What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

So you really want to make things harder on the already very poor? What do you think that would accomplish?

It's not supposed to accomplish anything. It's just treating everyone exactly the same under the law you know the way it's supposed to be.

Not going to happen. Rich people are better than you, which is a belief of the people that you vote/voted in office.

You have no idea who I voted for.

FYI i have voted exclusively third party since I was old enough to vote. Where no third party candidate is on the ballot I don't vote.

I refuse to contribute to the current corrupt two party system.

It would make him feel a lot better about himself. He really hates it that poor people have it so good. And he don't.

No it's that I don't think I should have to subsidize the life style of others.

If you take your personal deduction, then I'm subsidizing your lifestyle. You're welcome!

Hardly. If every adult gets the same personal deduction it's a wash.

But if you deduct all your brats I am subsidizing your kids.

And I want the deductions gone. One low flat rate from the first dollar is the only way to tax income
Know why there's such a disparity between rich and poor?

Because there is the same, exact disparity between smart and stupid.

Yes, you people that are in here daily and bitching about how 'The Man' has kept you down on an hourly basis.....?

You're stupid.

Instead of bitching about how something is always someone else's fault, you could be spending your time doing something about your very own stupidity.

And no, I don't mean getting an education. If those people had any brains, they wouldn't be putting up with numbskulls like you every day, grading your stupid papers and bouncing crybaby losers on their knee.

If they had any real brains, they'd be out doing something real.

Which is what you crybabies should be doing.

And oh... I'm retired. In Florida. I paid my dues. I ain't rich, but I ain't crying either.

Sick of hearing excuses all day from the same fucking losers. DO something about it

In reality rhe reason Koch brothers are rich is because they are rich
I cannot make millions because I do not have billions to invest
Liberals think they should give that money to others
my simple question is then what?
Being wealthy is not a sin
staying wealthy takes work and welath to start with
its just the facts of life

I beg to differ....one cannot serve both money and God.
Income disparity is a problem batted back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals like a shuttlecock. But the problem isn't merely a parlor game nor is it something easily dismissed as envy or resentment.

The actual problem leads to s lowing economy. If the wealth is held by the very few and the very many are not compensated adequately, there is less money flowing through the economy. Economic growth is defined as the exchange of capitol for goods and services. If those goods and services are outside the budgets of the majority, those goods and services will not be utilized and the exchange of capital stops.

When a CEO can run a business into the ditch and then get a bonus for doing so, the values have been warped to something unidentifiable as Capitalism. If the workers who are actually producing the wealth for the few are under compensated, there is less and less opportunity open for those workers because the flow of cash is so constricted.

Looking for a working paradigm for this disparity? Read the story of the goose that laid golden eggs.

Wealth is not held.
Wealth is EARNED.
Workers produce products and services.
Wealth is made IF the company makes money and those decisions are not made by the workers. You claim that in your post that the managers could "run a business into the ground" and then out of the other side of your mouth your doublespeak claims workers' actions are the ones that determine the success of the business.
All over the map attempting to cover every base with your fantasies.
Econ 101 is available at your local community college. Go for it.
Only way someone subsidizes someone else if they directly give them money. A deduction one takes on their taxes is not subsidizing someone else. That lowers their taxes they pay and does not raise someone else's taxes.
Tax credits are different.
So you really want to make things harder on the already very poor? What do you think that would accomplish?

is 47% of the population "very poor" ? because thats the per cent that currently pay no income tax.

The 47% have deductions so they can buy food and shelter. Much like my private jet deduction so I don't have to fly with you.

If I own a private jet I do not get to deduct anything on it.
But if a company owns one they do if they use it for business use only.
Something about the tax code which is the law and not the distorted biased anti capitalist rhetoric someone told you out of a bullhorn at your last socialist raly.
End the income tax and corporate tax silliness and go to a fair tax and NO ONE can write off any jets anywhere. Will not have to play the games.
How come your team loves this tax code so much and will not end it?
Only way someone subsidizes someone else if they directly give them money. A deduction one takes on their taxes is not subsidizing someone else. That lowers their taxes they pay and does not raise someone else's taxes.
Tax credits are different.

When I pay more in taxes than someone who makes the exact same income because I have no kids and they have a dozen I am subsidizing them.
When the plutocrats that run this country get tired of the current tax structure, maybe they will change it (income tax) to suit you skull. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
If you were ultra rich and a plutocrat skull, why would you support an overhaul of the tax system? I mean, the real rich folk have worked long and hard and spent considerable money on lobbyists to get the tax treatment they have. Why change it?
When the plutocrats that run this country get tired of the current tax structure, maybe they will change it (income tax) to suit you skull. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
If you were ultra rich and a plutocrat skull, why would you support an overhaul of the tax system? I mean, the real rich folk have worked long and hard and spent considerable money on lobbyists to get the tax treatment they have. Why change it?

