What some seem not to get

That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
the GOP blocked everything Obama tried to do except for the stimulus which was obviously need and ObamaCare that was barely passed with 60 votes. An
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
you also told us that he was from Kenya and a Muslim and gay. You are absolutely unbelievable. Everything you know and hate about Democrats is cherry-picked and repeated endlessly by your garbage propaganda machine super duper. A disgrace and may wreck America totally.All journalists and law enforcement think you are nuts.
d he got us out of a full-blown corrupt GOP depression and gave us an economy the Trump has managed not to wreck The GOP reconciliation rule and the filibuster rule have made them dominant the last 35 years. And what we have gotten out of it is the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. That is not trivia super duper.
There is absolutely no comparison between Obama and trump Trump is doing in amazing job the numbers back it Up Obama was horrible we said Obama sucked.. he did.. not sure what your beef is.. Do you guys have put two people that help trump win the election in jail they probably gonna die in jail because you people are deranged
Sorry about laws and reality and everything, super dupe. Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and it only cost us 2 trillion dollars in debt LOL. His tariffs and trade wars May wreck the economy yet. Stupid stuff and has done nothing except in GOP propaganda world.

Have you looked at the stock market lately? Employment statistics? Anything that's relevant to reality and the real world? Apparently not. Tell ya want you can wait for the votes to role in after the next election and those a look at those. Then you can start bawling your eyes again because your ridiculous world is gone and gone for good. Either get used to it and adapt or end yourself. The choice is yours and no one really cares which you choose. But rest assured the world can and will do just fine without you and your kind. But know that it's a golden opportunity to make something of yourself, don't be a fool and waste it.
harder than most... And very important to know... Most importantly these days you find out how destructive right wing propaganda can be. And how the people must be vigilant against greedy idiot rich right-wing assholes.
You want to know how to know that the history books are bullshit?
Watch TV and listen to radio for 20 years and compare what you lived vs what the “historians” record.
For you that would be 20 years of fox noise and Rush Limbaugh etc aaarrrggghhh. Total garbage. 30 years of Bologna hate propaganda and the slow ruin of the middle class and the country. Great job. Which the dupes know nothing about- everything's great. What a load.
Thanks for proving you never read my posts.
Rush is nothing more than a salesman and he says it himself.
The only difference between Ds and Rs is that Rs admit they’re selfish pricks and Ds don’t.
Because Democrats aren't selfish pricks. Rich Democrats want their taxes raised along with the Republicans who got us in the mess we have now. So we can invest in education and training so we can get the good jobs that globalism is producing in intelligent countries. Without the GOP that is. I thought you were a good man but you have said some weird stuff lately.
So tell us what Ds have done in the last 50 years with those billions of tax dollars.
And tell us how Ds vote when it comes to Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
Well try and remember the GOP has been in charge of tax rates for 37 years now. The last time the Democrats were really in charge was LBJ for crying out loud.Republicans only care about cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. They have reconciliation to do that with only 51 votes, but they have the GOP filibuster rule which means democratic reform need 60 votes. And I think they did a great job with Obama Care, the best thing that has happened for the Non rich since LBJ. Offshoring is simply what business does when they can get cheap labor for manual labor in other countries. Has nothing to do with Democrats. The problem is we have no money to invest in education and training for the good jobs countries like Germany France Scandinavia every other rich country in the world has invested in. Here we're selling insurance and hamburgers to each other and there are six to eight million tech jobs going begging because we have no workers they can do them.
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.

And you will have to live with him for another 4 years.
Try reality someday.

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets
View attachment 305126
Jan 21, 2020 · President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed to the nation's steady economic health as the strongest indicator of his success, ...

Washington Post
The Trump economy vs. the Obama economy in 15 charts - The

Aug 20, 2019 · As experts debate whether the U.S. is headed for a recession in 2020, another key question is: Is the Trump economy any better than ...

