What specific directive overrides our constitutional rights right now? Has the constitution become arbitrary?

I realize that following unlawful command is simple for the pieces of shit who have conceded their asses to Father Government...but what about the rest of us good real Americans whom understand that our nation is pillared by that pesky old document you hate?

You mean the one that talks domestic tranquility, common defense, and general welfare right in the first sentence?

That document?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.

To be fair to the constitution, such a scheme as the electoral college created was as constitutional as the 3/5 ths apportionment of slaves to the voting power of states. Legal because the constitution specifically allowed it, while in general rejecting any other such scheme to be put into law. The idea of giving small states more political power than their population numbers would cede to them goes against the ideals of a democracy.

As to the packing of the supreme court, this was tried and failed as an obvious political influence, but since then the court has been expanded from 9 circuits to which a justice is assigned, to 13 such appellate courts, thus requiring justices to oversee multiple circuits. So returning the court to one justice per circuit would not be a case of "court packing" for political reasons.

To be clear...are you thinking that a better system for national elections is one where Mexifornia and Loon York elect our POTUS? One where corrupt states run by anchor babies are compelled to open our border, create sanctuary for thirdworlders whose litters of filth will vote solely for free shit stolen from Americas best most productive citizens?
What kind of America would we end up with if the vote from REAL Americans didn't matter?
To be clear...are you thinking that a better system for national elections is one where Mexifornia and Loon York elect our POTUS? One where corrupt states run by anchor babies are compelled to open our border, create sanctuary for thirdworlders whose litters of filth will vote solely for free shit stolen from Americas best most productive citizens?
What kind of America would we end up with if the vote from REAL Americans didn't matter?
No, i'm imagining a system where each person of legal age and a citizen of these Unite States, and not the subject of either mental or criminal confinement gets to have a vote for president that carries equal weight against anyone elses vote.

We need to get away from a system where presidents are effectively elected by acreage of land, instead of by the number of people.
It's clear we are now a nation of sheep willing giving up our God Given Rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

We used to have a right to free assembly and a right to attend the Church of our choice but now we can only do those things if our government allows it.

We have now given the government the power to restrict our movement to what the government allows. No more gatherings of like minded people able to discuss problems that interest them. Our Republic was by created by like minded people meeting in taverns and Churches a couple centuries ago, and we now have given up the Right to meet in those same locations by order of the government.

Many flaws in your thinking. The first is that like in WWII as in this pandemic war, the government is again restricting travel. We are but a step from the imposition of rationing of vital goods.

Secondly the idea of the people meeting in churches and taverns has been technologically replaced, as this forum you're posting on attests to. Ironic that you arguing against doing what you're doing remotely and advocate requiring meeting face to face to accomplish such a meeting of minds.
So we are all still being isolated by a virus with a death rate similar to the flu. I know the numbers seem high but they are counting every death by a person with the virus as being caused by the flu even it the person would have died anyway. If they would separate the the death of those died by the virus and those that died with the virus we would have an idea of how serious this vires is to people without underlying conditions and maybe we wouldn't unnecessarily bankrupt our nation.
To be clear...are you thinking that a better system for national elections is one where Mexifornia and Loon York elect our POTUS? One where corrupt states run by anchor babies are compelled to open our border, create sanctuary for thirdworlders whose litters of filth will vote solely for free shit stolen from Americas best most productive citizens?
What kind of America would we end up with if the vote from REAL Americans didn't matter?
No, i'm imagining a system where each person of legal age and a citizen of these Unite States, and not the subject of either mental or criminal confinement gets to have a vote for president that carries equal weight against anyone elses vote.

We need to get away from a system where presidents are effectively elected by acreage of land, instead of by the number of people.