A flat tax of 10% would lower the tax rate on everyone with an income above $8925 a year.

Those with an income below that would be in the same tax bracket as they are now.

That's enough reason to change it.
Only way someone subsidizes someone else if they directly give them money. A deduction one takes on their taxes is not subsidizing someone else. That lowers their taxes they pay and does not raise someone else's taxes.
Tax credits are different.

When I pay more in taxes than someone who makes the exact same income because I have no kids and they have a dozen I am subsidizing them.

No you aren't. You gave them zero money. All that happened is THEY get to keep more of the money THEY EARNED.
You did not make any of the money they earned. THEY DID.
No money went from anyone to them. They just kept what was THEIRS TO BEGIN WITH.
is 47% of the population "very poor" ? because thats the per cent that currently pay no income tax.

The 47% have deductions so they can buy food and shelter. Much like my private jet deduction so I don't have to fly with you.

If I own a private jet I do not get to deduct anything on it.
But if a company owns one they do if they use it for business use only.
Something about the tax code which is the law and not the distorted biased anti capitalist rhetoric someone told you out of a bullhorn at your last socialist raly.
End the income tax and corporate tax silliness and go to a fair tax and NO ONE can write off any jets anywhere. Will not have to play the games.
How come your team loves this tax code so much and will not end it?

There are ways to get around the business use only. I know some people who own a very large business and have a company jet. They bought a small completely unrelated business right near the summer home. This small business is owned by the larger business. They use the corporate jet to go to this summer home all the time. I'm guessing for tax purposes they are "working" at the other small business when they do that. It's about a 6 hour drive. :evil:
When the plutocrats that run this country get tired of the current tax structure, maybe they will change it (income tax) to suit you skull. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
If you were ultra rich and a plutocrat skull, why would you support an overhaul of the tax system? I mean, the real rich folk have worked long and hard and spent considerable money on lobbyists to get the tax treatment they have. Why change it?

A flat tax of 10% would lower the tax rate on everyone with an income above $8925 a year.

Those with an income below that would be in the same tax bracket as they are now.

That's enough reason to change it.

So then the poor will be worse off. To fix this we'll end up with some expensive government program to help them. Great!
Only way someone subsidizes someone else if they directly give them money. A deduction one takes on their taxes is not subsidizing someone else. That lowers their taxes they pay and does not raise someone else's taxes.
Tax credits are different.

When I pay more in taxes than someone who makes the exact same income because I have no kids and they have a dozen I am subsidizing them.

No you aren't. You gave them zero money. All that happened is THEY get to keep more of the money THEY EARNED.
You did not make any of the money they earned. THEY DID.
No money went from anyone to them. They just kept what was THEIRS TO BEGIN WITH.

I pay more for the same services than they do and because they have a gaggle of rug rats they most likely use more government services than I therefore I am paying for part of their lifestyle. Subsidy.
When the plutocrats that run this country get tired of the current tax structure, maybe they will change it (income tax) to suit you skull. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
If you were ultra rich and a plutocrat skull, why would you support an overhaul of the tax system? I mean, the real rich folk have worked long and hard and spent considerable money on lobbyists to get the tax treatment they have. Why change it?

A flat tax of 10% would lower the tax rate on everyone with an income above $8925 a year.

Those with an income below that would be in the same tax bracket as they are now.

That's enough reason to change it.

So then the poor will be worse off. To fix this we'll end up with some expensive government program to help them. Great!

They won't be worse off they will see no change.

And what happens in a consumer based economy when people have more money?
The 47% have deductions so they can buy food and shelter. Much like my private jet deduction so I don't have to fly with you.

If I own a private jet I do not get to deduct anything on it.
But if a company owns one they do if they use it for business use only.
Something about the tax code which is the law and not the distorted biased anti capitalist rhetoric someone told you out of a bullhorn at your last socialist raly.
End the income tax and corporate tax silliness and go to a fair tax and NO ONE can write off any jets anywhere. Will not have to play the games.
How come your team loves this tax code so much and will not end it?

There are ways to get around the business use only. I know some people who own a very large business and have a company jet. They bought a small completely unrelated business right near the summer home. This small business is owned by the larger business. They use the corporate jet to go to this summer home all the time. I'm guessing for tax purposes they are "working" at the other small business when they do that. It's about a 6 hour drive. :evil:

Of course there are. The income and corporate tax system the left loves so much MUST GO.
If someone has worked hard enough 70 hours a week to have a business that makes a profit risking all of their capital what business is it of anyone if they have a jet?
Get the government out of our business and end the 56000 pages of the tax code.
The IRS is bigger than the US military combined over seas.
The 47% have deductions so they can buy food and shelter. Much like my private jet deduction so I don't have to fly with you.