The reality is this. Your party's impeachment attempt failed. It failed hard. Not only that, it went down in flames thanks to the democrat speaker of the house and her temper tantrum. I give her credit for attempting to get under the presidents skin, but it was way better to see him shine her on. What's happened here is the speaker has been shown to be speaker in name only. The democrat majority is in real danger here of losing the houst foe decades. Notice the news? Where is Adam? Where is Naddler the hut? They are beaten. And it's yummy.
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
the GOP blocked everything Obama tried to do except for the stimulus which was obviously need and ObamaCare that was barely passed with 60 votes. An
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
you also told us that he was from Kenya and a Muslim and gay. You are absolutely unbelievable. Everything you know and hate about Democrats is cherry-picked and repeated endlessly by your garbage propaganda machine super duper. A disgrace and may wreck America totally.All journalists and law enforcement think you are nuts.
d he got us out of a full-blown corrupt GOP depression and gave us an economy the Trump has managed not to wreck The GOP reconciliation rule and the filibuster rule have made them dominant the last 35 years. And what we have gotten out of it is the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. That is not trivia super duper.
There is absolutely no comparison between Obama and trump Trump is doing in amazing job the numbers back it Up Obama was horrible we said Obama sucked.. he did.. not sure what your beef is.. Do you guys have put two people that help trump win the election in jail they probably gonna die in jail because you people are deranged
Sorry about laws and reality and everything, super dupe. Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and it only cost us 2 trillion dollars in debt LOL. His tariffs and trade wars May wreck the economy yet. Stupid stuff and has done nothing except in GOP propaganda world.

Have you looked at the stock market lately? Employment statistics? Anything that's relevant to reality and the real world? Apparently not. Tell ya want you can wait for the votes to role in after the next election and those a look at those. Then you can start bawling your eyes again because your ridiculous world is gone and gone for good. Either get used to it and adapt or end yourself. The choice is yours and no one really cares which you choose. But rest assured the world can and will do just fine without you and your kind. But know that it's a golden opportunity to make something of yourself, don't be a fool and waste it.
the stock market is for rich people basically and there is no doubt rich people are doing fantastic. That's the reason our wealth is so great accept regular people don't get any of it LOL a a r r t g h h h h h. Like I said there is no difference between Trump and Obama as far as employment job jobs growth etc etc, except on your alternate planet, super duper.
Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets
Jan 21, 2020 · President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed to the nation's steady economic health as the strongest indicator of his success, ...

Washington Post
The Trump economy vs. the Obama economy in 15 charts - The

Aug 20, 2019 · As experts debate whether the U.S. is headed for a recession in 2020, another key question is: Is the Trump economy any better than ...


  • upload_2020-2-6_18-3-16.png
    280 bytes · Views: 9
You want to know how to know that the history books are bullshit?
Watch TV and listen to radio for 20 years and compare what you lived vs what the “historians” record.
For you that would be 20 years of fox noise and Rush Limbaugh etc aaarrrggghhh. Total garbage. 30 years of Bologna hate propaganda and the slow ruin of the middle class and the country. Great job. Which the dupes know nothing about- everything's great. What a load.
Thanks for proving you never read my posts.
Rush is nothing more than a salesman and he says it himself.
The only difference between Ds and Rs is that Rs admit they’re selfish pricks and Ds don’t.
Because Democrats aren't selfish pricks. Rich Democrats want their taxes raised along with the Republicans who got us in the mess we have now. So we can invest in education and training so we can get the good jobs that globalism is producing in intelligent countries. Without the GOP that is. I thought you were a good man but you have said some weird stuff lately.
So tell us what Ds have done in the last 50 years with those billions of tax dollars.
And tell us how Ds vote when it comes to Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
Well try and remember the GOP has been in charge of tax rates for 37 years now. The last time the Democrats were really in charge was LBJ for crying out loud.Republicans only care about cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. They have reconciliation to do that with only 51 votes, but they have the GOP filibuster rule which means democratic reform need 60 votes. And I think they did a great job with Obama Care, the best thing that has happened for the Non rich since LBJ. Offshoring is simply what business does when they can get cheap labor for manual labor in other countries. Has nothing to do with Democrats. The problem is we have no money to invest in education and training for the good jobs countries like Germany France Scandinavia every other rich country in the world has invested in. Here we're selling insurance and hamburgers to each other and there are six to eight million tech jobs going begging because we have no workers they can do them.

