What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

Incorrect.. entitlements and 'assistance programs' are actually now the LARGEST part of the budget... well, if we actually HAD a budget.. but it is the largest expenditure

Well which entitlements do you mean?


So you mean stuff like medicare for seniors? Are people really calling seniors ticks? People who worked the best years of their lives and then retired? Funny how companies used to take care of employees even into retirement. The rich have stopped doing that. While their net worth grows I guess they just couldn't afford it anymore.
Well which entitlements do you mean?


So you mean stuff like medicare for seniors? Are people really calling seniors ticks? People who worked the best years of their lives and then retired? Funny how companies used to take care of employees even into retirement. The rich have stopped doing that. While their net worth grows I guess they just couldn't afford it anymore.

Senior citizens as a group have far more assets than anyone else in this country. They are getting far more back in gov't entitlements than they ever paid in. So yes.
Companies never took care of employees into retirement except for a brief period.
Your ignorance is astounding. It is nearly ignore-worthy. More crap like you've posted and you'll get there.
So how should the very rich start sharing their wealth? I guess they should start paying pensions and giving insurance into retirement. They are after all taking the best years of the employers lives and profiting on it. The least they could do is take care of them till death. Then the government wouldn't have to and taxes could go down and government get smaller.
So how should the very rich start sharing their wealth? I guess they should start paying pensions and giving insurance into retirement. They are after all taking the best years of the employers lives and profiting on it. The least they could do is take care of them till death. Then the government wouldn't have to and taxes could go down and government get smaller.

OK, that takes the cake. You're gone.
All other successful nations give their people healthcare, paid vacations, and retirement. The US can't afford all that.
I would be happy to share John Kerry's wealth. I hope he reads this and contacts me. I always wanted a yacht.
It's not illegal to have an off shore account. Jack Lew has one. So do other members of the Democratic party.
Thats the least of the issue Although someone more intelligent might want to ask why wealthy people feel the need to stash money like that.

It's not illegal, but as Romney found out, it's not very American. It certainly does not help our country.

Why does everything I do need to help the country? My self-interest comes before the welfare of useless ticks sucking on the ass of the country.

Then why do you continue to vote Republican? You self-serving bastard!
Why does everything I do need to help the country? My self-interest comes before the welfare of useless ticks sucking on the ass of the country.

Well the rich suck a lot more than the poor. Everyone benefits a lot from being a citizen of the greatest country on the planet. If they are going to take the benefits they also must give. Just taking well I guess that is like stealing.
1. The top 20% of income earners pay over 80% of income taxes.
By contrast the bottom 42% pay no income tax.
2. Who isn't pay their fair share again?

1. That's because 1% of $1million is more than 1% of $50k.

2. The top 20% pay less effective rate than anyone below.
Then your car breaks down and you get a $500 unexpected bill. Well there is 10 weeks gone. While it can be done, it's not that easy. Lots of things unexpected can happen. Or maybe you just can't get a good enough job so all the money goes for expenses. Can't just get a second job if you have kids to take care of. I think what your saying can be done, but don't act like it is so simple and easy.

Man you people just love to make excuses don't you?

The fact is most people love to make excuses that's why most people don't have any money saved.

Its just an excuse that gets in the way of us all being rich. Has nothing to do with declining wages, cuts in hours, lack of jobs, loss of housing, increasing food and transportation costs, lack of medical coverage, rising rents etc etc.

If people didn't have all them damn excuses, they would be rich I say. RICH. Like me.

Boo hoo.

It's always someone else's fault.
It's not illegal, but as Romney found out, it's not very American. It certainly does not help our country.

Why does everything I do need to help the country? My self-interest comes before the welfare of useless ticks sucking on the ass of the country.

Then why do you continue to vote Republican? You self-serving bastard!

Voting Democrat means more government control over me and sending more money to Washington, neither of which have ever helped me one bit.
Well the rich suck a lot more than the poor. Everyone benefits a lot from being a citizen of the greatest country on the planet. If they are going to take the benefits they also must give. Just taking well I guess that is like stealing.
1. The top 20% of income earners pay over 80% of income taxes.
By contrast the bottom 42% pay no income tax.
2. Who isn't pay their fair share again?

1. That's because 1% of $1million is more than 1% of $50k.

2. The top 20% pay less effective rate than anyone below.

Do you care to prove that?

There are people who pay a negative tax or in other words they receive more than they pay in.
All other successful nations give their people healthcare, paid vacations, and retirement. The US can't afford all that.

Not sure that many countries in Africa are doing that sense there starving to death in some

There are a very few EU nations doing that and are beyond broke
dont keep up with the news?

We care for the poor in this nation
ever heard of medicade?
Food Stamps?
So how should the very rich start sharing their wealth? I guess they should start paying pensions and giving insurance into retirement. They are after all taking the best years of the employers lives and profiting on it. The least they could do is take care of them till death. Then the government wouldn't have to and taxes could go down and government get smaller.

OK, that takes the cake. You're gone.

Ironic post is ironic.
1. The top 20% of income earners pay over 80% of income taxes.
By contrast the bottom 42% pay no income tax.
2. Who isn't pay their fair share again?

1. That's because 1% of $1million is more than 1% of $50k.

2. The top 20% pay less effective rate than anyone below.

Do you care to prove that?

There are people who pay a negative tax or in other words they receive more than they pay in.

1. It's simple arithmetic. Any 5th grader should be able to help.

2. Cause Republicans gave us all the really-really good deductions, like private jets!

Cause Democrats gave them deductions so they can buy food and shelter.
1. That's because 1% of $1million is more than 1% of $50k.

2. The top 20% pay less effective rate than anyone below.

Do you care to prove that?

There are people who pay a negative tax or in other words they receive more than they pay in.

1. It's simple arithmetic. Any 5th grader should be able to help.

2. Cause Republicans gave us all the really-really good deductions, like private jets!

Cause Democrats gave them deductions so they can buy food and shelter.

Actually, Democrats gave you the deductability of corporate jets. They've been deductible ever since they were invented.
1. That's because 1% of $1million is more than 1% of $50k.

2. The top 20% pay less effective rate than anyone below.

Do you care to prove that?

There are people who pay a negative tax or in other words they receive more than they pay in.

1. It's simple arithmetic. Any 5th grader should be able to help.

2. Cause Republicans gave us all the really-really good deductions, like private jets!

Cause Democrats gave them deductions so they can buy food and shelter.

Anyone who receives more back than they pay in taxes pays less than any so called rich person.

Nearly 50% of people pay ZERO income tax or receive more back that they pay in.

So to say that a "rich " people pay a lower percentage than everyone else is flat out wrong.
All other successful nations give their people healthcare, paid vacations, and retirement. The US can't afford all that.

strange. I have healthcare, a paid vacation and retirement.

I retired at 53.

Plus, there are reasons that our government can't spend money on things that are good for the Country as a whole...

We got dimocrap scum giving away the treasury to lazy fuckwads who refuse to get off their fat asses to do anything more strenuous than voting every four years.

I'm talking 15 to 25% of the population that is totally and utterly worthless. Won't do shit. Refuse to work, refuse to take care of themselves, refuse to take care of their own families, refuse to be anything other than totally dependent on -- dimocrap scum.

And all dimocraps do is steal money from people who work for it and give it to people who vote dimocrap.

Europe doesn't have those problems because they don't have a Dependent Class like we do.

They don't have 25% of the people in Germany or France who refuse to work, take a bath or clean up their fucking house once a year.

The problem is now, and has always been -- the dimocrap party.

They encourage dependency. It's all they got

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