What should the US & Japan do when NK fires a missile over Japan or South Korea? (Poll)

What would you do as US president when NK fires a missile over Japan or South Korea?

  • Nothing, just ignore the clown unless it's a real attack...

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Shoot the missile down, assuming we can...

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Fire a missile from a submarine to overfly NK...

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Blow something of value up in NK...as a warning

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • See my post...

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
1. Better read up on AEGIS, THADD, and PAC-3 (Patriot) systems before spouting nonsense.

2. Your information is outdated. The US spent $200b developing anti-missile systems. They are fully operational.

3. SK has THAAD systems, Japan could buy anti-missile systems too, seems dumb not to.
I see you do not know the difference in missile defense - (the warhead is inbound -)t o an anti-ballistic missile system - (the missile just took off and hasn't reached altitude yet).

The systems you mentioned are defensive.

The systems yet to be developed and deployed are offensive against the ICBM itself.
I see you do not know the difference in missile defense - (the warhead is inbound -)t o an anti-ballistic missile system - (the missile just took off and hasn't reached altitude yet).

The systems you mentioned are defensive.

The systems yet to be developed and deployed are offensive against the ICBM itself.

I'd say that blowing it out of the sky, either upon launch, or upon reentry, and stopping it from reaching it's target is pretty much all you need, whether you call it offensive or defensive, stopping the missile is pretty much the goal.
That works really well when you don't understand physics.
LOL! Please don't try to play the bullshit science card.
1. I think you were a civics teacher, right?
2. You didn't explain the "physics" why post #42 isn't correct. (Because it is).
3. The Patriot system works.
4. The THAAD System works.
5. The AEGIS system works
Thanks for that link, very interesting.
However, after the Ukraine war, it looks like Credit Suisse's metrics suck.
Saying Russia's military is 2nd when Ukraine's military isn't even on the list, and losing to Ukraine looks suspect.

Japan needs to buy more anti-missile technology if Kim is going to keep overflying Japan.

You didn't opine what to do when Kim shoots missiles over Japan.

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