You mean the LBJ who said he would have the neegras eating out of his hands for the next hundred years? This LBJ?

That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
the GOP blocked everything Obama tried to do except for the stimulus which was obviously need and ObamaCare that was barely passed with 60 votes. An
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
you also told us that he was from Kenya and a Muslim and gay. You are absolutely unbelievable. Everything you know and hate about Democrats is cherry-picked and repeated endlessly by your garbage propaganda machine super duper. A disgrace and may wreck America totally.All journalists and law enforcement think you are nuts.
d he got us out of a full-blown corrupt GOP depression and gave us an economy the Trump has managed not to wreck The GOP reconciliation rule and the filibuster rule have made them dominant the last 35 years. And what we have gotten out of it is the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. That is not trivia super duper.
There is absolutely no comparison between Obama and trump Trump is doing in amazing job the numbers back it Up Obama was horrible we said Obama sucked.. he did.. not sure what your beef is.. Do you guys have put two people that help trump win the election in jail they probably gonna die in jail because you people are deranged
Sorry about laws and reality and everything, super dupe. Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and it only cost us 2 trillion dollars in debt LOL. His tariffs and trade wars May wreck the economy yet. Stupid stuff and has done nothing except in GOP propaganda world.

Have you looked at the stock market lately? Employment statistics? Anything that's relevant to reality and the real world? Apparently not. Tell ya want you can wait for the votes to role in after the next election and those a look at those. Then you can start bawling your eyes again because your ridiculous world is gone and gone for good. Either get used to it and adapt or end yourself. The choice is yours and no one really cares which you choose. But rest assured the world can and will do just fine without you and your kind. But know that it's a golden opportunity to make something of yourself, don't be a fool and waste it.
I continue to be happily retired and worried about the GOP mess we have that only a brainwash makes possible.
Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets
Jan 21, 2020 · President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed to the nation's steady economic health as the strongest indicator of his success, ...

upload_2020-2-6_18-6-21.pngWashington Post
The Trump economy vs. the Obama economy in 15 charts - The

Aug 20, 2019 · As experts debate whether the U.S. is headed for a recession in 2020, another key question is: Is the Trump economy any better than ...
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

It's really remarkable how MUCH some hate our president. You see this hatred right here on these threads. I truly believe some hate him as much as they do because they've been brainwashed by our hideously biased media. They tell the sheep how awful Trump is, over and over ad nauseum. And if they hear this enough, they WILL believe. The media lies and lies about our president, and the sheep believe these lies. This is akin to the Nazi propaganda of the 1930's and 1940's. One of their key ideas was if you repeat a lie enough times, it will become a truth. We're definitely seeing this in our media today. The good news is there are plenty of us who haven't been brainwashed and see right through these lies. Because of this, goodness WILL prevail and Donald Trump WILL be re-elected in November.
I don't hate him, I don't mind ridiculous spoiled brats I find them amusing. What I don't like it's all the lies. he hasn't done a damn thing except divide the country along with your ridiculous propaganda machine, owned by Rupert Murdoch except for Rush Limbaugh etc. The rest of the world and all the law enforcement and journalists in the world think you are nuts. Totally misinformed and fear-mongered. The GOP is the worst party in the modern world and a swamp.

Dang s0n.....looks like you didnt get out this past weekend for any leftover tubs of butter to take away all the heat and stinginess compliments of the big bumpy. Yuk....yuk.....

Trump turned his victory lap today into a marathon.....and good for him. He deserves it just like he deserves the soaring poll #'s.....lol....got a shot in at all the frauds too! Some brilliant stuff.....

More fun today though was to watch the pronounced level of butthurt amongst the haters! Hysterical to watch......the most political misery we've seen in our lifetimes.:113::113: And the mocking is just beginning!!
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.
He has. Its just that he has not been given any credit for anything and he has not been given a chance by the politicians/media/entertainers. One other thing. I question it sometimes. But Sinatra's song...New York....New York....if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Nancy has 50 years at least of political dogma in her and more because of her family. Trump has 3 years! 3 friggin years and he goes tow to toe with these cretins. No drinking. No drugs. Unlike Nancy and Hillary and many others.
Trump has about 15% approval around the world oh, that is outside your bubble of brainwashed idiocy. Owned by Rupert Murdoch only.

