What some seem not to get

So I'm a commie, then?

I see no other reasonable description. The left wants to flood our country with welfare recipients to ensure a voting base that relies on handouts,ban firearms,control who lives and dies through gov healthcare...and you support that.
You can say you dont but that doesnt change the fact that that is exactly what the left wants.
If you're too stupid to see that you're even more dangerous....or as they say. A useful idiot.
You can claim you dont all you want but that is the end result.
Well, based on that response, who knows what your personal definition of "commie" might be.

And the fact that you "see no other reasonable description" is probably more a function of a limited vocabulary and simplistic, binary thought processes than anything else.

But okay, I'll be a commie if that works for you.

LOL....I'm actually OK with birth control and if the states want to legalize pot thats OK by me as well.
You still want to talk binary thinking?
Too bad you don't mind the GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else the last 35 years. Actually of course you don't know about it, super duper.
Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets
View attachment 305155
Jan 21, 2020 · President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed to the nation's steady economic health as the strongest indicator of his success, ...

View attachment 305156Washington Post
The Trump economy vs. the Obama economy in 15 charts - The

Aug 20, 2019 · As experts debate whether the U.S. is headed for a recession in 2020, another key question is: Is the Trump economy any better than ...

I guess I must be rich.
Just above average.
Wow, look at those ignorant assumptions.

I'm having conversations with two other Trumpsters right now, who ALSO just make shit up and don't quote me.

Do you guys all get trained at the same place for this dishonest crap?

Oh, wait, you do. Talk radio.

You just advocated "two wrongs dont make a right" not me.
Allowing the left to run rough shod over our rights achieves the same thing as allowing terrorist to kill us whole sale.
It just takes a little longer.
I know you believe that. Okie dokie.

So electing a communist will change nothing in America.
I used to think you were a joke,now I see you as a threat.
A communist believes in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and you can't find one outside of Cuba China and North Korea. Throwing around the term just proves you are a brainwashed functional moron GOP dupe. Socialism is simply pure capitalism with a good safety net and is always democratic.

And you dont think thats where the left is headed?
Besides,when you control healthcare nothing else really matters.
Just a well-regulated healthcare system. Control is not a scary thing compared to letting a business like healthcare take care of itself. you get the most expensive system by far that doesn't cover everyone and is a scam like the GOP scam we had until Obamacare. The GOP is the swamp.
Wow, look at those ignorant assumptions.

I'm having conversations with two other Trumpsters right now, who ALSO just make shit up and don't quote me.

Do you guys all get trained at the same place for this dishonest crap?

Oh, wait, you do. Talk radio.

You just advocated "two wrongs dont make a right" not me.
Allowing the left to run rough shod over our rights achieves the same thing as allowing terrorist to kill us whole sale.
It just takes a little longer.
I know you believe that. Okie dokie.

So electing a communist will change nothing in America.
I used to think you were a joke,now I see you as a threat.
A communist believes in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and you can't find one outside of Cuba China and North Korea. Throwing around the term just proves you are a brainwashed functional moron GOP dupe. Socialism is simply pure capitalism with a good safety net and is always democratic.

And you dont think thats where the left is headed?
Besides,when you control healthcare nothing else really matters.
I meant Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net is what socialism is now. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland president when Obama Care passed. Why are we the only country in the world in the modern world that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the Rich enough. The GOP and its propaganda is the only answer. And English-speaking peoples are really backward at figuring out what socialism is.
Thanks for proving you never read my posts.
Rush is nothing more than a salesman and he says it himself.
The only difference between Ds and Rs is that Rs admit they’re selfish pricks and Ds don’t.
Because Democrats aren't selfish pricks. Rich Democrats want their taxes raised along with the Republicans who got us in the mess we have now. So we can invest in education and training so we can get the good jobs that globalism is producing in intelligent countries. Without the GOP that is. I thought you were a good man but you have said some weird stuff lately.
So tell us what Ds have done in the last 50 years with those billions of tax dollars.
And tell us how Ds vote when it comes to Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
Well try and remember the GOP has been in charge of tax rates for 37 years now. The last time the Democrats were really in charge was LBJ for crying out loud.Republicans only care about cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. They have reconciliation to do that with only 51 votes, but they have the GOP filibuster rule which means democratic reform need 60 votes. And I think they did a great job with Obama Care, the best thing that has happened for the Non rich since LBJ. Offshoring is simply what business does when they can get cheap labor for manual labor in other countries. Has nothing to do with Democrats. The problem is we have no money to invest in education and training for the good jobs countries like Germany France Scandinavia every other rich country in the world has invested in. Here we're selling insurance and hamburgers to each other and there are six to eight million tech jobs going begging because we have no workers they can do them.
I don’t care about tax rates, I care about crime, the family unit and getting an education.
All Ds do is give welfare, food stamps and lower education standards.
The tech jobs issue is bipartisan and Trump signed an EO to limit BVs and send many home.
If coding was so difficult why is every coding book called Learn X in 24 hours?
As long as we don't tax the rich their fair share, none of what you want is ever going to happen. Just more of the worst upward mobility and inequality. Wake up.
You did not address my post.
Tax business and people lose their jobs.
And how do we know how much to tax small businesses, medium sized businesses, mega corporations?
What if a business is not near Wall Street while another is?
You just advocated "two wrongs dont make a right" not me.
Allowing the left to run rough shod over our rights achieves the same thing as allowing terrorist to kill us whole sale.
It just takes a little longer.
I know you believe that. Okie dokie.

