What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?

Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

2 1/2 years later and your still in full melt down mold??
2 1/2 years later and Trump is still corrupt-er than Gotti.
Turning out to be even more so. Gotti didn't have donnie's deplorables suffering from 5th Avenue Syndrome.
He should get the same treatment Holder got......nothing!

No, moron.......the instance we're talking about is whether Barr REFUSES to arrest and bring to trial someone who has refused to defy a congressional subpoena.........

Try to keep up and turn off Fox and Friends for all your education.

No, moron, as much as you love your made-up imagination movie moments, we're actually talking about someone who goes to court to have them tell Congress to pound sand with their illegal overreaches.

Which is completely his legal right to do, and therefore involves no "arrest and bringing to trial."

Stop reading your talking points for all your education.
First, there is no proof that Trump broke any law and so far, he wasn't being accused of any crime, and left can't even point to any crime, so what is he refusing to testify for?

Second, all Trump needs to do is to issue executive privilege, and block any subpoena from Congress. Due to the separation of powers, they have no power over that.
Dickhead.........There is Article I ....AND there is a Supreme Court......AND finally morons like you should consider what Trump would do if he is impeached and tried ......would the orange clown refuse to lift his fat ass out of the oval office....

Is THAT what you idiots want???.........A despot?

You're right about one thing. There IS a Supreme Court . . . which has ruled that Congress does not have unlimited power to demand information from a private citizen.
"The statute is clear, no I won't tell you which statute or quote it, JUST BELIEVE ME!"

Understandably, I didn't bother to read the rest of your overheated blather.

Well, THAT is because you're a fucking idiot.....but I'm sure you gear that a loot already....

Had you read this long thread before spewing your poorly educated bullshit, you'd know that the statute were mentioned SEVERAL times......

Stick with Hannity's GED classes to other morons like you................LMAO

Once I read this long thread, it became even more apparent you were talking out of your anus, so I don't know that you want to be recommending that people find out the full extent of YOUR competely uneducated bullshit.

Stick with your talking points memo to think for you . . . oh, wait. You're clearly already doing that.
Uh, and what did you have to say when Obama and Holder "openly defied" Congressional subpoenas? I don't recall seeing a single liberal here posting a thread to express concern about Obama and his Attorney General "openly defying the law."

How about posting those times. YOU seem to be making the claim (shades of the ghost to Hannity and Rush) but you never give the cases.
I mean, they said the Mueller investigation was the key to taking down trump, and when that didn't play out in their favor, they are back to his taxes.

That part, you pulled out of your ass.........NO ONE of any stature ever said that the Mueller report was the key to taking the moron-in-chief down......For these reasons

A. Most of us were fully aware that under DOJ policies Mueller could NOT indict a sitting president

B. Mueller DID list TEN charges to be faced by Trump once he LEAVES office

C. There are a dozen other prosecutorial jurisdictions who are STILL investigating.....For example, did you happen to read about Deutsche Bank releasing Trump's request for loans when NO American bank would lend Trump a dime??
I mean, they said the Mueller investigation was the key to taking down trump, and when that didn't play out in their favor, they are back to his taxes.

That part, you pulled out of your ass.........NO ONE of any stature ever said that the Mueller report was the key to taking the moron-in-chief down......For these reasons

A. Most of us were fully aware that under DOJ policies Mueller could NOT indict a sitting president

B. Mueller DID list TEN charges to be faced by Trump once he LEAVES office

C. There are a dozen other prosecutorial jurisdictions who are STILL investigating.....For example, did you happen to read about Deutsche Bank releasing Trump's request for loans when NO American bank would lend Trump a dime??
You're going to end up sorely disappointed, nat. just sayin'
which has ruled that Congress does not have unlimited power to demand information from a private citizen.

Asshole.......Trump is npot just a "private citizen"......If that were the case, Mueller would have indicted him a year ago.

Besides, moron.....Check out what happened in the TeaPot Dome scandal, and how Nixon's tax returns were also reviewed...... and how "poor" Capone could not keep his tax returns from turning on him.
which has ruled that Congress does not have unlimited power to demand information from a private citizen.

Asshole.......Trump is npot just a "private citizen"......If that were the case, Mueller would have indicted him a year ago.

Besides, moron.....Check out what happened in the TeaPot Dome scandal and how "poor" Capone could not keep his tax returns from turning on him.

Asshole, you don't stop being a private citizen and having rights just because you're a politician.

Besides, moron, when you say "Just go check this out and prove that I'm right", that's automatic proof that you're making shit up.

You have evidence that supersedes the Supreme Court's 1957 decision, show me. Otherwise, you're lying.

