What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

So you really want to make things harder on the already very poor? What do you think that would accomplish?

is 47% of the population "very poor" ? because thats the per cent that currently pay no income tax.

we are a country that does so much for so many and the left keeps saying the same lie over and over

So your for more taxes too? Sounds like you are the left.
So you really want to make things harder on the already very poor? What do you think that would accomplish?

It's not supposed to accomplish anything. It's just treating everyone exactly the same under the law you know the way it's supposed to be.

Sounds like a great way to slow the economy even more. You must just love big government. The government will spend the extra money very wisely I'm sure right? And here I thought you were a low tax/small government Republican.

Boy you don't know me at all.

I am a true small government supporter.

I don't see how treating everyone the same and getting rid of ham handed social engineering via a bloated tax code is supporting big government.
It's not supposed to accomplish anything. It's just treating everyone exactly the same under the law you know the way it's supposed to be.

Sounds like a great way to slow the economy even more. You must just love big government. The government will spend the extra money very wisely I'm sure right? And here I thought you were a low tax/small government Republican.

Boy you don't know me at all.

I am a true small government supporter.

I don't see how treating everyone the same and getting rid of ham handed social engineering via a bloated tax code is supporting big government.

So your only for low taxes for the rich then? Well that does sound fair. :cuckoo: That reminds me why I'm an independent now. If your really for low taxes/small gov you'd look at what the poor don't pay and say its a good start. Now lets lower taxes for the rest. That's what I do. But no, your pro taxes.
is 47% of the population "very poor" ? because thats the per cent that currently pay no income tax.

we are a country that does so much for so many and the left keeps saying the same lie over and over

So your for more taxes too? Sounds like you are the left.

Not at all
infact the tac code is 100% broke
we need a fair tax
or a tax like Florida and Texas has
I work all over and right now the state I work in takes well over 100 a week in state taxes, closer to 150
In texas and FLorida not a dime
could you imagine this economy on a tax system based like the one in Texas?
My federal is gaining on 15k a year, and if I worked 12 months it would be close to 20k
my god thats a new car
All other successful nations give their people healthcare, paid vacations, and retirement. The US can't afford all that.

strange. I have healthcare, a paid vacation and retirement.

I retired at 53.

Plus, there are reasons that our government can't spend money on things that are good for the Country as a whole...

We got dimocrap scum giving away the treasury to lazy fuckwads who refuse to get off their fat asses to do anything more strenuous than voting every four years.

I'm talking 15 to 25% of the population that is totally and utterly worthless. Won't do shit. Refuse to work, refuse to take care of themselves, refuse to take care of their own families, refuse to be anything other than totally dependent on -- dimocrap scum.

And all dimocraps do is steal money from people who work for it and give it to people who vote dimocrap.

Europe doesn't have those problems because they don't have a Dependent Class like we do.

They don't have 25% of the people in Germany or France who refuse to work, take a bath or clean up their fucking house once a year.

The problem is now, and has always been -- the dimocrap party.

They encourage dependency. It's all they got

25% of the people? What kind of slummy hell hole do you live in?
we are a country that does so much for so many and the left keeps saying the same lie over and over

So your for more taxes too? Sounds like you are the left.

Not at all
infact the tac code is 100% broke
we need a fair tax
or a tax like Florida and Texas has
I work all over and right now the state I work in takes well over 100 a week in state taxes, closer to 150
In texas and FLorida not a dime
could you imagine this economy on a tax system based like the one in Texas?
My federal is gaining on 15k a year, and if I worked 12 months it would be close to 20k
my god thats a new car

What is your idea of a fair tax then. I keep hearing supposed conservatives saying tax more. I think taxes should be less and government smaller. I just think republicans are hypocrites when they say that. They want lower taxes but only for the rich, and want to tax the poor. They hate social welfare, but corporate welfare is ok. They want small government, but they make the military bigger and bigger.
Sounds like a great way to slow the economy even more. You must just love big government. The government will spend the extra money very wisely I'm sure right? And here I thought you were a low tax/small government Republican.

Boy you don't know me at all.

I am a true small government supporter.

I don't see how treating everyone the same and getting rid of ham handed social engineering via a bloated tax code is supporting big government.

So your only for low taxes for the rich then? Well that does sound fair. :cuckoo: That reminds me why I'm an independent now. If your really for low taxes/small gov you'd look at what the poor don't pay and say its a good start. Now lets lower taxes for the rest. That's what I do. But no, your pro taxes.

No, I would have everyone pay the same low rate on all income no matter the source.

You know treat everyone exactly the same.

It's not a difficult concept.
Boy you don't know me at all.

I am a true small government supporter.

I don't see how treating everyone the same and getting rid of ham handed social engineering via a bloated tax code is supporting big government.

