What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?

Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

What law exactly Trump is defying?

The pinnacle of leftist argument...

View attachment 257794

You two are not alone. Like mental patients, no content, just idiocy...

View attachment 257798

Is this the argument referenced? Hard to tell.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

What law exactly Trump is defying?




26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Okayyyyy, I'll play.

Let's pretend you know what you're talking about and that you can point to the section, or paragraph, of the law that he's defying.

Okayyyyy, I'll play.

You're playing alright.

Your inability to competently navigate the world is not my obligation to correct.

There are many explanations available for you to get up to speed if you cared to.

Can Congress force Trump to hand over his tax returns? We asked 11 legal experts.
What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?

What should happen?....we may find out...Hillary's emails were found in Obama's white house......it shows Obama committed perjury and obstruction of justice....this is getting good.......

LOL, Idiot-Gram ^^^, variety, failed attempt to be clever.

Typical of a trump supporter, and sadly a clear belief that only trump is above the law. Odd how the right wing use laws and regulations to suit their wishes, and blame liberals, progressives and Democrats for being hypocrites - again typical of right wingers attacking others for what they do incessantly.
What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?

When President Obama was found in Contempt Of Court for violating a Judge's decision about the Deep Water Drilling Ban he should have been CENSURED by a Bi-Partisan Congress.

When President Obama was found to be in violation of the United States Constitution for making recess appointments he should have been CENSURED by a Bi-Partisan Congress.

When it was exposed that President Obama had authorized running weapons (thousands of automatic weapons and grenades) to Mexican Drug cartels WITH THE INTENT OF INCREASING THE MURDER RATE so high that it would provide and opportunity to go after the 2nd Amendment he should have been Impeached.

When President Obama protected US AG Eric Holder after Holder was caught perpetrating multiple Felony Perjury Counts in an attempt to cover up Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal Holder should have been indicted and gone to jail and Barry should have been Impeached - Censured at the very least.
-- Obama Used Executive Privilege in regards to Fast & Furious gun running scandal. When Government misconduct is the concern Executive privilege is negated.

President Obama issued 23 Executive Orders regarding gun control - these constituted infringement of the 2nd Amendment. He should have been CENSURED at the very least.

President Obama issued an Executive Order bypassing Congress on immigration – a violation of Article 1 Section 1, 'ALL Legislative power held by Congress'

- President Obama issued Executive Order 13603 NDRP basically stating the US Government can seize anything...
- President Obama issued Executive Order 13524 which gives INTERPOL jurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies, including the FBI...
- Executive Order 13636 Infrastructure Cybersecurity which bypasses Congress - Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress
....These represent power grabs / acts that violate the US Constitution. He should have been Censured / his acts over-turned at the very least

President Obama signed into law the establishment of NO Free Speech zones – noncompliance with this law is a felony. The President's signing this into law was / is a Violation of 1st Amendment....punishable by Censure at the minimum and Impeachment (due to an established history / continued eroding of the Constitution / pattern of Constitutional Violations when he swore to protect, defend, and uphold the Constitution.

Obama's attempt to tax political contributions was an attempt to violate the 1st Amendment...and as snowflakes claim today even THINKING about breaking the law is the same as breaking the law (at least when it comes to Conservatives / Trump)

Barak Obama ADMITTED / DECLARED he had no Constitutional Authority to take any personal Presidential action to affect / alter existing US Immigration law....yet he then violated the Constitution by passing an ILLEGAL Executive Order that completely By-Passed Congress in an attempt to make DACA - his own personal dictator-wanna-be version - 'law of the land. His doing so was a clear-cut violation of the Separation of Powers.
-- Again, Obama should have at least been Censured for again attempting to by-pass Congress and violating the Constitution.

Despite his sworn oath to uphold the US Constitution and US laws, Obama ORDERED HIS DOJ NOT TO ENFORCE THE DOMA LAW BECAUSE HE PERSONALLY DISAGREED WITH IT.
--For refusing to uphold the constitution - instead violating the Separation of Powers - and ordering his DOJ to IGNORE laws passed by Congress he should have been Impeached, Censured at the very least.

President Obama's appointing of agency czars without the “advice and consent of the Senate” constituted a violation of Article II, Section 2.
-- Censure or Impeachment...

Contraceptive, abortifacients mandates in the ACA / Obamacare constituted violations of First Ammendment
-- Obamacare should have been expunged; yet, Chief justice Roberts (according to Justice Kennedy) exceeded his authority in acting to save the ACA.

