What should be the hourly wage for Mothers?

...But I, as an Atlantean ....
A what now? Is someone making up terms to feel important?

Atlantic Ocean is named after Atlantis. Atlantis is actually fully an aboriginal name in Aztecan. Atl means water, as in Chichiatl; and lan is land, as in Aztlan, and the Antis are the Andes/Rocky mountains; so Atlantis translates to Water Mountain Land, or the Andes/Rockies Water Land. Mu is Egyptian for Water, so the name Mulan is how Ancient Chinese might have known the name, Land of Mu.
Looks like I was right. Completely pretentious bullcrap.
...But I, as an Atlantean ....
A what now? Is someone making up terms to feel important?

Atlantic Ocean is named after Atlantis. Atlantis is actually fully an aboriginal name in Aztecan. Atl means water, as in Chichiatl; and lan is land, as in Aztlan, and the Antis are the Andes/Rocky mountains; so Atlantis translates to Water Mountain Land, or the Andes/Rockies Water Land. Mu is Egyptian for Water, so the name Mulan is how Ancient Chinese might have known the name, Land of Mu.
Looks like I was right. Completely pretentious bullcrap.
Certainly not. Realizing that I am an Atlantean is rediscovering the great History of My people. How the rest of the world looked up to the Red people as an advanced civilization. Did you know Tenochtitlan matches exactly the description of Plato's City of Atlantis and is also located near a volcanic belt and has seismic issues? Oh, and in the Saga of Egil, check chapter 4, describes Erik's farm location as Atla, so the Norse also honored Our aboriginal name. These continents were only called "America" once some pretentious Italian working under the Spanish crown labeled them so. I'm not bowing down to Spanish hegemony, and I'm keeping My heritage alive.
... Realizing that I am an Atlantean is ...
You aren't. No one is. Grow up.
I am an Aztec, Sioux, and Algonquin. I'm not a native of some spanish colony. I'm an Atlantean, and the indigenous inhabitants of the Ranginuic Ocean are Polynesians, not natives of a spanish ocean. Ranginuit in Chinese actually means Burning Wrath is is a more appropriate name for the Ring of Fire Ocean. It's time to decolonize. You grow up and start respecting Atlantean Culture as the Culture of Human Civilization.
Apparently that's the real Chinese name for the that Ocean. The consort of Aegir is call Ran. If Egil's son was drowned by Ran, then Norse exploration is the explanation of who the Ehu Polynesians are.
The Pacific Ocean is 太平洋

Stop playing games. You are coming off as a fool.
..... I'm working on bringing about the United Commonwealth of Acadia....
Juvenile nonsense. Grow up.
Not at all, Adams Onis Treaty, Article 3. There's a Canadian claim to be made.
Article 3: The two high contracting parties agree to cede and renounce all their rights, claims, and pretensions to the territories described by the said line, that is to say: The United States hereby cede to His Catholic Majesty, and renounce forever, all their rights, claims, and pretensions, to the territories lying west and south of the above-described line; and, in like manner, His Catholic Majesty cedes to the said United States all his rights, claims, and pretensions to any territories east and north of the said line, and for himself, his heirs, and successors, renounces all claim to the said territories forever.

Acadia, Acadia
Love shed your grace on thee...

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