So electing a communist will change nothing in America.
I used to think you were a joke,now I see you as a threat.
A communist believes in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and you can't find one outside of Cuba China and North Korea. Throwing around the term just proves you are a brainwashed functional moron GOP dupe. Socialism is simply pure capitalism with a good safety net and is always democratic.

And you dont think thats where the left is headed?
Besides,when you control healthcare nothing else really matters.
I meant Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net is what socialism is now. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland president when Obama Care passed. Why are we the only country in the world in the modern world that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the Rich enough. The GOP and its propaganda is the only answer. And English-speaking peoples are really backward at figuring out what socialism is.
The countries you want us to emulate ask the US for aid.
Because Democrats aren't selfish pricks. Rich Democrats want their taxes raised along with the Republicans who got us in the mess we have now. So we can invest in education and training so we can get the good jobs that globalism is producing in intelligent countries. Without the GOP that is. I thought you were a good man but you have said some weird stuff lately.
So tell us what Ds have done in the last 50 years with those billions of tax dollars.
And tell us how Ds vote when it comes to Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
Well try and remember the GOP has been in charge of tax rates for 37 years now. The last time the Democrats were really in charge was LBJ for crying out loud.Republicans only care about cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. They have reconciliation to do that with only 51 votes, but they have the GOP filibuster rule which means democratic reform need 60 votes. And I think they did a great job with Obama Care, the best thing that has happened for the Non rich since LBJ. Offshoring is simply what business does when they can get cheap labor for manual labor in other countries. Has nothing to do with Democrats. The problem is we have no money to invest in education and training for the good jobs countries like Germany France Scandinavia every other rich country in the world has invested in. Here we're selling insurance and hamburgers to each other and there are six to eight million tech jobs going begging because we have no workers they can do them.
I don’t care about tax rates, I care about crime, the family unit and getting an education.
All Ds do is give welfare, food stamps and lower education standards.
The tech jobs issue is bipartisan and Trump signed an EO to limit BVs and send many home.
If coding was so difficult why is every coding book called Learn X in 24 hours?
As long as we don't tax the rich their fair share, none of what you want is ever going to happen. Just more of the worst upward mobility and inequality. Wake up.
You did not address my post.
Tax business and people lose their jobs.
And how do we know how much to tax small businesses, medium sized businesses, mega corporations?
What if a business is not near Wall Street while another is?
The billions of dollars that Democrats would spend hasn't been there for 37 years at least because of tax cuts on the Rich by the GOP.and the middle-class and working-class are taxed more than they used to be because federal aid has been cut to the states and state and local taxes hit the non-rich. It's a great scam for the greedy idiot GOP rich. You have been bamboozled, your points are based on GOP propaganda that is not factual.
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.

You're a tad....make that certifiably insane.

Not ONE white man had the balls to really stand up to the Black Man President during the Obama years.
They would have been crucified by the Obama Media and hounded until submission.
Seeing that man manipulate Federal power and use it against adversaries, then pilfer the National treasury to enrich his pals and terrorists and call it "stimulus"? PLEASE !!!

Obama enjoyed one of the most unobstructed Presidencies in US history thanks to political correctness....and boy did Obama do a TON of damage with that leeway.