President Obama issued illegal / Un-Constitutional Health Care waivers to the ACA. Healthcare waivers – No president has dispensing powers.
-- Another Violation of the Constitution by a self-professed Constitutional Scholar. There was no punishment and there should have been.

Congress did not approve Obama’s war in Libya. Article I, Section 8, First illegal war U.S. has engaged in. Impeachable under Article II, Section 4.
-- President Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, committed treason by ordering our US military to assist Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in 2001 - take over their own nation - Libya.

Obama ordered the illegal invasion of Syria - an International War Crime according to the United Nations, invading a sovereign nation without being asked or given approval by that nation that is in the midst of a civil war.

And these only scratch the surface of all the violations of both Constitution and Law....this doesn't even cover Obama's illegal spying on reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Presidential candidates - EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN...illegally weaponizing the IRS to punish American citizens for legally opposing his re-election...

Barak Obama has been proven to be the most criminal President / presidential administration in US history....

....and in the same way Obama protected Hillary and his other criminal administration members from indictment / prison / consequences, Obama was protected from any consequences of his MANY violations of law and constitution.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Obama should have been impeached and tried for Treason is what should happen.

But don't worry child of Hell. He will either receive Justice soon on Earth, or like you and Hillary Clinton, will be joining his corrupt friends in Hell in the next life.
And They tried to warn Trump but his people shut them down Trump didn't want to hear if Russians influenced his victory

Trump's egois one of MANY of his flaws........and he will pay dearly for delving into the scrutiny of the political arena.
What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?

When President Obama was found in Contempt Of Court for violating a Judge's decision about the Deep Water Drilling Ban he should have been CENSURED by a Bi-Partisan Congress.

When President Obama was found to be in violation of the United States Constitution for making recess appointments he should have been CENSURED by a Bi-Partisan Congress.

When it was exposed that President Obama had authorized running weapons (thousands of automatic weapons and grenades) to Mexican Drug cartels WITH THE INTENT OF INCREASING THE MURDER RATE so high that it would provide and opportunity to go after the 2nd Amendment he should have been Impeached.

When President Obama protected US AG Eric Holder after Holder was caught perpetrating multiple Felony Perjury Counts in an attempt to cover up Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal Holder should have been indicted and gone to jail and Barry should have been Impeached - Censured at the very least.
-- Obama Used Executive Privilege in regards to Fast & Furious gun running scandal. When Government misconduct is the concern Executive privilege is negated.

President Obama issued 23 Executive Orders regarding gun control - these constituted infringement of the 2nd Amendment. He should have been CENSURED at the very least.

President Obama issued an Executive Order bypassing Congress on immigration – a violation of Article 1 Section 1, 'ALL Legislative power held by Congress'

- President Obama issued Executive Order 13603 NDRP basically stating the US Government can seize anything...
- President Obama issued Executive Order 13524 which gives INTERPOL jurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies, including the FBI...
- Executive Order 13636 Infrastructure Cybersecurity which bypasses Congress - Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress
....These represent power grabs / acts that violate the US Constitution. He should have been Censured / his acts over-turned at the very least

President Obama signed into law the establishment of NO Free Speech zones – noncompliance with this law is a felony. The President's signing this into law was / is a Violation of 1st Amendment....punishable by Censure at the minimum and Impeachment (due to an established history / continued eroding of the Constitution / pattern of Constitutional Violations when he swore to protect, defend, and uphold the Constitution.

Obama's attempt to tax political contributions was an attempt to violate the 1st Amendment...and as snowflakes claim today even THINKING about breaking the law is the same as breaking the law (at least when it comes to Conservatives / Trump)

Barak Obama ADMITTED / DECLARED he had no Constitutional Authority to take any personal Presidential action to affect / alter existing US Immigration law....yet he then violated the Constitution by passing an ILLEGAL Executive Order that completely By-Passed Congress in an attempt to make DACA - his own personal dictator-wanna-be version - 'law of the land. His doing so was a clear-cut violation of the Separation of Powers.
-- Again, Obama should have at least been Censured for again attempting to by-pass Congress and violating the Constitution.

Despite his sworn oath to uphold the US Constitution and US laws, Obama ORDERED HIS DOJ NOT TO ENFORCE THE DOMA LAW BECAUSE HE PERSONALLY DISAGREED WITH IT.
--For refusing to uphold the constitution - instead violating the Separation of Powers - and ordering his DOJ to IGNORE laws passed by Congress he should have been Impeached, Censured at the very least.

President Obama's appointing of agency czars without the “advice and consent of the Senate” constituted a violation of Article II, Section 2.
-- Censure or Impeachment...

