What should the end goal of our gun policy be?

What do you think should be the appropriate end goal of our gun laws?

  • None: Guns should be banned

  • Minimal: Just in your home and use on your property and gun ranges never in public

  • Limited: Above and you can carry them but only in the open where they are expressly allowe

  • Regulated: Above and concealed, but only after government checks you out and approves you

  • Unlimited as long as your Constitutional rights have not been limited by due process of law

Results are only viewable after voting.
BTW, gun control does not mean total confiscation of all guns. That meme is a canard - one echoed by biddable people like you.
The liberal gun-rights-haters have even admitted frankly that the only countries that have managed to reduce these mass shootings, are the ones that enact a virtual 100% ban on guns in civilian hands: England, China, Japan, Australia, etc. The fact that crime continues to increase in most of those countries, is carefully not examined by the liberals.

And yet, with the evidence before them, they continue to push for more gun laws. It's obvious what their real goal is: Knowing the laws they call for won't work, they want the 100% ban in this country, too.

And even that 100% ban will only work if we also enact a massive police state, where squads of armed police first go door to door confiscating every firearm, and then continue to regularly invade and search every house as time goes on, looking for guns.

Keep this in mind the next time some politician calls for "reasonable gun restrictions" or some other tired talking point. He knows it won't work. But it's the next step he wants on the way to his real goal.

What other reason could he have for continuing to push for more gun laws?

Q. What reason do I want to see gun controls?

A. I've seen the results of the insanity, and hope someday a sane gun control policy can be reached by men and women of goodwill.

BTWj, you presented the same logical fallacies I've read dozens of times by those who are opposed to any and all efforts to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not ever own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm.
BTW, gun control does not mean total confiscation of all guns. That meme is a canard - one echoed by biddable people like you.
The liberal gun-rights-haters have even admitted frankly that the only countries that have managed to reduce these mass shootings, are the ones that enact a virtual 100% ban on guns in civilian hands: England, China, Japan, Australia, etc. The fact that crime continues to increase in most of those countries, is carefully not examined by the liberals.

And yet, with the evidence before them, they continue to push for more gun laws. It's obvious what their real goal is: Knowing the laws they call for won't work, they want the 100% ban in this country, too.

And even that 100% ban will only work if we also enact a massive police state, where squads of armed police first go door to door confiscating every firearm, and then continue to regularly invade and search every house as time goes on, looking for guns.

Keep this in mind the next time some politician calls for "reasonable gun restrictions" or some other tired talking point. He knows it won't work. But it's the next step he wants on the way to his real goal.

What other reason could he have for continuing to push for more gun laws?
Q. What reason do I want to see gun controls?
A. I've seen the results of the insanity, and hope someday a sane gun control policy can be reached by men and women of goodwill.
"Sane" require that said laws and policies are demonstrably necessary and effective; you know you cannot provide any sound argument to that effect for any of the restrictions you seek.
Thus nothing you seek is "sane".
The end goal should be to follow our Constitution and allow Citizens to arm and protect themselves. The bad guys don't delay raping and killing you and your family so the Police can have time to get there and save you. The Police generally only arrive after the fact. When it comes down to it, They arrive too late with their chalk and body bags. It's only you against the rabid demons.

All Citizens should be prepared to protect themselves and their families. Doing otherwise, is just plain irresponsible. Things are only gonna get worse. Rampant Civil Unrest is coming. The Police don't have the time or resources to be everywhere. You are on your own. That's the harsh reality. It's time to put an end to the Communist/Progressive Anti-2nd Amendment crusade.

Nice Rant, file it under 'Fear and Hate".

BTW, gun control does not mean total confiscation of all guns. That meme is a canard - one echoed by biddable people like you.

Yes, following the Constitution and protecting your family is all about the 'Fear and Hate.' If that's your take, so be it i guess. But all Citizens should arm themselves and protect their loved ones. It's a vital responsibility. The Police can't be everywhere. They most often only arrive after the fact.

