What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

But you have to remember that tax reduction is not a subsidy....

And lest we forget what entity makes the most money off a barrel of oil or a gallon of gas

But It is corporate welfare.

No.. welfare would be handing someone something.. not letting someone keep more of what they earn... taking less is not giving

While I am a proponent of the flat tax in both private and corporate income taxation.. you are WAYYY wrong on this

I agree 100%
a subsidy is getting money for nothing
such as some of obama's "green" energy ideas
tax rates that are modified for reasons that helps the consumer or the corporation in an event that may have huge risk as an example is not a subsidy
Less we forget
People pay taxes
corporations pay nothing
But you have to remember that tax reduction is not a subsidy....

And lest we forget what entity makes the most money off a barrel of oil or a gallon of gas

But It is corporate welfare.

No.. welfare would be handing someone something.. not letting someone keep more of what they earn... taking less is not giving

While I am a proponent of the flat tax in both private and corporate income taxation.. you are WAYYY wrong on this

What do you call what they did with Solyndra?
But It is corporate welfare.

No.. welfare would be handing someone something.. not letting someone keep more of what they earn... taking less is not giving

While I am a proponent of the flat tax in both private and corporate income taxation.. you are WAYYY wrong on this

I agree 100%
a subsidy is getting money for nothing
such as some of obama's "green" energy ideas
tax rates that are modified for reasons that helps the consumer or the corporation in an event that may have huge risk as an example is not a subsidy

The government should not be taking some of the risk for companies. That is not capitalism.
what corporate welfare?
got an example?

Sure. Subsidies like those for oil and farms. Tax avoidance like the famous GE paying zero taxes.

But you have to remember that tax reduction is not a subsidy....

And lest we forget what entity makes the most money off a barrel of oil or a gallon of gas

Why should someone who grows one kind of crop be benefitting more from the government than someone who grows another kind of crop? This is insanity.

Why should someone who manufactures or produces one kind of product be benfitting more from the government than someone who manufactures or produces a different product? This is insanity.

Whether you call it a tax credit, or a subsidy, or "tax reduction", or a loophole, or a boondoggle, it is all the same. It all falls under the category of tax expenditure.

Tax expenditures add up to over a trillion dollars a year.

Tax expenditures result in people earning identical incomes paying radically different amounts of money to the government.

yeah i made enough money to start another more lucrative business.

Besides i got sick of listening to people whine that they had no money when i would show them that they did

like you most sheep want something for nothing.

everybody wants something for nothing. Look at how much corporate welfare we have in this country.

what corporate welfare?
Got an example?

Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Zero interest-rate policy (ZIRP). ZIRP is costing everyone else a shit ton of money while it benefits the assholes who blew up our economy.
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But It is corporate welfare.

No.. welfare would be handing someone something.. not letting someone keep more of what they earn... taking less is not giving

While I am a proponent of the flat tax in both private and corporate income taxation.. you are WAYYY wrong on this

I agree 100%
a subsidy is getting money for nothing
such as some of obama's "green" energy ideas
tax rates that are modified for reasons that helps the consumer or the corporation in an event that may have huge risk as an example is not a subsidy

I guess the way I see it GE received the benefits of doing business here in the US, but paid no tax. So they received a benefit for nothing. I don't think welfare has to be receiving money, it is also benefits.
No.. welfare would be handing someone something.. not letting someone keep more of what they earn... taking less is not giving

While I am a proponent of the flat tax in both private and corporate income taxation.. you are WAYYY wrong on this

I agree 100%
a subsidy is getting money for nothing
such as some of obama's "green" energy ideas
tax rates that are modified for reasons that helps the consumer or the corporation in an event that may have huge risk as an example is not a subsidy

I guess the way I see it GE received the benefits of doing business here in the US, but paid no tax. So they received a benefit for nothing. I don't think welfare has to be receiving money, it is also benefits.

Brian I think your getting this wrong
GE paid no income tax
and this is why
is it right?
the left are the ones who love the IRS and are against tax reform
What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes - Forbes
I agree 100%
a subsidy is getting money for nothing
such as some of obama's "green" energy ideas
tax rates that are modified for reasons that helps the consumer or the corporation in an event that may have huge risk as an example is not a subsidy

I guess the way I see it GE received the benefits of doing business here in the US, but paid no tax. So they received a benefit for nothing. I don't think welfare has to be receiving money, it is also benefits.

Brian I think your getting this wrong
GE paid no income tax
and this is why
is it right?
the left are the ones who love the IRS and are against tax reform
What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes - Forbes

But if your a capitalist you have to see what is wrong with companies paying different tax rates. GE paid no tax. Did all their competitors pay none? I doubt that, so then the government is giving GE an advantage over other companies and picking winners and losers. And I do think they are receiving corporate welfare by not paying any taxes. They are doing business in the largest economy in the world and have the protection of the police and military and our laws. Yet they paid nothing to receive all that. That is corporate welfare.
I guess the way I see it GE received the benefits of doing business here in the US, but paid no tax. So they received a benefit for nothing. I don't think welfare has to be receiving money, it is also benefits.

