What should we do to employers who hire illegal immigrants?

What should we do to employers who hire illegal immigrants?

  • Yes, $20,000 per illegal immigrant and one year in prison sounds about right

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • No, we shouldn't bother the employers of illegal immigrants

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 7 35.0%

  • Total voters
Any sanctions/punishments should be levied against those employers who knowingly hire illegals. Forged documents have gotten very, very good and E-Verify is available and it works.

For every illegal alien knowingly hired (up to five), the employer should be fined $10,000. Between five and ten the fine would be raised to $25,000 per and the employer would spend a single six month period in jail. If the number is above ten, the employer would be fined $50,000, spend 18 months in jail and the business and all assets would be seized by the government. Additionally, the employer, upon his or her release from prison, would not be eligible to get another business license for a period of five years...
Any sanctions/punishments should be levied against those employers who knowingly hire illegals. Forged documents have gotten very, very good and E-Verify is available and it works.

For every illegal alien knowingly hired (up to five), the employer should be fined $10,000. Between five and ten the fine would be raised to $25,000 per and the employer would spend a single six month period in jail. If the number is above ten, the employer would be fined $50,000, spend 18 months in jail and the business and all assets would be seized by the government. Additionally, the employer, upon his or her release from prison, would not be eligible to get another business license for a period of five years...

Then when they're caught with illegal immigrants in their employ, the employer just shrugs and lies "I didn't know they were illegal."

When he did know.

$50K penalty per individual found without documentation. Permanent loss of business license.
Employers hire illegal immigrants because they like the cheap wages.

Illegal immigrants like the jobs because they can make in one month in America what they can make in a entire year back in their home countries.

The only way to stop illegal immigration is to punish the people who employ illegal immigrants.

How about:

1. If you whistle blow on a employer who hires illegal immigrants, you get $1,000 per illegal immigrant deported.

2. Employers are fined $20,000 per illegal immigrant and 1 year in federal prison.

Guaranteed to get rid of the 12+ million illegal immigrants living and working in America.

trump did zero to deport the 12+ million illegal immigrants living in working in America.
We should bear true witness to our own supreme law of the land, especially in border threads.

Tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.
Then when they're caught with illegal immigrants in their employ, the employer just shrugs and lies "I didn't know they were illegal."

When he did know.

That's why they should be required to use E-Verify. It represents a reasonable step in due diligence for an employer to check on a prospective employee's eligibility.

The response to "I didn't know they were illegal" is "Maybe, but you could have known but you chose not to. That'll be ten grand, please."
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That's why they should be required to use E-Verify. It represents a reasonable step in due diligence for an employer to check on a prospective employee's eligibility.

The response to "I didn't know they were illegal" is "Maybe, but you could have known and chose not to. That'll be ten grand, please."
Employers are not police; otherwise, why complain about masks and vax.
Might actually be an effective deterrent for big corporations:

“After two, three, four generations of hard work, everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled, whatever”

- Bill Kristol, on his desire to replace the American working class
“After two, three, four generations of hard work, everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled, whatever”

- Bill Kristol, on his desire to replace the American working class
We could have goaded capitalists to automate for the bottom-line....
Employers hire illegal immigrants because they like the cheap wages.

Illegal immigrants like the jobs because they can make in one month in America what they can make in a entire year back in their home countries.

The only way to stop illegal immigration is to punish the people who employ illegal immigrants.

How about:

1. If you whistle blow on a employer who hires illegal immigrants, you get $1,000 per illegal immigrant deported.

2. Employers are fined $20,000 per illegal immigrant and 1 year in federal prison.

Guaranteed to get rid of the 12+ million illegal immigrants living and working in America.

trump did zero to deport the 12+ million illegal immigrants living in working in America.

The targets need to be CEOs and CHROs

1st offense: 20k fine per
2nd offense: 50k fine per and 5 years in prison for the hiring manager
3rd offense: Forfieture of the business and 5 years for the CEO and each board member.

Put rich powerful people in prison and watch what happens.
But first, they'll have to find legal citizens who are willing to do those jobs.
We have plenty of legal immigrants waiting.

The businesses will raise wages and benefits to get workers or close.

I realize it's not part of the mythology but the don't come for the cheese and as long as the risk to the business owner is small, there's no reason to change.

Put the big boys in prison and the illegal jobs will dry up.
Why should the government even punish employers for hiring illegals? You don't think the Biden administration is welcoming them into the country with open arms?

I sense a double standard here.
Because they're committing crimes? Duh!
I've argued forever for strict compliance and huge fines for employers who hire illegals. We should have mandatory e-verify with no loopholes.
I dont object to e-verfy

How about this:

Mandatory e-verify

And then assess the fine that lib employer haters want to impose on business against members of the government tasked with administering e-verify for every illegal alien who beats the system

And there will be plenty of those because government is incompetent
There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution and we should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.

All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes.
I dont object to e-verfy

How about this:

Mandatory e-verify

And then assess the fine that lib employer haters want to impose on business against members of the government tasked with administering e-verify for every illegal alien who beats the system

And there will be plenty of those because government is incompetent

Fire them. I'm all good with that.

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