"... It's time to put an end to the Communist/Progressive Anti-2nd Amendment crusade"; such a comment deserves to be called a rant, for it is an effort to create hate for other Americans who hold opinions which differ from your own, and fear in those challenged by reality. It is an echo as I stated of a meme and a canard - if you don't know the meaning of these two words all it takes is to Google them, and maybe then you might comprehend reality.
And yet, with the evidence before them, they continue to push for more gun laws. It's obvious what their real goal is: Knowing the laws they call for won't work, they want the 100% ban in this country, too.

And even that 100% ban will only work if we also enact a massive police state, where squads of armed police first go door to door confiscating every firearm, and then continue to regularly invade and search every house as time goes on, looking for guns.

Keep this in mind the next time some politician calls for "reasonable gun restrictions" or some other tired talking point. He knows it won't work. But it's the next step he wants on the way to his real goal.

What other reason could he have for continuing to push for more gun laws?
Q. What reason do I want to see gun controls?
A. I've seen the results of the insanity, and hope someday a sane gun control policy can be reached by men and women of goodwill.
"Sane" require that said laws and policies are demonstrably necessary and effective; you know you cannot provide any sound argument to that effect for any of the restrictions you seek.
Thus nothing you seek is "sane".

You are a LIAR. I have presented arguments that may reduce the number of guns in the hands of those who should never be legally capable of owning, possessing or have one or more in their custody or control.

Such arguments include Licensing and Registration and a Flash Notice System. The response is predictable:
  • It will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals (only criminals will have guns)
  • It violates the 2nd A.
  • It is a slippery slope, soon "they" will confiscate all guns in private ownership
  • Natural law supersedes gun control laws
  • Gun control is a communist goal.
And yet, with the evidence before them, they continue to push for more gun laws. It's obvious what their real goal is: Knowing the laws they call for won't work, they want the 100% ban in this country, too.

And even that 100% ban will only work if we also enact a massive police state, where squads of armed police first go door to door confiscating every firearm, and then continue to regularly invade and search every house as time goes on, looking for guns.

Keep this in mind the next time some politician calls for "reasonable gun restrictions" or some other tired talking point. He knows it won't work. But it's the next step he wants on the way to his real goal.

What other reason could he have for continuing to push for more gun laws?
Q. What reason do I want to see gun controls?
A. I've seen the results of the insanity, and hope someday a sane gun control policy can be reached by men and women of goodwill.
"Sane" require that said laws and policies are demonstrably necessary and effective; you know you cannot provide any sound argument to that effect for any of the restrictions you seek.
Thus nothing you seek is "sane".

You are a LIAR. I have presented arguments that may reduce the number of guns in the hands of those who should never be legally capable of owning, possessing or have one or more in their custody or control.

Such arguments include Licensing and Registration and a Flash Notice System. The response is predictable:
  • It will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals (only criminals will have guns)
  • It violates the 2nd A.
  • It is a slippery slope, soon "they" will confiscate all guns in private ownership
  • Natural law supersedes gun control laws
  • Gun control is a communist goal.

Registration is a no go , PERIOD.
I have presented arguments that may reduce the number of guns in the hands of those who should never be legally capable of owning, possessing or have one or more in their custody or control.
Your response, a lie of omission, is irrelevant to the point, in bold for clarity.
"Sane" require that said laws and policies are demonstrably necessary and effective; you know you cannot provide any sound argument to that effect for any of the restrictions you seek.
Thus nothing you seek is "sane".
Lie to us some more.
Registration is a no go , PERIOD.
He knows there is no sound argument for the necessity of the state having on record the owner of each of the 356,000,000 gun in the US.

Of course there isn't. Any thinking person realizes that a criminal isn't going to register their guns. LOL

The truth is that with the exception of outliers its the same damn people committing crimes over and over and over, Throw their asses in prison and keep them there and most of the crime will go away.

Leave my guns alone.

Continue on with current gun laws to catch as many of the outliers as possible.
Such arguments include Licensing and Registration and a Flash Notice System. The response is predictable:
  • It will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals (only criminals will have guns)
  • It violates the 2nd A.
  • It is a slippery slope, soon "they" will confiscate all guns in private ownership
  • Natural law supersedes gun control laws
  • Gun control is a communist goal.