So his approval around the world equals your approval of the debt collectors knocking at your door.
What a surprise!!!
That's all bologna too LOL. If you're talking about NATO, he is taking credit for the deal Obama made with them LOL. Trump has done nothing but scare the hell out of everybody with his ridiculous garbage rhetoric and his give away to the rich and to Putin and Kim jeong Hoon whatever.... Only you ignorant chumps believe that crap in the entire world.

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets
View attachment 305121
Jan 21, 2020 · President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed to the nation's steady economic health as the strongest indicator of his success, ...

View attachment 305122Washington Post
The Trump economy vs. the Obama economy in 15 charts - The

Aug 20, 2019 · As experts debate whether the U.S. is headed for a recession in 2020, another key question is: Is the Trump economy any better than ...

Trying to take credit where it's not due is pretty pathetic.
For you that would be 20 years of fox noise and Rush Limbaugh etc aaarrrggghhh. Total garbage. 30 years of Bologna hate propaganda and the slow ruin of the middle class and the country. Great job. Which the dupes know nothing about- everything's great. What a load.
Thanks for proving you never read my posts.
Rush is nothing more than a salesman and he says it himself.
The only difference between Ds and Rs is that Rs admit they’re selfish pricks and Ds don’t.
Because Democrats aren't selfish pricks. Rich Democrats want their taxes raised along with the Republicans who got us in the mess we have now. So we can invest in education and training so we can get the good jobs that globalism is producing in intelligent countries. Without the GOP that is. I thought you were a good man but you have said some weird stuff lately.
So tell us what Ds have done in the last 50 years with those billions of tax dollars.
And tell us how Ds vote when it comes to Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
Well try and remember the GOP has been in charge of tax rates for 37 years now. The last time the Democrats were really in charge was LBJ for crying out loud.Republicans only care about cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. They have reconciliation to do that with only 51 votes, but they have the GOP filibuster rule which means democratic reform need 60 votes. And I think they did a great job with Obama Care, the best thing that has happened for the Non rich since LBJ. Offshoring is simply what business does when they can get cheap labor for manual labor in other countries. Has nothing to do with Democrats. The problem is we have no money to invest in education and training for the good jobs countries like Germany France Scandinavia every other rich country in the world has invested in. Here we're selling insurance and hamburgers to each other and there are six to eight million tech jobs going begging because we have no workers they can do them.

You mean the LBJ who said he would have the neegras eating out of his hands for the next hundred years? This LBJ?

View attachment 305131
And he wasn't wrong, despite the unfortunate race relations and nomenclature of the time.... Only the brainwashed of the GOP today have a problem with it....
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
the GOP blocked everything Obama tried to do except for the stimulus which was obviously need and ObamaCare that was barely passed with 60 votes. An
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
you also told us that he was from Kenya and a Muslim and gay. You are absolutely unbelievable. Everything you know and hate about Democrats is cherry-picked and repeated endlessly by your garbage propaganda machine super duper. A disgrace and may wreck America totally.All journalists and law enforcement think you are nuts.
d he got us out of a full-blown corrupt GOP depression and gave us an economy the Trump has managed not to wreck The GOP reconciliation rule and the filibuster rule have made them dominant the last 35 years. And what we have gotten out of it is the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. That is not trivia super duper.
There is absolutely no comparison between Obama and trump Trump is doing in amazing job the numbers back it Up Obama was horrible we said Obama sucked.. he did.. not sure what your beef is.. Do you guys have put two people that help trump win the election in jail they probably gonna die in jail because you people are deranged
Sorry about laws and reality and everything, super dupe. Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and it only cost us 2 trillion dollars in debt LOL. His tariffs and trade wars May wreck the economy yet. Stupid stuff and has done nothing except in GOP propaganda world.