Hey,, while you're embarking on your first attempt to ACTUALLY research your own shit and produce your own argument instead of being told what you're "thinking" by your masters, try researching THIS:

Watkins v. United States, Supreme Court of the United States, No. 261, October Term-1956, slip opinion, June 17, 1957

“Broad as is this power of inquiry, it is not unlimited. There is no general authority to expose the private affairs of individuals without justification in terms of the functions of the Congress.”
You're going to end up sorely disappointed, nat. just sayin'

You're correct.....I may wind up disappointed that our democracy has failed to kick to the curb a wanna-be despot...
Wouldn't you agree???
I mean, they said the Mueller investigation was the key to taking down trump, and when that didn't play out in their favor, they are back to his taxes.

That part, you pulled out of your ass.........NO ONE of any stature ever said that the Mueller report was the key to taking the moron-in-chief down......For these reasons

A. Most of us were fully aware that under DOJ policies Mueller could NOT indict a sitting president

B. Mueller DID list TEN charges to be faced by Trump once he LEAVES office

C. There are a dozen other prosecutorial jurisdictions who are STILL investigating.....For example, did you happen to read about Deutsche Bank releasing Trump's request for loans when NO American bank would lend Trump a dime??
You're going to end up sorely disappointed, nat. just sayin'
Do you think 4 more years of this loose cannon will be a good thing for America? Businesses can keep going on not knowing what the ***** has in store for them,for the country?
Here we go again.

You lost....Get the fuck over it.....Get a life.


This has nothing to do with winning an election.
This is about the president following the law.

Still waiting on the law you think gives Congress the right to invade people's privacy whenever they choose.

Its not congress doing that, its the NSA.
For the NSA, thank the patriot act and defense authorization (NDAA)
I mean, they said the Mueller investigation was the key to taking down trump, and when that didn't play out in their favor, they are back to his taxes.

That part, you pulled out of your ass.........NO ONE of any stature ever said that the Mueller report was the key to taking the moron-in-chief down......For these reasons

A. Most of us were fully aware that under DOJ policies Mueller could NOT indict a sitting president

B. Mueller DID list TEN charges to be faced by Trump once he LEAVES office

C. There are a dozen other prosecutorial jurisdictions who are STILL investigating.....For example, did you happen to read about Deutsche Bank releasing Trump's request for loans when NO American bank would lend Trump a dime??
You're going to end up sorely disappointed, nat. just sayin'
Do you think 4 more years of this loose cannon will be a good thing for America? Businesses can keep going on not knowing what the ***** has in store for them,for the country?
I think people are going to look at the economy, I think people are going to look at unemployment, Ed.
I do believe that people as individuals are better off now than they were when Trump took office.
The Mueller investigation isn't in the top 16 issues people are concerned about. It's only an issue of
distraction for the democrat party. They are overplaying their hand and it's not helping.
I know, I know, it's the most important thing in the world to you, but, not mainstream America.
They're too busy with what affects their life. That's what I think, Ed.
Watkins v. United States, Supreme Court of the United States, No. 261, October Term-1956, slip opinion, June 17, 1957

“Broad as is this power of inquiry, it is not unlimited. There is no general authority to expose the private affairs of individuals without justification in terms of the functions of the Congress.”
Eternal fuckhead........

Are you really COMPARING a case involving the McCarthy communist scandal with the request of the orange dick-head's tax returns???

Are you really THAT fucking stupid??
I mean, they said the Mueller investigation was the key to taking down trump, and when that didn't play out in their favor, they are back to his taxes.

That part, you pulled out of your ass.........NO ONE of any stature ever said that the Mueller report was the key to taking the moron-in-chief down......For these reasons

A. Most of us were fully aware that under DOJ policies Mueller could NOT indict a sitting president

B. Mueller DID list TEN charges to be faced by Trump once he LEAVES office

C. There are a dozen other prosecutorial jurisdictions who are STILL investigating.....For example, did you happen to read about Deutsche Bank releasing Trump's request for loans when NO American bank would lend Trump a dime??
You're going to end up sorely disappointed, nat. just sayin'
Do you think 4 more years of this loose cannon will be a good thing for America? Businesses can keep going on not knowing what the ***** has in store for them,for the country?
I think people are going to look at the economy, I think people are going to look at unemployment, Ed.
I do believe that people as individuals are better off now than they were than when Trump took office.
The Mueller investigation isn't in the top 16 issues people are concerned about. It's only an issue of
distraction for the democrat party. They are overplaying their hand and it's not helping.
I know, I know, it's the most important thing in the world to you, but, not mainstream America.
Their too busy with what affects their life. That's what I think, Ed.
You say people as individuals are better off now ,,,How about the country ,,the debt ,the chance of recession up ahead when Trump crawls out of the WH Obama's employment record wasn't bad ,,75 straight months of 6 digit gains and if he gave a huge tax cut I'm sure the economy would look lots better ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,for at least a year
I mean, they said the Mueller investigation was the key to taking down trump, and when that didn't play out in their favor, they are back to his taxes.