So your only for low taxes for the rich then? Well that does sound fair. :cuckoo: That reminds me why I'm an independent now. If your really for low taxes/small gov you'd look at what the poor don't pay and say its a good start. Now lets lower taxes for the rest. That's what I do. But no, your pro taxes.

No, I would have everyone pay the same low rate on all income no matter the source.

You know treat everyone exactly the same.

It's not a difficult concept.

So you would raise taxes on the poor. Sorry but your a liberal. A real conservative doesnt want raise taxes.
So your only for low taxes for the rich then? Well that does sound fair. :cuckoo: That reminds me why I'm an independent now. If your really for low taxes/small gov you'd look at what the poor don't pay and say its a good start. Now lets lower taxes for the rest. That's what I do. But no, your pro taxes.

No, I would have everyone pay the same low rate on all income no matter the source.

You know treat everyone exactly the same.

It's not a difficult concept.

So you would raise taxes on the poor. Sorry but your a liberal. A real conservative doesnt want raise taxes.

Actually the income tax rate would remain the same people would just have to pay their "fair share" of 10%.

That would decrease the size and cost of government which is a nice ancillary benefit.

And I never claimed to be a conservative that's your two dimensional thinking not mine.

I am a classical liberal that believes in equal treatment for all under the law.
No, I would have everyone pay the same low rate on all income no matter the source.

You know treat everyone exactly the same.

It's not a difficult concept.

So you would raise taxes on the poor. Sorry but your a liberal. A real conservative doesnt want raise taxes.

Actually the income tax rate would remain the same people would just have to pay their "fair share" of 10%.

That would decrease the size and cost of government which is a nice ancillary benefit.

And I never claimed to be a conservative that's your two dimensional thinking not mine.

I am a classical liberal that believes in equal treatment for all under the law.

Your right I guess you said your small government. So now your going to increase taxes on the poor. This will make them more poor. Hence increasing the help they need from the government and increasing the size of government. Great liberal plan.
So you would raise taxes on the poor. Sorry but your a liberal. A real conservative doesnt want raise taxes.

Actually the income tax rate would remain the same people would just have to pay their "fair share" of 10%.

That would decrease the size and cost of government which is a nice ancillary benefit.

And I never claimed to be a conservative that's your two dimensional thinking not mine.

I am a classical liberal that believes in equal treatment for all under the law.

Your right I guess you said your small government. So now your going to increase taxes on the poor. This will make them more poor. Hence increasing the help they need from the government and increasing the size of government. Great liberal plan.

God stop your whining.

If there is an income tax then anyone with an income should have to pay it.

The law should apply to everyone or no one.

Oh and BTW the nearly 50% of people who pay no income tax are not all poor.
Actually the income tax rate would remain the same people would just have to pay their "fair share" of 10%.

That would decrease the size and cost of government which is a nice ancillary benefit.

And I never claimed to be a conservative that's your two dimensional thinking not mine.

I am a classical liberal that believes in equal treatment for all under the law.

Your right I guess you said your small government. So now your going to increase taxes on the poor. This will make them more poor. Hence increasing the help they need from the government and increasing the size of government. Great liberal plan.

God stop your whining.

If there is an income tax then anyone with an income should have to pay it.

The law should apply to everyone or no one.

Oh and BTW the nearly 50% of people who pay no income tax are not all poor.

Whining? All I've done is tell you where your plan would get us. An increase in taxes for the poor and bigger government. That makes you sound like a liberal to me. If you have an intelligent way to dispute my findings please do. But your idea of fair is big government.
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

Blame the Jews again?
Your right I guess you said your small government. So now your going to increase taxes on the poor. This will make them more poor. Hence increasing the help they need from the government and increasing the size of government. Great liberal plan.

God stop your whining.

If there is an income tax then anyone with an income should have to pay it.

The law should apply to everyone or no one.

Oh and BTW the nearly 50% of people who pay no income tax are not all poor.

Whining? All I've done is tell you where your plan would get us. An increase in taxes for the poor and bigger government. That makes you sound like a liberal to me. If you have an intelligent way to dispute my findings please do. But your idea of fair is big government.

Bigger government?

Slashing the IRS and saving billions is bigger government now?

And you have not proven that a 10% flat tax would do anything to anyone.

And I know it's difficult for a sheep like you to get out of the two dimensional world in which you live but the terms liberal and conservative are meaningless to me and neither applies.
God stop your whining.

If there is an income tax then anyone with an income should have to pay it.

The law should apply to everyone or no one.

Oh and BTW the nearly 50% of people who pay no income tax are not all poor.

Whining? All I've done is tell you where your plan would get us. An increase in taxes for the poor and bigger government. That makes you sound like a liberal to me. If you have an intelligent way to dispute my findings please do. But your idea of fair is big government.

Bigger government?

Slashing the IRS and saving billions is bigger government now?