Have you looked at the stock market lately? Employment statistics? Anything that's relevant to reality and the real world? Apparently not. Tell ya want you can wait for the votes to role in after the next election and those a look at those. Then you can start bawling your eyes again because your ridiculous world is gone and gone for good. Either get used to it and adapt or end yourself. The choice is yours and no one really cares which you choose. But rest assured the world can and will do just fine without you and your kind. But know that it's a golden opportunity to make something of yourself, don't be a fool and waste it.
the stock market is for rich people basically and there is no doubt rich people are doing fantastic. That's the reason our wealth is so great accept regular people don't get any of it LOL a a r r t g h h h h h. Like I said there is no difference between Trump and Obama as far as employment job jobs growth etc etc, except on your alternate planet, super duper.
Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets
View attachment 305129
Jan 21, 2020 · President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed to the nation's steady economic health as the strongest indicator of his success, ...

Washington Post
The Trump economy vs. the Obama economy in 15 charts - The

Aug 20, 2019 · As experts debate whether the U.S. is headed for a recession in 2020, another key question is: Is the Trump economy any better than ...
Rich people that create jobs and allows them to expand and hire more people
The impeachment was a partisan Kabuki Theater and a bad idea.

AND Trump has acted like a spoiled, petulant, ignorant, embarrassing child since the day he came down the escalator, and is NO VICTIM.

The two conditions can occupy the same universe simultaneously.

Because Trump gave the left what they've been giving the right for decades?
I call that turn about is fair play.
I was taught that two wrongs don't make a right.

One of the many standards tossed into the toilet as the decay continues.

Maybe you're fine with getting kicked in the nuts repeatedly and doing nothing about it but the real world isnt.
I believe that two wrongs don't make a right.

I'm not going to sell my soul for political expediency.

So if muslims again kill thousands of Americans in a terrorist attack we should just turn the other cheek.
Because giving in to the liberal left is the exact same thing....the demise of our country is still the end result.
God I hate moral relativist.
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
the GOP blocked everything Obama tried to do except for the stimulus which was obviously need and ObamaCare that was barely passed with 60 votes. An
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
you also told us that he was from Kenya and a Muslim and gay. You are absolutely unbelievable. Everything you know and hate about Democrats is cherry-picked and repeated endlessly by your garbage propaganda machine super duper. A disgrace and may wreck America totally.All journalists and law enforcement think you are nuts.
d he got us out of a full-blown corrupt GOP depression and gave us an economy the Trump has managed not to wreck The GOP reconciliation rule and the filibuster rule have made them dominant the last 35 years. And what we have gotten out of it is the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. That is not trivia super duper.
There is absolutely no comparison between Obama and trump Trump is doing in amazing job the numbers back it Up Obama was horrible we said Obama sucked.. he did.. not sure what your beef is.. Do you guys have put two people that help trump win the election in jail they probably gonna die in jail because you people are deranged
Sorry about laws and reality and everything, super dupe. Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and it only cost us 2 trillion dollars in debt LOL. His tariffs and trade wars May wreck the economy yet. Stupid stuff and has done nothing except in GOP propaganda world.

Have you looked at the stock market lately? Employment statistics? Anything that's relevant to reality and the real world? Apparently not. Tell ya want you can wait for the votes to role in after the next election and those a look at those. Then you can start bawling your eyes again because your ridiculous world is gone and gone for good. Either get used to it and adapt or end yourself. The choice is yours and no one really cares which you choose. But rest assured the world can and will do just fine without you and your kind. But know that it's a golden opportunity to make something of yourself, don't be a fool and waste it.
the stock market is for rich people basically and there is no doubt rich people are doing fantastic. That's the reason our wealth is so great accept regular people don't get any of it LOL a a r r t g h h h h h. Like I said there is no difference between Trump and Obama as far as employment job jobs growth etc etc, except on your alternate planet, super duper.
Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets
View attachment 305129
Jan 21, 2020 · President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed to the nation's steady economic health as the strongest indicator of his success, ...

Washington Post
The Trump economy vs. the Obama economy in 15 charts - The

Aug 20, 2019 · As experts debate whether the U.S. is headed for a recession in 2020, another key question is: Is the Trump economy any better than ...