Brian I think your getting this wrong
GE paid no income tax
and this is why
is it right?
the left are the ones who love the IRS and are against tax reform
What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes - Forbes

But if your a capitalist you have to see what is wrong with companies paying different tax rates. GE paid no tax. Did all their competitors pay none? I doubt that, so then the government is giving GE an advantage over other companies and picking winners and losers. And I do think they are receiving corporate welfare by not paying any taxes. They are doing business in the largest economy in the world and have the protection of the police and military and our laws. Yet they paid nothing to receive all that. That is corporate welfare.

You don't receive something by not paying.
Brian I think your getting this wrong
GE paid no income tax
and this is why
is it right?
the left are the ones who love the IRS and are against tax reform
What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes - Forbes

But if your a capitalist you have to see what is wrong with companies paying different tax rates. GE paid no tax. Did all their competitors pay none? I doubt that, so then the government is giving GE an advantage over other companies and picking winners and losers. And I do think they are receiving corporate welfare by not paying any taxes. They are doing business in the largest economy in the world and have the protection of the police and military and our laws. Yet they paid nothing to receive all that. That is corporate welfare.

You don't receive something by not paying.

I thought you were gone? Should have stayed gone, your name calling adds nothing to the topic. What are you even talking about. Are you saying you can't receive a service without paying? Receiving a service without paying is welfare in my book.
Sure. Subsidies like those for oil and farms. Tax avoidance like the famous GE paying zero taxes.

But you have to remember that tax reduction is not a subsidy....

And lest we forget what entity makes the most money off a barrel of oil or a gallon of gas

Why should someone who grows one kind of crop be benefitting more from the government than someone who grows another kind of crop? This is insanity.

Why should someone who manufactures or produces one kind of product be benfitting more from the government than someone who manufactures or produces a different product? This is insanity.

Whether you call it a tax credit, or a subsidy, or "tax reduction", or a loophole, or a boondoggle, it is all the same. It all falls under the category of tax expenditure.

Tax expenditures add up to over a trillion dollars a year.

Tax expenditures result in people earning identical incomes paying radically different amounts of money to the government.


Did I promote or support such a thing?

I said a tax rate change is not a subsidy...

I do not support subjective rate changes for some.. I support flat tax rates for both business and citizens
everybody wants something for nothing. Look at how much corporate welfare we have in this country.

what corporate welfare?
Got an example?

Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Zero interest-rate policy (ZIRP). ZIRP is costing everyone else a shit ton of money while it benefits the assholes who blew up our economy.

Tarp saved the world under GWB and saved the middle class a gazillion dollars in 401ks
the 200+ billion GWB used saved the world's economy and as I recall was paid back with intrest
Pub dupes!! the richest ACTUALLY pay 17% in all taxes and fees, the middle class 24%, the poorest and corporations 12%. In other words, dupe, you're a perfect tool of the greedy idiot rich. And thanks for the depression and wrecking the country and the world, MORON hater.

totally wrong. you are either uninfomed or a pathological liar. read and learn

Guess Who Really Pays the Taxes ? The American Magazine

Another 1% of $1million is more than 1% of $50k argument.
Excepting taxpayers that don't earn enough money or don't pay taxes because of special provisions that benefit the elderly and working families with children.



No one should be exempt from taxes.

If there is an income tax and you make an income you should pay.

So you really want to make things harder on the already very poor? What do you think that would accomplish?

Why does he care? He's one of those 'I've got mine so fuck everyone else sociopaths'.

No one should be exempt from taxes.

If there is an income tax and you make an income you should pay.

So you really want to make things harder on the already very poor? What do you think that would accomplish?

is 47% of the population "very poor" ? because thats the per cent that currently pay no income tax.

The 47% have deductions so they can buy food and shelter. Much like my private jet deduction so I don't have to fly with you.

No one should be exempt from taxes.

If there is an income tax and you make an income you should pay.

So you really want to make things harder on the already very poor? What do you think that would accomplish?

It's not supposed to accomplish anything. It's just treating everyone exactly the same under the law you know the way it's supposed to be.

Not going to happen. Rich people are better than you, which is a belief of the people that you vote/voted in office.
So you really want to make things harder on the already very poor? What do you think that would accomplish?

It would make him feel a lot better about himself. He really hates it that poor people have it so good. And he don't.

No it's that I don't think I should have to subsidize the life style of others.

If you take your personal deduction, then I'm subsidizing your lifestyle. You're welcome!
No, I would have everyone pay the same low rate on all income no matter the source.

You know treat everyone exactly the same.

It's not a difficult concept.

So you would raise taxes on the poor. Sorry but your a liberal. A real conservative doesnt want raise taxes.

Actually the income tax rate would remain the same people would just have to pay their "fair share" of 10%.

That would decrease the size and cost of government which is a nice ancillary benefit.

And I never claimed to be a conservative that's your two dimensional thinking not mine.

I am a classical liberal that believes in equal treatment for all under the law.

At 10% you'll be raising taxes on the rich. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!

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