What Should the Punishment Be for the Leaker?

The Left should be extatic. Now they get to play the women’s rights card - though they will need a biologist- all the while the Left supports State’s Rights.
So what should the sentence be? If it's one of the Justices, should he/she be impeached? If it's a clerk, fired and jail? What's your opinion?
I say if a clerk, 15 years in jail with loss of pension. If it's a Justice, impeachment with loss of all pension.
A date with Vindman.
So what should the sentence be? If it's one of the Justices, should he/she be impeached? If it's a clerk, fired and jail? What's your opinion?
I say if a clerk, 15 years in jail with loss of pension. If it's a Justice, impeachment with loss of all pension.

Name the federal statute that was violated.
If it’s one of the clerks they should definitely lose their job and probably be disbarred. Other than that, I’m not sure there was technically anything illegal done
Hillary got away with putting highly classified email on an unauthorized and improperly secured server. This ruling wasn’t even classified information.

If Hillary got to walk away scot-free then at the most this clerk should be disbarred.

What if instead of a clerk it was a justice?
Hillary got away with putting highly classified email on an unauthorized and improperly secured server. This ruling wasn’t even classified information.

If Hillary got to walk away scot-free then at the most this clerk should be disbarred.

What if instead of a clerk it was a justice?
If a Justice leaked it, impeachment.
So what should the sentence be? If it's one of the Justices, should he/she be impeached? If it's a clerk, fired and jail? What's your opinion?
I say if a clerk, 15 years in jail with loss of pension. If it's a Justice, impeachment with loss of all pension.
If it was a justice they should be forced to step down from the court.

If it's a clerk, they need to be exposed and disbarred for life.

Unfortunately there's probably not a way to charge the leaker with a crime.
So what should the sentence be? If it's one of the Justices, should he/she be impeached? If it's a clerk, fired and jail? What's your opinion?
I say if a clerk, 15 years in jail with loss of pension. If it's a Justice, impeachment with loss of all pension.
The person who leaked will be found out and fired. He or she will be disbarred for a time. This is after all a political crime. Be reasonable.
So what should the sentence be? If it's one of the Justices, should he/she be impeached? If it's a clerk, fired and jail? What's your opinion?
I say if a clerk, 15 years in jail with loss of pension. If it's a Justice, impeachment with loss of all pension.
That would depend on the amount he exposed himself. the amount of bitching done by the peeping Tom trying to get a view, and amount of beer he drank.
In the realm of liberal media generated pop culture and the establishment, the leaker might well be viewed as a hero. Legal ramifications are unclear so why doesn't he/she come forward?
So what should the sentence be? If it's one of the Justices, should he/she be impeached? If it's a clerk, fired and jail? What's your opinion?
I say if a clerk, 15 years in jail with loss of pension. If it's a Justice, impeachment with loss of all pension.
Democrat troll.
THEY ARE ALL TROLLS I don't pay them to get on the news every night to bitch about the other party or to listen to Joe with his daily blame game. I PAY THEM TO GET THINGS DONE. So far not one of them has done shit, Nothing! Zero, Zip, Nada The gutless enabler party AKA repugs and the lying tyrant dirty Commies, all deserving short ropes. Remember these criminals are payed full wage till they die PLUS PAID EVERY DAY THEY DO NOTHING BUT BITCH and SLANDER Which is also o kay because this royalty can't be sued for slander they do so well, or sexual harassment. There is more criminals in Congress than any state or federal prison Pulling the ones disobeying their oath we would need at least 430 short ropes. There is no one that loves you or even likes you or gives a rat's ass about you. Not if you are car jacked or shot down in cold blood along with all your children. You are a vote and some one to be played for the chumps you are. When was the last time Joe went to Chicago to give prayer and dedication to the children? Can you name me one that hasn't made millions, just one? I didn't think so.

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