So you dont even have a 401k?
The impeachment was a partisan Kabuki Theater and a bad idea.

AND Trump has acted like a spoiled, petulant, ignorant, embarrassing child since the day he came down the escalator, and is NO VICTIM.

The two conditions can occupy the same universe simultaneously.

Because Trump gave the left what they've been giving the right for decades?
I call that turn about is fair play.
I was taught that two wrongs don't make a right.

One of the many standards tossed into the toilet as the decay continues.

Maybe you're fine with getting kicked in the nuts repeatedly and doing nothing about it but the real world isnt.
I believe that two wrongs don't make a right.

I'm not going to sell my soul for political expediency.

So if muslims again kill thousands of Americans in a terrorist attack we should just turn the other cheek.
Because giving in to the liberal left is the exact same thing....the demise of our country is still the end result.
God I hate moral relativist.
Wow, look at those ignorant assumptions.

I'm having conversations with two other Trumpsters right now, who ALSO just make shit up and don't quote me.

Do you guys all get trained at the same place for this dishonest crap?

Oh, wait, you do. Talk radio.
Thanks for proving you never read my posts.
Rush is nothing more than a salesman and he says it himself.
The only difference between Ds and Rs is that Rs admit they’re selfish pricks and Ds don’t.
Because Democrats aren't selfish pricks. Rich Democrats want their taxes raised along with the Republicans who got us in the mess we have now. So we can invest in education and training so we can get the good jobs that globalism is producing in intelligent countries. Without the GOP that is. I thought you were a good man but you have said some weird stuff lately.
So tell us what Ds have done in the last 50 years with those billions of tax dollars.
And tell us how Ds vote when it comes to Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
Well try and remember the GOP has been in charge of tax rates for 37 years now. The last time the Democrats were really in charge was LBJ for crying out loud.Republicans only care about cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. They have reconciliation to do that with only 51 votes, but they have the GOP filibuster rule which means democratic reform need 60 votes. And I think they did a great job with Obama Care, the best thing that has happened for the Non rich since LBJ. Offshoring is simply what business does when they can get cheap labor for manual labor in other countries. Has nothing to do with Democrats. The problem is we have no money to invest in education and training for the good jobs countries like Germany France Scandinavia every other rich country in the world has invested in. Here we're selling insurance and hamburgers to each other and there are six to eight million tech jobs going begging because we have no workers they can do them.

You mean the LBJ who said he would have the neegras eating out of his hands for the next hundred years? This LBJ?

View attachment 305131
And he wasn't wrong, despite the unfortunate race relations and nomenclature of the time.... Only the brainwashed of the GOP today have a problem with it....

Well, he did have the neegras eating out of his hands for around 70 didn't he. He just shipped the troublesome ones off to Vietnam. And you. Typical libtard defending racism. Mm.
Because Trump gave the left what they've been giving the right for decades?
I call that turn about is fair play.
I was taught that two wrongs don't make a right.

One of the many standards tossed into the toilet as the decay continues.

Maybe you're fine with getting kicked in the nuts repeatedly and doing nothing about it but the real world isnt.
I believe that two wrongs don't make a right.

I'm not going to sell my soul for political expediency.

So if muslims again kill thousands of Americans in a terrorist attack we should just turn the other cheek.
Because giving in to the liberal left is the exact same thing....the demise of our country is still the end result.
God I hate moral relativist.
Wow, look at those ignorant assumptions.

I'm having conversations with two other Trumpsters right now, who ALSO just make shit up and don't quote me.

Do you guys all get trained at the same place for this dishonest crap?

Oh, wait, you do. Talk radio.

You just advocated "two wrongs dont make a right" not me.
Allowing the left to run rough shod over our rights achieves the same thing as allowing terrorist to kill us whole sale.
It just takes a little longer.
I was taught that two wrongs don't make a right.

One of the many standards tossed into the toilet as the decay continues.

Maybe you're fine with getting kicked in the nuts repeatedly and doing nothing about it but the real world isnt.
I believe that two wrongs don't make a right.

I'm not going to sell my soul for political expediency.

