What Stands Out the Most About Last Weeks Tornado Disaster

Claiming global CO2 went down immediately last year and spiked immediately up despite half the world still shut down is the kind of science denial I expect from you Leftards.
*Remember, when this jealous, squealing little piggy says "Leftards", he means educated people and scientists.

Both climatologists and ideologues try to explain climate change from their disparate perspectives.

I trust the latter far, far less than the former. Science is constantly subject to revision that is based upon data that is constantly being accrued and analyzed by those who are the most knowledgable in that discipline.

Ideologues spout their cant dogma that is impervious to such empirical input.

I’m an atmospheric scientist who studies severe convective storms like tornadoes and the influences of climate change. Here’s what scientific research shows so far.

Tornadoes and the severe storms that create them are far below the typical scale that climate models can predict.

What we can do instead is look at the large-scale ingredients that make conditions ripe for tornadoes to form...

For tornadoes, things get trickier. Even in an otherwise spot-on forecast for the next day, there is no guarantee that a tornado will form. Only a small fraction of the storms produced in a favorable environment will produce a tornado at all.

Several simulations have explored what would happen if a tornado outbreak or a tornado-producing storm occurred at different levels of global warming. Projections suggest that stronger, tornado-producing storms may be more likely as global temperatures rise, though strengthened less than we might expect from the increase in available energy.,,

To answer whether climate change influenced the likelihood or intensity of tornadoes in the December 2021 outbreak, it remains difficult to attribute any single event like this one to climate change. Shorter-term influences like the El Niño-Southern Oscillation may also complicate the picture.

There are certainly signals pointing in the direction of a stormier future, but how this manifests for tornadoes is an open area of research.
Not the immediate politicalization of the disaster by Brandon and his handlers to push their ‘we can control the weather if we spend enough of your money’ agenda, but the way the people of the Bible Belt reacted to it.
Their first thoughts were what can I do to help others?
Their first actions was helping others.

Looting not an issue, people are finding things and returning them to their owners if known.

Watch any video of a survivor. Almost always they are more concerned about others than themselves. They are thankful to God to be alive and now what can I do to help with no focus on the fact they’ve just lost all of their material possessions.

That "god" took the day off!
Not the immediate politicalization of the disaster by Brandon and his handlers to push their ‘we can control the weather if we spend enough of your money’ agenda, but the way the people of the Bible Belt reacted to it.
Their first thoughts were what can I do to help others?
Their first actions was helping others.

Looting not an issue, people are finding things and returning them to their owners if known.

Watch any video of a survivor. Almost always they are more concerned about others than themselves. They are thankful to God to be alive and now what can I do to help with no focus on the fact they’ve just lost all of their material possessions.

What stands out the most to me are the deaths from the Amazon workers who were still in the warehouse working while a massive tornado warning was in effect.

I hope Amazon gets sued for treating workers like shit
While the dogmatic ideological denials mindlessly rage against the science, those who very reluctantly admit to the truth of anthropogenic climate change are well aware of their need to contrive methods of mitigating its devastation.

Even Exxon-Mobile is now pushing carbon capture and storage (CCS)

Driven by profit, it still must deal with reality, and so is hyping CCS to reduce the industrial greenhouse gases that are being released into the atmosphere.

When a leading dirty fuel profiteer is forced to pay attention to the environmental impact of a century and a half of permissive emission policies, you know it's serious.
Are y'all ever going to get around to proving that AGW exists, or do you just expect us to take it on faith like you do?
We expect you to continue to be the ineffectual, ignorant, embarrassing denier you have always been, and to stay at the kiddie table while the educated adults discuss climate science.

Thanks for asking!
What stands out the most to me are the deaths from the Amazon workers who were still in the warehouse working while a massive tornado warning was in effect.

I hope Amazon gets sued for treating workers like shit

I'm going to take this off topic a wee bit to tie this in with a discussion from a few weeks ago.

There is also the story about the candle factory that had people working late to get the candles out for Christmas.

The business knew for months that there would be an increased need at this time of the year.......Just in Time strikes again.
Not the immediate politicalization of the disaster by Biden and his handlers to push their ‘we can control the weather if we spend enough of your money’ agenda, but the way the people of the Bible Belt reacted to it.
Their first thoughts were what can I do to help others?
Their first actions was helping others.

Looting not an issue, people are finding things and returning them to their owners if known.

Watch any video of a survivor. Almost always they are more concerned about others than themselves. They are thankful to God to be alive and now what can I do to help with no focus on the fact they’ve just lost all of their material possessions.

Science is never settled, cultist.
True, Sunshine.

Science is predicated upon empirical data that is constantly compiled and analyzed, whereas ideological dogma in impervious to such a relentless pursuit of the truth. When the accrued knowledge of science from experiment and observation yields a consistent result, it is recognized as truth (always subject to revision based upon additional data.)

The ideological dogmatists simply believe.

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