Contraceptive, abortifacients mandates in the ACA / Obamacare constituted violations of First Ammendment
-- Obamacare should have been expunged; yet, Chief justice Roberts (according to Justice Kennedy) exceeded his authority in acting to save the ACA.

President Obama issued illegal / Un-Constitutional Health Care waivers to the ACA. Healthcare waivers – No president has dispensing powers.
-- Another Violation of the Constitution by a self-professed Constitutional Scholar. There was no punishment and there should have been.

Congress did not approve Obama’s war in Libya. Article I, Section 8, First illegal war U.S. has engaged in. Impeachable under Article II, Section 4.
-- President Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, committed treason by ordering our US military to assist Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in 2001 - take over their own nation - Libya.

Obama ordered the illegal invasion of Syria - an International War Crime according to the United Nations, invading a sovereign nation without being asked or given approval by that nation that is in the midst of a civil war.

And these only scratch the surface of all the violations of both Constitution and Law....this doesn't even cover Obama's illegal spying on reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Presidential candidates - EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN...illegally weaponizing the IRS to punish American citizens for legally opposing his re-election...

Barak Obama has been proven to be the most criminal President / presidential administration in US history....

....and in the same way Obama protected Hillary and his other criminal administration members from indictment / prison / consequences, Obama was protected from any consequences of his MANY violations of law and constitution.

Apparently Barrack Obama was never indicted or convicted or even accused of a violation of COTUS, with the exception of someone like you. You seem to really hate President Obama, Sec. Clinton - in fact you seem to hate everyone who isn't a neo fascist. Why is that?
Can you explain how any of that is related to what you implying, Trump "defying the law"?

What law is he defying anyways?

Probably the fucking THIRD time that this idiot asks the above question....So, the dimwit is certainly beyond hope...

But for others........First of all, the term "sub poena " is Latin for "Under Penalty"

Trump places his staff and former staff members in jeopardy when asking them to defy....

U.S. Code 2 Chapter 19....
....and IRS Code 6003 (f)

What part of "executive privilege" you do not understand?

Eh, shitstain?
{{What part of "executive privilege" you do not understand?}}

The part where you can't use it to cover a crime!
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Are the committees of ways and means, committe on finance, or the committee on joint taxation making these requests in closed executive session? If they are not, then it is illegal for them to request any taxpayer information until they are.


Trump’s Tax Returns Requested by House Panel Chair
The article is behind a pay wall, however, the law states they can only request tax documents that identify a particular taxpayer while in closed executive session.

My question is, are any of those 3 committes in closed executive session when making the request?
Apparently Barrack Obama was never indicted or convicted or even accused of a violation of COTUS, with the exception of someone like you. You seem to really hate President Obama, Sec. Clinton - in fact you seem to hate everyone who isn't a neo fascist. Why is that?

Probably that very powerful orange kool-aid???
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Are the committees of ways and means, committe on finance, or the committee on joint taxation making these requests in closed executive session? If they are not, then it is illegal for them to request any taxpayer information until they are.


Trump’s Tax Returns Requested by House Panel Chair
The article is behind a pay wall, however, the law states they can only request tax documents that identify a particular taxpayer while in closed executive session.

My question is, are any of those 3 committes in closed executive session when making the request?

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request the tax returns.....If the request's term is then ignored, a subpoena is issued.......If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt the head of DOJ for not following the law.

Bottom line is this.....Yes, tax returns will be reviewed within a closed session, BUT, the committee is not prevented from stating whether Trump's tax returns were under audit or NOT........possibly making Trump into an evident LIAR....
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Go for it!!
can't count on that fn slob barr doing anything that might hurt scump Republican party has turned into a party of thieves crooks and hypocrites

LOL...so says a Democrat whose party is full of self-professed Socialists and crooks like Hillary Clinton. You guys really need to educate yourselves.
Well, Trump ass kissers.......we will see if Trump assumes the role of a despot or this country still believes in democracy.

If America still believes in Democracy, they sure as heck won't vote for a Democrat.
I would like for Trump to openly defy the law and then we could see what happens.
If America still believes in Democracy, they sure as heck won't vote for a Democrat.

Since you're obviously a moron........allow me to teach you a bit. Here's just ONE fact

The Economy Does Better—by Far—Under Democrats. ...

The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats - Forbes

I do MUCH better financially under Republican leadership. You may want to look at the policies of most of the candidates running on the Democratic ticket. If you think they will help the economy, you must be one of the cellar dwellers who stands to benefit from the freebies. BTW, many disagree with the articles you posted. I would argue the policies of Democrats(regulation, high taxes, the welfare state, trade deficits) are horrible long term for our economy.

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