What should the end goal of our gun policy be?

What do you think should be the appropriate end goal of our gun laws?

  • None: Guns should be banned

  • Minimal: Just in your home and use on your property and gun ranges never in public

  • Limited: Above and you can carry them but only in the open where they are expressly allowe

  • Regulated: Above and concealed, but only after government checks you out and approves you

  • Unlimited as long as your Constitutional rights have not been limited by due process of law

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A conviction of a misdemeanor is generally adjudicated by a jail sentence and or a fine; both are imposed under the terms and conditions of probation. They are offered to the defendant who can reject them, and in doing so s/he risks being sentence to the longest term possible in the CJ.

I used to go into the jail and do a Q&A with offenders convicted of Domestic Violence. One such person rejected probation against the advice of his attorney. As a consequence he was sentenced to five years county jail, one year on each count he was found guilty of, to be served consecutively. Had he accepted probation and other Terms and Conditions he would most likely serve 30 days CJ, concurrently with credit for time served, and required to attend a Batterer's Treatment program as an outpatient for one year, not own, possess or have in his custody and control a gun, agree to S&S whereby any guns he owned would be confiscated, and other T's&C's he felt were too severe for violating a protective order, beating his wife, killing her cat, threatening her parents and resisting arrest.

IMO he should never be allowed to own, possess or have a gun in his control or possession, nor should anyone convicted of a crime of violence be it a misdemeanor or a felony.

So...a guy that gets into a fight in college shouldn't be able to own a gun 30 years later? Piss off.
If these Connecticut politicians care sooooooo much about women like they claim, then I have two very serious questions:

1.) Why are they passing laws to give mentally ill sexually deviant men access to women in bathrooms and locker rooms?

2.) Why aren't they arming the women? Even without the gun, their domestic partners could stab them to death, strangle them to death, beat them to death. Why aren't they arming the women to level the playing field and allow them to defend themselves?

Answer to both questions: because this isn't about "protecting" women at all. This is about gun control. Same thing it is always about with liberals - control.

Connecticut Governor to Sign Gun Confiscation Bill — Here Are the Key Details
If these Connecticut politicians care sooooooo much about women like they claim, then I have two very serious questions:

1.) Why are they passing laws to give mentally ill sexually deviant men access to women in bathrooms and locker rooms?

2.) Why aren't they arming the women? Even without the gun, their domestic partners could stab them to death, strangle them to death, beat them to death. Why aren't they arming the women to level the playing field and allow them to defend themselves?

Answer to both questions: because this isn't about "protecting" women at all. This is about gun control. Same thing it is always about with liberals - control.

Connecticut Governor to Sign Gun Confiscation Bill — Here Are the Key Details

The Connecticut measure is just another disarmament pretext.
A conviction of a misdemeanor is generally adjudicated by a jail sentence and or a fine; both are imposed under the terms and conditions of probation. They are offered to the defendant who can reject them, and in doing so s/he risks being sentence to the longest term possible in the CJ.

I used to go into the jail and do a Q&A with offenders convicted of Domestic Violence. One such person rejected probation against the advice of his attorney. As a consequence he was sentenced to five years county jail, one year on each count he was found guilty of, to be served consecutively. Had he accepted probation and other Terms and Conditions he would most likely serve 30 days CJ, concurrently with credit for time served, and required to attend a Batterer's Treatment program as an outpatient for one year, not own, possess or have in his custody and control a gun, agree to S&S whereby any guns he owned would be confiscated, and other T's&C's he felt were too severe for violating a protective order, beating his wife, killing her cat, threatening her parents and resisting arrest.

IMO he should never be allowed to own, possess or have a gun in his control or possession, nor should anyone convicted of a crime of violence be it a misdemeanor or a felony.

So...a guy that gets into a fight in college shouldn't be able to own a gun 30 years later? Piss off.

Mutual battery isn't necessarily a violent crime; simple people like you might consider it so, but fortunately those who would make such decisions would not be simpletons, Mr. Simon.
Hang on tight, Timmy, your turnip truck is taking a tight corner!

battery is a violent crime. You said, "IMO he should never be allowed to own, possess or have a gun in his control or possession, nor should anyone convicted of a crime of violence be it a misdemeanor or a felony." Therefore, there are exactly three possibilities: you DO think that a 30-year-old fight means someone should not be able to own a gun, you lied, or you are really, really stupid. So...which is it?
Hang on tight, Timmy, your turnip truck is taking a tight corner!

battery is a violent crime. You said, "IMO he should never be allowed to own, possess or have a gun in his control or possession, nor should anyone convicted of a crime of violence be it a misdemeanor or a felony." Therefore, there are exactly three possibilities: you DO think that a 30-year-old fight means someone should not be able to own a gun, you lied, or you are really, really stupid. So...which is it?

