What specific directive overrides our constitutional rights right now? Has the constitution become arbitrary?

Every part of the constitution, especially the amendments, are a fundamental basis for our laws. But as nobody could forsee every possible future happenstance, the USSC has repeatedly ruled that even a strict interpretation does not stand if there is a "compelling government interest" against it.
Nothing in the Constituion mentions any "compelling governmental interest." That's just a "get out of jail free" card for the Supreme Court when it wants to legalize something that is clearly not sanctioned by the Constitution.

As for yelling "fire" in a movie theatre, the owners can easily handle that problem by posting a notice to people not to do it unless there is a real fire, otherwise they will be held accountable. The SC didn't need to overthrow the Constitution to handle the problem.
The constitution is a document subject to interpretation of ambiguity, and that power to judge it taken by the USSC (Marburry v Madison) that allows for exigent contingencies to step on constitutional rights. For example take "eminent domain".
The states are also authorized to interpret the Constitution, at least they were until the Civil War. Where does the 1st Amendment say anything about yelling fire in a crowded theater?
Politicians have ORDERED us to pretend we don’t have rights...Do we follow their orders without any pushback or do we challenge their right to impose such orders?
What do concessions such as theses lead to?
The Constitution states "promote the general Welfare" of the citizens. If you exercise what you see as your individual right and it actually hurt the common welfare, that is counter to the Constitution. Selfish individuals like yourself, focus on your needs and ignore a specific purpose of the Constitution, promote the general Welfare of the citizens.
How do you "promote the general welfare" while concurrently trampling on the rights gifted to the citizenry?
If you do not understand the general welfare during the times of coronavirus, you are incapable of understanding general welfare. People who are obsessed with themself will never understand anyone's or any group's needs other than their own.
What is your opinion on how Constitutional rights were dealt with during World War II
FDR took a great big crap on the Constitution.
The swine flu (H1N1) had tests and a vaccine. And in the end resulted in 20% of the people catching it, but less than 20,000 fatalities from it.
The vaccine wasn't available until a year and a half from the time they decided to start working on it.
We have tests, so that excuse is ludicrous.
The swine flu tests were rolled out quicker, and in greater number. This allowed them to "flatten the curve" so that there were only 1,000 fatalities after six months,
The vaccine then allowed for keeping the next wave from being as deadly. In the end fewer than 20,000 fatalities from H1N1 over a span of two flu seasons.
Prove the tests were rolled out quicker and in greater number. The vaccine wasn't available for a year and a half, dickwad.
The Constitution has always been optional to tRumplings.

On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA that continues to attack the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution including the Electoral College.
It was the PMS/DSA Leftist President #44 that chose to "Fundamentally Transform America" into a Marxist Socialist State....
Silliness. There is a situation here.
Its morons like you that help make true freedom such a rare and precious commodity.
More silliness.
The Constitution has always been optional to tRumplings.
Actually, when it comes to a political party thinking the Constitution is optional, one need look no further than what used to be called the "Democratic Party." It's the left that has been screaming to end the "Freedom of Speech," the "Second Amendment," and "Due Process."
The Constitution has always been optional to tRumplings.

On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA that continues to attack the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution including the Electoral College.
It was the PMS/DSA Leftist President #44 that chose to "Fundamentally Transform America" into a Marxist Socialist State....
Silliness. There is a situation here.
Its morons like you that help make true freedom such a rare and precious commodity.
More silliness.
Facts always seem silly to Dimsocialist morons.
The Constitution has always been optional to tRumplings.

On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA that continues to attack the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution including the Electoral College.
It was the PMS/DSA Leftist President #44 that chose to "Fundamentally Transform America" into a Marxist Socialist State....
Silliness. There is a situation here.
Its morons like you that help make true freedom such a rare and precious commodity.
More silliness.
Facts always seem silly to Dimsocialist morons.

Let us know when you've got some to test that with.
The Constitution has always been optional to tRumplings.

On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA that continues to attack the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution including the Electoral College.
It was the PMS/DSA Leftist President #44 that chose to "Fundamentally Transform America" into a Marxist Socialist State....
Silliness. There is a situation here.
Its morons like you that help make true freedom such a rare and precious commodity.
More silliness.
Facts always seem silly to Dimsocialist morons.

Let us know when you've got some to test that with.
You just confirmed it.
The Constitution has always been optional to tRumplings.

On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA that continues to attack the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution including the Electoral College.
It was the PMS/DSA Leftist President #44 that chose to "Fundamentally Transform America" into a Marxist Socialist State....
Silliness. There is a situation here.
Its morons like you that help make true freedom such a rare and precious commodity.
More silliness.
Facts always seem silly to Dimsocialist morons.

Let us know when you've got some to test that with.
You just confirmed it.
Yes, I can absolutely confirm you have no facts.