And you have been unable to refute even one of them.
And yet, with the evidence before them, they continue to push for more gun laws. It's obvious what their real goal is: Knowing the laws they call for won't work, they want the 100% ban in this country, too.

And even that 100% ban will only work if we also enact a massive police state, where squads of armed police first go door to door confiscating every firearm, and then continue to regularly invade and search every house as time goes on, looking for guns.

Keep this in mind the next time some politician calls for "reasonable gun restrictions" or some other tired talking point. He knows it won't work. But it's the next step he wants on the way to his real goal.

What other reason could he have for continuing to push for more gun laws?
Q. What reason do I want to see gun controls?
A. I've seen the results of the insanity, and hope someday a sane gun control policy can be reached by men and women of goodwill.
"Sane" require that said laws and policies are demonstrably necessary and effective; you know you cannot provide any sound argument to that effect for any of the restrictions you seek.
Thus nothing you seek is "sane".

You are a LIAR. I have presented arguments that may reduce the number of guns in the hands of those who should never be legally capable of owning, possessing or have one or more in their custody or control.

Such arguments include Licensing and Registration and a Flash Notice System. The response is predictable:
  • It will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals (only criminals will have guns)
  • It violates the 2nd A.
  • It is a slippery slope, soon "they" will confiscate all guns in private ownership
  • Natural law supersedes gun control laws
  • Gun control is a communist goal.

Registration is a no go , PERIOD.


We register cars
We register boats
We register Air craft

Why not guns?
And yet, with the evidence before them, they continue to push for more gun laws. It's obvious what their real goal is: Knowing the laws they call for won't work, they want the 100% ban in this country, too.

And even that 100% ban will only work if we also enact a massive police state, where squads of armed police first go door to door confiscating every firearm, and then continue to regularly invade and search every house as time goes on, looking for guns.

Keep this in mind the next time some politician calls for "reasonable gun restrictions" or some other tired talking point. He knows it won't work. But it's the next step he wants on the way to his real goal.

What other reason could he have for continuing to push for more gun laws?
Q. What reason do I want to see gun controls?
A. I've seen the results of the insanity, and hope someday a sane gun control policy can be reached by men and women of goodwill.
"Sane" require that said laws and policies are demonstrably necessary and effective; you know you cannot provide any sound argument to that effect for any of the restrictions you seek.
Thus nothing you seek is "sane".

You are a LIAR. I have presented arguments that may reduce the number of guns in the hands of those who should never be legally capable of owning, possessing or have one or more in their custody or control.

Such arguments include Licensing and Registration and a Flash Notice System. The response is predictable:
  • It will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals (only criminals will have guns)
  • It violates the 2nd A.
  • It is a slippery slope, soon "they" will confiscate all guns in private ownership
  • Natural law supersedes gun control laws
  • Gun control is a communist goal.

Registration is a no go , PERIOD.


We register cars
We register boats
We register Air craft

Why not guns?

Gun Control in Nazi Germany

Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and “Enemies of the State” by Stephen P. Halbrook, Independent Institute, 2014, 364 pp.

There is no shortage of theories or writings related to the rise of the Third Reich and the subsequent Holocaust. Stephen Halbrook’s 2013 book, Gun Control in the Third Reich offers a compelling and important account of the role of gun prohibition in aiding Hitler’s goals of exterminating the Jews and other “enemies of the state.” While much of the early gun prohibition was created with supposedly good intent, Halbrook carefully and meticulously details how a change in political regime facilitated manipulating some well-intentioned gun registration laws and other gun prohibition to be used in inconceivable way
Q. What reason do I want to see gun controls?
A. I've seen the results of the insanity, and hope someday a sane gun control policy can be reached by men and women of goodwill.
"Sane" require that said laws and policies are demonstrably necessary and effective; you know you cannot provide any sound argument to that effect for any of the restrictions you seek.
Thus nothing you seek is "sane".