Asked and answered. You are welcome to form your own opinion as to my honesty and or intelligence. Don't expect me to care what you choose to believe.
Hang on tight, Timmy, your turnip truck is taking a tight corner!

battery is a violent crime. You said, "IMO he should never be allowed to own, possess or have a gun in his control or possession, nor should anyone convicted of a crime of violence be it a misdemeanor or a felony." Therefore, there are exactly three possibilities: you DO think that a 30-year-old fight means someone should not be able to own a gun, you lied, or you are really, really stupid. So...which is it?

Asked and answered. You are welcome to form your own opinion as to my honesty and or intelligence. Don't expect me to care what you choose to believe.
It surprises no one that you do not care about your rabid dishonesty and impossible ignorance.
Hang on tight, Timmy, your turnip truck is taking a tight corner!

battery is a violent crime. You said, "IMO he should never be allowed to own, possess or have a gun in his control or possession, nor should anyone convicted of a crime of violence be it a misdemeanor or a felony." Therefore, there are exactly three possibilities: you DO think that a 30-year-old fight means someone should not be able to own a gun, you lied, or you are really, really stupid. So...which is it?

Asked and answered. You are welcome to form your own opinion as to my honesty and or intelligence. Don't expect me to care what you choose to believe.
It surprises no one that you do not care about your rabid dishonesty and impossible ignorance.

FU. Don't you have a gun to fondle?
Hang on tight, Timmy, your turnip truck is taking a tight corner!

battery is a violent crime. You said, "IMO he should never be allowed to own, possess or have a gun in his control or possession, nor should anyone convicted of a crime of violence be it a misdemeanor or a felony." Therefore, there are exactly three possibilities: you DO think that a 30-year-old fight means someone should not be able to own a gun, you lied, or you are really, really stupid. So...which is it?

Asked and answered. You are welcome to form your own opinion as to my honesty and or intelligence. Don't expect me to care what you choose to believe.
It surprises no one that you do not care about your rabid dishonesty and impossible ignorance.
FU. Don't you have a gun to fondle?
Aww... is puddum -still- upset that he's called out on his lies and ignorance?
Maybe if you stopped lying and made some effort to know what you;re talking about, this would not happen.
Until then....
It surprises no one that you do not care about your rabid dishonesty and impossible ignorance.
Hang on tight, Timmy, your turnip truck is taking a tight corner!

battery is a violent crime. You said, "IMO he should never be allowed to own, possess or have a gun in his control or possession, nor should anyone convicted of a crime of violence be it a misdemeanor or a felony." Therefore, there are exactly three possibilities: you DO think that a 30-year-old fight means someone should not be able to own a gun, you lied, or you are really, really stupid. So...which is it?

Asked and answered. You are welcome to form your own opinion as to my honesty and or intelligence. Don't expect me to care what you choose to believe.
It surprises no one that you do not care about your rabid dishonesty and impossible ignorance.
FU. Don't you have a gun to fondle?
Aww... is puddum -still- upset that he's called out on his lies and ignorance?
Maybe if you stopped lying and made some effort to know what you;re talking about, this would not happen.
Until then....
It surprises no one that you do not care about your rabid dishonesty and impossible ignorance.

"impossible ignorance"? An example of Word Salad:

The term
word salad refers to a random words or phrases linked together in an often unintelligible manner.
Often, a listener is unable to understand the meaning or purpose of the phrase. Mental health issues can
often be the cause of disorganized speech such as
word salad


Thus your use of this unintelligible phrase, along with the mental masturbation associated with the manner in which you caress firearms, is more evidence that you are mentally disturbed, or as someone at your level of education might better understand, all fucked up.
Hang on tight, Timmy, your turnip truck is taking a tight corner!

battery is a violent crime. You said, "IMO he should never be allowed to own, possess or have a gun in his control or possession, nor should anyone convicted of a crime of violence be it a misdemeanor or a felony." Therefore, there are exactly three possibilities: you DO think that a 30-year-old fight means someone should not be able to own a gun, you lied, or you are really, really stupid. So...which is it?