Again, you are simply insane....or communist...one and the same for all intents and purposes.
So tell us what Ds have done in the last 50 years with those billions of tax dollars.
And tell us how Ds vote when it comes to Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
Well try and remember the GOP has been in charge of tax rates for 37 years now. The last time the Democrats were really in charge was LBJ for crying out loud.Republicans only care about cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. They have reconciliation to do that with only 51 votes, but they have the GOP filibuster rule which means democratic reform need 60 votes. And I think they did a great job with Obama Care, the best thing that has happened for the Non rich since LBJ. Offshoring is simply what business does when they can get cheap labor for manual labor in other countries. Has nothing to do with Democrats. The problem is we have no money to invest in education and training for the good jobs countries like Germany France Scandinavia every other rich country in the world has invested in. Here we're selling insurance and hamburgers to each other and there are six to eight million tech jobs going begging because we have no workers they can do them.
I don’t care about tax rates, I care about crime, the family unit and getting an education.
All Ds do is give welfare, food stamps and lower education standards.
The tech jobs issue is bipartisan and Trump signed an EO to limit BVs and send many home.
If coding was so difficult why is every coding book called Learn X in 24 hours?
As long as we don't tax the rich their fair share, none of what you want is ever going to happen. Just more of the worst upward mobility and inequality. Wake up.
You did not address my post.
Tax business and people lose their jobs.
And how do we know how much to tax small businesses, medium sized businesses, mega corporations?
What if a business is not near Wall Street while another is?
The billions of dollars that Democrats would spend hasn't been there for 37 years at least because of tax cuts on the Rich by the GOP.and the middle-class and working-class are taxed more than they used to be because federal aid has been cut to the states and state and local taxes hit the non-rich. It's a great scam for the greedy idiot GOP rich. You have been bamboozled, your points are based on GOP propaganda that is not factual.
There’s billions going overseas every year rather than to our own citizens.
Bipartisan crap that is inexcusable.
I know you believe that. Okie dokie.

So electing a communist will change nothing in America.
I used to think you were a joke,now I see you as a threat.
A communist believes in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and you can't find one outside of Cuba China and North Korea. Throwing around the term just proves you are a brainwashed functional moron GOP dupe. Socialism is simply pure capitalism with a good safety net and is always democratic.

And you dont think thats where the left is headed?
Besides,when you control healthcare nothing else really matters.
I meant Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net is what socialism is now. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland president when Obama Care passed. Why are we the only country in the world in the modern world that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the Rich enough. The GOP and its propaganda is the only answer. And English-speaking peoples are really backward at figuring out what socialism is.
The countries you want us to emulate ask the US for aid.
Bologna. All the other rich countries in the world do just fine and we don't give them foreign aid. In fact our foreign aid is at a pathetic level and most of it is military. Great job! Most of the rich countries give much more foreign aid than we to poor countries per capita.
So electing a communist will change nothing in America.
I used to think you were a joke,now I see you as a threat.
A communist believes in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and you can't find one outside of Cuba China and North Korea. Throwing around the term just proves you are a brainwashed functional moron GOP dupe. Socialism is simply pure capitalism with a good safety net and is always democratic.

And you dont think thats where the left is headed?
Besides,when you control healthcare nothing else really matters.
I meant Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net is what socialism is now. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland president when Obama Care passed. Why are we the only country in the world in the modern world that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the Rich enough. The GOP and its propaganda is the only answer. And English-speaking peoples are really backward at figuring out what socialism is.
The countries you want us to emulate ask the US for aid.
Bologna. All the other rich countries in the world do just fine and we don't give them foreign aid. In fact our foreign aid is at a pathetic level and most of it is military. Great job! Most of the rich countries give much more foreign aid than we to poor countries per capita.
You’re an idiot; go talk to yourself in 3 languages in the corner.
Well try and remember the GOP has been in charge of tax rates for 37 years now. The last time the Democrats were really in charge was LBJ for crying out loud.Republicans only care about cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. They have reconciliation to do that with only 51 votes, but they have the GOP filibuster rule which means democratic reform need 60 votes. And I think they did a great job with Obama Care, the best thing that has happened for the Non rich since LBJ. Offshoring is simply what business does when they can get cheap labor for manual labor in other countries. Has nothing to do with Democrats. The problem is we have no money to invest in education and training for the good jobs countries like Germany France Scandinavia every other rich country in the world has invested in. Here we're selling insurance and hamburgers to each other and there are six to eight million tech jobs going begging because we have no workers they can do them.
I don’t care about tax rates, I care about crime, the family unit and getting an education.
All Ds do is give welfare, food stamps and lower education standards.
The tech jobs issue is bipartisan and Trump signed an EO to limit BVs and send many home.
If coding was so difficult why is every coding book called Learn X in 24 hours?
As long as we don't tax the rich their fair share, none of what you want is ever going to happen. Just more of the worst upward mobility and inequality. Wake up.
You did not address my post.
Tax business and people lose their jobs.
And how do we know how much to tax small businesses, medium sized businesses, mega corporations?
What if a business is not near Wall Street while another is?
The billions of dollars that Democrats would spend hasn't been there for 37 years at least because of tax cuts on the Rich by the GOP.and the middle-class and working-class are taxed more than they used to be because federal aid has been cut to the states and state and local taxes hit the non-rich. It's a great scam for the greedy idiot GOP rich. You have been bamboozled, your points are based on GOP propaganda that is not factual.
There’s billions going overseas every year rather than to our own citizens.
Bipartisan crap that is inexcusable.
what are you talkin about foreign aid? Our level is tiny compared to other rich countries who are socialists. Less than 1% of GDP. Norway's 17%
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