And you have not proven that a 10% flat tax would do anything to anyone.

And I know it's difficult for a sheep like you to get out of the two dimensional world in which you live but the terms liberal and conservative are meaningless to me and neither applies.

So you'll be taxing the poor, making them poorer. I don't have to prove that, it's simple math. This will increase dependency on the government and hence increase the size of government. I guess a more simple tax system would shrink the IRS, but what costs more, social programs or the IRS? I'm for lower taxes and smaller government so I don't like your idea. Other big government people probably agree with you though.
So who do you feel are wealthy, how much is wealthy. Should anyone that works hard and is blessed with wealth give it all away? Or is it that you believe as Marx proposed, that all wealth should be distributed and the government run by a select elite group determine who succeeds and whom is destined to the work camps? So what will happen to all these underachievers under this form of social engineering? Will they be treated as the Jews, Gypsies, intelligentsia, and non conformists were in our not so distant past?
Whining? All I've done is tell you where your plan would get us. An increase in taxes for the poor and bigger government. That makes you sound like a liberal to me. If you have an intelligent way to dispute my findings please do. But your idea of fair is big government.

Bigger government?

Slashing the IRS and saving billions is bigger government now?

And you have not proven that a 10% flat tax would do anything to anyone.

And I know it's difficult for a sheep like you to get out of the two dimensional world in which you live but the terms liberal and conservative are meaningless to me and neither applies.

So you'll be taxing the poor, making them poorer. I don't have to prove that, it's simple math. This will increase dependency on the government and hence increase the size of government. I guess a more simple tax system would shrink the IRS, but what costs more, social programs or the IRS? I'm for lower taxes and smaller government so I don't like your idea. Other big government people probably agree with you though.

do what Florida and Texas does
have a slaies tax program that is the same
doing a flat 10%
you would have to 0% under 15K
5% UNDER 20
7% UNDER 25
10% 30 AND OVER
Bigger government?

Slashing the IRS and saving billions is bigger government now?

And you have not proven that a 10% flat tax would do anything to anyone.

And I know it's difficult for a sheep like you to get out of the two dimensional world in which you live but the terms liberal and conservative are meaningless to me and neither applies.

So you'll be taxing the poor, making them poorer. I don't have to prove that, it's simple math. This will increase dependency on the government and hence increase the size of government. I guess a more simple tax system would shrink the IRS, but what costs more, social programs or the IRS? I'm for lower taxes and smaller government so I don't like your idea. Other big government people probably agree with you though.

do what Florida and Texas does
have a slaies tax program that is the same
doing a flat 10%
you would have to 0% under 15K
5% UNDER 20
7% UNDER 25
10% 30 AND OVER

Not a bad idea. Certainly a less complicated tax system would be nice. I'd have to analyze the numbers, but your scale appears to tax poor more and rich less than current. I don't really agree with any more taxing. This looks like it would mean less taxes for the government. How would you cover that loss? If it could be covered by losing all the corporate welfare you might be onto something.
Whining? All I've done is tell you where your plan would get us. An increase in taxes for the poor and bigger government. That makes you sound like a liberal to me. If you have an intelligent way to dispute my findings please do. But your idea of fair is big government.

Bigger government?

Slashing the IRS and saving billions is bigger government now?

And you have not proven that a 10% flat tax would do anything to anyone.

And I know it's difficult for a sheep like you to get out of the two dimensional world in which you live but the terms liberal and conservative are meaningless to me and neither applies.

So you'll be taxing the poor, making them poorer. I don't have to prove that, it's simple math. This will increase dependency on the government and hence increase the size of government. I guess a more simple tax system would shrink the IRS, but what costs more, social programs or the IRS? I'm for lower taxes and smaller government so I don't like your idea. Other big government people probably agree with you though.

No you're for no taxes on some and higher taxes on others.

If we are going to have a tax it has to apply to everyone. Tell me if you're "poor" do you get a pass on the gas tax?


Then why should you get a pass on the income tax?
Bigger government?

Slashing the IRS and saving billions is bigger government now?

And you have not proven that a 10% flat tax would do anything to anyone.

And I know it's difficult for a sheep like you to get out of the two dimensional world in which you live but the terms liberal and conservative are meaningless to me and neither applies.

So you'll be taxing the poor, making them poorer. I don't have to prove that, it's simple math. This will increase dependency on the government and hence increase the size of government. I guess a more simple tax system would shrink the IRS, but what costs more, social programs or the IRS? I'm for lower taxes and smaller government so I don't like your idea. Other big government people probably agree with you though.

do what Florida and Texas does
have a slaies tax program that is the same
doing a flat 10%
you would have to 0% under 15K
5% UNDER 20
7% UNDER 25
10% 30 AND OVER

Why not just average it out to one flat rate from the first dollar earned?

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