What some seem not to get

I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.

And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.
I reserve the right to criticize a man who used his power to seize another state's property that had a trillion dollars' worth of oil and gas known to be on it, and didn't bother himself to inform the State of Alaska they were losing their islands to satisfy his gluttony for limelight with Putin of Russia. If he's like Joe Biden, he benefitted from the "gift" from America that was his unilateral larceny of a state he literally raped with his ilk's greed for kickbacks. The coward. If he pulled a stunt of taking that much valuable property from his adult hometown of Chicago, Illinois, they'd likely make him eat a bullet sandwich and his body would never be found. Not ever.

Edit: When he did find out how much ire he aroused, he likely learned how few Americans appreciated Russia's murdering twenty million people under Stalin's command (some say as many as one hundred million), that's when he and Hillary cooked up a way to get rid of Donald Trump if he beat Hillary, and he did. Hillary bought and paid for the Steele Dossier, which is linked directly back to her vivid imagination of how to create a false narrative that would make Donald Trump unpopular and her his victim. She didn't understand how a successful businessman might have a few dozen higher iq points than herself, and not becoming ensnared in her little trap wrongfully named the Steele Dossier.
Last edited:
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Still stupid^^^
Did you notice that job production and growth are basically exactly the same under Obama's last three years and Trump's first three years. You are totally misinformed. Your personal insults based on nothing are noted. I have a masters in history and speak three languages and you are a brainwashed functional moron with a master's in ridiculous GOP propaganda. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.

And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.
I reserve the right to criticize a man who used his power to seize another state's property that had a trillion dollars' worth of oil and gas known to be on it, and didn't bother himself to inform the State of Alaska they were losing their islands to satisfy his gluttony for limelight with Putin of Russia. If he's like Joe Biden, he benefitted from the "gift" from America that was his unilateral larceny of a state he literally raped with his ilk's greed for kickbacks. The coward. If he pulled a stunt of taking that much valuable property from his adult hometown of Chicago, Illinois, they'd likely make him eat a bullet sandwich and his body would never be found. Not ever.

Edit: When he did find out how much ire he aroused, he likely learned how few Americans appreciated Russia's murdering twenty million people under Stalin's command (some say as many as one hundred million), that's when he and Hillary cooked up a way to get rid of Donald Trump if he beat Hillary, and he did. Hillary bought and paid for the Steele Dossier, which is linked directly back to her vivid imagination of how to create a false narrative that would make Donald Trump unpopular and her his victim. She didn't understand how a successful businessman might have a few dozen higher iq points than herself, and not becoming ensnared in her little trap wrongfully named the Steele Dossier.
What the hell are you babbling about? We don't know every detail and phony scandal of your ridiculous alternate planet...
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.

And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.
I reserve the right to criticize a man who used his power to seize another state's property that had a trillion dollars' worth of oil and gas known to be on it, and didn't bother himself to inform the State of Alaska they were losing their islands to satisfy his gluttony for limelight with Putin of Russia. If he's like Joe Biden, he benefitted from the "gift" from America that was his unilateral larceny of a state he literally raped with his ilk's greed for kickbacks. The coward. If he pulled a stunt of taking that much valuable property from his adult hometown of Chicago, Illinois, they'd likely make him eat a bullet sandwich and his body would never be found. Not ever.

Edit: When he did find out how much ire he aroused, he likely learned how few Americans appreciated Russia's murdering twenty million people under Stalin's command (some say as many as one hundred million), that's when he and Hillary cooked up a way to get rid of Donald Trump if he beat Hillary, and he did. Hillary bought and paid for the Steele Dossier, which is linked directly back to her vivid imagination of how to create a false narrative that would make Donald Trump unpopular and her his victim. She didn't understand how a successful businessman might have a few dozen higher iq points than herself, and not becoming ensnared in her little trap wrongfully named the Steele Dossier.
And I don't see any reason to believe the dossier has been discredited despite that being repeated endlessly. Putin has Trump over a barrel pretty damn obvious except to the chumps....
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Still stupid^^^
Did you notice that job production and growth are basically exactly the same under Obama's last three years and Trump's first three years. You are totally misinformed. Your personal insults based on nothing are noted. I have a masters in history and speak three languages and you are a brainwashed functional moron with a master's in ridiculous GOP propaganda. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
History...a hard science there.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.