If I own a private jet I do not get to deduct anything on it.
But if a company owns one they do if they use it for business use only.
Something about the tax code which is the law and not the distorted biased anti capitalist rhetoric someone told you out of a bullhorn at your last socialist raly.
End the income tax and corporate tax silliness and go to a fair tax and NO ONE can write off any jets anywhere. Will not have to play the games.
How come your team loves this tax code so much and will not end it?

There are ways to get around the business use only. I know some people who own a very large business and have a company jet. They bought a small completely unrelated business right near the summer home. This small business is owned by the larger business. They use the corporate jet to go to this summer home all the time. I'm guessing for tax purposes they are "working" at the other small business when they do that. It's about a 6 hour drive. :evil:

So why don't you start a business and take advantage of the tax code?
When the plutocrats that run this country get tired of the current tax structure, maybe they will change it (income tax) to suit you skull. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
If you were ultra rich and a plutocrat skull, why would you support an overhaul of the tax system? I mean, the real rich folk have worked long and hard and spent considerable money on lobbyists to get the tax treatment they have. Why change it?

A flat tax of 10% would lower the tax rate on everyone with an income above $8925 a year.

Those with an income below that would be in the same tax bracket as they are now.

That's enough reason to change it.

So, hows come the ultra wealthy are not demanding this wonderful flat tax of 10%?
They evidently would have the most to gain. But I don't hear of the Buffets and the Jamie Diamonds of the world calling for such changes. Why?
When I pay more in taxes than someone who makes the exact same income because I have no kids and they have a dozen I am subsidizing them.

No you aren't. You gave them zero money. All that happened is THEY get to keep more of the money THEY EARNED.
You did not make any of the money they earned. THEY DID.
No money went from anyone to them. They just kept what was THEIRS TO BEGIN WITH.

I pay more for the same services than they do and because they have a gaggle of rug rats they most likely use more government services than I therefore I am paying for part of their lifestyle. Subsidy.

No, that is not a subsidy.
"most likely" is a supposition which is nothing more than a guess.
A subsidy is money going to them from you if you are subsidizing them.
They never took a dime from you.
I oppose the tax code but that is not a subsidy.
Tax CREDITS ARE subsidies.
If I own a private jet I do not get to deduct anything on it.
But if a company owns one they do if they use it for business use only.
Something about the tax code which is the law and not the distorted biased anti capitalist rhetoric someone told you out of a bullhorn at your last socialist raly.
End the income tax and corporate tax silliness and go to a fair tax and NO ONE can write off any jets anywhere. Will not have to play the games.
How come your team loves this tax code so much and will not end it?

There are ways to get around the business use only. I know some people who own a very large business and have a company jet. They bought a small completely unrelated business right near the summer home. This small business is owned by the larger business. They use the corporate jet to go to this summer home all the time. I'm guessing for tax purposes they are "working" at the other small business when they do that. It's about a 6 hour drive. :evil:

Of course there are. The income and corporate tax system the left loves so much MUST GO.
If someone has worked hard enough 70 hours a week to have a business that makes a profit risking all of their capital what business is it of anyone if they have a jet?
Get the government out of our business and end the 56000 pages of the tax code.
The IRS is bigger than the US military combined over seas.

Well why would you ever give a break for a corporate jet to begin with? Do we need more polution in the air and sky? I think not. Not everyone worked 70 hours a week btw. There are a LOT of the inherited rich who never had to do that. Do you really think the left loves it more than the right? I think they both like it a lot. I mean the left wouldn't put a break in for owning a jet thats for sure.
When the plutocrats that run this country get tired of the current tax structure, maybe they will change it (income tax) to suit you skull. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
If you were ultra rich and a plutocrat skull, why would you support an overhaul of the tax system? I mean, the real rich folk have worked long and hard and spent considerable money on lobbyists to get the tax treatment they have. Why change it?

A flat tax of 10% would lower the tax rate on everyone with an income above $8925 a year.

Those with an income below that would be in the same tax bracket as they are now.

That's enough reason to change it.

So, hows come the ultra wealthy are not demanding this wonderful flat tax of 10%?
They evidently would have the most to gain. But I don't hear of the Buffets and the Jamie Diamonds of the world calling for such changes. Why?

Because the have their money in tax free investments.
Municipal bonds I pay NO TAX.
You can too.
Save your money and invest it. Something about capitalism.

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