So if muslims again kill thousands of Americans in a terrorist attack we should just turn the other cheek.
Because giving in to the liberal left is the exact same thing....the demise of our country is still the end result.
God I hate moral relativist.
Wow, look at those ignorant assumptions.

I'm having conversations with two other Trumpsters right now, who ALSO just make shit up and don't quote me.

Do you guys all get trained at the same place for this dishonest crap?

Oh, wait, you do. Talk radio.

You just advocated "two wrongs dont make a right" not me.
Allowing the left to run rough shod over our rights achieves the same thing as allowing terrorist to kill us whole sale.
It just takes a little longer.
I know you believe that. Okie dokie.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

Been saying this for a while. We are beyond words. I know I am.
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
the GOP blocked everything Obama tried to do except for the stimulus which was obviously need and ObamaCare that was barely passed with 60 votes. An
Are you crazy! What you people are doing to trump is something we have never seen! We told you obama sucked! We didn’t obstruct like this.. you guys are committing political suicide you’re literally a Fringe group now
you also told us that he was from Kenya and a Muslim and gay. You are absolutely unbelievable. Everything you know and hate about Democrats is cherry-picked and repeated endlessly by your garbage propaganda machine super duper. A disgrace and may wreck America totally.All journalists and law enforcement think you are nuts.
d he got us out of a full-blown corrupt GOP depression and gave us an economy the Trump has managed not to wreck The GOP reconciliation rule and the filibuster rule have made them dominant the last 35 years. And what we have gotten out of it is the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. That is not trivia super duper.
There is absolutely no comparison between Obama and trump Trump is doing in amazing job the numbers back it Up Obama was horrible we said Obama sucked.. he did.. not sure what your beef is.. Do you guys have put two people that help trump win the election in jail they probably gonna die in jail because you people are deranged
Sorry about laws and reality and everything, super dupe. Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and it only cost us 2 trillion dollars in debt LOL. His tariffs and trade wars May wreck the economy yet. Stupid stuff and has done nothing except in GOP propaganda world.

Have you looked at the stock market lately? Employment statistics? Anything that's relevant to reality and the real world? Apparently not. Tell ya want you can wait for the votes to role in after the next election and those a look at those. Then you can start bawling your eyes again because your ridiculous world is gone and gone for good. Either get used to it and adapt or end yourself. The choice is yours and no one really cares which you choose. But rest assured the world can and will do just fine without you and your kind. But know that it's a golden opportunity to make something of yourself, don't be a fool and waste it.
the stock market is for rich people basically and there is no doubt rich people are doing fantastic. That's the reason our wealth is so great accept regular people don't get any of it LOL a a r r t g h h h h h. Like I said there is no difference between Trump and Obama as far as employment job jobs growth etc etc, except on your alternate planet, super duper.
Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets
View attachment 305129
Jan 21, 2020 · President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed to the nation's steady economic health as the strongest indicator of his success, ...

Washington Post
The Trump economy vs. the Obama economy in 15 charts - The

Aug 20, 2019 · As experts debate whether the U.S. is headed for a recession in 2020, another key question is: Is the Trump economy any better than ...

Lol....."the stock market is for rich people"

Maybe you're fine with getting kicked in the nuts repeatedly and doing nothing about it but the real world isnt.
I believe that two wrongs don't make a right.

I'm not going to sell my soul for political expediency.

So if muslims again kill thousands of Americans in a terrorist attack we should just turn the other cheek.
Because giving in to the liberal left is the exact same thing....the demise of our country is still the end result.
God I hate moral relativist.
Wow, look at those ignorant assumptions.

I'm having conversations with two other Trumpsters right now, who ALSO just make shit up and don't quote me.

Do you guys all get trained at the same place for this dishonest crap?

Oh, wait, you do. Talk radio.

You just advocated "two wrongs dont make a right" not me.
Allowing the left to run rough shod over our rights achieves the same thing as allowing terrorist to kill us whole sale.
It just takes a little longer.
I know you believe that. Okie dokie.

So electing a communist will change nothing in America.
I used to think you were a joke,now I see you as a threat.

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