In fact I can agree completely that you lie 100% of the time.
Politicians have ORDERED us to pretend we don’t have rights...Do we follow their orders without any pushback or do we challenge their right to impose such orders?
What do concessions such as theses lead to?
The Constitution states "promote the general Welfare" of the citizens. If you exercise what you see as your individual right and it actually hurt the common welfare, that is counter to the Constitution. Selfish individuals like yourself, focus on your needs and ignore a specific purpose of the Constitution, promote the general Welfare of the citizens.
How do you "promote the general welfare" while concurrently trampling on the rights gifted to the citizenry?
If you do not understand the general welfare during the times of coronavirus, you are incapable of understanding general welfare. People who are obsessed with themself will never understand anyone's or any group's needs other than their own.
What is your opinion on how Constitutional rights were dealt with during World War II
FDR took a great big crap on the Constitution.
If he had not, we all could be Nazis, today. I think some on the posting, may be.
The Constitution has always been optional to tRumplings.

On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA that continues to attack the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution including the Electoral College.
It was the PMS/DSA Leftist President #44 that chose to "Fundamentally Transform America" into a Marxist Socialist State....
Silliness. There is a situation here.
Its morons like you that help make true freedom such a rare and precious commodity.
More silliness.
Facts always seem silly to Dimsocialist morons.

Let us know when you've got some to test that with.
You just confirmed it.
Yes, I can absolutely confirm you have no facts.

In fact I can agree completely that you lie 100% of the time.

It's a strange concept that you want to give acreage, more votes than people.
Acres don't vote.
In fact they do, the same way that slaves voted by giving the votes that 3/5ths of their number would have had, to the voting population.

The same with the acreage of the state, giving their people up to three times as many votes as their population.
The Constitution has always been optional to tRumplings.

On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA that continues to attack the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution including the Electoral College.
It was the PMS/DSA Leftist President #44 that chose to "Fundamentally Transform America" into a Marxist Socialist State....
Silliness. There is a situation here.
Its morons like you that help make true freedom such a rare and precious commodity.
More silliness.
Facts always seem silly to Dimsocialist morons.

Let us know when you've got some to test that with.
You just confirmed it.
Yes, I can absolutely confirm you have no facts.

In fact I can agree completely that you lie 100% of the time.

Yes, you lie. We've already established that.

I'm not sure why you keep coming back to it.
The Constitution has always been optional to tRumplings.

On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA that continues to attack the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution including the Electoral College.
It was the PMS/DSA Leftist President #44 that chose to "Fundamentally Transform America" into a Marxist Socialist State....
Silliness. There is a situation here.
Its morons like you that help make true freedom such a rare and precious commodity.
More silliness.
Facts always seem silly to Dimsocialist morons.

Let us know when you've got some to test that with.
You just confirmed it.
Yes, I can absolutely confirm you have no facts.

In fact I can agree completely that you lie 100% of the time.

Yes, you lie. We've already established that.

I'm not sure why you keep coming back to it.
Nope. More lies by you.

The swine flu tests were rolled out quicker, and in greater number. This allowed them to "flatten the curve" so that there were only 1,000 fatalities after six months,
The vaccine then allowed for keeping the next wave from being as deadly. In the end fewer than 20,000 fatalities from H1N1 over a span of two flu seasons.
Prove the tests were rolled out quicker and in greater number. The vaccine wasn't available for a year and a half, dickwad.
I actually got the number part wrong. The tests were rolled out much quicker. We had people working with China at the outbreak, and by the time it reached the US the CDC certified and started sending out tests within two weeks of the first confirmed case.

The number of tests were less than we have now, because the number of tests needed was less than we have now. It was tested for early and often, and unlike today where people are unable to get tested, they had enough tests for the swine flu for everybody who needed one.
The same with the acreage of the state, giving their people up to three times as many votes as their population.
Acres don't vote, moron.
Just look at a political map. The popular one's show the counties (acres) that voted republican. They show over 90% coverage in red. By contrast a democratic map shows votes by population, and over half (50%+) of the map is blue.

Which map do you think represents the political reality?
The swine flu tests were rolled out quicker, and in greater number. This allowed them to "flatten the curve" so that there were only 1,000 fatalities after six months,
The vaccine then allowed for keeping the next wave from being as deadly. In the end fewer than 20,000 fatalities from H1N1 over a span of two flu seasons.
Prove the tests were rolled out quicker and in greater number. The vaccine wasn't available for a year and a half, dickwad.
I actually got the number part wrong. The tests were rolled out much quicker. We had people working with China at the outbreak, and by the time it reached the US the CDC certified and started sending out tests within two weeks of the first confirmed case.

The number of tests were less than we have now, because the number of tests needed was less than we have now. It was tested for early and often, and unlike today where people are unable to get tested, they had enough tests for the swine flu for everybody who needed one.
Swine flu originated in America, not China. You still haven't posted any evidence to support your claims about testing.
It’s so arrogant to believe you have the right and authority to force people to abandon their centuries old rights in order to assuage your feelings that if they are locked down then you have a smaller chance of getting sick especially compared to the very small chance that already exists

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