And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.
Be SPECIFIC and cite for us the rude and disrespectful acts BY ELECTED republicans on national TV to Obama. Be specific now.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

It's really remarkable how MUCH some hate our president. You see this hatred right here on these threads. I truly believe some hate him as much as they do because they've been brainwashed by our hideously biased media. They tell the sheep how awful Trump is, over and over ad nauseum. And if they hear this enough, they WILL believe. The media lies and lies about our president, and the sheep believe these lies. This is akin to the Nazi propaganda of the 1930's and 1940's. One of their key ideas was if you repeat a lie enough times, it will become a truth. We're definitely seeing this in our media today. The good news is there are plenty of us who haven't been brainwashed and see right through these lies. Because of this, goodness WILL prevail and Donald Trump WILL be re-elected in November.
I don't hate him, I don't mind ridiculous spoiled brats I find them amusing. What I don't like it's all the lies. he hasn't done a damn thing except divide the country along with your ridiculous propaganda machine, owned by Rupert Murdoch except for Rush Limbaugh etc. The rest of the world and all the law enforcement and journalists in the world think you are nuts. Totally misinformed and fear-mongered. The GOP is the worst party in the modern world and a swamp.
The impeachment was a partisan Kabuki Theater and a bad idea.

AND Trump has acted like a spoiled, petulant, ignorant, embarrassing child since the day he came down the escalator, and is NO VICTIM.

The two conditions can occupy the same universe simultaneously.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.
He has. Its just that he has not been given any credit for anything and he has not been given a chance by the politicians/media/entertainers. One other thing. I question it sometimes. But Sinatra's song...New York....New York....if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Nancy has 50 years at least of political dogma in her and more because of her family. Trump has 3 years! 3 friggin years and he goes tow to toe with these cretins. No drinking. No drugs. Unlike Nancy and Hillary and many others.
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Still stupid^^^
Did you notice that job production and growth are basically exactly the same under Obama's last three years and Trump's first three years. You are totally misinformed. Your personal insults based on nothing are noted. I have a masters in history and speak three languages and you are a brainwashed functional moron with a master's in ridiculous GOP propaganda. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
History...a hard science there.
harder than most... And very important to know... Most importantly these days you find out how destructive right wing propaganda can be. And how the people must be vigilant against greedy idiot rich right-wing assholes.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.
He has. Its just that he has not been given any credit for anything and he has not been given a chance by the politicians/media/entertainers. One other thing. I question it sometimes. But Sinatra's song...New York....New York....if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Nancy has 50 years at least of political dogma in her and more because of her family. Trump has 3 years! 3 friggin years and he goes tow to toe with these cretins. No drinking. No drugs. Unlike Nancy and Hillary and many others.
Trump was the worst businessman in the country from 1984 to 94 according to his tax returns that came out a few months ago and you know nothing about no doubt, super duper.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.
He has. Its just that he has not been given any credit for anything and he has not been given a chance by the politicians/media/entertainers. One other thing. I question it sometimes. But Sinatra's song...New York....New York....if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Nancy has 50 years at least of political dogma in her and more because of her family. Trump has 3 years! 3 friggin years and he goes tow to toe with these cretins. No drinking. No drugs. Unlike Nancy and Hillary and many others.
Trump has about 15% approval around the world oh, that is outside your bubble of brainwashed idiocy. Owned by Rupert Murdoch only.
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Still stupid^^^
Did you notice that job production and growth are basically exactly the same under Obama's last three years and Trump's first three years. You are totally misinformed. Your personal insults based on nothing are noted. I have a masters in history and speak three languages and you are a brainwashed functional moron with a master's in ridiculous GOP propaganda. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
History...a hard science there.
harder than most... And very important to know... Most importantly these days you find out how destructive right wing propaganda can be. And how the people must be vigilant against greedy idiot rich right-wing assholes.
You want to know how to know that the history books are bullshit?
Watch TV and listen to radio for 20 years and compare what you lived vs what the “historians” record.
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

