what so bad about socialism

what massive intervention is that? in[1929]

Federal Reserve had total control of money supply and let it shrink 34%. You idiot, you've learned that 134 times. Are you going for 135? See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be stupid? What other conclusion is possible?

Federal Reserve had total control of money supply and let it shrink 34%.

The Fed doesn't have total control of the money supply, never did.
I can take out a $100,000 loan today and increase the money supply without the Fed's permission.
I can pay off a $100,000 loan today and decrease the money supply without the Fed's permission.

Why are you so wrong?
what massive intervention is that? in[1929]

Federal Reserve had total control of money supply and let it shrink 34%. You idiot, you've learned that 134 times. Are you going for 135? See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be stupid? What other conclusion is possible?

Federal Reserve had total control of money supply and let it shrink 34%.

The Fed doesn't have total control of the money supply, never did.
I can take out a $100,000 loan today and increase the money supply without the Fed's permission.
I can pay off a $100,000 loan today and decrease the money supply without the Fed's permission.

Why are you so wrong?
they don't have control down to $100,000 which is .00000000000000001% of money supply but they exist to have enough control to prevent inflation and deflation.
what massive intervention is that? in[1929]

Federal Reserve had total control of money supply and let it shrink 34%. You idiot, you've learned that 134 times. Are you going for 135? See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be stupid? What other conclusion is possible?

Federal Reserve had total control of money supply and let it shrink 34%.

The Fed doesn't have total control of the money supply, never did.
I can take out a $100,000 loan today and increase the money supply without the Fed's permission.
I can pay off a $100,000 loan today and decrease the money supply without the Fed's permission.

Why are you so wrong?
they don't have control down to $100,000 which is .00000000000000001% of money supply but they exist to have enough control to prevent inflation and deflation.

they don't have control down to $100,000

So someone who claimed they had total control is pretty stupid.

but they exist to have enough control to prevent inflation and deflation.

Which is why inflation was over 10% in 1979, 1980 and 1981.
So someone who claimed they had total control is pretty stupid.

they don't control the money supply in increments of one penny or even $100,000 but they do, figuratively speaking, control whether there is more or less money in total so do ,in effect, have total control.
Which is why inflation was over 10% in 1979, 1980 and 1981.

having control and exercising control are two different things
obviously. In any case, it seems you are changing the subject rather than admitting the Fed controls money supply, not banks!! Live and learn.

Did you ever ask yourself what prejudices led you to think banks and not the Fed control the money supply??

I suspect its some lame libertarianism in wake of the recent humiliation wherein they predicted huge inflation and instead we got nothing.
isn't, "letting it[money supply] shrink" laissez-fair capitalism, dear?

why doesn't the total idiot find a definition of capitalism that agrees or admit he is indeed a total idiot liberal.
i know what laissez-fair means under our form of socialism; capitalism just being lazy, like usual.
why doesn't the total idiot find a definition of capitalism that agrees or admit he is indeed a total idiot liberal.
So someone who claimed they had total control is pretty stupid.

they don't control the money supply in increments of one penny or even $100,000 but they do, figuratively speaking, control whether there is more or less money in total so do ,in effect, have total control.

they don't control the money supply in increments of one penny or even $100,000

Or 1 million, or 1 billion, or 100 billion.

but they do, figuratively speaking, control whether there is more or less money in total

They have influence, they don't have control. Your claim was wrong.
Which is why inflation was over 10% in 1979, 1980 and 1981.

having control and exercising control are two different things
obviously. In any case, it seems you are changing the subject rather than admitting the Fed controls money supply, not banks!! Live and learn.

Did you ever ask yourself what prejudices led you to think banks and not the Fed control the money supply??

I suspect its some lame libertarianism in wake of the recent humiliation wherein they predicted huge inflation and instead we got nothing.

having control and exercising control are two different things


In any case, it seems you are changing the subject rather than admitting the Fed controls money supply, not banks!!

When have they exercised control, ever? What would that control look like? Be specific.

Live and learn.

I'm pointing and laughing.

Did you ever ask yourself what prejudices led you to think banks and not the Fed control the money supply??

Did I say banks controlled it? Where? Can you show me?

Or did I say, "When banks make loans the money supply increases and when loans default, the money supply shrinks"?

And then you went off on your silly tangent about the Fed controlling money supply.
Or 1 million, or 1 billion, or 100 billion.


why stop at 100 billion unless if you try to go much higher you will be lying and admitting that the Fed does control money supply, not banks?????????

Well, if banks can add 100 billion, that doesn't say much for Fed control.


According to this chart, banks have excess reserves of $2.5 trillion.
Based on a 10% reserve requirement (it's actually much lower), they could lend $25 trillion.
How does the Fed stop them?
When have they exercised control, ever?

when??????????? Now thats why inflation is 2% not 20,0000%!! now you're turning into a goof thanks to your silly libertarian prejudices


Too difficult a question for you?

Now thats why inflation is 2% not 20,0000%!!

But inflation isn't 2%. They've been trying, and failing, for years, to get it to that level.
If they had perfect control, as you claim, it could be done in 5 minutes.
If they had perfect control in 1979, 1980, 1981, inflation wouldn't have hit double digits.
Or taken a major recession to finally bring under control.
Or did I say, "When banks make loans the money supply increases and when loans default, the money supply shrinks"?

banks don't control money supply in significant way and it is not even their concern but it is 100% the concern of Fed

banks don't control money supply in significant way

Why do you keep putting the word control into my claims?
A bank does not need to control the money supply in order to increase the money supply when it makes a loan.
A customer does not need to control the money supply in order to take out a loan, or pay one down.
In either case, the customer changes the money supply, without asking or receiving permission from the Fed.

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