That sounds great in theory but terrible in real world practice.
See, we have corrupt politicians encouraging the desperate citizens of foreign nations to steal American citizenship's for their spawn...This 'spawn', like blacks only votes for free shit as they are too ignorant to vote on complex meaningful issues...are you sure you want politicians elected only for their free shit offerings?
I think our framers had this shit pegged...they new they had to construct an election system that would prevent the aforementioned from happening. They nailed it.
See, we have corrupt politicians encouraging the desperate citizens of foreign nations to steal American citizenship's for their spawn...This 'spawn', like blacks only votes for free shit as they are too ignorant to vote on complex meaningful issues...are you sure you want politicians elected only for their free shit offerings?
May I point out that President Donald J. Trump just handed out $2 trillion in "free shit" to people and corporations.
So we are all still being isolated by a virus with a death rate similar to the flu. I know the numbers seem high but they are counting every death by a person with the virus as being caused by the flu even it the person would have died anyway.

You have that wrong. They do no test people after they died to determine if they had the virus. They only test those presenting to the hospitals with the symptoms of the coronavirus.

If you go to the hospital for a heart attack, you aren't tested.
See, we have corrupt politicians encouraging the desperate citizens of foreign nations to steal American citizenship's for their spawn...This 'spawn', like blacks only votes for free shit as they are too ignorant to vote on complex meaningful issues...are you sure you want politicians elected only for their free shit offerings?
May I point out that President Donald J. Trump just handed out $2 trillion in "free shit" to people and corporations.

May I point out that he did not funnel said free shit to only those whom promise to cast a vote for him come election time. He did exactly what the framers wanted him to do...think "GENERAL WELFARE"
Look, you aren't really confused by this are you...you see the simple distinction right?
Do you believe the Democrat Party could stay relevant at the national level if it were not for illegal immigration? Do a little due diligence, look at the data and report back here...the Democrat motive will be crystal clear for you.
This 'spawn', like blacks only votes for free shit as they are too ignorant to vote on complex meaningful issues...are you sure you want politicians elected only for their free shit offerings?
I think our framers had this shit pegged...they new they had to construct an election system that would prevent the aforementioned from happening. They nailed it.
Actually the framers set up a system of learned men getting together to chose a president based on the arguments of the national group chosen twice removed from the general population.

If anything the electoral college represents the wishes of states with common interests skewed toward small states making that determination.
To be clear...are you thinking that a better system for national elections is one where Mexifornia and Loon York elect our POTUS? One where corrupt states run by anchor babies are compelled to open our border, create sanctuary for thirdworlders whose litters of filth will vote solely for free shit stolen from Americas best most productive citizens?
What kind of America would we end up with if the vote from REAL Americans didn't matter?
No, i'm imagining a system where each person of legal age and a citizen of these Unite States, and not the subject of either mental or criminal confinement gets to have a vote for president that carries equal weight against anyone elses vote.

We need to get away from a system where presidents are effectively elected by acreage of land, instead of by the number of people.
I read something that said that idea would mean LA county would have more say than like 20 states.

No thanks. The Founding Fathers were much smarter than you and your ilk.
May I point out that President Donald J. Trump just handed out $2 trillion in "free shit" to people and corporations.

May I point out that he did not funnel said free shit to only those whom promise to cast a vote for him come election time. He did exactly what the framers wanted him to do...think "GENERAL WELFARE"
Look, you aren't really confused by this are you...you see the simple distinction right?
Free shit is free shit. And the president is handing out more by so many orders of magnitude it's hard to even calculate. The president is giving out enough "free shit", that if he gave it to NATO instead, he would completely fund the military of every NATO nation.

That's a lot of free shit. We aren't talking blocks of cheese.
I realize that following unlawful command is simple for the pieces of shit who have conceded their asses to Father Government...but what about the rest of us good real Americans whom understand that our nation is pillared by that pesky old document you hate?

You mean the one that talks domestic tranquility, common defense, and general welfare right in the first sentence?