That part, you pulled out of your ass.........NO ONE of any stature ever said that the Mueller report was the key to taking the moron-in-chief down......For these reasons

A. Most of us were fully aware that under DOJ policies Mueller could NOT indict a sitting president

B. Mueller DID list TEN charges to be faced by Trump once he LEAVES office

C. There are a dozen other prosecutorial jurisdictions who are STILL investigating.....For example, did you happen to read about Deutsche Bank releasing Trump's request for loans when NO American bank would lend Trump a dime??
You're going to end up sorely disappointed, nat. just sayin'
Do you think 4 more years of this loose cannon will be a good thing for America? Businesses can keep going on not knowing what the ***** has in store for them,for the country?
I think people are going to look at the economy, I think people are going to look at unemployment, Ed.
I do believe that people as individuals are better off now than they were when Trump took office.
The Mueller investigation isn't in the top 16 issues people are concerned about. It's only an issue of
distraction for the democrat party. They are overplaying their hand and it's not helping.
I know, I know, it's the most important thing in the world to you, but, not mainstream America.
They're too busy with what affects their life. That's what I think, Ed.

I actually agree........The REAL challenge for democrats both in congress and on the campaign trail is to CLEARLY show that two issues can be addressed simultaneously .....

First, that a cancer does exist (as John Dean once stated) in the WH and MUST be removed....and

Second, a slew of Bills should be introduced in the House that would correctly address, Health Care, Equal Pay, Minimum Wage, Infrastructure, etc.

BOTH ISSUES CAN be addressed, much to the chagrin of Trump ass kissers.
I mean, they said the Mueller investigation was the key to taking down trump, and when that didn't play out in their favor, they are back to his taxes.

That part, you pulled out of your ass.........NO ONE of any stature ever said that the Mueller report was the key to taking the moron-in-chief down......For these reasons

A. Most of us were fully aware that under DOJ policies Mueller could NOT indict a sitting president

B. Mueller DID list TEN charges to be faced by Trump once he LEAVES office

C. There are a dozen other prosecutorial jurisdictions who are STILL investigating.....For example, did you happen to read about Deutsche Bank releasing Trump's request for loans when NO American bank would lend Trump a dime??
You're going to end up sorely disappointed, nat. just sayin'
Do you think 4 more years of this loose cannon will be a good thing for America? Businesses can keep going on not knowing what the ***** has in store for them,for the country?
I think people are going to look at the economy, I think people are going to look at unemployment, Ed.
I do believe that people as individuals are better off now than they were than when Trump took office.
The Mueller investigation isn't in the top 16 issues people are concerned about. It's only an issue of
distraction for the democrat party. They are overplaying their hand and it's not helping.
I know, I know, it's the most important thing in the world to you, but, not mainstream America.
Their too busy with what affects their life. That's what I think, Ed.
You say people as individuals are better off now ,,,How about the country ,,the debt ,the chance of recession up ahead when Trump crawls out of the WH Obama's employment record wasn't bad ,,75 straight months of 6 digit gains and if he gave a huge tax cut I'm sure the economy would look lots better ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,for at least a year
Obama? I wasn't talking about Obama.
I was talking about what is important to the mainstream Americans.
If the economy is stronger, inflation is in check, unemployment is low, and wages increasing, yes, the country is better.
Do you want less debt? How about asking Congress to be sincere about cutting spending? While not playing politics
I mean, they said the Mueller investigation was the key to taking down trump, and when that didn't play out in their favor, they are back to his taxes.

That part, you pulled out of your ass.........NO ONE of any stature ever said that the Mueller report was the key to taking the moron-in-chief down......For these reasons

A. Most of us were fully aware that under DOJ policies Mueller could NOT indict a sitting president

B. Mueller DID list TEN charges to be faced by Trump once he LEAVES office

C. There are a dozen other prosecutorial jurisdictions who are STILL investigating.....For example, did you happen to read about Deutsche Bank releasing Trump's request for loans when NO American bank would lend Trump a dime??
You're going to end up sorely disappointed, nat. just sayin'
Do you think 4 more years of this loose cannon will be a good thing for America? Businesses can keep going on not knowing what the ***** has in store for them,for the country?
I think people are going to look at the economy, I think people are going to look at unemployment, Ed.
I do believe that people as individuals are better off now than they were when Trump took office.
The Mueller investigation isn't in the top 16 issues people are concerned about. It's only an issue of
distraction for the democrat party. They are overplaying their hand and it's not helping.
I know, I know, it's the most important thing in the world to you, but, not mainstream America.
They're too busy with what affects their life. That's what I think, Ed.

I actually agree........The REAL challenge for democrats both in congress and on the campaign trail is to CLEARLY show that two issues can be addressed simultaneously .....

First, that a cancer does exist (as John Dean once stated) in the WH and MUST be removed....and

Second, a slew of Bills should be introduced in the House that would correctly address, Health Care, Equal Pay, Minimum Wage, Infrastructure, etc.

BOTH ISSUES CAN be addressed, much to the chagrin of Trump ass kissers.
A well stated non bias opinion....now that's refreshing. :auiqs.jpg:

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