A from of government that produces a leader like Trump deserves to be threatened.
I don’t care about tax rates, I care about crime, the family unit and getting an education.
All Ds do is give welfare, food stamps and lower education standards.
The tech jobs issue is bipartisan and Trump signed an EO to limit BVs and send many home.
If coding was so difficult why is every coding book called Learn X in 24 hours?
As long as we don't tax the rich their fair share, none of what you want is ever going to happen. Just more of the worst upward mobility and inequality. Wake up.
You did not address my post.
Tax business and people lose their jobs.
And how do we know how much to tax small businesses, medium sized businesses, mega corporations?
What if a business is not near Wall Street while another is?
The billions of dollars that Democrats would spend hasn't been there for 37 years at least because of tax cuts on the Rich by the GOP.and the middle-class and working-class are taxed more than they used to be because federal aid has been cut to the states and state and local taxes hit the non-rich. It's a great scam for the greedy idiot GOP rich. You have been bamboozled, your points are based on GOP propaganda that is not factual.
There’s billions going overseas every year rather than to our own citizens.
Bipartisan crap that is inexcusable.
what are you talkin about foreign aid? Our level is tiny compared to other rich countries who are socialists. Less than 1% of GDP. Norway's 17%
We shouldn’t be bribing other countries to behave.
Why does any country have to give money to another country?
What the heck!
Give money to everyone!
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.

You're a tad....make that certifiably insane.

Not ONE white man had the balls to really stand up to the Black Man President during the Obama years.
They would have been crucified by the Obama Media and hounded until submission.
Seeing that man manipulate Federal power and use it against adversaries, then pilfer the National treasury to enrich his pals and terrorists and call it "stimulus"? PLEASE !!!

Obama enjoyed one of the most unobstructed Presidencies in US history thanks to political correctness....and boy did Obama do a TON of damage with that leeway.

Again, you are simply insane....or communist...one and the same for all intents and purposes.
you are totally misinformed. No president has ever been obstructed more completely than Obama. He passed one thing through Congress Obamacare when he had 60 votes for 35 days in session. Besides that they didn't pass a damn thing. The stimulus passed with two Republican votes because it was obvious we were going to have a full-blown depression without it. Talk about low-information voters. That is the GOP all over. The more GOP propaganda you listen to the less you know proven.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

A from of government that produces a leader like Trump deserves to be threatened.
Because our Congress spends their time and our money wisely.
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.

You're a tad....make that certifiably insane.

Not ONE white man had the balls to really stand up to the Black Man President during the Obama years.
They would have been crucified by the Obama Media and hounded until submission.
Seeing that man manipulate Federal power and use it against adversaries, then pilfer the National treasury to enrich his pals and terrorists and call it "stimulus"? PLEASE !!!

Obama enjoyed one of the most unobstructed Presidencies in US history thanks to political correctness....and boy did Obama do a TON of damage with that leeway.

Again, you are simply insane....or communist...one and the same for all intents and purposes.
you are totally misinformed. No president has ever been obstructed more completely than Obama. He passed one thing through Congress Obamacare when he had 60 votes for 35 days in session. Besides that they didn't pass a damn thing. The stimulus passed with two Republican votes because it was obvious we were going to have a full-blown depression without it. Talk about low-information voters. That is the GOP all over. The more GOP propaganda you listen to the less you know proven.
The bottom line is you want a handout.
We have had 50 years of welfare and it’s accomplished nothing.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

A from of government that produces a leader like Trump deserves to be threatened.
The problem is the GOP propaganda machine not our form of government.

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