That document?
That section isn't legally enforceble, moron. It's a statement of purpose.
Liberals assert they have rights to assure they don’t catch this (2.5% chance via 100% suppression) and that their “right” to remain virus free does squelch centuries old constitutional and legal rights of others

That 2.5% chance is based on occurring under 100% suppression. It you model pandemics without such mitigation you find it's a 30% - 60% chance of catching the coronavirus flu, with a fatality rate greater than previous strains.

Lasting from January 1918 through December 1920, it infected 500 million people—about a quarter of the world's population. The death toll is estimated to have been anywhere from 17 million to 50 million

And this before the age of planes trains and automobiles.
Why would the chance be any greater than the chance of contracting the Swine flu was, less than 20%?
May I point out that President Donald J. Trump just handed out $2 trillion in "free shit" to people and corporations.

May I point out that he did not funnel said free shit to only those whom promise to cast a vote for him come election time. He did exactly what the framers wanted him to do...think "GENERAL WELFARE"
Look, you aren't really confused by this are you...you see the simple distinction right?
Free shit is free shit. And the president is handing out more by so many orders of magnitude it's hard to even calculate. The president is giving out enough "free shit", that if he gave it to NATO instead, he would completely fund the military of every NATO nation.

That's a lot of free shit. We aren't talking blocks of cheese.

You're talking in circles bud...there's a simple distinction to be made...trading free shit for votes is not synonymous with investing in the "GENERAL WELFARE" of the citizenry while in crisis...Even the most retarded among us can see that.
No, i'm imagining a system where each person of legal age and a citizen of these Unite States, and not the subject of either mental or criminal confinement gets to have a vote for president that carries equal weight against anyone elses vote.
I read something that said that idea would mean LA county would have more say than like 20 states.
No thanks. The Founding Fathers were much smarter than you and your ilk.
It's a strange concept that you want to give acreage, more votes than people.
On the contrary, today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution, claiming that, they want to abolish the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. It's not Republicans that have threatened Supreme Court Justices.

To be fair to the constitution, such a scheme as the electoral college created was as constitutional as the 3/5 ths apportionment of slaves to the voting power of states. Legal because the constitution specifically allowed it, while in general rejecting any other such scheme to be put into law. The idea of giving small states more political power than their population numbers would cede to them goes against the ideals of a democracy.

As to the packing of the supreme court, this was tried and failed as an obvious political influence, but since then the court has been expanded from 9 circuits to which a justice is assigned, to 13 such appellate courts, thus requiring justices to oversee multiple circuits. So returning the court to one justice per circuit would not be a case of "court packing" for political reasons.
They knew it went against the "ideals of democracy," moron. They despised mob rule. That's why they created a Republic.
I handle constitutional rights on an individual personal level.
And, it's a matter of degree.
If you're hungry and if I can, I'll feed you.
But if you break into my house to steal my food, then your constitutional rights end and I become judge and jury.
You mean the one that talks domestic tranquility, common defense, and general welfare right in the first sentence?

That document?
That section isn't legally enforceble, moron. It's a statement of purpose.

Actually it helps define the text of the constitution, and the laws written subsequent to it, when there is ambiguity as to the "intent" of the law. Which is why laws with "compelling government interest" such as those spoken in the preamble, are contrary to the bill of rights.
So we are all still being isolated by a virus with a death rate similar to the flu. I know the numbers seem high but they are counting every death by a person with the virus as being caused by the flu even it the person would have died anyway.

You have that wrong. They do no test people after they died to determine if they had the virus. They only test those presenting to the hospitals with the symptoms of the coronavirus.

If you go to the hospital for a heart attack, you aren't tested.

So you are of the belief that China was able to stem the infection and their reports of less than 82,000 infected and less than 3,500 died are true?
How then do you explain the fact that there are 21 million less cell phone users in China today than before the Covid-19 was identified and became a pandemic? That is especially when Cellphones are an indispensable part of life in China. Dealing with the government for banking, pensions and social security, buying train tickets, shopping, health records, etc. no matter what people want to do, they are required to use cellphones.

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