make a point? Spit it out! Stop trying to act like a sleazy trial lawyer trying to trick me into some incriminating answer. Interest on debt is just that... it's not something else. We get nothing for it other than use of the money we borrowed.
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
Oh, bullshit. Reagan lowered the top bracket and revenues fell. Bush lowered the top bracket and revenues fell in . Revenues increased after Reagan raised other taxes after lowering income tax. Revenues under Bush started increasing again as the housing bubble fueled the economy.

Government Tax and Revenue Chart: United States 1960-2017 - Federal State Local Data

If you didn't post bullshit, you'd have nothing to post at all.

No dumb shit.....revenues almost doubled, and democrat spending more than doubled...dumb ass....
I'm not trying to trap you I'm just asking to see what you understand. The US is a sovergn country in control of their own currency, it's economy very different than that of a private citizen or business racking up a credit card bill.

Foreign countries own about a third of our debt, not the majority, the rest is held by domestic governments, the federal reserve, and domestic private investors. So when your 401k buys treasury bonds, which most do because they are a stable low risk investment, you own a piece of the debt. This means part of servicing the debt is paying for our citizens retirements and funding our state governments and banks.

You didn't read the link I posted did you? Do yourself a favor and give it a look. It does a great job breaking down what the debt is and how we borrow.

Start with this one to understand the debt:
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Then this one to break down how we borrow and who we owe:
Borrowing and the Federal Debt
That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for excusing our massive deficits. I suppose if we continue to devalue our currency we can eventually render our debt worthless? What a fucking moron.

In any event, the next time I hear some lefty chastising Trump for the cost of his weekends at Mar-a-Lago, I shall call on you to explain how much he is helping bolster retirement accounts!
Why are we running massive federal budget deficits, if lowering taxes raises more revenue?

Because we spend more than we receive in revenue. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a proven fact. The numbers are public information available to everyone.

There is no time in modern history where we lowered the top marginal tax rates and it didn't result in increased tax revenue. That doesn't have anything to do with how much we spend.
Oh, bullshit. Reagan lowered the top bracket and revenues fell. Bush lowered the top bracket and revenues fell in . Revenues increased after Reagan raised other taxes after lowering income tax. Revenues under Bush started increasing again as the housing bubble fueled the economy.

Government Tax and Revenue Chart: United States 1960-2017 - Federal State Local Data

If you didn't post bullshit, you'd have nothing to post at all.

No dumb shit.....revenues almost doubled, and democrat spending more than doubled...dumb ass....
Can someone show dumbfuck2aguy how to read a chart? I posted one showing revenue fell in 1982 and 1983 after Reagan cut taxes before revenues increased after raising taxes, but he's too rightarded to understand the numbers.

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