Asked and answered. You are welcome to form your own opinion as to my honesty and or intelligence. Don't expect me to care what you choose to believe.
It surprises no one that you do not care about your rabid dishonesty and impossible ignorance.
FU. Don't you have a gun to fondle?
Aww... is puddum -still- upset that he's called out on his lies and ignorance?
Maybe if you stopped lying and made some effort to know what you;re talking about, this would not happen.
Until then....
It surprises no one that you do not care about your rabid dishonesty and impossible ignorance.
"impossible ignorance"? An example of Word Salad:
Lie to us some more, puddum.
The end goal should be to follow our Constitution and allow Citizens to arm and protect themselves. The bad guys don't delay raping and killing you and your family so the Police can have time to get there and save you. The Police generally only arrive after the fact. When it comes down to it, They arrive too late with their chalk and body bags. It's only you against the rabid demons.

All Citizens should be prepared to protect themselves and their families. Doing otherwise, is just plain irresponsible. Things are only gonna get worse. Rampant Civil Unrest is coming. The Police don't have the time or resources to be everywhere. You are on your own. That's the harsh reality. It's time to put an end to the Communist/Progressive Anti-2nd Amendment crusade.
The end goal should be to follow our Constitution and allow Citizens to arm and protect themselves. The bad guys don't delay raping and killing you and your family so the Police can have time to get there and save you. The Police generally only arrive after the fact. When it comes down to it, They arrive too late with their chalk and body bags. It's only you against the rabid demons.

All Citizens should be prepared to protect themselves and their families. Doing otherwise, is just plain irresponsible. Things are only gonna get worse. Rampant Civil Unrest is coming. The Police don't have the time or resources to be everywhere. You are on your own. That's the harsh reality. It's time to put an end to the Communist/Progressive Anti-2nd Amendment crusade.

Nice Rant, file it under 'Fear and Hate".

BTW, gun control does not mean total confiscation of all guns. That meme is a canard - one echoed by biddable people like you.
BTW, gun control does not mean total confiscation of all guns. That meme is a canard - one echoed by biddable people like you.
The liberal gun-rights-haters have even admitted frankly that the only countries that have managed to reduce these mass shootings, are the ones that enact a virtual 100% ban on guns in civilian hands: England, China, Japan, Australia, etc. The fact that crime continues to increase in most of those countries, is carefully not examined by the liberals.

And yet, with the evidence before them, they continue to push for more gun laws. It's obvious what their real goal is: Knowing the laws they call for won't work, they want the 100% ban in this country, too.

And even that 100% ban will only work if we also enact a massive police state, where squads of armed police first go door to door confiscating every firearm, and then continue to regularly invade and search every house as time goes on, looking for guns.

Keep this in mind the next time some politician calls for "reasonable gun restrictions" or some other tired talking point. He knows it won't work. But it's the next step he wants on the way to his real goal.

What other reason could he have for continuing to push for more gun laws?
The end goal should be to follow our Constitution and allow Citizens to arm and protect themselves. The bad guys don't delay raping and killing you and your family so the Police can have time to get there and save you. The Police generally only arrive after the fact. When it comes down to it, They arrive too late with their chalk and body bags. It's only you against the rabid demons.

All Citizens should be prepared to protect themselves and their families. Doing otherwise, is just plain irresponsible. Things are only gonna get worse. Rampant Civil Unrest is coming. The Police don't have the time or resources to be everywhere. You are on your own. That's the harsh reality. It's time to put an end to the Communist/Progressive Anti-2nd Amendment crusade.

Nice Rant, file it under 'Fear and Hate".

BTW, gun control does not mean total confiscation of all guns. That meme is a canard - one echoed by biddable people like you.

Yes, following the Constitution and protecting your family is all about the 'Fear and Hate.' If that's your take, so be it i guess. But all Citizens should arm themselves and protect their loved ones. It's a vital responsibility. The Police can't be everywhere. They most often only arrive after the fact.
I believe all rights should be restored after someone who committed a crime has fulfilled their debt including gun ownership. If a person is clearly a risk to re-commit then the probation should be adjusted accordingly. That would keep habitual violent offenders from legally obtaining weapons.

I have no problem with someone who made a stupid mistake 20 years ago from being fully reinstated as a citizen with full rights including gun ownership. It should be on a case by case decision.

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