You are a LIAR. I have presented arguments that may reduce the number of guns in the hands of those who should never be legally capable of owning, possessing or have one or more in their custody or control.

Such arguments include Licensing and Registration and a Flash Notice System. The response is predictable:
  • It will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals (only criminals will have guns)
  • It violates the 2nd A.
  • It is a slippery slope, soon "they" will confiscate all guns in private ownership
  • Natural law supersedes gun control laws
  • Gun control is a communist goal.

Registration is a no go , PERIOD.


We register cars
We register boats
We register Air craft

Why not guns?

Gun Control in Nazi Germany

Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and “Enemies of the State” by Stephen P. Halbrook, Independent Institute, 2014, 364 pp.

There is no shortage of theories or writings related to the rise of the Third Reich and the subsequent Holocaust. Stephen Halbrook’s 2013 book, Gun Control in the Third Reich offers a compelling and important account of the role of gun prohibition in aiding Hitler’s goals of exterminating the Jews and other “enemies of the state.” While much of the early gun prohibition was created with supposedly good intent, Halbrook carefully and meticulously details how a change in political regime facilitated manipulating some well-intentioned gun registration laws and other gun prohibition to be used in inconceivable way

YOU LOSE - anytime on the internet one needs to default to Hitler or Germany's Policies in the 30's & 40's the post fails.
YOU LOSE - anytime on the internet one needs to default to Hitler or Germany's Policies in the 30's & 40's the post fails.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what you said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll try some of the usual tired talking points and see if I can fool someone somewhere into thinking you were wrong anyway.
YOU LOSE - anytime on the internet one needs to default to Hitler or Germany's Policies in the 30's & 40's the post fails.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what you said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll try some of the usual tired talking points and see if I can fool someone somewhere into thinking you were wrong anyway.

Yes, you do try by posting the usual tired talking points - rather you echo them - and the evidence is in grave yards nation wide, in hospital bills and the grief of those who have lost loved ones.

As a callous conservatives you don't give a damn about others, it is only your self claimed right that matters to you.
As a callous conservatives you don't give a damn about others, it is only your self claimed right that matters to you.
This is, of course, a lie, proving the point made just above,

The evidence you forget to bring to the post is missing once again. You have as much substance in your many posts as does the comments made by a Chatty Kathy Doll.
The end goal should be to follow our Constitution and allow Citizens to arm and protect themselves. The bad guys don't delay raping and killing you and your family so the Police can have time to get there and save you. The Police generally only arrive after the fact. When it comes down to it, They arrive too late with their chalk and body bags. It's only you against the rabid demons.

All Citizens should be prepared to protect themselves and their families. Doing otherwise, is just plain irresponsible. Things are only gonna get worse. Rampant Civil Unrest is coming. The Police don't have the time or resources to be everywhere. You are on your own. That's the harsh reality. It's time to put an end to the Communist/Progressive Anti-2nd Amendment crusade.

Nice Rant, file it under 'Fear and Hate".

BTW, gun control does not mean total confiscation of all guns. That meme is a canard - one echoed by biddable people like you.

Yes, following the Constitution and protecting your family is all about the 'Fear and Hate.' If that's your take, so be it i guess. But all Citizens should arm themselves and protect their loved ones. It's a vital responsibility. The Police can't be everywhere. They most often only arrive after the fact.

"... It's time to put an end to the Communist/Progressive Anti-2nd Amendment crusade"; such a comment deserves to be called a rant, for it is an effort to create hate for other Americans who hold opinions which differ from your own, and fear in those challenged by reality. It is an echo as I stated of a meme and a canard - if you don't know the meaning of these two words all it takes is to Google them, and maybe then you might comprehend reality.

Are you claiming Communists/Progressives aren't Gun Grabbers? Because if you are, you're either lying, or you're just sadly misinformed. The ultimate goal for Communists/Progressives is to disarm American Citizens. You can spin it being about 'Gun Control' all you want, but the end-game is a total disarming of the populace.

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