Admittedly I didn't much care for him, but I have to ask... were you in a coma during Obama's eight years? There is nothing "unprecedented" about what Trump is experiencing...
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.
He has. Its just that he has not been given any credit for anything and he has not been given a chance by the politicians/media/entertainers. One other thing. I question it sometimes. But Sinatra's song...New York....New York....if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Nancy has 50 years at least of political dogma in her and more because of her family. Trump has 3 years! 3 friggin years and he goes tow to toe with these cretins. No drinking. No drugs. Unlike Nancy and Hillary and many others.
Trump has about 15% approval around the world oh, that is outside your bubble of brainwashed idiocy. Owned by Rupert Murdoch only.
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Still stupid^^^
Did you notice that job production and growth are basically exactly the same under Obama's last three years and Trump's first three years. You are totally misinformed. Your personal insults based on nothing are noted. I have a masters in history and speak three languages and you are a brainwashed functional moron with a master's in ridiculous GOP propaganda. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
History...a hard science there.
harder than most... And very important to know... Most importantly these days you find out how destructive right wing propaganda can be. And how the people must be vigilant against greedy idiot rich right-wing assholes.
You want to know how to know that the history books are bullshit?
Watch TV and listen to radio for 20 years and compare what you lived vs what the “historians” record.
For you that would be 20 years of fox noise and Rush Limbaugh etc aaarrrggghhh. Total garbage. 30 years of Bologna hate propaganda and the slow ruin of the middle class and the country. Great job. Which the dupes know nothing about- everything's great. What a load.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.
He has. Its just that he has not been given any credit for anything and he has not been given a chance by the politicians/media/entertainers. One other thing. I question it sometimes. But Sinatra's song...New York....New York....if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Nancy has 50 years at least of political dogma in her and more because of her family. Trump has 3 years! 3 friggin years and he goes tow to toe with these cretins. No drinking. No drugs. Unlike Nancy and Hillary and many others.
Trump has about 15% approval around the world oh, that is outside your bubble of brainwashed idiocy. Owned by Rupert Murdoch only.
View attachment 305108 Interesting
Yes we know the rubes out in the country believe all the crap especially the racist crap.where I live in New York state is 73% Trump and they have no clue what is going on, the GOP propaganda version only. Lovely people totally misinformed poor America...
Still stupid^^^
Did you notice that job production and growth are basically exactly the same under Obama's last three years and Trump's first three years. You are totally misinformed. Your personal insults based on nothing are noted. I have a masters in history and speak three languages and you are a brainwashed functional moron with a master's in ridiculous GOP propaganda. Everything you know is wrong. Poor America.
History...a hard science there.
harder than most... And very important to know... Most importantly these days you find out how destructive right wing propaganda can be. And how the people must be vigilant against greedy idiot rich right-wing assholes.
You want to know how to know that the history books are bullshit?
Watch TV and listen to radio for 20 years and compare what you lived vs what the “historians” record.
For you that would be 20 years of fox noise and Rush Limbaugh etc aaarrrggghhh. Total garbage. 30 years of Bologna hate propaganda and the slow ruin of the middle class and the country. Great job. Which the dupes know nothing about- everything's great. What a load.
Thanks for proving you never read my posts.
Rush is nothing more than a salesman and he says it himself.
The only difference between Ds and Rs is that Rs admit they’re selfish pricks and Ds don’t.

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